git clone
cd bold
pnpm install # install dependencies for all packages
cd contracts
forge install # install the contracts dependencies
# Run the anvil local node (keep it running in a separate terminal):
# Build & deploy the contracts:
cd contracts
./deploy local --open-demo-troves # optionally open troves for the first 8 anvil accounts
# Print the addresses of the deployed contracts (you will need them later):
pnpm tsx utils/deployment-manifest-to-app-env.ts deployment-manifest.json
# We are now ready to copy the deployed contracts to the app:
cd ../frontend/app
# Copy the example .env file:
cp .env .env.local
# Edit the .env.local file:
# - Make sure the Hardhat / Anvil section is uncommented.
# - Paste into it the addresses printed by command above.
# Run the app development server:
pnpm dev
# You can now open https://localhost:3000 in your browser.
See frontend/app/ for more details about the app development.