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Merge branch 'ashao-origin/offline_tracers' into dev/master
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adcroft committed Oct 24, 2016
2 parents bfee951 + fe2e8f3 commit f34360f
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,856 additions and 153 deletions.
63 changes: 44 additions & 19 deletions config_src/solo_driver/MOM_driver.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ program MOM_main
use MOM_diag_mediator, only : diag_mediator_close_registration, diag_mediator_end
use MOM, only : initialize_MOM, step_MOM, MOM_control_struct, MOM_end
use MOM, only : calculate_surface_state, finish_MOM_initialization
use MOM, only : step_tracers
use MOM_domains, only : MOM_infra_init, MOM_infra_end
use MOM_error_handler, only : MOM_error, MOM_mesg, WARNING, FATAL, is_root_pe
use MOM_error_handler, only : callTree_enter, callTree_leave, callTree_waypoint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ program MOM_main
! representation of time_step.
real :: time_step ! The time step of a call to step_MOM in seconds.
real :: dt ! The baroclinic dynamics time step, in seconds.
real :: dt_off ! Offline time step in seconds
integer :: ntstep ! The number of baroclinic dynamics time steps
! within time_step.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,6 +171,14 @@ program MOM_main
logical :: unit_in_use
integer :: initClock, mainClock, termClock

logical :: offline_tracer_mode ! If false, use the model in prognostic mode where
! the barotropic and baroclinic dynamics, thermodynamics,
! etc. are stepped forward integrated in time.
! If true, then all of the above are bypassed with all
! fields necessary to integrate only the tracer advection
! and diffusion equation are read in from files stored from
! a previous integration of the prognostic model

type(MOM_control_struct), pointer :: MOM_CSp => NULL()
type(surface_forcing_CS), pointer :: surface_forcing_CSp => NULL()
type(sum_output_CS), pointer :: sum_output_CSp => NULL()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,17 +260,18 @@ program MOM_main
Start_time = set_time(0,days=0)

if (sum(date) >= 0) then
! In this case, the segment starts at a time fixed by ocean_solo.res
segment_start_time = set_date(date(1),date(2),date(3),date(4),date(5),date(6))
Time = segment_start_time
call initialize_MOM(Time, param_file, dirs, MOM_CSp, segment_start_time)
! Note the not before CS%d
call initialize_MOM(Time, param_file, dirs, MOM_CSp, segment_start_time, offline_tracer_mode = offline_tracer_mode)
! In this case, the segment starts at a time read from the MOM restart file
! or left as Start_time by MOM_initialize.
Time = Start_time
call initialize_MOM(Time, param_file, dirs, MOM_CSp)
call initialize_MOM(Time, param_file, dirs, MOM_CSp, offline_tracer_mode=offline_tracer_mode)
fluxes%C_p = MOM_CSp%tv%C_p ! Copy the heat capacity for consistency.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,8 +309,12 @@ program MOM_main
call get_param(param_file, mod, "DT_FORCING", time_step, &
"The time step for changing forcing, coupling with other \n"//&
"components, or potentially writing certain diagnostics. \n"//&
"The default value is given by DT.", units="s", default=dt)

"The default value is given by DT.", units="s", default=dt)
if (offline_tracer_mode) then
call get_param(param_file, mod, "DT_OFFLINE", time_step, &
"Time step for the offline time step")
dt = time_step
ntstep = MAX(1,ceiling(time_step/dt - 0.001))

Time_step_ocean = set_time(int(floor(time_step+0.5)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,6 +365,7 @@ program MOM_main
"The interval in units of TIMEUNIT between saves of the \n"//&
"energies of the run and other globally summed diagnostics.", &
default=set_time(int(time_step+0.5)), timeunit=Time_unit)

call log_param(param_file, mod, "ELAPSED TIME AS MASTER", elapsed_time_master)

! Close the param_file. No further parsing of input is possible after this.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,8 +415,10 @@ program MOM_main
call callTree_enter("Main loop, MOM_driver.F90",n)

! Set the forcing for the next steps.
call set_forcing(state, fluxes, Time, Time_step_ocean, grid, &
if (.not. offline_tracer_mode) then
call set_forcing(state, fluxes, Time, Time_step_ocean, grid, &
if (MOM_CSp%debug) then
call MOM_forcing_chksum("After set forcing", fluxes, grid, haloshift=0)
Expand All @@ -423,10 +441,14 @@ program MOM_main

! This call steps the model over a time time_step.
Time1 = Master_Time ; Time = Master_Time
call step_MOM(fluxes, state, Time1, time_step, MOM_CSp)
if (offline_tracer_mode) then
call step_tracers(fluxes, state, Time1, time_step, MOM_CSp)
call step_MOM(fluxes, state, Time1, time_step, MOM_CSp)

