/rpgitem display mysword `&aHero Sword`
- You can use `` to quote a name containing spaces.
- You can use
symbol to indicate a formatting code.
/rpgitem item mysword [material] <option>
can be a decimal value converted from hexadecimal color value.
/rpgitem item mysword diamond_sword
Change the item model to diamond sword.
/rpgitem item myhelmet leather_helmet 6737151
Change the item model to leather helmet with color #66CCFF.
You can also use customModelData (1.15.2+):
/rpgitem customModel mysword 1234567
You can toggle the status to use custom model (pre-1.13.2):
/rpgitem customitemmodel mysword
Add lore
/rpgitem description [item] add `&9Blue description line`
Set lore
/rpgitem description [item] set 1 `&aGreen description line`
- Note: lore starts from line 0.
Insert lore
/rpgitem description insert 1 `&cRed inserted description`
Remove lore
/rpgitem description remove 0
By default, armor and power description will be added as lore. If you wish not to use this feature, toggle it using:
/rpgitem togglepowerlore mysword
/rpgitem togglearmorlore mysword
Set enchant mode to allow, disallow or with permission:
/rpgitem enchantmode mysword ALLOW
/rpgitem enchantmode mysword DISALLOW
To add enchantment to an item as default, hold a random item and make enchants on it, then use
/rpgitem enchantment mysword clone
To clear default enchantments on an item, use
/rpgitem enchantment mysword clear
/rpgitem additemflag mysword HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
/rpgitems removeitemflag mysword HIDE_ENCHANTS
By default attribute modifiers won't be updated for existing items (PARTIAL_UPDATE
). To change this, you need to instruct the item to do FULL_UPDATE
/rpgitem attributemode mysword FULL_UPDATE
/rpgitem damage mysword 10
Deals 10 damage each hit.
/rpgitem damagemode mysword FIXED
Available modes:
RPGItems fixed damageADDITIONAL
RPGItems damage + vanilla damage (including enchants and attribute modifiers)VANILLA
Vanilla damage only
/rpgitem damageType mysword melee
DamageType can be any string which can be used in conditions.
/rpgitem armour myhelmet 20
Will simply reduce 20% damage.
Multiple armor pieces calculate as damage = damage * helmet.armor * chestplate.armor * leggings.armor * boots.armor
/rpgitem armorExpression myhelmet `min(damage,max(40,damage-20))`
Damage will be calculated as expression and then pass to next handler (enchants, etc.)
/rpgitem durability mysword 1001
Sets durability to 1001.
/rpgitem durability mysword bound 2 1001
Sets lower and upper bound to 2 and 1001.
/rpgitem durability mysword barformat [FORMAT]
Available formats:
use default format in configurationNUMERIC
use numeric formatNUMERIC_MINUS_ONE
usenumeric - 1
use hexadecimalNUMERIC_HEX_MINUS_ONE
usehexadecimal - 1
use Octadecimal format
/rpgitem durability mysword togglebar
Toggle display/hide durability bar
Use-based costs:
/rpgitem cost [item] [operation] [value]
could be
- switch from percentage cost (based on damage, etc) or fixed valuehit
- cost durability when get hithitting
- cost durability when hitting with the itembreaking
- cost durability when breaking blocks with the item
For example, define an axe to cost 1 durability when breaking blocks, use
/rpgitem cost my_axe breaking 1
Leave [value]
empty will return the current cost information.
/rpgitem permission mysword rpgitem.use.mysword