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Nic Hannah edited this page Apr 13, 2015 · 66 revisions

Welcome to MOM6 - a next-generation open-source ocean model that combines the best of GOLD ( and MOM5 ( This wiki describes the installation and setup of MOM6 and the accompanying sea ice model, SIS2. It also outlines how you can contribute to the project.

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The MOM6-examples repository provides all the configuration data for MOM6 and SIS2 experiments. The MOM6 and SIS2 source codes reside in their own repositories. This wiki is devoted to the installation and setup of MOM6 & SIS2, as well as the procedures for working with these three repositories. The rationale about the three-repositories is provided in about MOM6-examples.

Wiki index

  1. About MOM6-examples
  2. How to get help and report issues
  3. Installing MOM6 and SIS2
  4. git configuration and environment
  5. Clone MOM6-examples 1. Forking MOM6 1. Forking SIS2 1. Cloning FMS and setting your versions 1. Info on Setups for collaborators
  6. Obtaining make templates from FRE
  7. Obtaining other components for coupled models
  8. Obtaining INPUT data sets
  9. Setup for developers (with write-access on GitHub)
  10. Compiling MOM6
  11. Set up a compiler environment
  12. Compiling MOM6 in ocean-only mode
  13. Compiling MOM6 in MOM6 SIS2 coupled mode
  14. Using different compilers on gaea
  15. Running a model
  16. Running and changing the "benchmark" test
  17. Workflow for developers (GFDL)
  18. git status and fetch
  19. Creating a branch
  20. Your branch is behind and can be fast-forwarded - git pull
  21. Commit procedure for MOM6 and MOM6-examples
  22. Your branch is ahead - git push
  23. Your branch has diverged - git pull --rebase
  24. Sub-module has modified content
  25. Sub-module has new commits
  26. When and where to branch
  27. Workflow for collaborators on forks
  28. Syncing a fork with the master
  29. MOM6 repository policies