901 | 901 | "麻央と莉波の出会い": "Meeting of Mao and Rinami",
902 | 902 | "後輩思いの先輩!": "Senior who cares for juniors!",
903 | 903 | "花火、やりませんか……?": "Want to do Fireworks...?",
| 904 | + "不意打ち写真にご用心": "Beware of Unexpected Photos", |
| 905 | + "やりすぎ注意!": "Don't Overdo It!", |
| 906 | + "Let’sクレープパーティー!": "Let’s Crepe Party!", |
| 907 | + "頼りになる先輩たち": "Reliable Seniors", |
| 908 | + "趣味に付き合って!": "Join My Hobby!", |
| 909 | + "大好きな朝ごはん": "Favorite Breakfast", |
| 910 | + "Win-Winお手伝い": "Win-Win Help", |
| 911 | + "扱いきれない子": "Unmanageable Child", |
| 912 | + "佑芽のスカウト理由": "Reason for Recruiting Yume", |
| 913 | + "昼休みの2人": "Two During Lunch Break", |
| 914 | + "初めましての2人": "Two Meeting for the First Time", |
| 915 | + "咲季の筋トレアドバイス": "Saki's Workout Advice", |
| 916 | + "妹スイッチ": "Little Sister Switch", |
| 917 | + "こんでええねん……?": "Is This Okay...?", |
| 918 | + "勉強前のルーティーン": "Pre-Study Routine", |
| 919 | + "弟子入り志願": "Aspiring Disciple", |
| 920 | + "宣伝大成功?": "Promotion Success?", |
| 921 | + "突発!勝手に?体力勝負": "Sudden! Impromptu? Stamina Challenge", |
| 922 | + "お昼寝仲間": "Napping Buddies", |
| 923 | + "疲れた時には甘いもの": "Sweets When Tired", |
| 924 | + "1年後に、きっと": "In a Year, Surely", |
| 925 | + "目指すアイドル像": "Ideal Idol Image", |
| 926 | + "『友達』ランチ": "'Friend' Lunch", |
| 927 | + "ランチのお誘い": "Lunch Invitation", |
| 928 | + "例えばユニットを組んだら": "If We Formed a Unit", |
| 929 | + "千奈、頑張ります!": "China, I'll Do My Best!", |
| 930 | + "千奈の寮体験": "China's Dorm Experience", |
904 | 931 | "'24夏": "'24 Summer",
905 | 932 | "'24祭": "'24 Festival",
906 | 933 | "やさしさ、あったかい": "Kindness, warmth"
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