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Doxygenized comments in MOM_offline_control.F90 and responded to requ…
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Andrew Shao committed Oct 10, 2016
1 parent 966814f commit e175527
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 134 deletions.
213 changes: 79 additions & 134 deletions src/tracer/MOM_offline_control.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,54 +1,6 @@
!* GNU General Public License *
!* This file is a part of MOM. *
!* *
!* MOM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and *
!* are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License *
!* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
!* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
!* *
!* MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT *
!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the impliec warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
!* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public *
!* License for more details. *
!* *
!* For the full text of the GNU General Public License, *
!* write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
!* 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *
!* or see: *

!* *
!* By Andrew Shao 2016 *
!* *
!* The subroutines here allow MOM6 to be run in a so-called 'offline' *
!* mode ostensibly for the purpose of modeling tracers. Instead of *
!* calculating mass transports prognostically, these fields are read *
!* at regular intervals which have been saved from a previous *
!* integration of MOM6. *
!* *
!* Users should note that by accumulating fluxes over a range dt, *
!* homogeneity over that time period is implictly assumed. For *
!* example, this means that for fluxes accumulated over a day, the *
!* diurnal cycling of the surface boundary layer is not resolved, but *
!* total transport should be conserved. It is the user's *
!* responsibility to determine what the appropriate offline time *
!* scale should be. As a general guidance for global configurations *
!* 5 days seems to be a reasonable choice. *
!* *
!* The actual driver for offline tracer transport is in the *
!* subroutine step_tracers in MOM.F90. *
!* *
!* Brief instructions for how to use this capability are detailed *
!* at the end of this file. Also, see the Baltic_ALE_z test case. *
!* *
!* Macros written all in capital letters are defined in MOM_memory.h *
!* *

!> Contains routines related to offline transport of tracers
module MOM_offline_transport

! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.

use data_override_mod, only : data_override_init, data_override
use MOM_time_manager, only : time_type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,11 +68,11 @@ module MOM_offline_transport
public limit_mass_flux_3d


subroutine transport_by_files(G, GV, CS, h_end, eatr, ebtr, uhtr, vhtr, khdt_x, khdt_y, &
temp, salt, fluxes, do_ale_in)
!> Controls the reading in 3d mass fluxes, diffusive fluxes, and other fields stored
!! in a previous integration of the online model
subroutine transport_by_files(G, GV, CS, h_end, eatr, ebtr, uhtr, vhtr, khdt_x, khdt_y, &
temp, salt, fluxes, do_ale_in)

type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(inout) :: GV
type(offline_transport_CS), intent(inout) :: CS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,86 +486,79 @@ subroutine limit_mass_flux_3d(G, GV, uh, vh, ea, eb, h_pre, max_off_cfl)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

end subroutine limit_mass_flux_3d

!> \namespace mom_offline_transport
!! \section offline_overview Offline Tracer Transport in MOM6
!! 'Offline tracer modeling' uses physical fields (e.g. mass transports and layer thicknesses) saved
!! from a previous integration of the physical model to transport passive tracers. These fields are
!! accumulated or averaged over a period of time (in this test case, 1 day) and used to integrate
!! portions of the MOM6 code base that handle the 3d advection and diffusion of passive tracers.
!! The distribution of tracers in the ocean modeled offline should not be expected to match an online
!! simulation. Accumulating transports over more than one online model timestep implicitly assumes
!! homogeneity over that time period and essentially aliases over processes that occur with higher
!! frequency. For example, consider the case of a surface boundary layer with a strong diurnal cycle.
!! An offline simulation with a 1 day timestep, captures the net transport into or out of that layer,
!! but not the exact cycling. This effective aliasing may also complicate online model configurations
!! which strongly-eddying regions. In this case, the offline model timestep must be limited to some
!! fraction of the eddy correlation timescale. Lastly, the nonlinear advection scheme which applies
!! limited mass-transports over a sequence of iterations means that tracers are not transported along
!! exactly the same path as they are in the online model.
!! This capability has currently targeted the Baltic_ALE_z test case, though some work has also been
!! done with the OM4 1/2 degree configuration. Work is ongoing to develop recommendations and best
!! practices for investigators seeking to use MOM6 for offline tracer modeling.
!! \section offline_technical Implementation of offline routine in MOM6
!! The subroutine step_tracers that coordinates this can be found in MOM.F90 and is only called
!! using the solo ocean driver. This is to avoid issues with coupling to other climate components
!! that may be relying on fluxes from the ocean to be coupled more often than the offline time step.
!! Other routines related to offline tracer modeling can be found in tracers/MOM_offline_control.F90
!! As can also be seen in the comments for the step_tracers subroutine, an offline time step
!! comprises the following steps:
!! -# Using the layer thicknesses and tracer concentrations from the previous timestep,
!! half of the accumulated vertical mixing (eatr and ebtr) is applied in the call to
!! tracer_column_fns.
!! For tracers whose source/sink terms need dt, this value is set to 1/2 dt_offline
!! -# Half of the accumulated surface freshwater fluxes are applied
!! -# Accumulated mass fluxes are used to do horizontal transport. The number of iterations
!! used in advect_tracer is limited to 2 (e.g x->y->x->y). The remaining mass fluxes are
!! stored for later use and resulting layer thicknesses fed into the next step
!! -# Tracers and the h-grid are regridded and remapped in a call to ALE. This allows for
!! layers which might 'vanish' because of horizontal mass transport to be 'reinflated'
!! and essentially allows for the vertical transport of tracers
!! -# Check that transport is done if the remaining mass fluxes equals 0 or if the max
!! number of iterations has been reached
!! -# Repeat steps 1 and 2
!! -# Force a remapping to the stored layer thicknesses that correspond to the snapshot of
!! the online model at the end of an accumulation interval
!! -3 Reset T/S and h to their stored snapshotted values to prevent model drift
!! \section offline_evaluation Evaluating the utility of an offline tracer model
!! How well an offline tracer model can be used as an alternative to integrating tracers online
!! with the prognostic model must be evaluated for each application. This efficacy may be related
!! to the native coordinate of the online model, to the length of the offline timestep, and to the
!! behavior of the tracer itself.
!! A framework for formally regression testing the offline capability still needs to be developed.
!! However, as a simple way of testing whether the offline model is nominally behaving as expected,
!! the total inventory of the advection test tracers (tr1, tr2, etc.) should be conserved between
!! time steps except for the last 4 decimal places. As a general guideline, an offline timestep of
!! 5 days or less.
!! \section offline_parameters Runtime parameters for offline tracers
!! - OFFLINEDIR: Input directory where the offline fields can be found
!! - OFF_SUM_FILE: Filename where the accumulated fields can be found (e.g. horizontal mass transports)
!! - OFF_SNAP_FILE: Filename where snapshot fields can be found (e.g. end of timestep layer thickness)
!! - START_INDEX: Which timelevel of the input files to read first
!! - NUMTIME: How many timelevels to read before 'looping' back to 1
!! - FIELDS_ARE_OFFSET: True if the time-averaged fields and snapshot fields are offset by one
!! time level, probably not needed
!! -NUM_OFF_ITER: Maximum number of iterations to do for the nonlinear advection scheme

