From da2421111d06511d178ba3396a3dd6d77a18f428 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carson Pruitt <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 20:21:38 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Adds full resolution and mainstem inundation composite
This resolves #476. See Changelog for full details.
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
We follow the [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0]( format.
+## v3.0.24.0 - 2021-11-08 - [PR #482](
+Adds `` to allow for the generation of an inundation map given a "flow file" CSV and full-resolution (FR) and mainstem (MS) relative elevation models, synthetic rating curves, and catchments rasters created by the `` script.
+## Additions
+- ``: New module that is used to inundate both MS and FR FIM and composite the two inundation rasters.
+- `/tools/gms_tools/`: Three modules (``, ``, ``) ported from the GMS branch used to composite inundation rasters.
+## Changes
+- ``: Added 2 exception classes ported from the GMS branch.
## v3.0.23.3 - 2021-11-04 - [PR #481](
Includes additional hydraulic properties to the `hydroTable.csv`: `Number of Cells`, `SurfaceArea (m2)`, `BedArea (m2)`, `Volume (m3)`, `SLOPE`, `LENGTHKM`, `AREASQKM`, `Roughness`, `TopWidth (m)`, `WettedPerimeter (m)`. Also adds `demDerived_reaches_split_points.gpkg`, `flowdir_d8_burned_filled.tif`, and `dem_thalwegCond.tif` to `-v` whitelist.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b975a8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os, argparse, rasterio
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from inundation import inundate
+from gms_tools.mosaic_inundation import Mosaic_inundation, __append_id_to_file_name
+def composite_inundation(fim_dir_ms, fim_dir_fr, huc, flows, composite_output_dir, ouput_name='',
+ bin_rast_flag=False, depth_rast_flag=False, clean=True, quiet=True):
+ """
+ Run `inundate()` on FIM 3.X mainstem (MS) and full-resolution (FR) outputs and composite results. Assumes that all `fim_run` products
+ necessary for `inundate()` are in each huc8 folder.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fim_dir_ms : str
+ Path to MS FIM directory. This should be an output directory from ``.
+ fim_dir_fr : str
+ Path to FR FIM directory. This should be an output directory from ``.
+ huc : str
+ HUC8 to run `inundate()`. This should be a folder within both `fim_dir_ms` and `fim_dir_fr`.
+ flows : str or pandas.DataFrame, can be a single file or a comma-separated list of files
+ File path to forecast csv or Pandas DataFrame with correct column names.
+ composite_output_dir : str
+ Folder path to write outputs. It will be created if it does not exist.
+ ouput_name : str, optional
+ Name for output raster. If not specified, by default the raster will be named 'inundation_composite_{flows_root}.tif'.
+ bin_rast_flag : bool, optional
+ Flag to create binary raster as output. If no raster flags are passed, this is the default behavior.
+ depth_rast_flag : bool, optional
+ Flag to create depth raster as output.
+ clean : bool, optional
+ If True, intermediate files are deleted.
+ quiet : bool, optional
+ Quiet output.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None
+ Raises
+ ------
+ TypeError
+ Wrong input data types
+ AssertionError
+ Wrong input data types
+ Notes
+ -----
+ - Specifying a subset of the domain in rem or catchments to inundate on is achieved by the HUCs file or the forecast file.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> import composite_ms_fr_inundation
+ >>> composite_ms_fr_inundation.composite_inundation(
+ '/home/user/fim_ouput_mainstem',
+ '/home/user/fim_ouput_fullres',
+ '12090301',
+ '/home/user/forecast_file.csv',
+ '/home/user/fim_inundation_composite',
+ True,
+ False)
+ """
+ # Set inundation raster to True if no output type flags are passed
+ if not (bin_rast_flag or depth_rast_flag):
+ bin_rast_flag = True
+ assert not (bin_rast_flag and depth_rast_flag), 'Output can only be binary or depth grid, not both'
+ assert os.path.isdir(fim_dir_ms), f'{fim_dir_ms} is not a directory. Please specify an existing MS FIM directory.'
+ assert os.path.isdir(fim_dir_fr), f'{fim_dir_fr} is not a directory. Please specify an existing FR FIM directory.'
+ assert os.path.exists(flows), f'{flows} does not exist. Please specify a flow file.'
+ # Instantiate output variables
+ var_keeper = {
+ 'ms': {
+ 'dir': fim_dir_ms,
+ 'outputs': {
+ 'inundation_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'inundation_ms_{huc}.tif') if bin_rast_flag else None,
+ 'depth_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'depth_ms_{huc}.tif') if depth_rast_flag else None
+ }
+ },
+ 'fr': {
+ 'dir': fim_dir_fr,
+ 'outputs': {
+ 'inundation_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'inundation_fr_{huc}.tif') if bin_rast_flag else None,
+ 'depth_rast': os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'depth_fr_{huc}.tif') if depth_rast_flag else None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Build inputs to inundate() based on the input folders and huc
+ if not quiet: print(f"HUC {huc}")
+ for extent in var_keeper:
+ rem = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'rem_zeroed_masked.tif')
+ catchments = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes.tif')
+ catchment_poly = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gpkg')
+ hydro_table = os.path.join(var_keeper[extent]['dir'], huc, 'hydroTable.csv')
+ # Ensure that all of the required files exist in the huc directory
+ for file in (rem, catchments, catchment_poly, hydro_table):
+ if not os.path.exists(file):
+ raise Exception(f"The following file does not exist within the supplied FIM directory:\n{file}")
+ # Run inundation()
+ extent_friendly = "mainstem (MS)" if extent=="ms" else "full-resolution (FR)"
+ if not quiet: print(f" Creating an inundation map for the {extent_friendly} configuration...")
+ result = inundate(rem,catchments,catchment_poly,hydro_table,flows,mask_type=None,
+ inundation_raster= var_keeper[extent]['outputs']['inundation_rast'],
+ depths= var_keeper[extent]['outputs']['depth_rast'],
+ quiet= quiet)
+ if result != 0:
+ raise Exception(f"Failed to inundate {rem} using the provided flows.")
+ # If no output name supplied, create one using the flows file name
+ if not ouput_name:
+ flows_root = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(flows))[0]
+ ouput_name = os.path.join(composite_output_dir, f'inundation_composite_{flows_root}.tif')
+ else:
+ ouput_name = os.path.join(composite_output_dir, ouput_name)
+ # Composite MS and FR
+ inundation_map_file = {
+ 'huc8' : [huc] * 2,
+ 'branchID' : [None] * 2,
+ 'inundation_rasters': [var_keeper['fr']['outputs']['inundation_rast'],
+ var_keeper['ms']['outputs']['inundation_rast']],
+ 'depths_rasters': [var_keeper['fr']['outputs']['depth_rast'],
+ var_keeper['ms']['outputs']['depth_rast']]
+ }
+ inundation_map_file = pd.DataFrame(inundation_map_file)
+ Mosaic_inundation(
+ inundation_map_file,
+ mosaic_attribute='depths_rasters' if depth_rast_flag else 'inundation_rasters',
+ mosaic_output=ouput_name,
+ mask=catchment_poly,
+ unit_attribute_name='huc8',
+ nodata=-9999,
+ workers=1,
+ remove_inputs=clean,
+ subset=None,verbose=not quiet
+ )
+ if bin_rast_flag:
+ hydroid_to_binary(__append_id_to_file_name(ouput_name, huc))
+def hydroid_to_binary(hydroid_raster_filename):
+ '''Converts hydroid positive/negative grid to 1/0'''
+ #to_bin = lambda x: np.where(x > 0, 1, np.where(x == 0, -9999, 0))
+ to_bin = lambda x: np.where(x > 0, 1, np.where(x != -9999, 0, -9999))
+ hydroid_raster =
+ profile = hydroid_raster.profile # get profile for new raster creation later on
+ profile['nodata'] = -9999
+ bin_raster = to_bin( # converts neg/pos to 0/1
+ # Overwrite inundation raster
+ with, "w", **profile) as out_raster:
+ out_raster.write(bin_raster.astype(hydroid_raster.profile['dtype']), 1)
+ del hydroid_raster,profile,bin_raster
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # parse arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Inundate FIM 3 full resolution and mainstem outputs using a flow file and composite the results.')
