Here is a list of basic commands to manage and customize items.
/rpgitem create myitem
/rpgitem delete myitem
/rpgitem list [page] <param>
Additional parameters are available as filter.
- the item display namename
- the item name in RPGItems database
/rpgitem list display:Hero
Will show a list of items that display name matching "Hero".
/rpgitem give [item] <target> <amount>
E.g., give two mysword
item to player Notch
/rpgitem give mysword Notch 2
You may also give one to yourself
/rpgitem give mysword
/rpgitem loadfile mysword-item.yml
Items are stored in items/
directory under RPGItems plugin directory.
/rpgitem reloaditem mysword
/rpgitem reload
/rpgitem import [GIST|URL] [value]
/rpgitem export mysword
- Note: You need Gist API key to use this feature.
/rpgitem clone mysword mynewsword
/rpgitem dump mysword
Will print raw item configuration content in YAML format for further inspection.