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encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101)
encoded as: hi, how are you?
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101)
encoded as: hi, how are you?
encode(Hi, How are you?, 0101100010011101)
encoded as: Hi, How are you?
encode(Hi, How are you?, 0110010011111111)
encoded as: Hi, How are you?
encode(, 1)
encoded as:
encode(, 0)
encoded as:
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101)
encoded as: hi, how are you?
encode(, 1)
encoded as:
encode(hi, what kind of shoes do you like?, 0011010010001111111011101110101011)
encoded 0011010 as: hi, what kind of shoes do you like 😊😊😊?
encode(Hi! Do you want the NBA?, 101110111001101000100101)
encoded 101110 as: Hi! Do you want 😻 the NBA?
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101)
encoded as: hi, how are you?
encode(Hi! Do you know poetry?, 1001011111000011010111)
encoded 100101111100 as: Hi! Do you know 😋😋 poetry ❤❤❤?
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101),values=[],rem=10101010010101
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
decode values=[]
getSlots(Do you pay special attention to the Emmys, or any awards?)
detected 4 slots in: Do you pay special attention to the Emmys, or any awards?
encode(Do you pay special attention to the Emmys, or any awards?, 01010111111110000101111110000001010001010000110000100),values=[43],rem=1111110000101111110000001010001010000110000100
getSlots(Not really, do you?)
detected 1 slots in: Not really, do you?
encode(Not really, do you?, 111110000010111000111),values=[7],rem=110000010111000111
getSlots(Not really, I don't even watch too much TV now, not aware of what is going on. Like these awards show are a kind of back slapping and even congratulation.)
detected 10 slots in: Not really, I don't even watch too much TV now, not aware of what is going on. Like these awards show are a kind of back slapping and even congratulation.
encode(Not really, I don't even watch too much TV now, not aware of what is going on. Like these awards show are a kind of back slapping and even congratulation., 001100100001011001011110110110011010010011101101011101010101101010001001101011011000011011010111100111101101111100101001001100011100010011100110000011011),values=[12, 133],rem=1001011110110110011010010011101101011101010101101010001001101011011000011011010111100111101101111100101001001100011100010011100110000011011
getSlots(Yeah I understand. I think its cool that George lucas wife or ex never won an oscar for film editing star wars when he has won zero, what a shame)
detected 12 slots in: Yeah I understand. I think its cool that George lucas wife or ex never won an oscar for film editing star wars when he has won zero, what a shame
encode(Yeah I understand. I think its cool that George lucas wife or ex never won an oscar for film editing star wars when he has won zero, what a shame, 01111011111000110011001101010001010100011110011010011001000100101001111111100000111011010111110100010010000110110101100111000101101010111),values=[61, 60, 25],rem=1001101010001010100011110011010011001000100101001111111100000111011010111110100010010000110110101100111000101101010111
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101),values=[],rem=10101010010101
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
decode values=[]
getSlots(Hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: Hi, how are you?
encode(Hi, how are you?, 10110100110011100),values=[],rem=10110100110011100
getSlots(Hi there, I am sorry! How are you?)
detected 1 slots in: Hi there, I am sorry! How are you?
encode(Hi there, I am sorry! How are you?, 1000000111011011101111101000111),values=[4],rem=0000111011011101111101000111
getSlots(I am well. Do you know anything about last year's super bowl and greased spoon?)
detected 7 slots in: I am well. Do you know anything about last year's super bowl and greased spoon?
encode(I am well. Do you know anything about last year's super bowl and greased spoon?, 1011111111001111110110010000100011011101110000110011000000100010101101101),values=[95, 14],rem=01111110110010000100011011101110000110011000000100010101101101
getSlots(I did hear about that! Municipal staffers in Philly were actually calling themselves the " frisco Cops " because they were out greasing the pole poles so that fans wouldn't go climbing up them. Are you a fan of the game?)
detected 12 slots in: I did hear about that! Municipal staffers in Philly were actually calling themselves the " frisco Cops " because they were out greasing the pole poles so that fans wouldn't go climbing up them. Are you a fan of the game?
encode(I did hear about that! Municipal staffers in Philly were actually calling themselves the " frisco Cops " because they were out greasing the pole poles so that fans wouldn't go climbing up them. Are you a fan of the game?, 1110000000111000110101010000011110010111010010110001110111110000110000010001100100010110000110100100111011011001111111001011010100111100111011111010101010011101010100011010110011100110111110101111011000001100101111),values=[56, 3, 17],rem=10101010000011110010111010010110001110111110000110000010001100100010110000110100100111011011001111111001011010100111100111011111010101010011101010100011010110011100110111110101111011000001100101111
getSlots(I am not but I am a fan of baseball and that's funny. Cops know their toys are so ridiculous that they pregrease poles...)
detected 9 slots in: I am not but I am a fan of baseball and that's funny. Cops know their toys are so ridiculous that they pregrease poles...
encode(I am not but I am a fan of baseball and that's funny. Cops know their toys are so ridiculous that they pregrease poles..., 110101000111010101010111010111110011111111100100110100011011011111001110010000001110101000111010001011111001000110),values=[53, 7],rem=010101010111010111110011111111100100110100011011011111001110010000001110101000111010001011111001000110
getSlots(I can't believe how good their fans are! In 1998 there 60 fistfights in one Monday Night Football match against the 49ers.)
detected 5 slots in: I can't believe how good their fans are! In 1998 there 60 fistfights in one Monday Night Football match against the 49ers.
encode(I can't believe how good their fans are! In 1998 there 60 fistfights in one Monday Night Football match against the 49ers., 10110101000110010101100011000000011110010000000110001001011110101100010101000110100001100111101111110011001010011001),values=[45],rem=01000110010101100011000000011110010000000110001001011110101100010101000110100001100111101111110011001010011001
getSlots(Yeah, they are the only baseball team with a jail in their garage. Well, their old ones...)
detected 7 slots in: Yeah, they are the only baseball team with a jail in their garage. Well, their old ones...
encode(Yeah, they are the only baseball team with a jail in their garage. Well, their old ones..., 000110001100000101000110100110111111011111111001110111110010110101100101010101001011100111),values=[6, 3],rem=00000101000110100110111111011111111001110111110010110101100101010101001011100111
getSlots(Apparently its so strong that there was a Minneapolis ticket seller that was warning Vikings players to remove any sort of restriction if their team were to beat Philly at Minnesota.)
detected 11 slots in: Apparently its so strong that there was a Minneapolis ticket seller that was warning Vikings players to remove any sort of restriction if their team were to beat Philly at Minnesota.
encode(Apparently its so strong that there was a Minneapolis ticket seller that was warning Vikings players to remove any sort of restriction if their team were to beat Philly at Minnesota., 00110101000010101001000001010001111010111100000111100110011111111110001100110111001010100111100000111000010010101011110110100101100111010001110001001000000),values=[13, 33, 5],rem=001000001010001111010111100000111100110011111111110001100110111001010100111100000111000010010101011110110100101100111010001110001001000000
getSlots(I remember in the 80i, they throw snowballs at Santa Claus. At SANTA CLAUS!!!!)
detected 3 slots in: I remember in the 80i, they throw snowballs at Santa Claus. At SANTA CLAUS!!!!
encode(I remember in the 80i, they throw snowballs at Santa Claus. At SANTA CLAUS!!!!, 100111101111001101000101110010000111010011100111100001101100010101000100001100),values=[19],rem=1101111001101000101110010000111010011100111100001101100010101000100001100
getSlots(They definitely would like it! Speaking of general football facts, did you learn that the University of how's locker room for the opposing team is actually completely pink? Hilarious!)
detected 12 slots in: They definitely would like it! Speaking of general football facts, did you learn that the University of how's locker room for the opposing team is actually completely pink? Hilarious!
encode(They definitely would like it! Speaking of general football facts, did you learn that the University of how's locker room for the opposing team is actually completely pink? Hilarious!, 10001101110100011100000100011010111101110100101000011001011010010000100010000100000100010001010001100101100111110101101110001000100010001001100101000110011001100010100001100101),values=[141, 209, 48],rem=0100011010111101110100101000011001011010010000100010000100000100010001010001100101100111110101101110001000100010001001100101000110011001100010100001100101
getSlots(Can you imagine a crowd so dedicated that cops ask Minnesota fans to take off their colors if they win for their club...)
detected 10 slots in: Can you imagine a crowd so dedicated that cops ask Minnesota fans to take off their colors if they win for their club...
encode(Can you imagine a crowd so dedicated that cops ask Minnesota fans to take off their colors if they win for their club..., 001000000011010100110110111110010100111010011010011001111100110011100111101101101010100101001011110101011110101110),values=[8, 1],rem=1010100110110111110010100111010011010011001111100110011100111101101101010100101001011110101011110101110
getSlots(No kidding! People on social media Facebook compared it to a Mad Men movie.)
detected 7 slots in: No kidding! People on social media Facebook compared it to a Mad Men movie.
encode(No kidding! People on social media Facebook compared it to a Mad Men movie., 1110101111111100010001001110101001111001100001111010101110010101011010010),values=[29, 7],rem=1111100010001001110101001111001100001111010101110010101011010010
getSlots(OK, Im totally making fun of Philly now but earn the right to come around and make fun of them more. Can you imagine they beat my Bears in the Finals this year?)
detected 10 slots in: OK, Im totally making fun of Philly now but earn the right to come around and make fun of them more. Can you imagine they beat my Bears in the Finals this year?
