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Compile and run

L1 Bridge contract

  • L1 Bridge contract L1Bridge.sol is deployed at 0x8AA60017c581eD84eeaA800482E18475CC4aF36a
    • you can deploy L1Bridge contract by running npx hardhat run scripts/deploy_l1_bridge.ts --network goerli
    • the constructor takes in the StarkNet Core contract address which is deployed at 0x5e6229F2D4d977d20A50219E521dE6Dd694d45cc
  • You will be using L1 Bridge contract to deposit into and withdraw from L2 contract
    • First, use deposit to deposit token into L1 Bridge contract
    • Next, use depositToL2 to deposit the deposited token in previous step into L2 contract
    • After you are done in L2, use withdrawFromL2 to withdraw token from L2 contract
    • Finally, use withdraw to withdraw the token out of L1 Bridge contract

L2 RFQ contract

L2 RFQ contract is deployed at 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 Currently StarkNet state is pruned frequently so don't expect deployed contract to last.

L2 Proxy contract

This contract is used as a contract to interact with RFQ contract, as a demonstration of L2 contract interoperability.

Or you can deploy a new set of contracts

Compile the proxy contract

  • starknet-compile cairo/proxy.cairo --output proxy_compiled.json --abi proxy_abi.json


  • starknet deploy --contract proxy_compiled.json --network alpha
    • it will output contract address and transaction id, for example:
    Deploy transaction was sent.
    Contract address: 0x0250df919d12eeabc80dc2a5301faf00a6c371a20136d2a473566d9a531b5217
    Transaction ID: 225622

Compile the RFQ contract

  • starknet-compile cairo/rfq.cairo --output rfq_compiled.json --abi rfq_abi.json


  • starknet deploy --contract rfq_compiled.json --network alpha
    • it will output contract address and transaction id, for example:
    Deploy transaction was sent.
    Contract address: 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96
    Transaction ID: 203291

Set L1 contract address in RFQ contract

  • invoke set_L1_CONTRACT_ADDRESS function on RFQ contract with param new_L1_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, for example,
    starknet invoke \
        --address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 \
        --abi rfq_abi.json \
        --function set_L1_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
        --inputs 791542658165672915894689935354852738633778787178
        --network alpha
    • 791542658165672915894689935354852738633778787178 is equivalent to L1Bridge contract address 0x8AA60017c581eD84eeaA800482E18475CC4aF36a

Set Proxy contract address in RFQ contract

  • invoke set_PROXY_ADDRESS function on RFQ contract with param new_PROXY_ADDRESS, for example,
    starknet invoke \
        --address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 \
        --abi rfq_abi.json \
        --function set_PROXY_ADDRESS \
        --inputs 1047516477518222647696338136122723034425990527897565148904869650456467165719
        --network alpha
    • 1047516477518222647696338136122723034425990527897565148904869650456467165719 is equivalent to Proxy contract address 0x0250df919d12eeabc80dc2a5301faf00a6c371a20136d2a473566d9a531b5217

Set RFQ contract address in Proxy contract

  • invoke set_RFQ_CONTRACT_ADDRESS function on RFQ contract with param new_RFQ_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, for example,
    starknet invoke \
        --address 0x0250df919d12eeabc80dc2a5301faf00a6c371a20136d2a473566d9a531b5217 \
        --abi proxy_abi.json \
        --function set_RFQ_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
        --inputs 1717845306189357578435387280039482404771276467351697267262645591057254153110
        --network alpha
    • 1717845306189357578435387280039482404771276467351697267262645591057254153110 is equivalent to RFQ contract address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96

Set L2 contract address in L1Bridge contract

  • Execute setL2ContractAddress function on L1Bridge contract with param l2ContractAddress, for example, setL2ContractAddress(0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96)

Interact with L2 RFQ contract

Query token balance

  • you can query the token balance of given public key

    • to get a user's public key, first generate key files by running python utils/ and pick a public key, for example: 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978
    • next query the contract, for example:
    starknet call \
        --address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 \
        --abi rfq_abi.json \
        --function get_balance \
        --inputs 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 0 \
        --network alpha
    • --address: contract address
    • --inputs function inputs, for example, 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 is the public key and 0 is the token id
    • it will output this public key's token balance: 0 (all values default to 0)
  • you can query the accrued fee balance

    • for example:
    starknet call \
        --address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 \
        --abi rfq_abi.json \
        --function get_fee_balance \
        --inputs 3 \
        --network alpha
    • it will output accrued fee balance of token 3: 0

