(sleep_until (= (volume_test_objects vol_lab_enter (players)) TRUE))
(data_mine_set_mission_segment "04b_7_flood_lab_start")
(set silo_killer_power FALSE)
(ai_place lab_heretics_01 1)
(ai_place lab_turret_grunts_01 2)
(ai_place lab_exit_turrets 2)
(ai_place lab_carriers_01/init1)
(ai_place lab_carriers_01/init2)
(ai_place lab_carriers_01/init3)
wait permanently until the player is within volume 'vol_lab_enter'
set mission segment to '04b_7_flood_lab_start'
"permanently" attempt to create a checkpoint when the player is "safe".
(set silo_killer_power FALSE)
- spawn 1 AI unit from the squad 'lab_heretics_01'
- spawn 2 AI units from the squad 'lab_turret_grunts_01'
- spawn 2 AI units from the squad 'lab_exit_turrets'
- spawn AI unit from the squad 'lab_carriers_01' who's starting location is 'init1'
- spawn AI unit from the squad 'lab_carriers_01' who's starting location is 'init2'
- spawn AI unit from the squad 'lab_carriers_01' who's starting location is 'init3'
(wake lab_barricades)
(if (difficulty_legendary)
(wake famine_flavor)
(wake music_04b_03_start)
(= (volume_test_objects_all vol_lab_floor (players)) TRUE)
(> (player_count) 0)
30 900)
wake the function 'lab_barricades'
-- if on legendary, (wake famine_flavor) (skull)
(wake music_04b_03_start)
scan every 30 frames (time_here)
- if the player is within volume 'vol_lab_floor'
- if the player is still alive
- or wait 900 frames (time_here) until resuming script actions.
(= (volume_test_objects_all vol_lab_floor (players)) FALSE)
(> (player_count) 0)
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r1)
(sleep (random_range 5 45))
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r2)
(sleep (random_range 5 45))
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r3)
(sleep (random_range 5 45))
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r4)
(sleep (random_range 5 45))
- check if the player is not in the volume 'vol_lab_floor'.
- check if the player is still alive.
- then spawn the following AI units in any random order
- (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r1)
- (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r2)
- (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r3)
- (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r4)
- then after immediately wait for a random amount of time between 5 frames and 45 frames (time_here or time_here) after each single spawn.
(= (volume_test_objects_all vol_lab_floor (players)) TRUE)
(> (player_count) 0)
(ai_set_orders arm02_allies allies_lab_lower)
wait permanently until
- the player is within volume 'vol_lab_enter'
- the player is alive.
"permanently" attempt to create a checkpoint when the player is "safe".
(ai_set_orders arm02_allies allies_lab_lower)
(= (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 0)
(= (ai_living_count lab_heretics) 0)
(= (volume_test_objects_all vol_lab_floor (players)) TRUE)
(> (player_count) 0)
30 8000)
(data_mine_set_mission_segment "04b_8_flood_lab_mid_01")
(ai_place lab_heretics_above 3)
(sleep 15)
(ai_magically_see_object lab_heretics_above (player0))
(ai_magically_see_object lab_heretics_above (player1))
scan every 30 frames (time_here)
- if there's no AI alive that are in the squad 'lab_flood' who are also not flagged with having a "swarm count".
- if there's no AI alive that are in the squad 'lab_heretics'.
- if the player is within volume 'vol_lab_floor'
- if the player is still alive
- or wait 8000 frames (time_here) until resuming script actions.
set mission segment to '04b_8_flood_lab_mid_01'
"permanently" attempt to create a checkpoint when the player is "safe".
(ai_place lab_heretics_above 3)
(sleep 15)
(ai_magically_see_object lab_heretics_above (player0))
(ai_magically_see_object lab_heretics_above (player1))
(sleep_until (= (objects_can_see_object (players) (list_get (ai_actors lab_heretics_above) 0) 60) TRUE) 30 450)
- scan every 30 frames (time_here)
- if the AI unit with the starting location 'h1' from the squad 'lab_heretics_above' is looking within 60 degrees of the player
- or wait 450 frames (time_here) until resuming script actions.