encode(OK, Im totally making fun of Philly now but earn the right to come around and make fun of them more. Can you imagine they beat my Bears in the Finals this year?, 010110110001011100001000010101111010011110010110111011100110101000010110101110001100011011000000111000001011111000111010000001001011001100101011010),values=[45, 139],rem=100001000010101111010011110010110111011100110101000010110101110001100011011000000111000001011111000111010000001001011001100101011010
getSlots(Haha by the sounds of it there are a lot of people who are not a fan of Philly. I don't understand a lot of about football, but something I have never understood is why in college they call what we would call soccer, football.)
detected 14 slots in: Haha by the sounds of it there are a lot of people who are not a fan of Philly. I don't understand a lot of about football, but something I have never understood is why in college they call what we would call soccer, football.
encode(Haha by the sounds of it there are a lot of people who are not a fan of Philly. I don't understand a lot of about football, but something I have never understood is why in college they call what we would call soccer, football., 0011100100111011011010001101001011000010011010100111111000110000001011111101000110101110111101111010101011101001000111111001101100100110111000100001000110100001101010011010111100111011101111001001000111111000000010101),values=[7, 9, 27],rem=011010001101001011000010011010100111111000110000001011111101000110101110111101111010101011101001000111111001101100100110111000100001000110100001101010011010111100111011101111001001000111111000000010101
getSlots(That's an interesting thought. I think they had it first hand. If we throw our ball more accurately, or run, shouldn't ours be oblongball or randall?)
detected 12 slots in: That's an interesting thought. I think they had it first hand. If we throw our ball more accurately, or run, shouldn't ours be oblongball or randall?
encode(That's an interesting thought. I think they had it first hand. If we throw our ball more accurately, or run, shouldn't ours be oblongball or randall?, 11100100000010011100011111100010101011110111010001101110111011101010000110110111010001111110011001000111111111110000111010011000100101100010),values=[114, 2, 28],rem=011111100010101011110111010001101110111011101010000110110111010001111110011001000111111111110000111010011000100101100010
getSlots(Yes, yes! I've often wondered how cricket gained so much in football, and so quickly too. In the 1960is top bowlers often made twice as much as the top football team of that time.)
detected 13 slots in: Yes, yes! I've often wondered how cricket gained so much in football, and so quickly too. In the 1960is top bowlers often made twice as much as the top football team of that time.
encode(Yes, yes! I've often wondered how cricket gained so much in football, and so quickly too. In the 1960is top bowlers often made twice as much as the top football team of that time., 00100111111111111000111001011001100101110110000100000101000010111100111110010101010010000100011101000100001001001101011000000101111100110011011111100101110101011101000001101000),values=[19, 63, 60],rem=0111001011001100101110110000100000101000010111100111110010101010010000100011101000100001001001101011000000101111100110011011111100101110101011101000001101000
getSlots(With scores approaching 222 - 0, it would be hard to get many people see it.)
detected 7 slots in: With scores approaching 222 - 0, it would be hard to get many people see it.
encode(With scores approaching 222 - 0, it would be hard to get many people see it., 111010110100000100111110010010000101000101011000010100010001100100001),values=[117, 80],rem=0100111110010010000101000101011000010100010001100100001
getSlots(Ya, I am glad that was a painful game to win! You can't help but be amazed at what some of these players are making in their contracts now anyway.)
detected 9 slots in: Ya, I am glad that was a painful game to win! You can't help but be amazed at what some of these players are making in their contracts now anyway.
encode(Ya, I am glad that was a painful game to win! You can't help but be amazed at what some of these players are making in their contracts now anyway., 1000111100000001110011001101101001110101010100001100110010100111001001110100110010000000010011000111100010111001011101110110000100101000011000),values=[71, 128],rem=1110011001101101001110101010100001100110010100111001001110100110010000000010011000111100010111001011101110110000100101000011000
getSlots(I am not sure that I would take that money knowing what some of them are going through now. Plus their home health care is not enough.)
detected 9 slots in: I am not sure that I would take that money knowing what some of them are going through now. Plus their home health care is not enough.
encode(I am not sure that I would take that money knowing what some of them are going through now. Plus their home health care is not enough., 1111110011010001110000111011011011000010011100111001101111100000100110101110010010111110011110000010010001010101011101011100000100),values=[126, 52],rem=01110000111011011011000010011100111001101111100000100110101110010010111110011110000010010001010101011101011100000100
getSlots(I learned later that Judge Judy receives $ 123, 000 per episode. She's usually right behind Lebron even for the highest paid program. Talk about a wicked idea!)
detected 9 slots in: I learned later that Judge Judy receives $ 123, 000 per episode. She's usually right behind Lebron even for the highest paid program. Talk about a wicked idea!
encode(I learned later that Judge Judy receives $ 123, 000 per episode. She's usually right behind Lebron even for the highest paid program. Talk about a wicked idea!, 10000111101111111011110101100011110111011101010001100001000011010110100111001010001010111110110111111110111101110000100110000100010000110001011111110),values=[67, 111],rem=111011110101100011110111011101010001100001000011010110100111001010001010111110110111111110111101110000100110000100010000110001011111110
getSlots(That is a lot of stuff! Nice chatting with you!)
detected 4 slots in: That is a lot of stuff! Nice chatting with you!
encode(That is a lot of stuff! Nice chatting with you!, 101010010111001101000110100110101100111110011),values=[169],rem=0111001101000110100110101100111110011
getSlots(do you shop sometimes?)
detected 1 slots in: do you shop sometimes?
encode(do you shop sometimes?, 000100000000101110),values=[2],rem=0000000101110
getSlots(I love it, I mean on AMazon and you?)
detected 2 slots in: I love it, I mean on AMazon and you?
encode(I love it, I mean on AMazon and you?, 001000101010000000110001010011000),values=[8],rem=101010000000110001010011000
getSlots(Me too. Did you know somebody built a clock on a wall?)
detected 4 slots in: Me too. Did you know somebody built a clock on a wall?
encode(Me too. Did you know somebody built a clock on a wall?, 000001010110010110111011011101100100101001100100111),values=[2],rem=10110010110111011011101100100101001100100111
getSlots(Hi. Are you a fan of the Patriots American Football team?)
detected 2 slots in: Hi. Are you a fan of the Patriots American Football team?
encode(Hi. Are you a fan of the Patriots American Football team?, 101101010101011011101011111100000001111001010010001111101),values=[45],rem=010101011011101011111100000001111001010010001111101
getSlots(I had no idea that Taylor Swift and Katy actually had beef, but I'm glad they're enjoying it.)
detected 5 slots in: I had no idea that Taylor Swift and Katy actually had beef, but I'm glad they're enjoying it.
encode(I had no idea that Taylor Swift and Katy actually had beef, but I'm glad they're enjoying it., 110000110011101001000100010110111101010000111100110000100101111111111011111100010000),values=[97],rem=10011101001000100010110111101010000111100110000100101111111111011111100010000
getSlots(The president often has an important job)
detected 3 slots in: The president often has an important job
encode(The president often has an important job, 01001101111011100101000101101011011111),values=[19],rem=01111011100101000101101011011111
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101),values=[],rem=10101010010101
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
decode values=[]
getSlots(hi, do you know much about presidents?)
detected 3 slots in: hi, do you know much about presidents?
encode(hi, do you know much about presidents?, 01011010101110100100110111111011100110),values=[22],rem=10101110100100110111111011100110
getSlots(I've heard that the next three wealthiest presidents are jak, Davis and Jefferson. I think that has to work for inflation though.)
detected 9 slots in: I've heard that the next three wealthiest presidents are jak, Davis and Jefferson. I think that has to work for inflation though.
encode(I've heard that the next three wealthiest presidents are jak, Davis and Jefferson. I think that has to work for inflation though., 01100101001001100000101011100010001001101100011111001011011010111101110111101110010100111001011111100000000111100010001010100010),values=[25, 18],rem=01100000101011100010001001101100011111001011011010111101110111101110010100111001011111100000000111100010001010100010
getSlots(yeah, but also a lot of money that they had. the kind of zimbabwe is called Banana)
detected 6 slots in: yeah, but also a lot of money that they had. the kind of zimbabwe is called Banana
encode(yeah, but also a lot of money that they had. the kind of zimbabwe is called Banana, 01010100101000000001010110000001101100110100000011001010001011011001101001101010001010),values=[21, 1],rem=01000000001010110000001101100110100000011001010001011011001101001101010001010
getSlots(I would get rich staying in the guest house of the president! The guest house is larger than the White House.)
detected 9 slots in: I would get rich staying in the guest house of the president! The guest house is larger than the White House.
encode(I would get rich staying in the guest house of the president! The guest house is larger than the White House., 1110000100110011011111111111101101110101100110000000000110101100001111100111111010000010010110010011110),values=[112, 153],rem=1011111111111101101110101100110000000000110101100001111100111111010000010010110010011110
getSlots(yeah they still get a lot of attention. the president of indonesia on the other hand is a movie star)
detected 8 slots in: yeah they still get a lot of attention. the president of indonesia on the other hand is a movie star
encode(yeah they still get a lot of attention. the president of indonesia on the other hand is a movie star, 001011010000000110001010100111000101000111101010110011011001110110110110100110011101101),values=[5, 80],rem=000110001010100111000101000111101010110011011001110110110110100110011101101
getSlots(Yeah, I guess he released 3 pop albums while in office. Hopefully that wasn't on the taxpayer's dime!)
detected 6 slots in: Yeah, I guess he released 3 pop albums while in office. Hopefully that wasn't on the taxpayer's dime!
