1 | 1 | {
2 | 2 | "「わたしの曲……聴いてね」\r\n": "「Listen to my song... okay?」\r\n",
3 | 3 | "「コントラスト」\r\n": "「Contrast」\r\n",
4 |
| - "オモシロイ? ツマラナイ?\r\n": "Interesting? Boring?\r\n", |
5 |
| - "モノクロな ホログラム\r\n": "Monochrome hologram\r\n", |
6 |
| - "何段階 飛ばして\r\n": "Skipping several steps\r\n", |
7 |
| - "映しても 無駄\r\n": "It's useless even if it shows\r\n", |
8 |
| - "オドロキも トキメキも\r\n": "Surprise and excitement\r\n", |
9 |
| - "飽和する 情報も\r\n": "Even the saturated information\r\n", |
10 |
| - "目の前を過ぎれば 同じこと\r\n": "Once it passes in front of me, it's all the same\r\n", |
11 |
| - "昨日今日 閃光 / できる?\r\n": "Yesterday, today, flash / Can you do it?\r\n", |
12 |
| - "器用でも貧乏 / できない?\r\n": "Skillful yet poor / Can't you do it?\r\n", |
13 |
| - "退屈な心臓 / 今回はどうかな?\r\n": "Bored heart / How about this time?\r\n", |
14 |
| - "新鮮な動揺 / でもね \r\n": "Fresh agitation / But you know \r\n", |
15 |
| - "欲しいのは喫驚 / なぜか\r\n": "What I want is astonishment / Somehow\r\n", |
16 |
| - "壊してく均衡 / やりたい \r\n": "Breaking the balance / I want to do it \r\n", |
| 4 | + "オモシロイ? ツマラナイ?\r\n": "Is it interesting? Or is it boring?\r\n", |
| 5 | + "モノクロな ホログラム\r\n": "A monochrome hologram\r\n", |
| 6 | + "何段階 飛ばして\r\n": "No matter how many levels you can skip\r\n", |
| 7 | + "映しても 無駄\r\n": "There's no point in projecting it\r\n", |
| 8 | + "オドロキも トキメキも\r\n": "Surprises, thrills,\r\n", |
| 9 | + "飽和する 情報も\r\n": "And saturated information\r\n", |
| 10 | + "目の前を過ぎれば 同じこと\r\n": "They all look the same once they pass in front of your eyes\r\n", |
| 11 | + "昨日今日 閃光 / できる?\r\n": "Yesterday's and today's flash / Can you do it?\r\n", |
| 12 | + "器用でも貧乏 / できない?\r\n": "Dexterous but poor / Can't you do it?\r\n", |
| 13 | + "退屈な心臓 / 今回はどうかな?\r\n": "A bored heart / How about this time?\r\n", |
| 14 | + "新鮮な動揺 / でもね \r\n": "A fresh jolt / But you know\r\n", |
| 15 | + "欲しいのは喫驚 / なぜか\r\n": "What I want is a surprise / Why?\r\n", |
| 16 | + "壊してく均衡 / やりたい \r\n": "To break the balance / I want to do it\r\n", |
17 | 17 | "Getting into life\r\n": "Getting into life\r\n",
18 | 18 | "’Cause I found that it’s not so boring\r\n": "’Cause I found that it’s not so boring\r\n",
19 | 19 | "Not anymore\r\n": "Not anymore\r\n",
20 |
| - "ねえ 見てみたい\r\n": "Hey, I want to see\r\n", |
21 |
| - "感じてみたい\r\n": "I want to feel\r\n", |
22 |
| - "さあ 一緒に\r\n": "Come on, together\r\n", |
23 |
| - "歌を 歌おう\r\n": "Let's sing a song\r\n", |
24 |
| - "色付く世界へ 行こう\r\n": "Let's go to a colorful world\r\n", |
25 |
| - "もっと遠く\r\n": "Even further\r\n", |
26 |