+ parser.add_argument('-ms','--fim-dir-ms',help='Directory that contains MS FIM outputs.',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-fr','--fim-dir-fr',help='Directory that contains FR FIM outputs.',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-u','--huc',help='HUC within FIM directories to inunundate. Can be a comma-separated list.',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-f','--flows-file',help='File path of flows csv or comma-separated list of paths if running multiple HUCs',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-o','--ouput-dir',help='Folder to write Composite Raster output.',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-n','--ouput-name',help='File name for output(s).',default=None,required=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-b','--bin-raster',help='Output raster is a binary wet/dry grid. This is the default if no raster flags are passed.',required=False,default=False,action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-d','--depth-raster',help='Output raster is a depth grid.',required=False,default=False,action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-j','--num-workers',help='Number of concurrent processesto run.',required=False,default=1,type=int)
+ parser.add_argument('-c','--clean',help='If flag used, intermediate rasters are NOT cleaned up.',required=False,default=True,action='store_false')
+ parser.add_argument('-q','--quiet',help='Quiet terminal output.',required=False,default=False,action='store_true')
+ # Extract to dictionary and assign to variables.
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args())
+ fim_dir_ms = args['fim_dir_ms']
+ fim_dir_fr = args['fim_dir_fr']
+ hucs = args['huc'].replace(' ', '').split(',')
+ flows_files = args['flows_file'].replace(' ', '').split(',')
+ num_workers = int(args['num_workers'])
+ output_dir = args['ouput_dir']
+ ouput_name = args['ouput_name']
+ bin_raster = bool(args['bin_raster'])
+ depth_raster = bool(args['depth_raster'])
+ clean = bool(args['clean'])
+ quiet = bool(args['quiet'])
+ assert num_workers >= 1, "Number of workers should be 1 or greater"
+ assert len(flows_files) == len(hucs), "Number of hucs must be equal to the number of forecasts provided"
+ assert not (bin_raster and depth_raster), "Cannot use both -b and -d flags"
+ # Create output directory if it does not exist
+ if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
+ os.mkdir(output_dir)
+ # Create nested list for input into multi-threading
+ arg_list = []
+ for huc, flows_file in zip(hucs, flows_files):
+ arg_list.append((fim_dir_ms, fim_dir_fr, huc, flows_file, output_dir, ouput_name, bin_raster, depth_raster, clean, quiet))
+ # Multi-thread for each huc in input hucs
+ with Pool(processes=num_workers) as pool:
+ # Run composite_inundation()
+ pool.starmap(composite_inundation, arg_list)
diff --git a/tools/gms_tools/ b/tools/gms_tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0148da336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gms_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from inundation import inundate
+import os
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import argparse
+from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor,ThreadPoolExecutor,as_completed
+from inundation import hydroTableHasOnlyLakes, NoForecastFound
+import traceback
+import logging
+def Inundate_gms(
+ hydrofabric_dir, forecast, num_workers=1,
+ hucs=None,
+ inundation_raster=None,
+ inundation_polygon=None, depths_raster=None,
+ verbose=False,
+ log_file=None,
+ output_fileNames=None
+ ):
+ # input handling
+ if hucs is not None:
+ try:
+ _ = (i for i in hucs)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise ValueError("hucs argument must be an iterable")
+ if isinstance(hucs,str):
+ hucs = [hucs]
+ num_workers = int(num_workers)
+ # log file
+ if log_file is not None:
+ if os.path.exists(log_file):
+ os.remove(log_file)
+ print('HUC8,BranchID,Exception',file=open(log_file,'w'))
+ #if log_file:
+ #logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.INFO)
+ # load gms inputs
+ hucs_branches = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(hydrofabric_dir,'gms_inputs.csv'),
+ header=None,
+ dtype= {0:str,1:str}
+ )
+ if hucs is not None:
+ hucs = set(hucs)
+ huc_indices = hucs_branches.loc[:,0].isin(hucs)
+ hucs_branches = hucs_branches.loc[huc_indices,:]
+ # get number of branches
+ number_of_branches = len(hucs_branches)
+ # make inundate generator
+ inundate_input_generator = __inundate_gms_generator(
+ hucs_branches,number_of_branches,
+ hydrofabric_dir,
+ inundation_raster,
+ inundation_polygon,
+ depths_raster,
+ forecast,
+ verbose=False
+ )
+ # start up process pool
+ # better results with Process pool
+ executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers)
+ # collect output filenames
+ inundation_raster_fileNames = [None] * number_of_branches
+ inundation_polygon_fileNames = [None] * number_of_branches
+ depths_raster_fileNames = [None] * number_of_branches
+ hucCodes = [None] * number_of_branches
+ branch_ids = [None] * number_of_branches
+ executor_generator = {
+ executor.submit(inundate,**inp) : ids for inp,ids in inundate_input_generator
+ }
+ idx = 0
+ for future in tqdm(as_completed(executor_generator),
+ total=len(executor_generator),
+ disable=(not verbose),
+ desc="Inundating branches with {} workers".format(num_workers)
+ ):
+ hucCode, branch_id = executor_generator[future]
+ try:
+ future.result()
+ except NoForecastFound as exc:
+ if log_file is not None:
+ print(f'{hucCode},{branch_id},{exc.__class__.__name__}, {exc}',
+ file=open(log_file,'a'))
+ elif verbose:
+ print(f'{hucCode},{branch_id},{exc.__class__.__name__}, {exc}')
+ except hydroTableHasOnlyLakes as exc:
+ if log_file is not None:
+ print(f'{hucCode},{branch_id},{exc.__class__.__name__}, {exc}',
+ file=open(log_file,'a'))
+ elif verbose:
+ print(f'{hucCode},{branch_id},{exc.__class__.__name__}, {exc}')
+ except Exception as exc:
+ if log_file is not None:
+ print(f'{hucCode},{branch_id},{exc.__class__.__name__}, {exc}',
+ file=open(log_file,'a'))
+ else:
+ print(f'{hucCode},{branch_id},{exc.__class__.__name__}, {exc}')
+ else:
+ hucCodes[idx] = hucCode
+ branch_ids[idx] = branch_id
+ try:
+ #print(hucCode,branch_id,future.result()[0][0])
+ inundation_raster_fileNames[idx] = future.result()[0][0]
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ depths_raster_fileNames[idx] = future.result()[1][0]
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ inundation_polygon_fileNames[idx] = future.result()[2][0]
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ idx += 1
+ # power down pool
+ executor.shutdown(wait=True)
+ # make filename dataframe
+ output_fileNames_df = pd.DataFrame( {
+ 'huc8' : hucCodes,
+ 'branchID' : branch_ids,
+ 'inundation_rasters' : inundation_raster_fileNames,
+ 'depths_rasters' : depths_raster_fileNames,