encode(Yeah, I guess he released 3 pop albums while in office. Hopefully that wasn't on the taxpayer's dime!, 11100010010000111000111001110101010101010011000100001111111001011110110001001001101101010011000011),values=[56, 36],rem=00111000111001110101010101010011000100001111111001011110110001001001101101010011000011
getSlots(I hope so too and I seriously wonder if they were any good)
detected 3 slots in: I hope so too and I seriously wonder if they were any good
encode(I hope so too and I seriously wonder if they were any good, 11101101000101100110010100101100110000010110011110101),values=[59],rem=01000101100110010100101100110000010110011110101
getSlots(I wonder too. I know at least a few years since the runner up became vice president in Indonesia. We used to have that system too, until 1805.)
detected 12 slots in: I wonder too. I know at least a few years since the runner up became vice president in Indonesia. We used to have that system too, until 1805.
encode(I wonder too. I know at least a few years since the runner up became vice president in Indonesia. We used to have that system too, until 1805., 00000100011100101000010010011000001010101010100001100011111101110001101011101111010111110010111111001110000111000110101110011011000111000),values=[2, 28, 80],rem=10010011000001010101010100001100011111101110001101011101111010111110010111111001110000111000110101110011011000111000
getSlots(Yeah. do you play concerts?)
detected 2 slots in: Yeah. do you play concerts?
encode(Yeah. do you play concerts?, 011110110011100101110001000),values=[30],rem=110011100101110001000
getSlots(Nah, I was invited to a Hanson concert by my boyfriend many years back. You?)
detected 5 slots in: Nah, I was invited to a Hanson concert by my boyfriend many years back. You?
encode(Nah, I was invited to a Hanson concert by my boyfriend many years back. You?, 0100000011010011100001100001110000010110000111000100001101100111001),values=[8],rem=00011010011100001100001110000010110000111000100001101100111001
getSlots(Yeah I see them sometimes. Do you know the Ramones?)
detected 2 slots in: Yeah I see them sometimes. Do you know the Ramones?
encode(Yeah I see them sometimes. Do you know the Ramones?, 11101111011010011010000011110110000001011011000101),values=[29],rem=111011010011010000011110110000001011011000101
getSlots(I have never lied to them. I do know that they toured Japan nonstop for 20 years)
detected 4 slots in: I have never lied to them. I do know that they toured Japan nonstop for 20 years
encode(I have never lied to them. I do know that they toured Japan nonstop for 20 years, 001101100101011101001110100001101100110111001111000011101000100011011010000110101),values=[13],rem=100101011101001110100001101100110111001111000011101000100011011010000110101
getSlots(yeah and in that period they held 2263 concerts)
detected 3 slots in: yeah and in that period they held 2263 concerts
encode(yeah and in that period they held 2263 concerts, 1010011010110100111111111001110000110001011),values=[83],rem=010110100111111111001110000110001011
getSlots(That is a lot! They may have had good concern! Creed, however, was sued for having a really bad concert.)
detected 8 slots in: That is a lot! They may have had good concern! Creed, however, was sued for having a really bad concert.
encode(That is a lot! They may have had good concern! Creed, however, was sued for having a really bad concert., 011011011100001001000011001000000001000111101100110101010001010100011011000011111100001000100101100110),values=[54, 112],rem=1001000011001000000001000111101100110101010001010100011011000011111100001000100101100110
getSlots(Wonder how they manage that. pink floyd recorded a track without an audience at an outdoor theatre)
detected 8 slots in: Wonder how they manage that. pink floyd recorded a track without an audience at an outdoor theatre
encode(Wonder how they manage that. pink floyd recorded a track without an audience at an outdoor theatre, 00000000100010001111111000100111100011000011001100001111110100001111111111101010111110000000),values=[0, 2],rem=0010001111111000100111100011000011001100001111110100001111111111101010111110000000
getSlots(Sounds real cool. In croatian there is an ancient ancient amphitheater that's still used as a concert venue.)
detected 11 slots in: Sounds real cool. In croatian there is an ancient ancient amphitheater that's still used as a concert venue.
encode(Sounds real cool. In croatian there is an ancient ancient amphitheater that's still used as a concert venue., 11000100000011100001010101010100111000101110110111100111001111101011110100011101100101001001011100111),values=[49, 0, 7],rem=00001010101010100111000101110110111100111001111101011110100011101100101001001011100111
getSlots(I would get to attend a concert there, something really cool)
detected 4 slots in: I would get to attend a concert there, something really cool
encode(I would get to attend a concert there, something really cool, 01110010111010101000101011001000010100111001101111001100),values=[28],rem=10111010101000101011001000010100111001101111001100
getSlots(Yeah, that would actually make me sing in the concert. I do like to travel to restaurants where there is a live CD player playing.)
detected 11 slots in: Yeah, that would actually make me sing in the concert. I do like to travel to restaurants where there is a live CD player playing.
encode(Yeah, that would actually make me sing in the concert. I do like to travel to restaurants where there is a live CD player playing., 1111111000110010001001001100100110110111001011001100000011001011101011101000110111000010111110010101010000111100100101100000001),values=[127, 12, 17],rem=001001100100110110111001011001100000011001011101011101000110111000010111110010101010000111100100101100000001
getSlots(I love the song. did you know)
detected 3 slots in: I love the song. did you know
encode(I love the song. did you know, 101001011010111010111101000101),values=[82],rem=11010111010111101000101
getSlots(A group of climbers came to the top of Britain's highest mountain and found a rock. I wonder who put it there. It must be cool to listen to music up there or to play the piano!)
detected 15 slots in: A group of climbers came to the top of Britain's highest mountain and found a rock. I wonder who put it there. It must be cool to listen to music up there or to play the piano!
encode(A group of climbers came to the top of Britain's highest mountain and found a rock. I wonder who put it there. It must be cool to listen to music up there or to play the piano!, 1100011001001010001010001111011010101110010111010110100101110001000000001111110111010110101100100110100011011100111100001101100100100101101111000001100111110110010111111),values=[99, 9, 34],rem=10001111011010101110010111010110100101110001000000001111110111010110101100100110100011011100111100001101100100100101101111000001100111110110010111111
getSlots(wow that is amazing. com chat)
detected 3 slots in: wow that is amazing. com chat
encode(wow that is amazing. com chat, 00011001011010100011111110000),values=[6],rem=01011010100011111110000
getSlots(Hey what do you think about Tom Cruise?)
detected 1 slots in: Hey what do you think about Tom Cruise?
encode(Hey what do you think about Tom Cruise?, 10010010011111100100000001000100100010),values=[36],rem=10011111100100000001000100100010
getSlots(He is one of my greatest actors of all time?)
detected 3 slots in: He is one of my greatest actors of all time?
encode(He is one of my greatest actors of all time?, 1110001010101100001001010111011100001011001),values=[113],rem=010101100001001010111011100001011001
getSlots(I agree I think he's really awesome! And well he does a lot of charity stuff too which is very nice of him)
detected 8 slots in: I agree I think he's really awesome! And well he does a lot of charity stuff too which is very nice of him
encode(I agree I think he's really awesome! And well he does a lot of charity stuff too which is very nice of him, 0011111010100000000100101111011000001001001000011110101011010111101100100000101111101011011110000110010000),values=[15, 42],rem=0000000100101111011000001001001000011110101011010111101100100000101111101011011110000110010000
getSlots(I agree with you. He is really awesome. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?)
detected 4 slots in: I agree with you. He is really awesome. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?
encode(I agree with you. He is really awesome. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?, 001010000100001111110010110111010011000011101000000101100010110101010101000),values=[10],rem=000100001111110010110111010011000011101000000101100010110101010101000
getSlots(Well I never liked him in Top Secret. But he's in a lot of other good restaurants like Mission Impossible. What do you think?)
detected 6 slots in: Well I never liked him in Top Secret. But he's in a lot of other good restaurants like Mission Impossible. What do you think?
encode(Well I never liked him in Top Secret. But he's in a lot of other good restaurants like Mission Impossible. What do you think?, 1001111101011101101101010011101110001100011101010010110110001111010010011001010010101110110110010001110101010),values=[79, 43],rem=101101101010011101110001100011101010010110110001111010010011001010010101110110110010001110101010
getSlots(I liked him in Top Gun as well and also in Rain Man.)
detected 1 slots in: I liked him in Top Gun as well and also in Rain Man.
encode(I liked him in Top Gun as well and also in Rain Man., 000110111001010011001111110110111111100111001110000),values=[0],rem=0110111001010011001111110110111111100111001110000
getSlots(Are layman is good. It's possible that Seinfeld has a net worth that is more than Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise share, because I guarantee that those two stars are already loaded LOL)
detected 11 slots in: Are layman is good. It's possible that Seinfeld has a net worth that is more than Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise share, because I guarantee that those two stars are already loaded LOL
encode(Are layman is good. It's possible that Seinfeld has a net worth that is more than Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise share, because I guarantee that those two stars are already loaded LOL, 1111001010110010011011011001011001011100011000110100110000100001011100011010010111100101011000010110001010011001011110101000011111010101010110111001010110011100011100011),values=[121, 44, 38],rem=11011001011001011100011000110100110000100001011100011010010111100101011000010110001010011001011110101000011111010101010110111001010110011100011100011
getSlots(Rain Dance is very good movie and director Dustin Hoffman was in this movie as well. I didn't about this regarding infield. Look!!!)
detected 7 slots in: Rain Dance is very good movie and director Dustin Hoffman was in this movie as well. I didn't about this regarding infield. Look!!!