(= (ai_living_count allies_elites) 0)
(ai_scene lab_heretic_ally_scene lab_heretics_ally all_allies)
30 300)
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r2)
(ai_place lab_carriers_02/r4)
(ai_set_orders lab_flood lab_above)
-- todo
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r2) (ai_place lab_carriers_02/r4) (ai_set_orders lab_flood lab_above)
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r1)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r2)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r3)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r4)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r5)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_carriers_02/r1)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_carriers_02/r2)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_carriers_02/r3)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_carriers_02/r4)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(if (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 4)
(ai_place lab_carriers_02/r5)
(sleep (random_range 10 40))
(< (ai_living_count lab_heretics_above) 1)
(= (volume_test_objects_all vol_lab_floor (ai_actors lab_heretics_above)) TRUE)
(> (player_count) 0)
30 4000)
scan every 30 frames (time_here)
- check to spawn the following AI units in any random order.
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r1)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r2)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r3)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r4)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_combatforms_02/r5)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_carriers_02/r1)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_carriers_02/r2)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_carriers_02/r3)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_carriers_02/r4)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 4
- then (ai_place lab_carriers_02/r5)
- then after immediately wait for a random amount of time between 10 frames and 40 frames (time_here or time_here) after each single spawn.
- check to spawn the following AI units in any random order.
- or if the total amount of AI units in squad 'lab_heretics_above' is less than 1
- and a AI unit from the squad 'lab_heretics_above' is within volume 'vol_lab_floor'
- and the player is still alive.
- or wait 4000 frames (time_here) until resuming script actions.
(ai_set_orders lab_heretics_above lab_flood_all)
(ai_set_orders lab_flood lab_flood_all)
(ai_set_orders arm02_allies allies_lab_wagons)
(< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 1)
(< (ai_living_count lab_heretics_above) 1)
30 2000)
(set lab_flood_count 0)
(wake lab_wave_new_02)
(sleep 1800)
"permanently" attempt to create a checkpoint when the player is "safe".
(ai_set_orders lab_heretics_above lab_flood_all)
(ai_set_orders lab_flood lab_flood_all)
(ai_set_orders arm02_allies allies_lab_wagons)
scan every 30 frames (time_here)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' is less than 1.
- and if the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_heretics_above' is less than 1.
- or wait 2000 frames (time_here) until resuming script actions.
"permanently" attempt to create a checkpoint when the player is "safe".
(set lab_flood_count 0)
(wake lab_wave_new_02)
(sleep 1800)
(sleep_until (< (ai_nonswarm_count lab_flood) 1) 30 3600)
(sleep_until (= (ai_trigger_test "done_fighting" lab_flood) TRUE) 30 1800)
(data_mine_set_mission_segment "04b_9_flood_lab_mid_02")
(set lab_flood_count 0)
(wake lab_wave_new_01)
scan every 30 frames (time_here)
- if the total amount of AI units in the squad (GROUP?) 'lab_flood' that don't have the "swarm count" flag is less than 1.
- or wait 3600 frames (time_here) until resuming script actions.
-- (sleep_until (= (ai_trigger_test "done_fighting" lab_flood) TRUE) 30 1800)
scan every 30 frames (time_here)
- if all AI units in the squad 'lab_flood' are flagged with the AI trigger of 'done_fighting' that returns true when 0 or fewer AI units are alive.
- or wait 1800 frames (time_here) until resuming script actions.
set mission segment to '04b_9_flood_lab_mid_02'
"permanently" attempt to create a checkpoint when the player is "safe".
(set lab_flood_count 0)
wake the function 'lab_wave_new_01'
(data_mine_set_mission_segment "04b_10_flood_lab_end")
(sleep 90)
(device_operates_automatically_set lab_exit_int TRUE)
(ai_place lab_heretics_02 2)
(ai_place lab_grunts_02 3)
(ai_set_orders arm02_allies allies_lab_end)
(wake fuck_this_turret_shit)
(wake music_04b_03_stop)
set mission segment to '04b_10_flood_lab_end'
(sleep 90)
(device_operates_automatically_set lab_exit_int TRUE)
(ai_place lab_heretics_02 2)
(ai_place lab_grunts_02 3)
(ai_set_orders arm02_allies allies_lab_end)
wake the function 'fuck_this_turret_shit'
(wake music_04b_03_stop)
(= (ai_living_count lab_heretics) 0)
(= (volume_test_objects_all vol_research_arm_swap (players)) TRUE)
(> (player_count) 0)
(ai_set_orders all_allies allies_airlock)
(wake research_arm_bsp_swap)
wait permanently until
- the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_heretics' is equal to 0.
- and if the player is within volume 'vol_research_arm_swap'.
- and if the player is still alive.
- the total amount of AI units in the squad 'lab_heretics' is equal to 0.
"permanently" attempt to create a checkpoint when the player is "safe".
(ai_set_orders all_allies allies_airlock)
wake the function 'research_arm_bsp_swap'.