end module MOM_offline_transport

! Instructions for running passive tracers offline in MOM6
! Contact: Andrew Shao (
! Last modified: 7 October 2016
! ----
! ----
! 1) Follow instructions to compile MOM6 executables using ice_ocean_SIS2 and ocean_only drivers
! 2) Link executables to Baltic_ALE_z directory (replace 'intel' and 'repro' as necessary)
! ln -s ../../build/intel/ice_ocean_SIS2/repro/MOM6 ./MOM6_coupled
! ln -s ../../build/intel/ice_ocean_SIS2/repro/MOM6 ./MOM6_ocean_only
! 3) Run model forward using the provided script to generate necessary fields
! source
! 4) Run model offline
! source
! ----
! ----
! 'Offline tracer modeling' uses physical fields (e.g. mass transports and layer thicknesses) saved
! from a previous integration of the physical model to transport passive tracers. These fields are
! accumulated or averaged over a period of time (in this test case, 1 day) and used to integrate
! portions of the MOM6 code base that handle the 3d advection and diffusion of passive tracers.
! This capability has currently targeted the Baltic_ALE_z test case, though some work has also been
! done with the OM4 1/2 degree configuration. Work is ongoing to develop recommendations and best
! practices for investigators seeking to use MOM6 for offline tracer modeling.
! The subroutine step_tracers that coordinates this can be found in MOM.F90 and is only called
! using the solo ocean driver. This is to avoid issues with coupling to other climate components
! that may be relying on fluxes from the ocean to be coupled more often than the offline time step.
! Other routines related to offline tracer modeling can be found in tracers/MOM_offline_control.F90
! As can also be seen in the comments for the step_tracers subroutine, an offline time step
! comprises the following steps
! 1) Using the layer thicknesses and tracer concentrations from the previous timestep,
! half of the accumulated vertical mixing (eatr and ebtr) is applied in the call to
! tracer_column_fns.
! For tracers whose source/sink terms need dt, this value is set to 1/2 dt_offline
! 2) Half of the accumulated surface freshwater fluxes are applied
! 3) Accumulated mass fluxes are used to do horizontal transport. The number of iterations
! used in advect_tracer is limited to 2 (e.g x->y->x->y). The remaining mass fluxes are
! stored for later use and resulting layer thicknesses fed into the next step
! 4) Tracers and the h-grid are regridded and remapped in a call to ALE. This allows for
! layers which might 'vanish' because of horizontal mass transport to be 'reinflated'
! and essentially allows for the vertical transport of tracers
! 5) Check that transport is done if the remaining mass fluxes equals 0 or if the max
! number of iterations has been reached
! 6) Repeat steps 1 and 2
! 7) Force a remapping to the stored layer thicknesses that correspond to the snapshot of
! the online model at the end of an accumulation interval
! 8) Reset T/S and h to their stored snapshotted values to prevent model drift
! ----
! ----
! A framework for formally regression testing the offline capability still needs to be developed.
! However, as a simple way of testing whether the offline model is nominally behaving as expected,
! the total inventory of the advection test tracers (tr1, tr2, etc.) should be conserved between
! time steps except for the last 4 decimal places.
! ----
! MOM_input parameters
! ----
! OFFLINEDIR ! default = ""
! ! Input directory where the offline fields can be found
! OFF_SUM_FILE ! default = ""
! ! Filename where the accumulated fields can be found
! OFF_SNAP_FILE ! default = ""
! ! Filename where snapshot fields can be found
! START_INDEX = ! default = 1
! ! Which time index to start from
! NUMTIME = ! default = 0
! ! Number of timelevels in offline input files
! FIELDS_ARE_OFFSET ! [Boolean] default = False
! ! True if the time-averaged fields and snapshot fields are offset by one time level
! ! Number of iterations to subdivide the offline tracer advection and diffusion
! DT_OFFLINE ! Length of the offline timestep

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