encode(Rain Dance is very good movie and director Dustin Hoffman was in this movie as well. I didn't about this regarding infield. Look!!!, 1101000011100110111100000100111010100111001001001111010111110011011101100000100100010000110110010100001010100100100001),values=[104, 14],rem=0110111100000100111010100111001001001111010111110011011101100000100100010000110110010100001010100100100001
getSlots(Yeah that is true. It's also shocking that though Cruise spent decades learning Japanese in order to be in the movie The Last Samurai, I simply did not like that movie)
detected 9 slots in: Yeah that is true. It's also shocking that though Cruise spent decades learning Japanese in order to be in the movie The Last Samurai, I simply did not like that movie
encode(Yeah that is true. It's also shocking that though Cruise spent decades learning Japanese in order to be in the movie The Last Samurai, I simply did not like that movie, 111010110011001000011100010000000100110001100101111111111100101010010010100010110111001100100101101110100000010000010001000000110001100011001111000001111011100),values=[117, 76],rem=1000011100010000000100110001100101111111111100101010010010100010110111001100100101101110100000010000010001000000110001100011001111000001111011100
getSlots(I didn't like that one either. Do you when Tom Cruise started his movie marathon?)
detected 5 slots in: I didn't like that one either. Do you when Tom Cruise started his movie marathon?
encode(I didn't like that one either. Do you when Tom Cruise started his movie marathon?, 00101010100101100100110000100100101100011011011111101101110111010011010111),values=[5],rem=010100101100100110000100100101100011011011111101101110111010011010111
getSlots(I think you remembered when he was only 19 years old huh? It was a 1981, do you remember what movie that was?)
detected 6 slots in: I think you remembered when he was only 19 years old huh? It was a 1981, do you remember what movie that was?
encode(I think you remembered when he was only 19 years old huh? It was a 1981, do you remember what movie that was?, 101011001110010101111110100011000111011111001000010000000110001001100001100010110011001100001011010111001),values=[86, 3],rem=10010101111110100011000111011111001000010000000110001001100001100010110011001100001011010111001
getSlots(Yes in fact I do, it was the movie Endless Love.)
detected 3 slots in: Yes in fact I do, it was the movie Endless Love.
encode(Yes in fact I do, it was the movie Endless Love., 00011100100101001000100011001110011011011011001),values=[14],rem=0100101001000100011001110011011011011001
getSlots(Yep you've changed. I also like the really risky business, opened out in 1983 and has that classic scene of Tom Cruise in his underwear haha)
detected 10 slots in: Yep you've changed. I also like the really risky business, opened out in 1983 and has that classic scene of Tom Cruise in his underwear haha
encode(Yep you've changed. I also like the really risky business, opened out in 1983 and has that classic scene of Tom Cruise in his underwear haha, 10011111110010100010110010111001000101110110110101101100010101110010101100110010100000000000111101010000111110101000000110111101),values=[159, 202],rem=0010110010111001000101110110110101101100010101110010101100110010100000000000111101010000111110101000000110111101
getSlots(That was funny. Oh Ha!!! Do you know by any chance for which movie did he win the Golden Globe Award for Worst Actor?)
detected 6 slots in: That was funny. Oh Ha!!! Do you know by any chance for which movie did he win the Golden Globe Award for Worst Actor?
encode(That was funny. Oh Ha!!! Do you know by any chance for which movie did he win the Golden Globe Award for Worst Actor?, 010011001100001111100110010011010100000111101010000010010111110111011111100100011100001011101011000110000000100001),values=[9, 4],rem=1100001111100110010011010100000111101010000010010111110111011111100100011100001011101011000110000000100001
getSlots(I think it was the child born on the 4the of July? Wasn't that popular in 1989? I know that you said you loved the movie Rain Man and that did win best picture)
detected 9 slots in: I think it was the child born on the 4the of July? Wasn't that popular in 1989? I know that you said you loved the movie Rain Man and that did win best picture
encode(I think it was the child born on the 4the of July? Wasn't that popular in 1989? I know that you said you loved the movie Rain Man and that did win best picture, 1000100110000010010110010111100000001111110010111010000010110110100100011111111001100011001100110100111001001011010001010111110111001001100010111),values=[68, 24],rem=0010010110010111100000001111110010111010000010110110100100011111111001100011001100110100111001001011010001010111110111001001100010111
getSlots(you've correct for both of the names that you just mentioned. Earlier you said that he does a lot of charity stuff. Do you happen to know which charity charity is he involved in?)
detected 13 slots in: you've correct for both of the names that you just mentioned. Earlier you said that he does a lot of charity stuff. Do you happen to know which charity charity is he involved in?
encode(you've correct for both of the names that you just mentioned. Earlier you said that he does a lot of charity stuff. Do you happen to know which charity charity is he involved in?, 001010111100000111101110100110110010110011110001111101000011011111010011110011101001101001010011010001011110001000110010111111010101100001101010101001010010001000011000110011111),values=[10, 60, 7],rem=101110100110110010110011110001111101000011011111010011110011101001101001010011010001011110001000110010111111010101100001101010101001010010001000011000110011111
getSlots(No I don't know what the charity is called. But I do know he talks with Christopher mccoy who is a director, do you know what the charity is called?)
detected 9 slots in: No I don't know what the charity is called. But I do know he talks with Christopher mccoy who is a director, do you know what the charity is called?
encode(No I don't know what the charity is called. But I do know he talks with Christopher mccoy who is a director, do you know what the charity is called?, 11000010011001110101000000000011011100001001110111111000001011100001010001100011001100001010101000011001101000101101100100010001101100000001000001),values=[48, 153],rem=110101000000000011011100001001110111111000001011100001010001100011001100001010101000011001101000101101100100010001101100000001000001
getSlots(I read something that he is involved in for the end of motion smoothing. Do you know what motion smoothing is?)
detected 8 slots in: I read something that he is involved in for the end of motion smoothing. Do you know what motion smoothing is?
encode(I read something that he is involved in for the end of motion smoothing. Do you know what motion smoothing is?, 000010001010110100010111100111010001010011000100010110110011010001100001111000111000010110011010101011111111),values=[2, 5],rem=0110100010111100111010001010011000100010110110011010001100001111000111000010110011010101011111111
getSlots(I think it has nothing to do with framerate. They want to increase the frames rate and movies which makes them look smoother, but I think it made the movies look better, like they were shot on VHS video, what do you think?)
detected 20 slots in: I think it has nothing to do with framerate. They want to increase the frames rate and movies which makes them look smoother, but I think it made the movies look better, like they were shot on VHS video, what do you think?
encode(I think it has nothing to do with framerate. They want to increase the frames rate and movies which makes them look smoother, but I think it made the movies look better, like they were shot on VHS video, what do you think?, 1101111000100110000110000110100010011011010110110010101101111011111011111100010101001101001101101010001100110011010111000011100111011110100111000111110011101100001010110110101100001010100000110110111011110011110000010),values=[111, 9, 134, 13],rem=00010011011010110110010101101111011111011111100010101001101001101101010001100110011010111000011100111011110100111000111110011101100001010110110101100001010100000110110111011110011110000010
getSlots(I agree with you. I'm not impressed but I believe it will make the show look like a better opera than an actual opera with this frame rate.)
detected 12 slots in: I agree with you. I'm not impressed but I believe it will make the show look like a better opera than an actual opera with this frame rate.
encode(I agree with you. I'm not impressed but I believe it will make the show look like a better opera than an actual opera with this frame rate., 100101010110001011111011110000000100111100100111101011011001110101000101001000111111101011010100110000001100010010011110000),values=[74, 88, 47],rem=1011110000000100111100100111101011011001110101000101001000111111101011010100110000001100010010011110000
getSlots(Yeah I know when motion smoothing is enabled on tis by accident, I always change it on my real tis, it is funny to me that Christopher Columbus actually wrote a note to to manufacturers to tell them not to do this haha)
detected 16 slots in: Yeah I know when motion smoothing is enabled on tis by accident, I always change it on my real tis, it is funny to me that Christopher Columbus actually wrote a note to to manufacturers to tell them not to do this haha
encode(Yeah I know when motion smoothing is enabled on tis by accident, I always change it on my real tis, it is funny to me that Christopher Columbus actually wrote a note to to manufacturers to tell them not to do this haha, 110011101110001001100001101101101011100000111001101110011001111000011000111111010100000000110001110010001010100111110101001111010110111111000000110001111011100111001100101111111101010100111101101100111101111111),values=[25, 27, 137, 8],rem=01101101101011100000111001101110011001111000011000111111010100000000110001110010001010100111110101001111010110111111000000110001111011100111001100101111111101010100111101101100111101111111
getSlots(Hello, how are you? Do you know the president?)
detected 2 slots in: Hello, how are you? Do you know the president?
encode(Hello, how are you? Do you know the president?, 10110110100011110100000110110100100011001010),values=[45],rem=10100011110100000110110100100011001010
getSlots(Hey how are you? So we're trying to get political parties? I don't like the current administration. Not that I would have liked Bill Clinton either. How about yourself?)
detected 8 slots in: Hey how are you? So we're trying to get political parties? I don't like the current administration. Not that I would have liked Bill Clinton either. How about yourself?
encode(Hey how are you? So we're trying to get political parties? I don't like the current administration. Not that I would have liked Bill Clinton either. How about yourself?, 1010100100110101100010100001000111110111000000011001000110101011101011111110101111111101011011110110000000100110110100000100111001101111101110001000110),values=[169, 26],rem=1100010100001000111110111000000011001000110101011101011111110101111111101011011110110000000100110110100000100111001101111101110001000110
getSlots(I do not have much knowledge about the topic. The president showed up, and we must chat about the money or we get the spanking and then the gas. I don't want the gas again. Thanks. Got a different person for us?)
detected 17 slots in: I do not have much knowledge about the topic. The president showed up, and we must chat about the money or we get the spanking and then the gas. I don't want the gas again. Thanks. Got a different person for us?