| - "推測も計算も、もう\r\n": "Guesses and calculations, already\r\n", |
27 |
| - "当てにならない\r\n": "Are no longer reliable\r\n", |
| 20 | + "ねえ 見てみたい\r\n": "Hey, I want to see it\r\n", |
| 21 | + "感じてみたい\r\n": "I want to feel it\r\n", |
| 22 | + "さあ 一緒に\r\n": "Come on, let's\r\n", |
| 23 | + "歌を 歌おう\r\n": "Sing a song together\r\n", |
| 24 | + "色付く世界へ 行こう\r\n": "Let's go to a world filled with color\r\n", |
| 25 | + "もっと遠く\r\n": "Farther away\r\n", |
| 26 | + "推測も計算も、もう\r\n": "Guesses and calculations, they're\r\n", |
| 27 | + "当てにならない\r\n": "no longer reliable\r\n", |
28 | 28 | "胸の鼓動 観測してく\r\n": "Observing the heartbeat\r\n",
29 |
| - "今度こそ 今度こそ\r\n": "This time, this time for sure\r\n", |
30 |
| - "心震わせてみたい\r\n": "I want to shake my heart\r\n", |
31 |
| - "分かち合う 目と目合わせて\r\n": "Sharing, eyes meeting\r\n", |
| 29 | + "今度こそ 今度こそ\r\n": "This time, this time I want\r\n", |
| 30 | + "心震わせてみたい\r\n": "to make my heart tremble\r\n", |
| 31 | + "分かち合う 目と目合わせて\r\n": "I want to share it, eye to eye\r\n", |
32 | 32 | "君と... \r\n": "With you... \r\n",
33 |
| - "超非常 近況\r\n": "Super extraordinary current status\r\n", |
34 |
| - "反芻と実行\r\n": "Ruminating and executing\r\n", |
35 |
| - "俗に言う成長\r\n": "Commonly known as growth\r\n", |
36 |
| - "恰好な参照 / ね、 \r\n": "Ideal reference / Hey, \r\n", |
37 |
| - "隆起する焦燥 / でもね\r\n": "Rising anxiety / But you know\r\n", |
38 |
| - "前向きな緊張 / なぜか\r\n": "Positive tension / Somehow\r\n", |
39 |
| - "かつてない疾走 / やりたい\r\n": "Unprecedented sprint / I want to do it\r\n", |
40 |
| - "必要なのはコントラスト。\r\n": "What i need is a contrast.\r\n", |
41 |
| - "ねえ 見てほしい\r\n": "Hey, I want you to see\r\n", |
42 |
| - "感じてほしい\r\n": "I want you to feel\r\n", |
43 |
| - "もっと 遠く\r\n": "Even further\r\n", |
| 33 | + "超非常 近況\r\n": "Super unusual current state\r\n", |
| 34 | + "反芻と実行\r\n": "Ruminations and execution\r\n", |
| 35 | + "俗に言う成長\r\n": "Commonly referred to as growth\r\n", |
| 36 | + "恰好な参照 / ね、 \r\n": "A good reference / Hey,\r\n", |
| 37 | + "隆起する焦燥 / でもね\r\n": "Rising impatience / But you know\r\n", |
| 38 | + "前向きな緊張 / なぜか\r\n": "Positive tension / Why?\r\n", |
| 39 | + "かつてない疾走 / やりたい\r\n": "An unprecedented sprint / I want to do it\r\n", |
| 40 | + "必要なのはコントラスト。\r\n": "What's needed is contrast.\r\n", |
| 41 | + "ねえ 見てほしい\r\n": "Hey, I want you to see it\r\n", |
| 42 | + "感じてほしい\r\n": "I want you to feel it\r\n", |
| 43 | + "もっと 遠く\r\n": "Farther away\r\n", |
44 | 44 | "「今日は……ありがとう」\r\n": "「Thank you... for today」\r\n"
45 | 45 | }
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