and fpga_handle
are opaque types. This allows them to be
easily wrapped at any level of the plugin stack.
#ifndef __OPAE_TYPES_H__
#define __OPAE_TYPES_H__
typedef void *fpga_token;
typedef void *fpga_handle;
The plugin manager tracks each loaded plugin in its list of OPAE API adpater tables.
#ifndef __OPAE_PLUGIN_MGR_H__
#define __OPAE_PLUGIN_MGR_H__
int opae_plugin_mgr_initialize(const char *cfg_file)
int opae_plugin_mgr_parse_config(json_object *jobj)
(parse jobj to plugins section of config file)
return opae_plugin_ldr_load_plugins(jobj);
int opae_plugin_mgr_register_adapter(opae_api_adapter_table *adapter)
(add adapter to plugin mgr's adapter table list)
The plugin loader provides the basic facilities for locating and loading OPAE plugins, given a description of the desired plugins in a formatted configuration file (JSON). The loader registers each loaded plugin with the plugin manager.
#ifndef __OPAE_PLUGIN_LDR_H__
#define __OPAE_PLUGIN_LDR_H__
typedef struct _opae_plugin {
char *path; // location on file system
void *dlhandle; // handle to the loaded library instance
} opae_plugin;
typedef struct _opae_api_adapter_table {
opae_plugin plugin;
fpga_result (*fpgaEnumerate)(const fpga_properties *filters,
uint32_t num_filters,
fpga_token *tokens,
uint32_t max_tokens,
uint32_t *num_matches);
fpga_result (*fpgaOpen)(fpga_token token,
fpga_handle *handle,
int flags);
// configuration functions
int (*initialize)(void);
int (*finalize)(void);
// first-level query
bool (*supports_device(const char *device_type);
bool (*supports_host)(const char *hostname);
} opae_api_adapter_table;
typedef struct _opae_wrapped_token {
fpga_token opae_token;
opae_api_adapter_table *adapter_table;
} opae_wrapped_token;
typedef struct _opae_wrapped_handle {
opae_wrapped_token *wtok;
fpga_handle opae_handle;
opae_api_adapter_table *adapter_table;
} opae_wrapped_handle;
int opae_plugin_ldr_load_plugins(json_object *jobj)
opae_plugin pl;
opae_api_adapter_table *adapter;
for (each plugin pl described in jobj) {
jobj_for_pl = (plugin section of jobj describing
the current plugin, pl)
(open pl)
(load function pointer for 'opae_plugin_configure')
(allocate and init adapter to 0)
if (!opae_plugin_configure(adapter, serialize(jobj_for_pl))) {
if (adapter->initialize) {
if (adapter->initialize()) {
(fail the current plugin)
The OPAE API consists of the plugin manager, the plugin loader, and 'shell' implementations of the superset of library calls. Each 'shell' library call uses the adapter table(s) to call through to the appropriate plugin implementation.
#ifndef __OPAE_API_H__
#define __OPAE_API_H__
fpga_result fpgaEnumerate(const fpga_properties *filters,
uint32_t num_filters,
fpga_token *tokens,
uint32_t max_tokens,
uint32_t *num_matches)
*num_matches = 0;
fpga_token *pl_tokens = NULL;
if (tokens) {
pl_tokens = (allocate local tokens array)
for (each adapter in plugin_mgr adapter list) {
uint32_t pl_matches = 0;
if (adapter->supports_device) {
(use adapter->supports_device to accept/reject
adapter, based on filters)
if (device not supported)
if (adapter->supports_host) {
(use adapter->supports_host to accept/reject
adapter, based on filters)
if (host not supported)
adapter->fpgaEnumerate(filters, num_filters,
pl_tokens, max_tokens - *num_matches,
*num_matches += pl_matches;
if (!pl_tokens) { // request for num_matches only
for (each fpga_token tok in pl_tokens) {
opae_wrapped_token *wtok = alloc_wrapped_token();
wtok->opae_token = tok;
wtok->adapter_table = adapter; (map wtok to plugin)
tokens[i] = wtok;
if (*num_matches == max_tokens) {
fpga_result fpgaOpen(fpga_token token,
fpga_handle *handle,
int flags)
fpga_handle h;
opae_wrapped_token *wtok = (opae_wrapped_token *) token;
wtok->adapter_table->fpgaOpen(wtok->opae_token, &h, flags);
opae_wrapped_handle *whandle = alloc_wrapped_handle();
whandle->wtok = wtok;
whandle->opae_handle = h;
whandle->adapter_table = wtok->adapter_table;
*handle = whandle;
A TCP/IP OPAE plugin uses network sockets to implement the control protocol exchange, but may utilize facilities such as RDMA for data exchange.