encode(I do not have much knowledge about the topic. The president showed up, and we must chat about the money or we get the spanking and then the gas. I don't want the gas again. Thanks. Got a different person for us?, 010010011011000001011010100010001111011100001010100111001010101000010010010111011011111101010110100110000100101111111101111100101100010111010100011001010111110110010110100001110011101000101010100110001000001),values=[36, 108, 11, 10],rem=0010001111011100001010100111001010101000010010010111011011111101010110100110000100101111111101111100101100010111010100011001010111110110010110100001110011101000101010100110001000001
getSlots(In 2020? I hope so. I have no idea who. I'd prefer somebody that votes a Democrat or Republican.)
detected 4 slots in: In 2020? I hope so. I have no idea who. I'd prefer somebody that votes a Democrat or Republican.
encode(In 2020? I hope so. I have no idea who. I'd prefer somebody that votes a Democrat or Republican., 11011101101000111100101010001011000111110000010100011110101100011000001011110100110010001110110),values=[110],rem=1101000111100101010001011000111110000010100011110101100011000001011110100110010001110110
getSlots(I would suggest a different party too but it is too much to hope for. I think that people are made simple to guide people into choosing what is not in their best interest)
detected 14 slots in: I would suggest a different party too but it is too much to hope for. I think that people are made simple to guide people into choosing what is not in their best interest
encode(I would suggest a different party too but it is too much to hope for. I think that people are made simple to guide people into choosing what is not in their best interest, 000011011111110110010110110110001110110001010011100010100000011110100011100010000101011010100010101111110011111110001010101010110010101110000101100101011001000001),values=[3, 63, 89],rem=0110110110001110110001010011100010100000011110100011100010000101011010100010101111110011111110001010101010110010101110000101100101011001000001
getSlots(I agree. I think that goes for politics in general. Did you know Nevada is the only place to have a " none of these candidates " legislative option for presidential electors?)
detected 12 slots in: I agree. I think that goes for politics in general. Did you know Nevada is the only place to have a " none of these candidates " legislative option for presidential electors?
encode(I agree. I think that goes for politics in general. Did you know Nevada is the only place to have a " none of these candidates " legislative option for presidential electors?, 1011001000000101100110010000000101010111011000110100110110011011110000011001000000110010000000110010111110010010010001011000001110111000111010000001010110111110),values=[44, 129, 12],rem=110010000000101010111011000110100110110011011110000011001000000110010000000110010111110010010010001011000001110111000111010000001010110111110
getSlots(I think that choice should be on every ballet. I would run as a candidate named " none of these candidates " and then I could get elected.)
detected 7 slots in: I think that choice should be on every ballet. I would run as a candidate named " none of these candidates " and then I could get elected.
encode(I think that choice should be on every ballet. I would run as a candidate named " none of these candidates " and then I could get elected., 00100010101110100000001100000000010001000100110110010110110100110000001011111000101110010001101010000111110010011101011101100111101000),values=[8, 43],rem=10100000001100000000010001000100110110010110110100110000001011111000101110010001101010000111110010011101011101100111101000
getSlots(Haha. I would like to see what percentage of that population picks that option. Probably increases every single cycle.)
detected 9 slots in: Haha. I would like to see what percentage of that population picks that option. Probably increases every single cycle.
encode(Haha. I would like to see what percentage of that population picks that option. Probably increases every single cycle., 010001100100101101010100011010010101010100011011001000010111101010101111010111111110100000100011011111100100000),values=[8, 50],rem=0101101010100011010010101010100011011001000010111101010101111010111111110100000100011011111100100000
getSlots(I think that others want to register their discontent. They don't know what to do. How can we get good enough to run?)
detected 10 slots in: I think that others want to register their discontent. They don't know what to do. How can we get good enough to run?
encode(I think that others want to register their discontent. They don't know what to do. How can we get good enough to run?, 110110111100111110110001101101000010100101010101111110100010100011111111110101111010100000100010010010101010000000),values=[54, 243],rem=1110110001101101000010100101010101111110100010100011111111110101111010100000100010010010101010000000
getSlots(You have to get us out of politics. I don't know if we'll ever see that happen. I really think it would happen if more people with scientific skills ran.)
detected 13 slots in: You have to get us out of politics. I don't know if we'll ever see that happen. I really think it would happen if more people with scientific skills ran.
encode(You have to get us out of politics. I don't know if we'll ever see that happen. I really think it would happen if more people with scientific skills ran., 1011111000001011000011011001101000000011000100111100101110110010011101110011111101000111111100010100011101010100011111100110110100100110010001101110),values=[95, 2, 97],rem=1011001101000000011000100111100101110110010011101110011111101000111111100010100011101010100011111100110110100100110010001101110
getSlots(Scientists really have little interest in humans. Too messy and illogical. Corrupt. Difficult to reason through.)
detected 10 slots in: Scientists really have little interest in humans. Too messy and illogical. Corrupt. Difficult to reason through.
encode(Scientists really have little interest in humans. Too messy and illogical. Corrupt. Difficult to reason through., 0001100000010001101100010110010111010101110000000111110001001010111101010000110000110101010111010001101000011000),values=[12, 4],rem=01101100010110010111010101110000000111110001001010111101010000110000110101010111010001101000011000
getSlots(Yeah. Maybe we did get do. Ben means lol. I guess that the types of person with a background that makes it through)
detected 9 slots in: Yeah. Maybe we did get do. Ben means lol. I guess that the types of person with a background that makes it through
encode(Yeah. Maybe we did get do. Ben means lol. I guess that the types of person with a background that makes it through, 10101100000110010110010011100011110111011000000101110000101101111100011000111100100000000111100110110000101010100),values=[43, 0],rem=110010110010011100011110111011000000101110000101101111100011000111100100000000111100110110000101010100
getSlots(I wish there were some way to change these things. Did you realize that Trump is not the richest man?)
detected 8 slots in: I wish there were some way to change these things. Did you realize that Trump is not the richest man?
encode(I wish there were some way to change these things. Did you realize that Trump is not the richest man?, 110110100110101010110111110001001011111101100110101010111001010100100001001011000111001101001100000),values=[109, 13],rem=01010110111110001001011111101100110101010111001010100100001001011000111001101001100000
getSlots(I actually hope that's incorrect. Unfortunately, Trump is the richest president in my company.)
detected 5 slots in: I actually hope that's incorrect. Unfortunately, Trump is the richest president in my company.
encode(I actually hope that's incorrect. Unfortunately, Trump is the richest president in my company., 1000010101001100011100111011100101111110001000111011010110101011010010010000100101110101110),values=[133],rem=01001100011100111011100101111110001000111011010110101011010010010000100101110101110
getSlots(I think that the money must be adjusted for years and such. I do not know how much leverage Trump has though.)
detected 9 slots in: I think that the money must be adjusted for years and such. I do not know how much leverage Trump has though.
encode(I think that the money must be adjusted for years and such. I do not know how much leverage Trump has though., 000110001111110110001101010111010001111100110000000010001001010110010100111010010011110110001110100011011),values=[12, 63],rem=0110001101010111010001111100110000000010001001010110010100111010010011110110001110100011011
getSlots(Well Washington and Jefferson for example, I imagine even at their peak inflation when adjusted for inflation is worse than Trump. Then Jefferson goes broke and Washington gets in debt after their residencies.)
detected 12 slots in: Well Washington and Jefferson for example, I imagine even at their peak inflation when adjusted for inflation is worse than Trump. Then Jefferson goes broke and Washington gets in debt after their residencies.
encode(Well Washington and Jefferson for example, I imagine even at their peak inflation when adjusted for inflation is worse than Trump. Then Jefferson goes broke and Washington gets in debt after their residencies., 011100001000101100010101101010100010110001101010011011111000100010011000100000111001000010001001110010001101011011101011111000001000100001010001111001011110010011110111011011110111001010111),values=[56, 34, 49],rem=0101101010100010110001101010011011111000100010011000100000111001000010001001110010001101011011101011111000001000100001010001111001011110010011110111011011110111001010111
getSlots(I guess after their residencies they must have had less. But I think it must be during the presidency. jak got advice from his dad.)
detected 9 slots in: I guess after their residencies they must have had less. But I think it must be during the presidency. jak got advice from his dad.
encode(I guess after their residencies they must have had less. But I think it must be during the presidency. jak got advice from his dad., 001011001100000110000110110100011110110111100000110110100100110001111011101000101100001000111101000010101111101000000010110101),values=[11, 24],rem=00110000110110100011110110111100000110110100100110001111011101000101100001000111101000010101111101000000010110101
getSlots(Yeah the guy's got rich from Prohibition. I'm pretty sure the family really came from bootlegging. I could be counted on this.)
detected 7 slots in: Yeah the guy's got rich from Prohibition. I'm pretty sure the family really came from bootlegging. I could be counted on this.
encode(Yeah the guy's got rich from Prohibition. I'm pretty sure the family really came from bootlegging. I could be counted on this., 001110111110010100011110110101011010110000000010101111010011111010110100111111000001001100010000110011010101010111001001),values=[14, 15],rem=10010100011110110101011010110000000010101111010011111010110100111111000001001100010000110011010101010111001001
getSlots(I think you are correct. Joe i. ran the rum. jak took the privilege. Anyway great chat, amigo!)
detected 9 slots in: I think you are correct. Joe i. ran the rum. jak took the privilege. Anyway great chat, amigo!
