diff --git a/versions/3.0.3.md b/versions/3.0.3.md
index b1abb2223a..4eb8bd2956 100644
--- a/versions/3.0.3.md
+++ b/versions/3.0.3.md
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ The path itself is still exposed to the documentation viewer but they will not k
Field Name | Type | Description
-$ref | `string` | Allows for an external definition of this path item. The referenced structure MUST be in the format of a [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject). If there are conflicts between the referenced definition and this Path Item's definition, the behavior is *undefined*.
+$ref | `string` | Allows for an external definition of this path item. The referenced structure MUST be in the format of a [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject). In case a Path Item Object field appears both in the defined object and the referenced object, the behavior is undefined.
summary| `string` | An optional, string summary, intended to apply to all operations in this path.
description | `string` | An optional, string description, intended to apply to all operations in this path. [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
get | [Operation Object](#operationObject) | A definition of a GET operation on this path.