+ 'inundation_polygons' : inundation_polygon_fileNames }
+ )
+ if output_fileNames is not None:
+ output_fileNames_df.to_csv(output_fileNames,index=False)
+ return(output_fileNames_df)
+def __inundate_gms_generator(
+ hucs_branches,number_of_branches,
+ hydrofabric_dir,
+ inundation_raster,
+ inundation_polygon,
+ depths_raster,
+ forecast,verbose=False
+ ):
+ # iterate over branches
+ for idx,row in hucs_branches.iterrows():
+ huc = str(row[0])
+ branch_id = str(row[1])
+ gms_dir = os.path.join(hydrofabric_dir,huc,'branches')
+ rem_branch = os.path.join( gms_dir,branch_id,'rem_zeroed_masked_{}.tif'.format(branch_id) )
+ catchments_branch = os.path.join( gms_dir,branch_id,
+ f'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_{branch_id}.tif' )
+ hydroTable_branch = os.path.join( gms_dir,branch_id,'hydroTable_{}.csv'.format(branch_id) )
+ catchment_poly = os.path.join( gms_dir, branch_id,
+ f'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked_{branch_id}.gpkg' )
+ # branch output
+ inundation_branch_raster = __append_id_to_file_name(inundation_raster,[huc,branch_id])
+ inundation_branch_polygon = __append_id_to_file_name(inundation_polygon,[huc,branch_id])
+ depths_branch_raster = __append_id_to_file_name(depths_raster,[huc,branch_id])
+ # identifiers
+ identifiers = (huc,branch_id)
+ # inundate input
+ inundate_input = {
+ 'rem' : rem_branch, 'catchments' : catchments_branch, 'catchment_poly' : catchment_poly,
+ 'hydro_table' : hydroTable_branch,'forecast' : forecast,
+ 'mask_type' : None,
+ 'hucs' : None,
+ 'hucs_layerName' : None,
+ 'subset_hucs' : None, 'num_workers' : 1,
+ 'aggregate' : False,
+ 'inundation_raster' : inundation_branch_raster,
+ 'inundation_polygon' : inundation_branch_polygon,
+ 'depths' : depths_branch_raster,
+ 'out_raster_profile' : None,
+ 'out_vector_profile' : None,
+ 'quiet' : not verbose
+ }
+ yield (inundate_input,identifiers)
+def __append_id_to_file_name(file_name,identifier):
+ if file_name is not None:
+ root,extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)
+ if isinstance(identifier,list):
+ for i in identifier:
+ out_file_name = root + "_{}".format(i)
+ out_file_name += extension
+ else:
+ out_file_name = root + "_{}".format(identifier) + extension
+ else:
+ out_file_name = None
+ return(out_file_name)
+def __vprint(message,verbose):
+ if verbose:
+ print(message)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # parse arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Inundate GMS')
+ parser.add_argument('-y','--hydrofabric_dir', help='Directory path to FIM hydrofabric by processing unit', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-u','--hucs',help='List of HUCS to run',required=False,default=None,type=str,nargs='+')
+ parser.add_argument('-f','--forecast',help='Forecast discharges in CMS as CSV file',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-i','--inundation-raster',help='Inundation Raster output. Only writes if designated.',required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-p','--inundation-polygon',help='Inundation polygon output. Only writes if designated.',required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-d','--depths-raster',help='Depths raster output. Only writes if designated. Appends HUC code in batch mode.',required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-l','--log-file',help='Log-file to store level-path exceptions',required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-o','--output-fileNames',help='Output CSV file with filenames for inundation rasters, inundation polygons, and depth rasters',required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-w','--num-workers', help='Number of Workers', required=False,default=1)
+ parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose',help='Verbose printing',required=False,default=None,action='store_true')
+ # extract to dictionary and run
+ Inundate_gms( **vars(parser.parse_args()) )
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea24cb75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gms_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding: utf-8
+from glob import glob
+from gms_tools.overlapping_inundation import OverlapWindowMerge
+import argparse
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from tools_shared_variables import elev_raster_ndv
+def Mosaic_inundation(
+ map_file,mosaic_attribute='inundation_rasters',mosaic_output=None,
+ mask=None,unit_attribute_name='huc8',
+ nodata=elev_raster_ndv,workers=4,
+ remove_inputs=False,
+ subset=None,verbose=True
+ ):
+ # check input
+ if mosaic_attribute not in ('inundation_rasters','depths_rasters'):
+ raise ValueError('Pass inundation or depths for mosaic_attribute argument')
+ # load file
+ if isinstance(map_file,pd.DataFrame):
+ inundation_maps_df = map_file
+ del map_file
+ elif isinstance(map_file,str):
+ inundation_maps_df = pd.read_csv(map_file,
+ dtype={unit_attribute_name:str,'branchID':str}
+ )
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('Pass Pandas Dataframe or file path string to csv for map_file argument')
+ # remove NaNs
+ inundation_maps_df.dropna(axis=0,how='all',inplace=True)
+ # subset
+ if subset is not None:
+ subset_mask = inundation_maps_df.loc[:,unit_attribute_name].isin(subset)
+ inundation_maps_df = inundation_maps_df.loc[subset_mask,:]
+ # unique aggregation units
+ aggregation_units = inundation_maps_df.loc[:,unit_attribute_name].unique()
+ inundation_maps_df.set_index(unit_attribute_name,drop=True,inplace=True)
+ # decide upon wheter to display
+ if verbose & len(aggregation_units) == 1:
+ tqdm_disable = False
+ elif verbose:
+ tqdm_disable = False
+ else:
+ tqdm_disable = True
+ for ag in tqdm(aggregation_units,disable=tqdm_disable,desc='Compositing MS and FR maps'):
+ try:
+ inundation_maps_list = inundation_maps_df.loc[ag,mosaic_attribute].tolist()
+ except AttributeError:
+ inundation_maps_list = [ inundation_maps_df.loc[ag,mosaic_attribute] ]
+ ag_mosaic_output = __append_id_to_file_name(mosaic_output,ag)
+ #try:
+ mosaic_by_unit(inundation_maps_list,ag_mosaic_output,nodata,
+ workers=1,remove_inputs=remove_inputs,mask=mask,verbose=verbose)
+ #except Exception as exc:
+ # print(ag,exc)
+ # inundation maps
+ inundation_maps_df.reset_index(drop=True)
+def mosaic_by_unit(inundation_maps_list,mosaic_output,nodata=elev_raster_ndv,
+ workers=1,remove_inputs=False,mask=None,verbose=False):
+ # overlap object instance
+ overlap = OverlapWindowMerge( inundation_maps_list, (30, 30) )
+ # mosaic
+ #if verbose:
+ # print("Mosaicing ...")
+ if mosaic_output is not None:
+ if workers > 1:
+ threaded = True
+ else:
+ threaded= False
+ overlap.merge_rasters(mosaic_output, threaded=threaded, workers=workers,nodata=nodata)
+ if mask:
+ #if verbose:
+ # print("Masking ...")
+ overlap.mask_mosaic(mosaic_output,mask,outfile=mosaic_output)
+ if remove_inputs:
+ #if verbose:
+ # print("Removing inputs ...")
