Currently only supports ETH
The deployed address of the smart contract can be found here: 0xE43841588D314D6Fe155dB1Fd6F7C9D5b71fAf08
The owner of the contract can withdraw these donations at any time they wish
- Can use a script, or the withdraw button on the frontend
- The withdraw button is only visible when the owner's wallet is connected
The frontend was built using Next.js
Scripts and tests for the smart contract can be found in the relevant folders
- Medium coffee transaction: https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0x1eb4ff6df563c18eca814a4d5bf89670677866554e6262f8099eab279356c878
- Custom coffee transaction: https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0xaac607e9a9ef1805e7f76339d8a82fcd11accd55ca4c6be260bf88629ec27ae5
- Withdraw transaction: https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0x17bac565811039ced9e142037ef2aeb7251d799eaa6b24d2b6bd188f0231deb0
To have a look at the V1 repository, click here: https://github.com/Okiki-Olugunna/BuyMeACoffee-V1