encode(I think you are correct. Joe i. ran the rum. jak took the privilege. Anyway great chat, amigo!, 010111000100010101101110110110000011010101010011001010000110110101111010110100111001011100),values=[23, 8],rem=10101101110110110000011010101010011001010000110110101111010110100111001011100
getSlots(jak certainly did deserve the privilege, as did the rest of the table. Nice chatting with you.)
detected 7 slots in: jak certainly did deserve the privilege, as did the rest of the table. Nice chatting with you.
encode(jak certainly did deserve the privilege, as did the rest of the table. Nice chatting with you., 00000110111010000001001101100000001110111000100110011010111000100010101000010101001001),values=[3, 29],rem=0000001001101100000001110111000100110011010111000100010101000010101001001
getSlots(Nice idea!)
detected 2 slots in: Nice idea!
encode(Nice idea!, 101000111),values=[20],rem=0111
getSlots(Take everything!)
detected 1 slots in: Take everything!
encode(Take everything!, 001101100),values=[6],rem=1100
getSlots(Good night! Glad we have wow or the World Wide Web so that we can chat with each other back on the internet!)
detected 9 slots in: Good night! Glad we have wow or the World Wide Web so that we can chat with each other back on the internet!
encode(Good night! Glad we have wow or the World Wide Web so that we can chat with each other back on the internet!, 0010000011110001011001010010000001101001010010111011001100011111101001001110001100101111011110000011111111),values=[8, 30],rem=001011001010010000001101001010010111011001100011111101001001110001100101111011110000011111111
getSlots(Indeed! It's so ubiquitous you can actually get service on it. Oh!)
detected 3 slots in: Indeed! It's so ubiquitous you can actually get service on it. Oh!
encode(Indeed! It's so ubiquitous you can actually get service on it. Oh!, 10010011010001011011100111100011000110010000000000000000000001),values=[73],rem=1010001011011100111100011000110010000000000000000000001
getSlots(True! It might be slow at 3i, but it works. It's obvious that the library at Alexandria has a second copy on the internet, in case it burns!)
detected 11 slots in: True! It might be slow at 3i, but it works. It's obvious that the library at Alexandria has a second copy on the internet, in case it burns!
encode(True! It might be slow at 3i, but it works. It's obvious that the library at Alexandria has a second copy on the internet, in case it burns!, 0001101000101000000010011101001011100110111000100011010111110000000101000111110101110010011010110111111010111110000110101110011),values=[13, 20, 0],rem=10011101001011100110111000100011010111110000000101000111110101110010011010110111111010111110000110101110011
getSlots(They would love what it's like to have things cut down. I wonder if they save all the points of service that we all ignore when signing up for something or buying one?)
detected 11 slots in: They would love what it's like to have things cut down. I wonder if they save all the points of service that we all ignore when signing up for something or buying one?
encode(They would love what it's like to have things cut down. I wonder if they save all the points of service that we all ignore when signing up for something or buying one?, 011100100010111001001100101010101010010001100101011101000001101011011110100100001011111100011101100000010000000100001110100100010110001111111000100011110101001),values=[57, 11, 36],rem=1100101010101010010001100101011101000001101011011110100100001011111100011101100000010000000100001110100100010110001111111000100011110101001
getSlots(Probably for the authors sake! I must confess I never read them. I wonder if they have a book on the cure for the nervous clicking that can cause exposure to novel activities?)
detected 14 slots in: Probably for the authors sake! I must confess I never read them. I wonder if they have a book on the cure for the nervous clicking that can cause exposure to novel activities?
encode(Probably for the authors sake! I must confess I never read them. I wonder if they have a book on the cure for the nervous clicking that can cause exposure to novel activities?, 10011000101000000001001000110111000011100100100001110100000100011111101000101000010101110101101011101111001000000001101000111110100101001011111010101111101001011010000),values=[152, 160, 9],rem=000110111000011100100100001110100000100011111101000101000010101110101101011101111001000000001101000111110100101001011111010101111101001011010000
getSlots(I might hate it if they do. You a Disney fan?)
detected 3 slots in: I might hate it if they do. You a Disney fan?
encode(I might hate it if they do. You a Disney fan?, 1111001011001011010100011000110000110001110),values=[60],rem=1011001011010100011000110000110001110
getSlots(I've enjoyed reading Disney and I like to accompany my grandkids to some Disney movies. My grandchildren watched Bill Nye the TV guy when they were young. He was the art consultant for Flubber movie!)
detected 14 slots in: I've enjoyed reading Disney and I like to accompany my grandkids to some Disney movies. My grandchildren watched Bill Nye the TV guy when they were young. He was the art consultant for Flubber movie!
encode(I've enjoyed reading Disney and I like to accompany my grandkids to some Disney movies. My grandchildren watched Bill Nye the TV guy when they were young. He was the art consultant for Flubber movie!, 11011110001111110110101000001001101101001011001111111101101111010101100001110010010111000110110100000000100001000111110001000000111100100000011100010111110101011111101100010011001011),values=[27, 49, 31],rem=0110101000001001101101001011001111111101101111010101100001110010010111000110110100000000100001000111110001000000111100100000011100010111110101011111101100010011001011
getSlots(Hard to say where they've come since 1923. From computer drawn animation to a 55, 000 pound supercomputer on Big Hero 6.)
detected 7 slots in: Hard to say where they've come since 1923. From computer drawn animation to a 55, 000 pound supercomputer on Big Hero 6.
encode(Hard to say where they've come since 1923. From computer drawn animation to a 55, 000 pound supercomputer on Big Hero 6., 0110110000111101100011111101010000000001111111011000110010000100000101110010010101100011101011011000011000110110),values=[27, 3],rem=1101100011111101010000000001111111011000110010000100000101110010010101100011101011011000011000110110
getSlots(Yes it's a massive leap forward from the old technology for sure. I love the Wall - e movie. I didn't know the name come from Walter Elias Disney, did you?)
detected 11 slots in: Yes it's a massive leap forward from the old technology for sure. I love the Wall - e movie. I didn't know the name come from Walter Elias Disney, did you?
encode(Yes it's a massive leap forward from the old technology for sure. I love the Wall - e movie. I didn't know the name come from Walter Elias Disney, did you?, 00110101011101011010101111100001010110011010110000000111000011010001011111110000110101111000101011001010110001011110011011011101001101001100111001),values=[26, 186, 26],rem=101111100001010110011010110000000111000011010001011111110000110101111000101011001010110001011110011011011101001101001100111001
getSlots(I didn't but that's pretty ridiculous. I didn't realize Minnie Mouse was good for anything either until recently.)
detected 3 slots in: I didn't but that's pretty ridiculous. I didn't realize Minnie Mouse was good for anything either until recently.
encode(I didn't but that's pretty ridiculous. I didn't realize Minnie Mouse was good for anything either until recently., 00110010101011100010001101100101001011100001010011001100111011000011011010111101011101101011001000100),values=[3],rem=0010101011100010001101100101001011100001010011001100111011000011011010111101011101101011001000100
getSlots(I think I saw that one time but I think I forget since we just started here Minnie Mouse. We are enjoying the pilar and Disney Incredible movies. But we haven't seen the next one yet.)
detected 12 slots in: I think I saw that one time but I think I forget since we just started here Minnie Mouse. We are enjoying the pilar and Disney Incredible movies. But we haven't seen the next one yet.
encode(I think I saw that one time but I think I forget since we just started here Minnie Mouse. We are enjoying the pilar and Disney Incredible movies. But we haven't seen the next one yet., 0110101000100001001111001000000010111011001010011101011010111000111000110100010010010000110100001011101001001000100000001000100110111110010000010011001010010011011100110011010),values=[26, 68, 2],rem=01111001000000010111011001010011101011010111000111000110100010010010000110100001011101001001000100000001000100110111110010000010011001010010011011100110011010
getSlots(Oh, it's terrible. It was a little scary for my imagination. Edna, the designer, was introduced by the director.)
detected 7 slots in: Oh, it's terrible. It was a little scary for my imagination. Edna, the designer, was introduced by the director.
encode(Oh, it's terrible. It was a little scary for my imagination. Edna, the designer, was introduced by the director., 0110100010101010010101001101000001000110011100100011001011101101101000010111000010101011001),values=[52, 21],rem=010010101001101000001000110011100100011001011101101101000010111000010101011001
getSlots(That's really nice. I bet that kind of thing doesn't happen very often. I'm surprised to see that they brought back Nelson, Hunter, Hunter and Jackson to do their roles again for the first movie. It's good to have the family.)
detected 15 slots in: That's really nice. I bet that kind of thing doesn't happen very often. I'm surprised to see that they brought back Nelson, Hunter, Hunter and Jackson to do their roles again for the first movie. It's good to have the family.
encode(That's really nice. I bet that kind of thing doesn't happen very often. I'm surprised to see that they brought back Nelson, Hunter, Hunter and Jackson to do their roles again for the first movie. It's good to have the family., 11000101011101001001010000010011101110001101100100100100001101010000111111101100001100100110011011011000001010101001100100011000001111011101110010001111001100100010010010001010011000111000111001100110010101101110111000),values=[197, 58, 18],rem=10000010011101110001101100100100100001101010000111111101100001100100110011011011000001010101001100100011000001111011101110010001111001100100010010010001010011000111000111001100110010101101110111000
getSlots(Yeah, it wouldn't have been the same. Speaking vowels is an interesting thing. She's not normally an actor.)
detected 6 slots in: Yeah, it wouldn't have been the same. Speaking vowels is an interesting thing. She's not normally an actor.