+ for inun_map in inundation_maps_list:
+ if inun_map is not None:
+ if os.path.isfile(inun_map):
+ os.remove(inun_map)
+def __append_id_to_file_name(file_name,identifier):
+ if file_name is not None:
+ root,extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)
+ if isinstance(identifier,list):
+ for i in identifier:
+ out_file_name = root + "_{}".format(i)
+ out_file_name += extension
+ else:
+ out_file_name = root + "_{}".format(identifier) + extension
+ else:
+ out_file_name = None
+ return(out_file_name)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Mosaic GMS Inundation Rasters')
+ parser.add_argument('-i','--map-file', help='List of file paths to inundation/depth maps to mosaic', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-a','--mask', help='File path to vector polygon mask to clip mosaic too', required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-s','--subset', help='Subset units', required=False,default=None,type=str,nargs='+')
+ parser.add_argument('-n','--nodata', help='Inundation Maps', required=False,default=elev_raster_ndv)
+ parser.add_argument('-w','--workers', help='Number of Workers', required=False,default=4,type=int)
+ parser.add_argument('-t','--mosaic-attribute', help='Mosaiced inundation Maps', required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-m','--mosaic-output', help='Mosaiced inundation Maps', required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-r','--remove-inputs', help='Remove original input inundation Maps', required=False,default=False,action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', help='Remove original input inundation Maps', required=False,default=False,action='store_true')
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args())
+ Mosaic_inundation(**args)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/gms_tools/ b/tools/gms_tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dab3da96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gms_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding: utf-8
+import rasterio
+from import from_bounds
+import numpy as np
+from functools import partial
+from affine import Affine
+from scipy.optimize import newton
+from threading import Lock
+import concurrent.futures
+from numba import njit
+import geopandas as gpd
+from rasterio.mask import mask
+import sys
+import warnings
+class OverlapWindowMerge:
+ def __init__(self,
+ inundation_rsts,
+ num_partitions=None,
+ window_xy_size=None):
+ """
+ Initialize the object
+ :param inundation_rsts: list of inundation paths or datasets
+ :param num_partitions: tuple of integers representing num windows in x and y space
+ :param window_xy_size: tuple of integers represeting num of pixels in windows in x an y space
+ """
+ # sort for largest spanning dataset (todo: handle mismatched resolutions)
+ size_func = lambda x: np.abs(x.bounds.left - x.bounds.right) * \
+ np.abs( - x.bounds.bottom)
+ key_sort_func = lambda x: x['size']
+ datasets = [ for ds in inundation_rsts]
+ ds_dict = [{'dataset': ds, 'size': size_func(ds)} for ds in datasets]
+ ds_dict.sort(key=key_sort_func, reverse=True)
+ # load sample overlapping inundation depth rasters
+ self.depth_rsts = [x['dataset'] for x in ds_dict]
+ del ds_dict
+ self.rst_dims = [[x.height, x.width] for x in self.depth_rsts]
+ self.res = self.depth_rsts[0].meta['transform'][0]
+ self.depth_bounds = np.array([[[,
+ x.bounds.left],
+ [x.bounds.bottom,
+ x.bounds.right]] for x in self.depth_rsts]) / self.res
+ # get transform, width, height and bounds
+ self.proc_unit_transform, self.proc_unit_width, \
+ self.proc_unit_height, final_bounds = \
+ self.get_final_dims()
+ self.proc_unit_bounds = np.array([[final_bounds['top'],
+ final_bounds['left']],
+ [final_bounds['bottom'],
+ final_bounds['right']]])
+ self.proc_unit_bounds = self.proc_unit_bounds / self.res
+ self.lat_lon_sign = [np.sign(self.proc_unit_bounds[1, 0] - self.proc_unit_bounds[0, 0]),
+ np.sign(self.proc_unit_bounds[1, 1] - self.proc_unit_bounds[0, 1])]
+ self.partitions = num_partitions
+ self.window_sizes = window_xy_size
+ @staticmethod
+ @njit
+ def get_res_bbox_min(x, v, z, y):
+ """
+ Optimize for bounds that fit the final resolution
+ :param x: float of compare
+ :param v: float representing min bound
+ :param z: float representing max bound
+ :param y: float representing resolution
+ """
+ return np.abs(z - x) - np.round(np.abs(z - v) / y) * y
+ def get_final_dims(self):
+ """
+ Get transform, width, height, and bbox of final dataset
+ :return: Affine transform, int width, int height, dict bounds
+ """
+ left = np.min([d.bounds.left for d in self.depth_rsts])
+ top = np.max([ for d in self.depth_rsts])
+ right = np.max([d.bounds.right for d in self.depth_rsts])
+ bottom = np.min([d.bounds.bottom for d in self.depth_rsts])
+ left = newton(self.get_res_bbox_min, left, args=(left, right, self.res))
+ bottom = newton(self.get_res_bbox_min, bottom, args=(bottom, top, self.res))
+ transform = self.depth_rsts[0].meta['transform']
+ width = int(np.abs(right - left) / self.res)
+ height = int(np.abs(top - bottom) / self.res)
+ new_transform = Affine(transform[0],
+ transform[1],
+ left,
+ transform[3],
+ transform[4],
+ top)
+ return new_transform, width, height, {'left': left,
+ 'top': top,
+ 'right': right,
+ 'bottom': bottom}
+ def get_window_coords(self):
+ """
+ Return ul/br bounds of window and its respective window idx
+ :param partitions: tuple or list of partition sizes for x and y
+ :param sizes: tuple or list of pixel sizes for x and y
+ :return: list of ul/br bounds of window, int of respective window idx
+ """
+ # Set up desired number of partitions (can also be set pixel size)
+ if self.partitions is not None:
+ x_res, y_res = self.partitions
+ elif self.window_sizes is not None:
+ x_res, y_res = self.window_sizes
+ else:
+ raise('in bran crunch')
+ # Get window widths (both normal and edge windows)
+ window_width1 = np.repeat(int(self.proc_unit_width / x_res), x_res) * self.lat_lon_sign[1]
+ window_width2 = window_width1.copy()
+ window_width2[-1] += self.proc_unit_width - window_width1[0] * x_res * self.lat_lon_sign[1]
+ # Get window heights (both normal and edge windows)
+ window_height1 = np.repeat(int(self.proc_unit_height / y_res), y_res) * self.lat_lon_sign[0]
+ window_height2 = window_height1.copy()
+ window_height2[-1] += self.proc_unit_height - window_height1[0] * y_res * self.lat_lon_sign[0]
+ # Get window sizes (both normal and edge windows)
+ window_bounds1 = np.flip(np.array(np.meshgrid(window_width1,
+ window_height1)).T.reshape(-1, 2),
+ axis=1).astype(
+ window_bounds2 = np.flip(np.array(np.meshgrid(window_width2,
+ window_height2)).T.reshape(-1, 2),
+ axis=1).astype(
+ window_idx = np.array(np.unravel_index(np.arange(y_res * x_res), (y_res, x_res), order='F'))
+ return [window_bounds1, window_bounds2], window_idx
+ def create_lat_lons(self,
+ window_bounds,
+ window_idx):
+ """
+ Return bbox of window and list of latitudes and longitudes
+ :param window_bounds: tuple or list of partition sizes for x and y
+ :param window_idx: int representing index of window
+ :return: list of float latitudes, list of float longitudes, list of window bbox, list of ul/br coords for window
+ """
+ upper_left = (window_idx.T * window_bounds[0])
+ lower_right = upper_left + window_bounds[1]
+ # Merge point arrays, convert back to original units, and get drawable path for each window
+ bbox = np.hstack([upper_left, lower_right])
+ scaled_path_points = [np.array(np.meshgrid([st[0], st[2]], [st[1], st[3]])).T.reshape(-1, 2) for st in bbox]
+ path_points = (scaled_path_points + self.proc_unit_bounds[0]) * self.res
+ # Create arange of latitudes and longitudes and add half of window size