#ifndef __MY_TCP_IP_PLUGIN_H__
#define __MY_TCP_IP_PLUGIN_H__
typedef struct _my_tcp_ip_plugin_host_list {
char *hostname;
int port;
struct addrinfo *addr_info;
int conn_socket;
struct _my_tcp_ip_plugin_host_list *next;
} my_tcp_ip_plugin_host_list;
static my_tcp_ip_plugin_host_list *host_list = NULL;
typedef struct _my_tcp_ip_enumerate_response {
} my_tcp_ip_enumerate_response;
typedef struct _my_tcp_ip_plugin_token {
my_tcp_ip_enumerate_response *response_token;
my_tcp_ip_plugin_host_list *host;
} my_tcp_ip_plugin_token;
typedef struct _my_tcp_ip_open_response {
} my_tcp_ip_open_response;
typedef struct _my_tcp_ip_plugin_handle {
my_tcp_ip_plugin_token *token;
my_tcp_ip_plugin_host_list *host;
my_tcp_ip_open_response *response_handle;
} my_tcp_ip_plugin_handle;
int opae_plugin_configure(opae_api_adapter_table *table, const char *jsonConfig)
json_object *jobj;
jobj = deserialize(jsonConfig);
for (each host in jobj) {
add_list(&host_list, alloc_host_entry(host.name, host.port));
for (each OPAE api in this plugin) {
(add api to table)
table->initialize = my_tcp_ip_plugin_initialize;
table->finalize = my_tcp_ip_plugin_finalize;
table->supports_host = my_tcp_ip_plugin_supports_host;
int my_tcp_ip_plugin_initialize(void)
for (each host in host_list) {
int my_tcp_ip_plugin_finalize(void)
for (each host in host_list) {
bool my_tcp_ip_plugin_supports_host(const char *hostname)
for (each host in host_list) {
if (this plugin supports hostname)
return true;
return false;
fpga_result fpgaEnumerate(const fpga_properties *filters,
uint32_t num_filters,
fpga_token *tokens,
uint32_t max_tokens,
uint32_t *num_matches)
my_tcp_ip_enumerate_response *response_tokens;
uint32_t num_responses = 0;
for (each host in host_list) {
send_enumerate_request(host, filters, ...);
recv_enumerate_response(&response_tokens, &num_responses);
for (each resp in response_tokens) {
my_tcp_ip_plugin_token *tok = my_tcp_ip_alloc_token();
tok->response_token = resp;
tok->host = host;
tokens[i] = tok;
fpga_result fpgaOpen(fpga_token token,
fpga_handle *handle,
int flags)
my_tcp_ip_plugin_token *plugin_token = (my_tcp_ip_plugin_token *) token;
my_tcp_ip_open_response *open_response;
send_open_request(plugin_token->host, plugin_token->response_token, flags);
open_response = recv_open_response(plugin_token->host);
my_tcp_ip_plugin_handle *plugin_handle = my_tcp_ip_alloc_handle();
plugin_handle->token = plugin_token;
plugin_handle->host = plugin_token->host;
plugin_handle->response_handle = open_response;
*handle = plugin_handle;
An RDMA OPAE plugin uses RDMA for both control protocol and data exchange.
