| 1 | +1234500000000000000000000 |
| 2 | +2 |
| 3 | +12 |
| 4 | +10 |
| 5 | +""""""" """"""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| 6 | +"""""""""..""""""" """""""""""""""""""" """""""""" """" |
| 7 | +""" """......`"""""""""" """"""""" """"""" """""""""""" |
| 8 | +"""""""........"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ |
| 9 | + """"............""""""""""""""""""""""" """" """"""""" |
| 10 | +"""................""" """"""" """"""" """"""""""#""" " |
| 11 | +"".....$!!!@!!!%....""""""""""" """"""""""""""""#.#"""" |
| 12 | +"....$!!!!!!!!!!%...""""""" """""""""""""."""""#...#""" |
| 13 | +...$!!!!!!!!!!!!!%...."""""""""""" "".""..."""#....M#"" |
| 14 | +!!!!!...!......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""""...""." """#####""" |
| 15 | +!!!!!......!....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"........"""#..#..#"" |
| 16 | +.......!...........!!! ""...""."."#########" |
| 17 | +...!..........!......!E $!!!!!!!"....."....""".#."""" |
| 18 | +...........!......!..!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""."""....."".#."""" |
| 19 | +.!.....!........!.....!......!!!!!!!!!!%"."."""".#."""} |
| 20 | +.....!............!......!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 21 | +2M111.E721 |
| 22 | +0 |
| 23 | +0 |
| 24 | + A howling wind. A mournful forest. |
| 25 | + A hero and a bleating goat on a hill. |
| 26 | +. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"$##############%"" |
| 27 | + """""""""""""""" """"" """""""""$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%" |
| 28 | +. """""" """"""""""""""""""""""""$.B. `!..#... "... % |
| 29 | +.. .""""""""" """""""" """""""""""!!!!#!!##### "## ! |
| 30 | + ....""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"... # !..#.. ".. ! |
| 31 | +""..""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""... # !..#.. ! ".. ! |
| 32 | +"""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""!C # [ # c! ! |
| 33 | +"""" """"" """"""""""""""""""""""""!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!#! |
| 34 | +"""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""!........#........ ! |
| 35 | +"" """"#"""""""""""" """""""""" """.... "...#... ".A. ! |
| 36 | +#"".""###"""."" """""""""" """""""".## "##### "###! |
| 37 | +##...#####"..."""."""""""""""""""""!.. "..#.. ".. ! |
| 38 | +""".""###"""."""...""""""""""#!#"""!.. "..#.. ".. ! |
| 39 | +##...#####"..."....."""`""a`"#!#""" # } |
| 40 | +{"".""".""""."`"".""$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 41 | +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 42 | +3A611.B800 C810. |
| 43 | +201 |
| 44 | +SOFTCHEESE |
| 45 | +SOFTCHEESE |
| 46 | +2 |
| 47 | +a9011" |
| 48 | +Lord of Goat Manor |
| 49 | +0 |
| 50 | +You're not the mailman! I am waiting on a |
| 51 | +message from the King. Our cheese is |
| 52 | +famous throughout the Realm. Bring me |
| 53 | +ROYAL MAIL and I will you give some of my |
| 54 | +privately aged BLUECHEESE |
| 55 | +c9211" |
| 56 | +Lady of Goat Manor |
| 57 | +2 |
| 58 | +*GASP* A fine young hero! How wondeful.. |
| 59 | +I would offer you sustenance but |
| 60 | +I seemed to have dropped the key to the |
| 61 | +larder between the floorboards. |
| 62 | +Find it and you shall have soft cheese. |
| 63 | + You step out of the woods. |
| 64 | + Ahead there's a dilapidated grand old house.. |
| 65 | +""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| 66 | +""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| 67 | +"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!G."."."!" |
| 68 | +"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!!!#!!!!!" |
| 69 | +"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!#..!""" |
| 70 | +"`"..""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!# .!".. |
| 71 | +!!%.."""""""""""""""""`""""""""""""""""""""""""!#..!... |
| 72 | +..!%.""""""""""""""""...."""$!!!!!!!!!!!%""""..!!!#!... |
| 73 | + ..!%""""""""""""""""".."""$#!!!#!!!#!!!#%.....!..#!... |
| 74 | +.d..!%""""""..."""""""..""$###!###!###!###%....!.e#!.. |
| 75 | +!!#!!!%""""""."""".......$!!#!!!#!!!#!!!#!!%...!#!!!. |
| 76 | +..#...!".""""............!........!........!...!# .!. |
| 77 | +..# . .................. .. ....!.... .. ...!#..!. |
| 78 | +{.#... .```.``.``..`.```. ..````...`.``.`.. ... #..[. } |
| 79 | +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 80 | +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 81 | +1G711" |
| 82 | +0 |
| 83 | +2 |
| 84 | +d9391 |
| 85 | +Quest - Goat Maid |
| 86 | +3 |
| 87 | +Are you going to the castle? If you see |
| 88 | +the son of the Lord, send him my love. |
| 89 | +I don't like soft cheese. Bring me some |
| 90 | +HARDCHEESE |