+ latitudes = np.arange(self.proc_unit_bounds[0, 0],
+ self.proc_unit_bounds[1, 0] + self.lat_lon_sign[0],
+ window_bounds[1][0][0])[:-1] + (window_bounds[1][0][0] / 2)
+ longitudes = np.arange(self.proc_unit_bounds[0, 1],
+ self.proc_unit_bounds[1, 1] + self.lat_lon_sign[1],
+ window_bounds[1][0][1])[:-1] + (window_bounds[1][0][1] / 2)
+ return latitudes, longitudes, path_points, bbox
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_window_idx(latitudes,
+ longitudes,
+ coords,
+ partitions):
+ """
+ Return raveled window indices
+ :param latitudes: list of latitudes within bounds
+ :param longitudes: list of longitudes within bounds
+ :return: ndarray of raveled multi indexes
+ """
+ # Get difference of upper-left and lower-right boundaries and computed lat lons
+ lat_dif = [np.abs(latitudes - coords[0, 0]), np.abs(latitudes - coords[1, 0])]
+ lon_dif = [np.abs(longitudes - coords[0, 1]), np.abs(longitudes - coords[1, 1])]
+ # Create range between the closest idx for both lats and lons
+ lon_range = np.arange(np.argmin(lon_dif[0]), np.argmin(lon_dif[1]) + 1)
+ lat_range = np.arange(np.argmin(lat_dif[0]), np.argmin(lat_dif[1]) + 1)
+ # Create mesh grid for each possible set of coords and ravel to get window idx
+ grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(lat_range, lon_range)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
+ del lon_range, lat_range, lat_dif, lon_dif
+ return np.ravel_multi_index([grid[:, 0], grid[:, 1]], partitions, order='F')
+ def read_rst_data(self,
+ win_idx,
+ datasets,
+ path_points,
+ bbox,
+ meta):
+ """
+ Return data windows and final bounds of window
+ :param win_idx: int window index
+ :param datasets: list of int representing dataset inx
+ :param path_points: list of bbox for windows
+ :param bbox: list of ul/br coords of windows
+ :param meta: metadata for final dataset
+ :return: rasterio window object for final window, rasterio window of data window bounds,
+ data for each raster in window,
+ """
+ # Get window bounding box and get final array output dimensions
+ window = path_points[win_idx]
+ window_height, window_width = np.array([np.abs(bbox[win_idx][2] - bbox[win_idx][0]),
+ np.abs(bbox[win_idx][3] - bbox[win_idx][1])]).astype(
+ bnds = []
+ data = []
+ for ds in datasets:
+ # Get rasterio window for each pair of window bounds and depth dataset
+ bnd = from_bounds(window[0][1],
+ window[-1][0],
+ window[-1][1],
+ window[0][0],
+ transform=self.depth_rsts[ds].transform,
+ height=window_height,
+ width=window_width)
+ bnds.append(bnd)
+ # Read raster data with window
+ read_data = self.depth_rsts[ds].read(1, window=bnd).astype(np.float32)
+ # Convert all no data to nan values
+ read_data[read_data == np.float32(self.depth_rsts[ds].meta['nodata'])] = np.nan
+ data.append(read_data)
+ del bnd
+ final_bnds = from_bounds(window[0][1],
+ window[-1][0],
+ window[-1][1],
+ window[0][0],
+ transform=meta['transform'],
+ height=window_height,
+ width=window_width)
+ return [final_bnds, bnds, data]
+ def merge_rasters(self, out_fname, nodata=-9999, threaded=False, workers=4):
+ """
+ Merge multiple raster datasets
+ :param out_fname: str path for final merged dataset
+ :param nodata: int/float representing no data value
+ """
+ window_bounds, window_idx = self.get_window_coords()
+ latitudes, longitudes, path_points, bbox = self.create_lat_lons(window_bounds,
+ window_idx)
+ windows = [self.get_window_idx(latitudes,
+ longitudes,
+ coords,
+ self.partitions)
+ for coords in self.depth_bounds]
+ # Create dict with window idx key and dataset idx vals
+ data_dict = {}
+ for idx, win in enumerate(windows):
+ for win_idx in win:
+ if win_idx in data_dict:
+ data_dict[win_idx].append(idx)
+ else:
+ data_dict[win_idx] = [idx]
+ agg_function = partial(np.nanmax, axis=0)
+ meta = self.depth_rsts[0].meta
+ meta.update(transform=self.proc_unit_transform,
+ width=self.proc_unit_width,
+ height=self.proc_unit_height,
+ nodata=nodata,blockxsize=256,
+ blockysize=256, tiled=True,
+ compress='lzw')
+ final_windows, data_windows, data = [], [], []
+ def __data_generator(data_dict,path_points,bbox,meta):
+ for key, val in data_dict.items():
+ f_window, window, dat = self.read_rst_data(key,
+ val,
+ path_points,
+ bbox,
+ meta
+ )
+ yield(dat, window, f_window, val)
+ #final_windows.append(f_window)
+ #data_windows.append(window)
+ #data.append(dat)
+ #del f_window, window, dat
+ # create data generator
+ dgen = __data_generator(data_dict,path_points,bbox,meta)
+ lock = Lock()
+ with, 'w', **meta) as rst:
+ merge_partial = partial(merge_data,
+ rst=rst,
+ lock=lock,
+ dtype=meta['dtype'],
+ agg_function=agg_function,
+ nodata=meta['nodata'],
+ rst_dims=self.rst_dims)
+ if not threaded:
+ #for d, dw, fw, ddict in zip(data,
+ # data_windows,
+ # final_windows,
+ # data_dict.values()):
+ for d, dw, fw, ddict in dgen:
+ merge_partial(d, dw, fw, ddict)
+ else:
+ with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
+ max_workers=workers
+ ) as executor:
+ data,
+ data_windows,
+ final_windows,
+ data_dict.values()
+ )
+ def mask_mosaic(self,mosaic,polys,polys_layer=None,outfile=None):
+ #rem_array,window_transform = mask(rem,[shape(huc['geometry'])],crop=True,indexes=1)
+ # input rem
+ if isinstance(mosaic,str):
+ mosaic =
+ elif isinstance(mosaic,rasterio.DatasetReader):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Pass rasterio dataset or filepath for mosaic")
+ if isinstance(polys,str):
+ polys=gpd.read_file(polys,layer=polys_layer)
+ elif isinstance(polys,gpd.GeoDataFrame):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Pass geopandas dataset or filepath for catchment polygons")
+ #fossid = huc['properties']['fossid']
+ #if polys.HydroID.dtype != 'str': polys.HydroID = polys.HydroID.astype(str)
+ #polys=polys[polys.HydroID.str.startswith(fossid)]
+ mosaic_array, window_transform = mask(mosaic,polys['geometry'],crop=True,indexes=1)
+ if outfile:
+ out_profile = mosaic.profile
+ out_profile.update(height=mosaic_array.shape[0],width=mosaic_array.shape[1],
+ transform = window_transform, driver= 'GTiff',
+ blockxsize=256, blockysize=256, tiled=True, compress='lzw')
+ with,'w',**out_profile) as otfi:
+ otfi.write(mosaic_array,indexes=1)
+ return(mosaic_array,out_profile)
+# Quasi multi write
+# Throughput achieved assuming processing time is not identical between windows
+# and queued datasets, preferably approx N/2 threads for 9 windows
+# @njit
+def merge_data(rst_data,
+ window_bnds,
+ final_window,
+ datasets,
+ dtype,
+ rst,
+ lock,
+ agg_function,
+ nodata,
+ rst_dims
+ ):
+ """
+ Merge data in to final dataset (multi threaded)
+ :param rst_data: list of rst data from window
+ :param window_bnds: list rasterio windows representing data window bounds
+ :param final_window: rasterio window representing final window bounds
+ :param datasets: list of int representing dataset idx
+ :param dtype: data type of final output
+ :param rst: rasterio writer for final dataset
+ :param lock: thread concurrency lock
+ :param agg_function: function to aggregate datasets
+ :param nodata: nodata of final output
+ :param rst_dims: dimensions of overlapping rasters
+ """
+ nan_tile = np.array([np.nan]).astype(dtype)[0]
+ window_data = np.tile(float(nan_tile), [int(final_window.height), int(final_window.width)])
+ for data, bnds, idx in zip(rst_data, window_bnds, datasets):
+ # Get indices to apply to base
+ col_slice = slice(int(np.max([0,
+ np.ceil(bnds.col_off * -1)])),
+ int(np.min([bnds.width,
+ rst_dims[idx][1] - bnds.col_off])))
+ row_slice = slice(int(np.max([0,
+ np.ceil(bnds.row_off * -1)])),
+ int(np.min([bnds.height,
+ rst_dims[idx][0] - bnds.row_off])))