Deposit into L1 Bridge contract

  • Execute deposit function on L1Bridge contract with params user, token_id and amount, for example, deposit(798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978, 0, 90000)

    • You should see user 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 balance of token 0 increased by 90000
  • Next execute depositToL2 function on L1Bridge contract with the params user, token_id and amount, for example, deposit(798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978, 0, 50000)

    • An LogMessageToL2 event will be emitted
    • You should see user 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 balance of token 0 decreased by 50000
    • And you should see same user's token 0 balance on L2 RFQ contract increased by 50000 after a while

FillOrder on L2 RFQ contract

  • after you have intial balances for some users, make some transactions with different taker and maker: python utils/
    • you will be asked to input both taker and makers' account_id, token_id and token amount
    • it will output these info alogn with taker and makers' signatures: r_a, s_a, r_b and s_b, for example:
    Signature for Order(
    r_a: 573492137583788557356199287279059625666118186998594738089426719549349560648
    s_a: 771306360667852711691065060296601992694000050477943070567091820206254433519
    r_b: 2064254691562969742698014619125391865984610209543531798515106496127638701922
    s_b: 149421945404767920002939144321599777772240547870205246088041216987031511301
    • use these transaction infos to invoke fill_order transactions:
    starknet invoke \
        --address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 \
        --abi rfq_abi.json \
        --function fill_order \
        --inputs 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 0 25000 \
            573492137583788557356199287279059625666118186998594738089426719549349560648 \
            771306360667852711691065060296601992694000050477943070567091820206254433519 \
            2068639949689498141675028465542534557279920353989192851652645386548165695517 3 13000 \
            2064254691562969742698014619125391865984610209543531798515106496127638701922 \
            149421945404767920002939144321599777772240547870205246088041216987031511301 \
            5566 \
        --network alpha
    • taker will be user(with public key 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978)
    • taker token will be 0
    • maker will be user(with public key 2068639949689498141675028465542534557279920353989192851652645386548165695517)
    • maker token will be 3
    • this will transfer 25000 taker token from taker to maker and transfer 13000 maker token from maker to taker
      • note that there will be fee charged for maker token so taker will receive less than 13000 maker token
    • you can query the token balances of taker and maker or fee token balance to see if they match

Withdraw from L2 RFQ contract

  • First generate signature for the withdrawal by running python utils/ and input user, token_id and amount

    • it will output these info alogn with the signature r and s, for example:
    user: 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978
    token_id: 0
    amount: 9000
    sig_r: 3421526596026741579634945633927675292296016187143081405919502027230563915048
    sig_s: 879128241270193654456325855111235964201945669676268913280186830296364751360
  • Next invoke the withdraw function on L2 RFQ contract with params user, token_id, amount and sig_r and sig_s

    starknet invoke \
        --address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 \
        --abi rfq_abi.json \
        --function withdraw \
        --inputs 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 0 9000 \
            3421526596026741579634945633927675292296016187143081405919502027230563915048 \
            879128241270193654456325855111235964201945669676268913280186830296364751360 \
        --network alpha
  • Finally execute the withdrawFromL2 function on L1 Bridge contract with user, token_id, amount, for example, withdrawFromL2(798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978, 0, 9000)

    • You should see user 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 balance of token 0 increased by 9000

Interact with L2 RFQ contract via Proxy contract

  • You can modify RFQ contract's user balance directly by invoking Proxy contract's call_modify_user_balance function, for example,
    starknet invoke \
        --address 0x0250df919d12eeabc80dc2a5301faf00a6c371a20136d2a473566d9a531b5217 \
        --abi proxy_abi.json \
        --function call_modify_user_balance \
        --inputs 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 0 10000
        --network alpha
    • this will set token 0 of user 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 to 10000
    • you can query the token balances of the user to see if it matches, you can query by calling RFQ contract,
      starknet call \
          --address 0x3cc4417c1a8124f7cee57ab011f3a862a4d08bcd1d99aa251baf9aa18057b96 \
          --abi rfq_abi.json \
          --function get_balance \
          --inputs 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 0 \
          --network alpha
    • or by calling Proxy contract,
      starknet call \
          --address 0x0250df919d12eeabc80dc2a5301faf00a6c371a20136d2a473566d9a531b5217 \
          --abi proxy_abi.json \
          --function call_get_balance \
          --inputs 798472886190004179001673494155360729135078329522332065779728082154055368978 0 \
          --network alpha