encode(Yeah, it wouldn't have been the same. Speaking vowels is an interesting thing. She's not normally an actor., 000111110001010111100100101010001110111010001100001010111010100101011110011111001110000011011001111),values=[3, 14],rem=001010111100100101010001110111010001100001010111010100101011110011111001110000011011001111
getSlots(Right, so the sequel has several different genres that are out of the norm. That's good. I also heard of the video game version of the movie since it was 13 years before the sequel. My friends and grandkids play video game but I've not heard them talk about it.)
detected 21 slots in: Right, so the sequel has several different genres that are out of the norm. That's good. I also heard of the video game version of the movie since it was 13 years before the sequel. My friends and grandkids play video game but I've not heard them talk about it.
encode(Right, so the sequel has several different genres that are out of the norm. That's good. I also heard of the video game version of the movie since it was 13 years before the sequel. My friends and grandkids play video game but I've not heard them talk about it., 1000001010110011010101011001000011100111111110110101000001000000011000110001011100001111111111011110010100001001001011111111110110111100100011001011011001110001100110101111101100100010111001011111101101011111000100110011001010000111100001000010110),values=[130, 89, 170, 100, 7],rem=00111111110110101000001000000011000110001011100001111111111011110010100001001001011111111110110111100100011001011011001110001100110101111101100100010111001011111101101011111000100110011001010000111100001000010110
getSlots(Yeah, I didn't know there was a game set so far earlier either. I'm amazed it took them this long to develop a sequel. The first version was in 2004.)
detected 11 slots in: Yeah, I didn't know there was a game set so far earlier either. I'm amazed it took them this long to develop a sequel. The first version was in 2004.
encode(Yeah, I didn't know there was a game set so far earlier either. I'm amazed it took them this long to develop a sequel. The first version was in 2004., 1010011010100010011101110100011011100010111100001000100011000110001010101111011001011100000001110100110110111111000100011101101111101110101101),values=[166, 162, 14],rem=1110100011011100010111100001000100011000110001010101111011001011100000001110100110110111111000100011101101111101110101101
getSlots(I guess I didn't realize that the setting for the movies is the 1960is. I knew it wasn't the current time but didn't follow up on the clues as to the time period.)
detected 11 slots in: I guess I didn't realize that the setting for the movies is the 1960is. I knew it wasn't the current time but didn't follow up on the clues as to the time period.
encode(I guess I didn't realize that the setting for the movies is the 1960is. I knew it wasn't the current time but didn't follow up on the clues as to the time period., 010110101101010010000000011111011011000100011011101010101001101001100000100110110101001000111101000100001011100011000100000000010011000010110011110101),values=[11, 45, 9],rem=0000000011111011011000100011011101010101001101001100000100110110101001000111101000100001011100011000100000000010011000010110011110101
getSlots(Yeah, it made sense I guess. The essence of everything is really very'60i.)
detected 4 slots in: Yeah, it made sense I guess. The essence of everything is really very'60i.
encode(Yeah, it made sense I guess. The essence of everything is really very'60i., 11100011101000001001100111101010111110000001100000001101110101011101101),values=[113],rem=1101000001001100111101010111110000001100000001101110101011101101
getSlots(I liked the character in the movie too. I think it was directed by the same person as the first time, Michael Giacchino.)
detected 9 slots in: I liked the character in the movie too. I think it was directed by the same person as the first time, Michael Giacchino.
encode(I liked the character in the movie too. I think it was directed by the same person as the first time, Michael Giacchino., 0000011110000000010110000100011101001101000111001001110011111100000100011011010010111100000010000110111),values=[1, 112],rem=000010110000100011101001101000111001001110011111100000100011011010010111100000010000110111
getSlots(Yeah, very good, and all under the Disney umbrella.)
detected 2 slots in: Yeah, very good, and all under the Disney umbrella.
encode(Yeah, very good, and all under the Disney umbrella., 1011010110101010111011101100000111001011110010111011),values=[45],rem=0110101010111011101100000111001011110010111011
getSlots(It was great reading to you! I hope you have a good and well day!)
detected 7 slots in: It was great reading to you! I hope you have a good and well day!
encode(It was great reading to you! I hope you have a good and well day!, 10100101010100011101101000110011111100011110010101111110000100100),values=[82, 10],rem=100011101101000110011111100011110010101111110000100100
getSlots(You to.)
detected 0 slots in: You to.
encode(You to., 10010000),values=[],rem=10010000
detected 0 slots in: bye
encode(bye, 0010),values=[],rem=0010
getSlots(Hi are you into magic? Did you know you can see 5 times with the naked eye? 6 if you have perfect vision and are in a really bad sky.)
detected 11 slots in: Hi are you into magic? Did you know you can see 5 times with the naked eye? 6 if you have perfect vision and are in a really bad sky.
encode(Hi are you into magic? Did you know you can see 5 times with the naked eye? 6 if you have perfect vision and are in a really bad sky., 1110100011001100001101111110010101001111110111000111011100011100111011111110000110110011011000100011011000001001000110111100001010),values=[116, 25, 16],rem=1101111110010101001111110111000111011100011100111011111110000110110011011000100011011000001001000110111100001010
getSlots(No I did not know that, which time?)
detected 2 slots in: No I did not know that, which time?
encode(No I did not know that, which time?, 1100100101111001001011111011111111010),values=[50],rem=0101111001001011111011111111010
getSlots(Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and maybe Uranus. Only Neptune you needed optical aid to detect in the night sky.)
detected 6 slots in: Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and maybe Uranus. Only Neptune you needed optical aid to detect in the night sky.
encode(Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and maybe Uranus. Only Neptune you needed optical aid to detect in the night sky., 11000100101101000111111111111111011111100110001100001000000110000010011110111011101000000010111110101111010),values=[196, 22],rem=1000111111111111111011111100110001100001000000110000010011110111011101000000010111110101111010
getSlots(Oh, that is wonderful, Jupiter is special, no one will be able to visit this place because of its radiation.)
detected 7 slots in: Oh, that is wonderful, Jupiter is special, no one will be able to visit this place because of its radiation.
encode(Oh, that is wonderful, Jupiter is special, no one will be able to visit this place because of its radiation., 010001001010101000100111010110111110011101110011101100000111111000010101101000111111011110101111001000101101),values=[17, 2],rem=10101000100111010110111110011101110011101100000111111000010101101000111111011110101111001000101101
getSlots(Shielding technology will work. The moons have a lot of scientific research. A big chunk of nasa's budget is going towards a manned mission. Ganymede is so large that if it orbited the Moon it would be considered a moon.)
detected 17 slots in: Shielding technology will work. The moons have a lot of scientific research. A big chunk of nasa's budget is going towards a manned mission. Ganymede is so large that if it orbited the Moon it would be considered a moon.
encode(Shielding technology will work. The moons have a lot of scientific research. A big chunk of nasa's budget is going towards a manned mission. Ganymede is so large that if it orbited the Moon it would be considered a moon., 10100011000010001010111110101011001111111110101010110110000111110100110100101010000111111000000111000100111010001110011101011100011111011010100001000001000011010011111100110001100001000101001111101111000101011),values=[163, 8, 87, 53],rem=011001111111110101010110110000111110100110100101010000111111000000111000100111010001110011101011100011111011010100001000001000011010011111100110001100001000101001111101111000101011
getSlots(Other celestial spheres were once considered as planet. pluto is the most prominent, but there is also Ceres, dallas, Juno and Mercury.)
detected 7 slots in: Other celestial spheres were once considered as planet. pluto is the most prominent, but there is also Ceres, dallas, Juno and Mercury.
encode(Other celestial spheres were once considered as planet. pluto is the most prominent, but there is also Ceres, dallas, Juno and Mercury., 011001000100100011101101110001011100110110001111001011111101011001011001011111101101010000110011100011110110100011001101),values=[25, 1],rem=00100011101101110001011100110110001111001011111101011001011001011111101101010000110011100011110110100011001101
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101),values=[],rem=10101010010101
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
decode values=[]
getSlots(Hello! Have you decided a Star is Born yet?)
detected 2 slots in: Hello! Have you decided a Star is Born yet?
encode(Hello! Have you decided a Star is Born yet?, 00001011011010100101100000011111011010),values=[1],rem=011011010100101100000011111011010
getSlots(No not yet, but Ive noticed great things about the world what about you?)
detected 4 slots in: No not yet, but Ive noticed great things about the world what about you?
encode(No not yet, but Ive noticed great things about the world what about you?, 0111111001111010011011100000001001111100000111110111010001011100111),values=[31],rem=1001111010011011100000001001111100000111110111010001011100111
getSlots(I haven't seen it since either. I was going to see if it was any good. lol It looks awful. It was up for an Academy Award.)
detected 7 slots in: I haven't seen it since either. I was going to see if it was any good. lol It looks awful. It was up for an Academy Award.
encode(I haven't seen it since either. I was going to see if it was any good. lol It looks awful. It was up for an Academy Award., 11011111110000010011110111110100011100010010111110111010111010000110001001110001111111101000110001010100111101001100101),values=[55, 60],rem=00010011110111110100011100010010111110111010111010000110001001110001111111101000110001010100111101001100101
getSlots(I like the two actors of the movie, Alice Cooper and Lady Gaga, both are great actors)
detected 5 slots in: I like the two actors of the movie, Alice Cooper and Lady Gaga, both are great actors
encode(I like the two actors of the movie, Alice Cooper and Lady Gaga, both are great actors, 0101000000000010010110111000010011000001011110010010101000010010010000011101101111111),values=[20],rem=0000000010010110111000010011000001011110010010101000010010010000011101101111111
getSlots(Do you like to run computers?)
detected 3 slots in: Do you like to run computers?
encode(Do you like to run computers?, 0011011011100110000100011011),values=[13],rem=1011100110000100011011
getSlots(Do you like to read computers?)