+ win_shape = window_data[row_slice, col_slice].shape
+ if not np.all(np.sign(np.array(win_shape) - np.array(data.shape)) > 0):
+ data = data[:win_shape[0], :win_shape[1]]
+ # Assign the data to the base array with aggregate function
+ merge = [window_data[row_slice,
+ col_slice],
+ data]
+ del data
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # This `with` block supresses the RuntimeWarning thrown by numpy when aggregating nan values
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
+ window_data[row_slice, col_slice] = agg_function(merge)
+ window_data[np.isnan(window_data)] = nodata
+ del merge
+ del rst_data, window_bnds, datasets
+ window_data[(window_data == nan_tile) | (np.isnan(window_data))] = nodata
+ with lock:
+ rst.write_band(1, window_data.astype(dtype), window=final_window)
+ del window_data
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import time
+ # import tracemalloc
+ import glob
+ # print('start', time.localtime())
+ # project_path = r'../documentation/data'
+ # overlap = OverlapWindowMerge([project_path + '/overlap1.tif',
+ # project_path + '/overlap2.tif',
+ # project_path + '/overlap3.tif',
+ # ],
+ # (3, 3))
+ # overlap.merge_rasters(project_path + '/merged_overlap.tif', nodata=0)
+ # print('end', time.localtime())
+ # tracemalloc.start()
+ print('start', time.localtime())
+ # project_path = r'../documentation/data'
+ # project_path = '*/mosaicing_data/1_fr_ms_composite'
+ # overlap = OverlapWindowMerge([project_path + '/inundation_extent_12090301_FR.tif',
+ # project_path + '/inundation_extent_12090301_MS.tif'
+ # ],
+ # (30, 30))
+ # overlap.merge_rasters(project_path + '/merged_final5.tif', threaded=True, workers=4, nodata=0)
+ # tracemalloc.start()
+ print('start', time.localtime())
+ # project_path = r'../documentation/data'
+ # project_path = '*/mosaicing_data/2_gms'
+ # a = glob.glob(project_path + '/inundation*.tif')
+ # overlap = OverlapWindowMerge(a,
+ # (30, 30))
+ # overlap.merge_rasters(project_path + '/merged_final5.tif', threaded=True, workers=4, nodata=-2e9)
+ # current, peak = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()
+ # print(f"Current memory usage is {current / 10 ** 6}MB; Peak was {peak / 10 ** 6}MB")
+ # tracemalloc.stop()
+ project_path = '*'
+ overlap = OverlapWindowMerge([project_path + '/nwm_resampled.tif',
+ project_path + '/rnr_inundation_031403_2020092000.tif'
+ ],
+ (1, 1))
+ overlap.merge_rasters(project_path + '/merged_final5.tif', threaded=False, workers=4)
+ print('end', time.localtime())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index fec6e4cfc..2b5a4599c 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@
from gdal import BuildVRT
import geopandas as gpd
+class hydroTableHasOnlyLakes(Exception):
+ """ Raised when a Hydro-Table only has lakes """
+ pass
+class NoForecastFound(Exception):
+ """ Raised when no forecast is available for a given Hydro-Table """
+ pass
def inundate(
@@ -333,7 +341,7 @@ def __inundate_in_huc(rem_array,catchments_array,crs,window_transform,rem_profil
if isinstance(depths,DatasetWriter): depths.close()
if isinstance(inundation_raster,DatasetWriter): inundation_raster.close()
if isinstance(inundation_polygon,fiona.Collection): inundation_polygon.close()
- if isinstance(hucs,fiona.Collection): inundation_polygon.close()
+ #if isinstance(hucs,fiona.Collection): inundation_polygon.close()
# return file names of outputs for aggregation. Handle Nones
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index f398a7a17..6b7046770 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -8,9 +8,16 @@
from tools_shared_functions import compute_contingency_stats_from_rasters
from inundation import inundate
-def run_alpha_test(fim_run_dir, version, test_id, magnitude, compare_to_previous=False, archive_results=False, mask_type='huc', inclusion_area='', inclusion_area_buffer=0, light_run=False, overwrite=True):
+from gms_tools.inundate_gms import Inundate_gms
+from gms_tools.mosaic_inundation import Mosaic_inundation
+from gms_tools.overlapping_inundation import OverlapWindowMerge
+def run_alpha_test(fim_run_dir, version, test_id, magnitude,
+ #
+ compare_to_previous=False, archive_results=False,
+ mask_type='huc', inclusion_area='',
+ inclusion_area_buffer=0, light_run=False,
+ overwrite=True):
benchmark_category = test_id.split('_')[1] # Parse benchmark_category from test_id.
current_huc = test_id.split('_')[0] # Break off HUC ID and assign to variable.
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c5d5210f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import argparse
+import traceback
+from pathlib import Path
+import json
+import ast
+import pandas as pd
+from tools_shared_functions import compute_contingency_stats_from_rasters
+from inundation import inundate
+from gms_tools.inundate_gms import Inundate_gms
+from gms_tools.mosaic_inundation import Mosaic_inundation
+from gms_tools.overlapping_inundation import OverlapWindowMerge
+from glob import glob
+from utils.shared_variables import elev_raster_ndv
+def run_alpha_test( fim_run_dir, version, test_id, magnitude,
+ calibrated, model,
+ compare_to_previous=False, archive_results=False,
+ mask_type='filter', inclusion_area='',
+ inclusion_area_buffer=0, light_run=False,
+ overwrite=True, fr_run_dir=None,
+ gms_workers=1,verbose=False,
+ gms_verbose=False
+ ):
+ # check eval_meta input
+ if model not in {None,'FR','MS','GMS'}:
+ raise ValueError("Model argument needs to be \'FR\', \'MS\', or \'GMS.\'")
+ # make bool
+ calibrated = bool( calibrated )
+ if (model == "MS") & (fr_run_dir is None):
+ raise ValueError("fr_run_dir argument needs to be specified with MS model")
+ benchmark_category = test_id.split('_')[1] # Parse benchmark_category from test_id.
+ current_huc = test_id.split('_')[0] # Break off HUC ID and assign to variable.
+ # Construct paths to development test results if not existent.
+ if archive_results:
+ version_test_case_dir_parent = os.path.join(TEST_CASES_DIR, benchmark_category + '_test_cases', test_id, 'official_versions', version)
+ else:
+ version_test_case_dir_parent = os.path.join(TEST_CASES_DIR, benchmark_category + '_test_cases', test_id, 'testing_versions', version)
+ # Delete the entire directory if it already exists.
+ if os.path.exists(version_test_case_dir_parent):
+ if overwrite == True:
+ shutil.rmtree(version_test_case_dir_parent)
+ elif model == 'MS':
+ pass
+ else:
+ print("Metrics for ({version}: {test_id}) already exist. Use overwrite flag (-o) to overwrite metrics.".format(version=version, test_id=test_id))
+ return
+ os.makedirs(version_test_case_dir_parent,exist_ok=True)
+ __vprint("Running the alpha test for test_id: " + test_id + ", " + version + "...",verbose)
+ stats_modes_list = ['total_area']
+ fim_run_parent = os.path.join(os.environ['outputDataDir'], fim_run_dir)
+ assert os.path.exists(fim_run_parent), "Cannot locate " + fim_run_parent
+ # get hydrofabric directory
+ hydrofabric_dir = Path(fim_run_parent).parent.absolute()
+ # Create paths to fim_run outputs for use in inundate().
+ rem = os.path.join(fim_run_parent, 'rem_zeroed_masked.tif')
+ if not os.path.exists(rem):
+ rem = os.path.join(fim_run_parent, 'rem_clipped_zeroed_masked.tif')
+ catchments = os.path.join(fim_run_parent, 'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes.tif')
+ if not os.path.exists(catchments):
+ catchments = os.path.join(fim_run_parent, 'gw_catchments_reaches_clipped_addedAttributes.tif')
+ if mask_type == 'huc':
+ catchment_poly = ''
+ else:
+ catchment_poly = os.path.join(fim_run_parent, 'gw_catchments_reaches_filtered_addedAttributes_crosswalked.gpkg')
+ hydro_table = os.path.join(fim_run_parent, 'hydroTable.csv')
+ # Map necessary inputs for inundation().