| 91 | +and I will give you this SignetRING |
| 92 | +e9411" |
| 93 | +Old Soldier |
| 94 | +4 |
| 95 | +Who? what? I've not seen your like for |
| 96 | +a long time. Don't suppose you're going |
| 97 | +to hang around and guard this tower now. |
| 98 | +You need a sword son! There's an old one |
| 99 | +up top. Make sure you don't fall. |
| 100 | + A farm with a lot of goats. |
| 101 | + There's a wall with large towers. |
| 102 | +""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| 103 | +""""""""""""""`"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| 104 | +""""""""""""!!!!"""""""""""""""""""""!!!!"""""""""""""" |
| 105 | +"""""""""!"""!"!"""""""""""""""""""""!"!"""!""""""""""" |
| 106 | +"""""""""!"""!"""""...."""""""...."""""!`""!""""""""""" |
| 107 | +"""""""""!""!!!"".""."."""""""."."""""!!!""!""""""""""" |
| 108 | +"""""""""!"!"!"!"."".""""""""""".""."!"!"!"!""""""""""" |
| 109 | +"""""""""!!""!"!"."..."""""""""..."."!"!""!!""""""""""" |
| 110 | +"""""""""!"""!!"".."."."""&"""."."..""!!"""!""""""""""" |
| 111 | +""""""""""""["[["."`b".""".""".".""."!!"!"""""""""""""" |
| 112 | +"""""""$!!!!!!!!!!#!%."""...""".$! !!!!!!#!-!%""""""""" |
| 113 | +""""""$!!!!!! # !%.".......$!! !!! # !!%"i"`"""} |
| 114 | +"""$!!!! && # !!!!#.!!!!!! !!! # !!!!!!!!!!! |
| 115 | +{"$!!!!!#!!!!% # &&&&# # !!!!!!!!!!! |
| 116 | +!!!!F #!!!!!!!!!!!!%&&&&&&&&&&&&#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 117 | +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_________#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 118 | +1F961 |
| 119 | +0 |
| 120 | +2 |
| 121 | +b91:1" |
| 122 | +Quest - Janitor |
| 123 | +1 |
| 124 | +Behold the mightiest of heroes... |
| 125 | +Say...you look familiar. Do I know you? |
| 126 | +You have a fine look. Bring me |
| 127 | +SOFTCHEESE |
| 128 | +and I will let you in on a secret. |
| 129 | +i9611" |
| 130 | +Goat Warrior |
| 131 | +6 |
| 132 | +Ahh.. here's a fighting soul. Lean, keen |
| 133 | +and ready for the battle. Pay attention |
| 134 | +in a fight. Watch your health and what |
| 135 | +damage you can do with your attacks. But |
| 136 | +speed is everything in battle, hear! |
| 137 | + Ancient statues of heroic figures |
| 138 | + stretch into the distance. |
| 139 | +""""""""""""""""""""..... ......... ........."""""""""" |
| 140 | +"""""""""""""""""""""...... .... .. . """""""""""""""" |
| 141 | +"""""""""""""""""""""""" .... ...""""""""""""""""""""" |
| 142 | +"""""""""""""""""""""""""...""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| 143 | +"""."""""""""""""""""""$!!#!!%""""""###"""""""""""""""" |
| 144 | +""..."""""""."""""""""$!! # !!%""""#####""""""""""""""" |
| 145 | +"....."""""..."""""""$!! # ! !%`"""###"""""""""""""""" |
| 146 | +""".""."""....."""""$!!!! #..K !%"""".""""""""###"""""" |
| 147 | +""......"""..."""h$!!!!!! # !!@!!%"""."""""""#####""""" |
| 148 | +"........""".""$!!!!!H # !.....!!!!!%""""""###"""""" |
| 149 | +""".""."$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!! ..g.....!!%""""".""""""" |
| 150 | +{""."".$!!!_!!!!!!!! # #!!!!!%.$!!!!!!%"".""""""" |
| 151 | +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I f #!!!#!!!!J.....#...!!!!!!!!%``"""" |
| 152 | +_!!!_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . !!!!!!!!!#.......... !!!%""" |
| 153 | +!!.!!!!! . . # ........ ? !!!%"" |
| 154 | +!!!!!!!!____________________________!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| 155 | +4H820 I121 J341 K611. |
| 156 | +122 |
| 157 | +BEETLEWING |
| 158 | +3 |
| 159 | +h9511" |
| 160 | +Goat Sheppard |
| 161 | +5 |
| 162 | +You're going into the volcano? |
| 163 | +They say you can make a lot of gold from |
| 164 | +selling Beetle Wing at the Castle. |
| 165 | +Use a HEALTH POTION if you are injured. |
| 166 | +PRESS [P] to drink if you find one. |
| 167 | +f1211 |
| 168 | +Ice Beetle |
| 169 | +g2212. |
| 170 | +Fire Beetle |
| 171 | + Smoke rises from a small volcano. |
| 172 | + An entrance into the underworld. |
| 173 | +5 |
| 174 | +130 |
| 175 | +168 |
| 176 | +171 |
| 177 | +84 |
| 178 | +126 |
| 179 | +126 |
| 180 | +84 |
| 181 | +171 |
| 182 | +168 |
| 183 | +138 |
| 184 | +56 |
| 185 | +56 |
| 186 | +16 |
| 187 | +56 |
| 188 | +84 |
| 189 | +84 |
| 190 | +40 |
| 191 | +108 |
| 192 | +131 |
| 193 | +21 |
| 194 | +213 |
| 195 | +42 |
| 196 | +126 |
| 197 | +126 |
| 198 | +42 |
| 199 | +213 |
| 200 | +21 |
| 201 | +139 |
| 202 | +0 |
| 203 | +2 |
| 204 | +14 |
| 205 | +39 |
| 206 | +36 |
| 207 | +60 |
| 208 | +62 |
| 209 | +42 |
| 210 | +231 |
| 211 | +255 |
| 212 | +119 |
| 213 | +242 |
| 214 | +75 |
| 215 | +4 |
| 216 | +170 |
| 217 | +17 |
| 218 | +215 |
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