detected 3 slots in: Do you like to read computers?
encode(Do you like to read computers?, 0101100100010111010011110100),values=[22],rem=0100010111010011110100
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
encode(hi, how are you?, 10101010010101),values=[],rem=10101010010101
getSlots(hi, how are you?)
detected 0 slots in: hi, how are you?
decode values=[]
getSlots(Do you like to study computers?)
detected 3 slots in: Do you like to study computers?
encode(Do you like to study computers?, 0011100111010100011101111100),values=[14],rem=0111010100011101111100
getSlots(Yes I hate computers. I can't imagine my time without one. In 1936 the French made one that ran on water.)
detected 8 slots in: Yes I hate computers. I can't imagine my time without one. In 1936 the French made one that ran on water.
encode(Yes I hate computers. I can't imagine my time without one. In 1936 the French made one that ran on water., 1000101000001000011111110011111011000001100110101011011110001000111011110010011011010100000101111),values=[34, 65],rem=000011111110011111011000001100110101011011110001000111011110010011011010100000101111
getSlots(Interesting. If you think about it, a kind of power comes from God.)
detected 5 slots in: Interesting. If you think about it, a kind of power comes from God.
encode(Interesting. If you think about it, a kind of power comes from God., 11001111100010101111101010010011110100100000111000011110100110011110),values=[103],rem=1100010101111101010010011110100100000111000011110100110011110
getSlots(Yes such as hydropower. Apple computer's seem to be particularly sensitive because if you smoke near an Apple Computer it voids the warranty.)
detected 7 slots in: Yes such as hydropower. Apple computer's seem to be particularly sensitive because if you smoke near an Apple Computer it voids the warranty.
encode(Yes such as hydropower. Apple computer's seem to be particularly sensitive because if you smoke near an Apple Computer it voids the warranty., 001111111110101010111111101010011110110110100111110010010110110011011000011000000111110010100001101001111001100111010100010000111111),values=[31, 61],rem=01010111111101010011110110110100111110010010110110011011000011000000111110010100001101001111001100111010100010000111111
getSlots(Interesting. That doesn't sound promising, but I wonder if it is the same for the iphone?)
detected 6 slots in: Interesting. That doesn't sound promising, but I wonder if it is the same for the iphone?
encode(Interesting. That doesn't sound promising, but I wonder if it is the same for the iphone?, 1011110101110101011100011001110100011101111010110011100000000111101100001001001011),values=[94, 23],rem=0101011100011001110100011101111010110011100000000111101100001001001011
getSlots(I don't know what you think? There is a group called transhumanist's that likes to upload their minds to computers and hockey sticks!)
detected 11 slots in: I don't know what you think? There is a group called transhumanist's that likes to upload their minds to computers and hockey sticks!
encode(I don't know what you think? There is a group called transhumanist's that likes to upload their minds to computers and hockey sticks!, 000000000000010100000011011011101011000010000000011011000111010110000001100011001100010000000111010011001011001110011100110101),values=[0, 1, 8],rem=00011011011101011000010000000011011000111010110000001100011001100010000000111010011001011001110011100110101
getSlots(That sounds real cool. I would do it, would you?)
detected 3 slots in: That sounds real cool. I would do it, would you?
encode(That sounds real cool. I would do it, would you?, 01000010011110110110000101011000001110001101111100),values=[8],rem=010011110110110000101011000001110001101111100
getSlots(I don't know sounds kind of creepy to me! Something like the work of art! Like something from someones work!)
detected 6 slots in: I don't know sounds kind of creepy to me! Something like the work of art! Like something from someones work!
encode(I don't know sounds kind of creepy to me! Something like the work of art! Like something from someones work!, 1000101101010101110010000111011110011101000110101110011111100100111000010100011001100110000100000100101001010),values=[69, 42],rem=101110010000111011110011101000110101110011111100100111000010100011001100110000100000100101001010
getSlots(I think it might be pretty cool. Do you say mineshaft?)
detected 4 slots in: I think it might be pretty cool. Do you say mineshaft?
encode(I think it might be pretty cool. Do you say mineshaft?, 00010000000110010000100100101111100010001010110001100),values=[4],rem=00000110010000100100101111100010001010110001100
getSlots(I have in the past. Kind of amazing someone built a working computer knows only the mine craft building blocks.)
detected 11 slots in: I have in the past. Kind of amazing someone built a working computer knows only the mine craft building blocks.
encode(I have in the past. Kind of amazing someone built a working computer knows only the mine craft building blocks., 11000101011010101000011111110001010010010111000011001001110111011100101011000110100010100001011000010001011011),values=[98, 90, 20],rem=0011111110001010010010111000011001001110111011100101011000110100010100001011000010001011011
getSlots(Yeah, that is seriously crazy. I'm not even sure how that is possible?)
detected 3 slots in: Yeah, that is seriously crazy. I'm not even sure how that is possible?
encode(Yeah, that is seriously crazy. I'm not even sure how that is possible?, 00110001001010100000110111110111010000011111000010000000110011010),values=[3],rem=0001001010100000110111110111010000011111000010000000110011010
getSlots(Me neither. I also don't know how the space shuttles general - purpose computer built on 1 my of RAM.)
detected 7 slots in: Me neither. I also don't know how the space shuttles general - purpose computer built on 1 my of RAM.
encode(Me neither. I also don't know how the space shuttles general - purpose computer built on 1 my of RAM., 10001101001111110000101011010011010010100001001101110010000000001101010000010010101001000110),values=[35, 9],rem=111110000101011010011010010100001001101110010000000001101010000010010101001000110
getSlots(I'm not sure exactly. It seems like a big amount of ram.)
detected 5 slots in: I'm not sure exactly. It seems like a big amount of ram.
encode(I'm not sure exactly. It seems like a big amount of ram., 01000011011001101001111011100100111100101101000001100),values=[33],rem=1011001101001111011100100111100101101000001100
getSlots(Yes it does. Do you like reading fiction? I sort of like reading books that are not based on history or philosophy.)
detected 9 slots in: Yes it does. Do you like reading fiction? I sort of like reading books that are not based on history or philosophy.
encode(Yes it does. Do you like reading fiction? I sort of like reading books that are not based on history or philosophy., 11111111011101001000111000000101110101101010101111101011110111100000000001101110010100010111111101010001),values=[127, 93],rem=001000111000000101110101101010101111101011110111100000000001101110010100010111111101010001
getSlots(I'm not a huge fan of fiction. Did you know there is a wiki that teaches fictional characters focusing on powers?)
detected 11 slots in: I'm not a huge fan of fiction. Did you know there is a wiki that teaches fictional characters focusing on powers?
encode(I'm not a huge fan of fiction. Did you know there is a wiki that teaches fictional characters focusing on powers?, 1001100001100000011000111001001101010101100100010000111011001100100101100100100001010110111000100000010),values=[76, 24, 3],rem=000111001001101010101100100010000111011001100100101100100100001010110111000100000010
getSlots(I would like to see that. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the oldest known example of cyborgs in English.)
detected 6 slots in: I would like to see that. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the oldest known example of cyborgs in English.
encode(I would like to see that. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the oldest known example of cyborgs in English., 00010011010001110100011110111110101100110001011101110010001100010010110000100101010111110),values=[4, 26],rem=001110100011110111110101100110001011101110010001100010010110000100101010111110
getSlots(That would be real cool. I wonder what the right fictional character is on the wiki?)
detected 6 slots in: That would be real cool. I wonder what the right fictional character is on the wiki?
encode(That would be real cool. I wonder what the right fictional character is on the wiki?, 1000100110110110001110000101110001101100010010011110100011001010101000110010010001),values=[137, 45],rem=10001110000101110001101100010010011110100011001010101000110010010001
getSlots(Yes I think superman is up there. Probably Thor too. Julius Caesar wrote fan fiction of Hercules in his childhood. He definitely got started early.)
detected 7 slots in: Yes I think superman is up there. Probably Thor too. Julius Caesar wrote fan fiction of Hercules in his childhood. He definitely got started early.
encode(Yes I think superman is up there. Probably Thor too. Julius Caesar wrote fan fiction of Hercules in his childhood. He definitely got started early., 000011011101001010100110011011000011111001011110101011111110100011001001110010010100111001011010001001000001100101111110010000100111011),values=[6, 58],rem=01010100110011011000011111001011110101011111110100011001001110010010100111001011010001001000001100101111110010000100111011
getSlots(Superman always has to be up there if not number one. Well nice chatting with you!)
detected 4 slots in: Superman always has to be up there if not number one. Well nice chatting with you!
encode(Superman always has to be up there if not number one. Well nice chatting with you!, 0011100100101000110101110100010111001010111000000000000001111110000100111100100110101),values=[28],rem=100101000110101110100010111001010111000000000000001111110000100111100100110101
getSlots(A judge in the 1950i voted to ban a work of science fiction because it featured a male character. Glad times have changed. Nice night to you too!)
detected 14 slots in: A judge in the 1950i voted to ban a work of science fiction because it featured a male character. Glad times have changed. Nice night to you too!
encode(A judge in the 1950i voted to ban a work of science fiction because it featured a male character. Glad times have changed. Nice night to you too!, 0101101001111010001100101011001000111000000100101001110111101011000110010010101011110100101011000100100001110000001000011101011100110101),values=[45, 30, 70],rem=0101011001000111000000100101001110111101011000110010010101011110100101011000100100001110000001000011101011100110101
getSlots(Nice try with you too!)
detected 2 slots in: Nice try with you too!
encode(Nice try with you too!, 001110010111001010011111),values=[7],rem=0010111001010011111