#ifndef __MY_RDMA_PLUGIN_H__
#define __MY_RDMA_PLUGIN_H__
typedef struct _my_rdma_plugin_host_list {
enum rdma_conn_type conn_type;
struct ibv_context *ctx;
struct ibv_pd *pd;
struct _my_rdma_plugin_host_list *next;
} my_rdma_plugin_host_list;
static my_rdma_plugin_host_list *host_list = NULL;
typedef struct _my_rdma_enumerate_response {
} my_rdma_enumerate_response;
typedef struct _my_rdma_plugin_token {
my_rdma_enumerate_response *response_token;
my_rdma_plugin_host_list *host;
} my_rdma_plugin_token;
typedef struct _my_rdma_open_response {
} my_rdma_open_response;
typedef struct _my_rdma_plugin_handle {
my_rdma_plugin_token *token;
my_rdma_plugin_host_list *host;
my_rdma_open_response *response_handle;
} my_rdma_plugin_handle;
int opae_plugin_configure(opae_api_adapter_table *table, const char *jsonConfig)
json_object *jobj;
jobj = deserialize(jsonConfig);
for (each host in jobj) {
add_list(&host_list, alloc_host_entry(host.name, host.port));
for (each OPAE api in this plugin) {
(add api to table)
table->initialize = my_rdma_plugin_initialize;
table->finalize = my_rdma_plugin_finalize;
table->supports_host = my_rdma_plugin_supports_host;
int my_rdma_plugin_initialize(void)
for (each host in host_list) {
int my_rdma_plugin_finalize(void)
for (each host in host_list) {
bool my_rdma_plugin_supports_host(const char *hostname)
for (each host in host_list) {
if (this plugin supports hostname)
return true;
return false;
fpga_result fpgaEnumerate(const fpga_properties *filters,
uint32_t num_filters,
fpga_token *tokens,
uint32_t max_tokens,
uint32_t *num_matches)
my_rdma_enumerate_response *response_tokens;
uint32_t num_responses = 0;
for (each host in host_list) {
send_rdma_enumerate_request(host, filters, ...);
recv_rdma_enumerate_response(&response_tokens, &num_responses);
for (each resp in response_tokens) {
my_rdma_plugin_token *tok = my_rdma_alloc_token();
tok->response_token = resp;
tok->host = host;
tokens[i] = tok;
fpga_result fpgaOpen(fpga_token token,
fpga_handle *handle,
int flags)
my_rdma_plugin_token *plugin_token = (my_rdma_plugin_token *) token;
my_rdma_open_response *open_response;
send_rdma_open_request(plugin_token->host, plugin_token->response_token);
open_response = recv_rdma_open_response(plugin_token->host);
my_rdma_plugin_handle *plugin_handle = my_rdma_alloc_handle();
plugin_handle->token = plugin_token;
plugin_handle->host = plugin_token->host;
plugin_handle->response_handle = open_response;
*handle = plugin_handle;
The 'local' OPAE plugin communicates with the kernel device driver via memory-mapped IO and sysfs attributes.
#ifndef __MY_LOCAL_PLUGIN_H__
#define __MY_LOCAL_PLUGIN_H__
int opae_plugin_configure(opae_api_adapter_table *table, const char *jsonConfig)
json_object *jobj;
jobj = deserialize(jsonConfig);
(configure the plugin, based on jobj)
for (each OPAE api in this plugin) {
(add api to table)
table->supports_device = my_local_plugin_supports_device;
bool my_local_plugin_supports_device(const char *device_type)
if (this plugin supports device_type)
return true;
return false;
fpga_result fpgaEnumerate(const fpga_properties *filters,
uint32_t num_filters,
fpga_token *tokens,
uint32_t max_tokens,
uint32_t *num_matches)
(traditional enumerate searches local sysfs)
fpga_result fpgaOpen(fpga_token token,
fpga_handle *handle,
int flags)
struct _fpga_token *_tok = (struct _fpga_token *) token;
struct _fpga_handle *_handle;
(traditional open uses character device node from _tok)
_handle = malloc(sizeof(struct _fpga_handle));
_handle->fddev = open(_tok.dev_path ...);
*handle = _handle;
Other plugins:
- AFU Simulation Environment (ASE)
- virtio-vsock (pool of accelerators assigned to VM's)