+ hucs, hucs_layerName = os.path.join(INPUTS_DIR, 'wbd', 'WBD_National.gpkg'), 'WBDHU8'
+ # Create list of shapefile paths to use as exclusion areas.
+ zones_dir = os.path.join(TEST_CASES_DIR, 'other', 'zones')
+ mask_dict = {'levees':
+ {'path': os.path.join(zones_dir, 'leveed_areas_conus.shp'),
+ 'buffer': None,
+ 'operation': 'exclude'
+ },
+ 'waterbodies':
+ {'path': os.path.join(zones_dir, 'nwm_v2_reservoirs.shp'),
+ 'buffer': None,
+ 'operation': 'exclude',
+ },
+ }
+ if inclusion_area != '':
+ inclusion_area_name = os.path.split(inclusion_area)[1].split('.')[0] # Get layer name
+ mask_dict.update({inclusion_area_name: {'path': inclusion_area,
+ 'buffer': int(inclusion_area_buffer),
+ 'operation': 'include'}})
+ # Append the concatenated inclusion_area_name and buffer.
+ if inclusion_area_buffer == None:
+ inclusion_area_buffer = 0
+ stats_modes_list.append(inclusion_area_name + '_b' + str(inclusion_area_buffer) + 'm')
+ # Check if magnitude is list of magnitudes or single value.
+ magnitude_list = magnitude
+ if type(magnitude_list) != list:
+ magnitude_list = [magnitude_list]
+ # Get path to validation_data_{benchmark} directory and huc_dir.
+ validation_data_path = os.path.join(TEST_CASES_DIR, benchmark_category + '_test_cases', 'validation_data_' + benchmark_category)
+ for magnitude in magnitude_list:
+ version_test_case_dir = os.path.join(version_test_case_dir_parent, magnitude)
+ if not os.path.exists(version_test_case_dir):
+ os.mkdir(version_test_case_dir)
+ # Construct path to validation raster and forecast file.
+ if benchmark_category in AHPS_BENCHMARK_CATEGORIES:
+ benchmark_raster_path_list, forecast_list = [], []
+ lid_dir_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(validation_data_path, current_huc))
+ lid_list, inundation_raster_list, domain_file_list = [], [], []
+ for lid in lid_dir_list:
+ lid_dir = os.path.join(validation_data_path, current_huc, lid)
+ benchmark_lid_raster_path = os.path.join(lid_dir, magnitude, 'ahps_' + lid + '_huc_' + current_huc + '_extent_' + magnitude + '.tif')
+ # Only compare if the benchmark data exist.
+ if os.path.exists(benchmark_lid_raster_path):
+ benchmark_raster_path_list.append(benchmark_lid_raster_path) # TEMP
+ forecast_list.append(os.path.join(lid_dir, magnitude, 'ahps_' + lid + '_huc_' + current_huc + '_flows_' + magnitude + '.csv')) # TEMP
+ lid_list.append(lid)
+ inundation_raster_list.append(os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, lid + '_inundation_extent.tif'))
+ domain_file_list.append(os.path.join(lid_dir, lid + '_domain.shp'))
+ else:
+ benchmark_raster_file = os.path.join(TEST_CASES_DIR, benchmark_category + '_test_cases', 'validation_data_' + benchmark_category, current_huc, magnitude, benchmark_category + '_huc_' + current_huc + '_extent_' + magnitude + '.tif')
+ benchmark_raster_path_list = [benchmark_raster_file]
+ forecast_path = os.path.join(TEST_CASES_DIR, benchmark_category + '_test_cases', 'validation_data_' + benchmark_category, current_huc, magnitude, benchmark_category + '_huc_' + current_huc + '_flows_' + magnitude + '.csv')
+ forecast_list = [forecast_path]
+ inundation_raster_list = [os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, 'inundation_extent.tif')]
+ for index in range(0, len(benchmark_raster_path_list)):
+ benchmark_raster_path = benchmark_raster_path_list[index]
+ forecast = forecast_list[index]
+ inundation_raster = inundation_raster_list[index]
+ # Only need to define ahps_lid and ahps_extent_file for AHPS_BENCHMARK_CATEGORIES.
+ if benchmark_category in AHPS_BENCHMARK_CATEGORIES:
+ ahps_lid = lid_list[index]
+ ahps_domain_file = domain_file_list[index]
+ mask_dict.update({ahps_lid:
+ {'path': ahps_domain_file,
+ 'buffer': None,
+ 'operation': 'include'}
+ })
+ if not os.path.exists(benchmark_raster_path) or not os.path.exists(ahps_domain_file) or not os.path.exists(forecast): # Skip loop instance if the benchmark raster doesn't exist.
+ continue
+ if not os.path.exists(benchmark_raster_path) or not os.path.exists(forecast): # Skip loop instance if the benchmark raster doesn't exist.
+ continue
+ # Run inundate.
+ __vprint("-----> Running inundate() to produce inundation extent for the " + magnitude + " magnitude...",verbose)
+ # The inundate adds the huc to the name so I account for that here.
+ predicted_raster_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.split(inundation_raster)[0],
+ os.path.split(inundation_raster)[1].replace('.tif', '_'+current_huc+'.tif')
+ )
+ try:
+ if model == 'GMS':
+ map_file = Inundate_gms(
+ hydrofabric_dir=hydrofabric_dir,
+ forecast=forecast,
+ num_workers=gms_workers,
+ hucs=current_huc,
+ inundation_raster=inundation_raster,
+ inundation_polygon=None, depths_raster=None,
+ verbose=gms_verbose,
+ log_file=None,
+ output_fileNames=None
+ )
+ mask_path_gms = os.path.join(fim_run_parent, 'wbd.gpkg')
+ Mosaic_inundation(
+ map_file,mosaic_attribute='inundation_rasters',
+ mosaic_output=inundation_raster,
+ mask=mask_path_gms,unit_attribute_name='huc8',
+ nodata=elev_raster_ndv,workers=1,
+ remove_inputs=True,
+ subset=None,verbose=verbose
+ )
+ else:
+ inundate(
+ rem,catchments,catchment_poly,hydro_table,forecast,
+ mask_type,hucs=hucs,hucs_layerName=hucs_layerName,
+ subset_hucs=current_huc,num_workers=1,aggregate=False,
+ inundation_raster=inundation_raster,inundation_polygon=None,
+ depths=None,out_raster_profile=None,out_vector_profile=None,
+ quiet=True
+ )
+ if model =='MS':
+ # Mainstems inundation
+ #fr_run_parent = os.path.join(os.environ['outputDataDir'], fr_run_dir,current_huc)
+ #assert os.path.exists(fr_run_parent), "Cannot locate " + fr_run_parent
+ inundation_raster_ms = os.path.join(
+ os.path.split(inundation_raster)[0],
+ os.path.split(inundation_raster)[1].replace('.tif', '_{}_MS.tif'.format(current_huc))
+ )
+ inundation_raster_fr = os.path.join(
+ os.path.split(version_test_case_dir_parent)[0],
+ fr_run_dir,
+ magnitude,
+ os.path.split(inundation_raster)[1].replace('.tif', '_'+current_huc+'.tif')
+ )
+ os.rename(predicted_raster_path,inundation_raster_ms)
+ ms_inundation_map_file = {
+ 'huc8' : [current_huc] * 2,
+ 'branchID' : [None] * 2,
+ 'inundation_rasters' : [inundation_raster_fr,inundation_raster_ms],
+ 'depths_rasters' : [None] * 2,
+ 'inundation_polygons' : [None] * 2
+ }
+ ms_inundation_map_file = pd.DataFrame(ms_inundation_map_file)
+ Mosaic_inundation(
+ ms_inundation_map_file,mosaic_attribute='inundation_rasters',
+ mosaic_output=inundation_raster,
+ mask=catchment_poly,unit_attribute_name='huc8',
+ nodata=elev_raster_ndv,workers=1,
+ remove_inputs=False,
+ subset=None,verbose=verbose
+ )
+ __vprint("-----> Inundation mapping complete.",verbose)
+ # Define outputs for agreement_raster, stats_json, and stats_csv.