! Time = Time + Time_step_ocean
! This is here to enable fractional-second time steps.
! Time = Time + Time_step_ocean
! This is here to enable fractional-second time steps.
elapsed_time = elapsed_time + time_step
if (elapsed_time > 2e9) then
! This is here to ensure that the conversion from a real to an integer
Expand All @@ -450,15 +472,17 @@ program MOM_main
call disable_averaging(MOM_CSp%diag)

if (fluxes%fluxes_used) then
call enable_averaging(fluxes%dt_buoy_accum, Time, MOM_CSp%diag)
call forcing_diagnostics(fluxes, state, fluxes%dt_buoy_accum, grid, &
MOM_CSp%diag, surface_forcing_CSp%handles)
call accumulate_net_input(fluxes, state, fluxes%dt_buoy_accum, grid, sum_output_CSp)
call disable_averaging(MOM_CSp%diag)
call MOM_error(FATAL, "The solo MOM_driver is not yet set up to handle "//&
"thermodynamic time steps that are longer than the couping timestep.")
if (.not. offline_tracer_mode) then
if (fluxes%fluxes_used) then
call enable_averaging(fluxes%dt_buoy_accum, Time, MOM_CSp%diag)
call forcing_diagnostics(fluxes, state, fluxes%dt_buoy_accum, grid, &
MOM_CSp%diag, surface_forcing_CSp%handles)
call accumulate_net_input(fluxes, state, fluxes%dt_buoy_accum, grid, sum_output_CSp)
call disable_averaging(MOM_CSp%diag)
call MOM_error(FATAL, "The solo MOM_driver is not yet set up to handle "//&
"thermodynamic time steps that are longer than the coupling timestep.")

! See if it is time to write out the energy.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,7 +526,8 @@ program MOM_main
if (Restart_control>=0) then
if (MOM_CSp%dt_trans > 0.0) call MOM_error(WARNING, "End of MOM_main reached "//&
"with a non-zero dt_trans. Additional restart fields are required.")
if (.not.fluxes%fluxes_used) call MOM_error(FATAL, "End of MOM_main reached "//&
if (.not.fluxes%fluxes_used .and. .not. offline_tracer_mode) call MOM_error(FATAL, &
"End of MOM_main reached "//&
"with unused buoyancy fluxes. For conservation, the ocean restart "//&
"files can only be created after the buoyancy forcing is applied.")

Expand Down
118 changes: 115 additions & 3 deletions src/ALE/MOM_ALE.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,14 +97,17 @@ module MOM_ALE
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: id_tracer_remap_tendency !< diagnostic id
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: id_Htracer_remap_tendency !< diagnostic id
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: id_Htracer_remap_tendency_2d !< diagnostic id
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: do_tendency_diag !< flag for doing diagnostics
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: do_tendency_diag !< flag for doing diagnostics
integer :: id_dzRegrid

end type

! Publicly available functions
public ALE_init
public ALE_end
public ALE_main
public ALE_main
public ALE_main_offline
public ALE_offline_tracer_final
public ALE_build_grid
public ALE_remap_scalar
public pressure_gradient_plm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,6 +285,9 @@ subroutine ALE_register_diags(Time, G, diag, C_p, Reg, CS)
CS%id_Htracer_remap_tendency(:) = -1
CS%id_Htracer_remap_tendency_2d(:) = -1

CS%id_dzRegrid = register_diag_field('ocean_model','dzRegrid',diag%axesTi,Time, &
'Change in interface height due to ALE regridding', 'meter')

if(ntr > 0) then

do m=1,ntr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,7 +381,6 @@ subroutine ALE_main( G, GV, h, u, v, tv, Reg, CS, dt)
type(tracer_registry_type), pointer :: Reg !< Tracer registry structure
type(ALE_CS), pointer :: CS !< Regridding parameters and options
real, optional, intent(in) :: dt !< Time step between calls to ALE_main()

! Local variables
real, dimension(SZI_(G), SZJ_(G), SZK_(GV)+1) :: dzRegrid ! The change in grid interface positions
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: h_new ! New 3D grid obtained after last time step (m or Pa)
Expand All @@ -399,6 +404,7 @@ subroutine ALE_main( G, GV, h, u, v, tv, Reg, CS, dt)
if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_waypoint("new grid generated (ALE_main)")

! Remap all variables from old grid h onto new grid h_new

call remap_all_state_vars( CS%remapCS, CS, G, GV, h, h_new, -dzRegrid, Reg, &
u, v, CS%show_call_tree, dt )

Expand All @@ -414,8 +420,114 @@ subroutine ALE_main( G, GV, h, u, v, tv, Reg, CS, dt)