+ if benchmark_category in AHPS_BENCHMARK_CATEGORIES:
+ agreement_raster, stats_json, stats_csv = os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, lid + 'total_area_agreement.tif'), os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, 'stats.json'), os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, 'stats.csv')
+ else:
+ agreement_raster, stats_json, stats_csv = os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, 'total_area_agreement.tif'), os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, 'stats.json'), os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, 'stats.csv')
+ compute_contingency_stats_from_rasters(predicted_raster_path,
+ benchmark_raster_path,
+ agreement_raster,
+ stats_csv=stats_csv,
+ stats_json=stats_json,
+ mask_values=[],
+ stats_modes_list=stats_modes_list,
+ test_id=test_id,
+ mask_dict=mask_dict,
+ )
+ if benchmark_category in AHPS_BENCHMARK_CATEGORIES:
+ del mask_dict[ahps_lid]
+ __vprint(" ",verbose)
+ # print("Evaluation complete. All metrics for " + test_id + ", " + version + ", " + magnitude + " are available at " + CYAN_BOLD + version_test_case_dir + ENDC) # GMS
+ __vprint("Evaluation metrics for " + test_id + ", " + version + ", " + magnitude + " are available at " + CYAN_BOLD + version_test_case_dir + ENDC,verbose) # cahaba/dev
+ __vprint(" ",verbose)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(traceback.print_exc())
+ #print(e)
+ if benchmark_category in AHPS_BENCHMARK_CATEGORIES:
+ # -- Delete temp files -- #
+ # List all files in the output directory.
+ output_file_list = os.listdir(version_test_case_dir)
+ for output_file in output_file_list:
+ if "total_area" in output_file:
+ full_output_file_path = os.path.join(version_test_case_dir, output_file)
+ os.remove(full_output_file_path)
+ # write out evaluation meta-data
+ with open(os.path.join(version_test_case_dir_parent,'eval_metadata.json'),'w') as meta:
+ eval_meta = { 'calibrated' : calibrated , 'model' : model }
+ meta.write(
+ json.dumps(eval_meta,indent=2)
+ )
+def __vprint(message,verbose):
+ if verbose:
+ print(message)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Parse arguments.
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Inundation mapping and regression analysis for FOSS FIM. Regression analysis results are stored in the test directory.')
+ parser.add_argument('-r','--fim-run-dir',help='Name of directory containing outputs of',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-b', '--version',help='The name of the working version in which features are being tested',required=True,default="")
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--test-id',help='The test_id to use. Format as: HUC_BENCHMARKTYPE, e.g. 12345678_ble.',required=True,default="")
+ parser.add_argument('-m', '--mask-type', help='Specify \'huc\' (FIM < 3) or \'filter\' (FIM >= 3) masking method. MS and GMS are currently on supporting huc', required=False,default="filter")
+ parser.add_argument('-n','--calibrated',help='Denotes use of calibrated n values',required=False, default=False,action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-e','--model',help='Denotes model used. FR, MS, or GMS allowed',required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-y', '--magnitude',help='The magnitude to run.',required=False, default="")
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--compare-to-previous', help='Compare to previous versions of HAND.', required=False,action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-a', '--archive-results', help='Automatically copy results to the "previous_version" archive for test_id. For admin use only.', required=False,action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--inclusion-area', help='Path to shapefile. Contingency metrics will be produced from pixels inside of shapefile extent.', required=False, default="")
+ parser.add_argument('-ib','--inclusion-area-buffer', help='Buffer to use when masking contingency metrics with inclusion area.', required=False, default="0")
+ parser.add_argument('-l', '--light-run', help='Using the light_run option will result in only stat files being written, and NOT grid files.', required=False, action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-o','--overwrite',help='Overwrite all metrics or only fill in missing metrics.',required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('-w','--gms-workers', help='Number of workers to use for GMS Branch Inundation', required=False, default=1)
+ parser.add_argument('-d','--fr-run-dir',help='Name of test case directory containing inundation for FR configuration',required=False,default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose operation', required=False, action='store_true', default=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-vg', '--gms-verbose', help='Prints progress bar for GMS', required=False, action='store_true', default=False)
+ # Extract to dictionary and assign to variables.
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args())
+ valid_test_id_list = os.listdir(TEST_CASES_DIR)
+ exit_flag = False # Default to False.
+ __vprint("",args['verbose'])
+ # Ensure test_id is valid.
+# if args['test_id'] not in valid_test_id_list:
+# print(TRED_BOLD + "Warning: " + WHITE_BOLD + "The provided test_id (-t) " + CYAN_BOLD + args['test_id'] + WHITE_BOLD + " is not available." + ENDC)
+# print(WHITE_BOLD + "Available test_ids include: " + ENDC)
+# for test_id in valid_test_id_list:
+# if 'validation' not in test_id.split('_') and 'ble' in test_id.split('_'):
+# print(CYAN_BOLD + test_id + ENDC)
+# print()
+# exit_flag = True
+ # Ensure fim_run_dir exists.
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.environ['outputDataDir'], args['fim_run_dir'])):
+ print(TRED_BOLD + "Warning: " + WHITE_BOLD + "The provided fim_run_dir (-r) " + CYAN_BOLD + args['fim_run_dir'] + WHITE_BOLD + " could not be located in the 'outputs' directory." + ENDC)
+ print(WHITE_BOLD + "Please provide the parent directory name for outputs. These outputs are usually written in a subdirectory, e.g. outputs/123456/123456." + ENDC)
+ print()
+ exit_flag = True
+ # Ensure inclusion_area path exists.
+ if args['inclusion_area'] != "" and not os.path.exists(args['inclusion_area']):
+ print(TRED_BOLD + "Error: " + WHITE_BOLD + "The provided inclusion_area (-i) " + CYAN_BOLD + args['inclusion_area'] + WHITE_BOLD + " could not be located." + ENDC)
+ exit_flag = True
+ try:
+ inclusion_buffer = int(args['inclusion_area_buffer'])
+ except ValueError:
+ print(TRED_BOLD + "Error: " + WHITE_BOLD + "The provided inclusion_area_buffer (-ib) " + CYAN_BOLD + args['inclusion_area_buffer'] + WHITE_BOLD + " is not a round number." + ENDC)
+ benchmark_category = args['test_id'].split('_')[1]
+ if args['magnitude'] == '':
+ if 'ble' == benchmark_category:
+ args['magnitude'] = BLE_MAGNITUDE_LIST
+ elif ('nws' == benchmark_category) | ('usgs' == benchmark_category):
+ args['magnitude'] = ['action', 'minor', 'moderate', 'major']
+ elif 'ifc' == current_benchmark_category:
+ args['magnitude'] = IFC_MAGNITUDE_LIST
+ else:
+ print(TRED_BOLD + "Error: " + WHITE_BOLD + "The provided magnitude (-y) " + CYAN_BOLD + args['magnitude'] + WHITE_BOLD + " is invalid. ble options include: 100yr, 500yr. ahps options include action, minor, moderate, major." + ENDC)
+ exit_flag = True
+ if exit_flag:
+ print()
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ run_alpha_test(**args)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 04356c3e7..0c31a6fb8 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
DISCARD_AHPS_QUERY = "not flow.isnull() & masked_perc<97 & not nws_lid in @BAD_SITES"
+elev_raster_ndv = -9999.0
# Colors.
ENDC = '\033[m'
TGREEN_BOLD = '\033[32;1m'