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_leave("ALE_main()")

if (CS%id_dzRegrid>0 .and. present(dt)) call post_data(CS%id_dzRegrid, dzRegrid, CS%diag)

end subroutine ALE_main

!> Takes care of (1) building a new grid and (2) remapping all variables between
!! the old grid and the new grid. The creation of the new grid can be based
!! on z coordinates, target interface densities, sigma coordinates or any
!! arbitrary coordinate system.
subroutine ALE_main_offline( G, GV, h, tv, Reg, CS, dt)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Ocean grid informations
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid structure
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(inout) :: h !< Current 3D grid obtained after last time step (m or Pa)
type(thermo_var_ptrs), intent(inout) :: tv !< Thermodynamic variable structure
type(tracer_registry_type), pointer :: Reg !< Tracer registry structure
type(ALE_CS), pointer :: CS !< Regridding parameters and options
real, optional, intent(in) :: dt !< Time step between calls to ALE_main()
! Local variables
real, dimension(SZI_(G), SZJ_(G), SZK_(GV)+1) :: dzRegrid ! The change in grid interface positions
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: h_new ! New 3D grid obtained after last time step (m or Pa)
integer :: nk, i, j, k, isc, iec, jsc, jec

nk = GV%ke; isc = G%isc; iec = G%iec; jsc = G%jsc; jec = G%jec

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_enter("ALE_main_offline(), MOM_ALE.F90")

if (present(dt)) then
call ALE_update_regrid_weights( dt, CS )
dzRegrid(:,:,:) = 0.0

! Build new grid. The new grid is stored in h_new. The old grid is h.
! Both are needed for the subsequent remapping of variables.
call regridding_main( CS%remapCS, CS%regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid )

call check_grid( G, GV, h, 0. )

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_waypoint("new grid generated (ALE_main)")

! Remap all variables from old grid h onto new grid h_new

call remap_all_state_vars( CS%remapCS, CS, G, GV, h, h_new, -dzRegrid, Reg, &
debug=CS%show_call_tree, dt=dt )

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_waypoint("state remapped (ALE_main)")

! Override old grid with new one. The new grid 'h_new' is built in
! one of the 'build_...' routines above.
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isc,iec,jsc,jec,nk,h,h_new,CS)
do k = 1,nk
do j = jsc-1,jec+1 ; do i = isc-1,iec+1
h(i,j,k) = h_new(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_leave("ALE_main()")
if (CS%id_dzRegrid>0 .and. present(dt)) call post_data(CS%id_dzRegrid, dzRegrid, CS%diag)

end subroutine ALE_main_offline

!> Remaps all tracers from h onto h_target. This is intended to be called when tracers
!! are done offline. In the case where transports don't quite conserve, we still want to
!! make sure that layer thicknesses offline do not drift too far away from the online model
subroutine ALE_offline_tracer_final( G, GV, h, h_target, Reg, CS)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Ocean grid informations
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean vertical grid structure
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(inout) :: h !< Current 3D grid obtained after last time step (m or Pa)
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_target !< Current 3D grid obtained after last time step (m or Pa)
type(tracer_registry_type), pointer :: Reg !< Tracer registry structure
type(ALE_CS), pointer :: CS !< Regridding parameters and options
! Local variables

real, dimension(SZI_(G), SZJ_(G), SZK_(GV)+1) :: dzRegrid ! The change in grid interface positions
integer :: nk, i, j, k, isc, iec, jsc, jec

nk = GV%ke; isc = G%isc; iec = G%iec; jsc = G%jsc; jec = G%jec

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_enter("ALE_offline_tracer_final(), MOM_ALE.F90")

! It does not seem that remap_all_state_vars uses dzRegrid for tracers, only for u, v
dzRegrid(:,:,:) = 0.0

call check_grid( G, GV, h, 0. )
call check_grid( G, GV, h_target, 0. )

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_waypoint("Source and target grids checked (ALE_offline_tracer)")

! Remap all variables from old grid h onto new grid h_new

call remap_all_state_vars( CS%remapCS, CS, G, GV, h, h_target, -dzRegrid, Reg, &
debug=CS%show_call_tree )

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_waypoint("state remapped (ALE_offline_tracer)")

! Override old grid with new one. The new grid 'h_new' is built in
! one of the 'build_...' routines above.
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isc,iec,jsc,jec,nk,h,h_target,CS)
do k = 1,nk
do j = jsc-1,jec+1 ; do i = isc-1,iec+1
h(i,j,k) = h_target(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo

if (CS%show_call_tree) call callTree_leave("ALE_offline_tracer()")

end subroutine ALE_offline_tracer_final

!> Check grid for negative thicknesses
subroutine check_grid( G, GV, h, threshold )
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Ocean grid structure
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