pISA xml and ISA-Tab Investigation templates
at https://github.com/NIB-SI/pISA-tree-assay-types/tree/main/Assay-types
https://github.com/ISA-tools/Configuration-Files/tree/master/isaconfig-default_v2015-07-02 source for investigation.xml
... and more at Ontobee
tree/master/ to trunk/ - oneliner with subversion
svn export https://github.com/ISA-tools/Configuration-Files/trunk/isaconfig-default_v2015-07-02
wget https://github.com/ISA-tools/ISAvalidator-ISAconverter-BIImanager/releases/download/1.6.5/ISA-validator-1.6.5.zip
not supported
to isaconfig-default_v2015-07-02 subdir
and call for e.g. qPCR set
>>> import os, json, isatools; from isatools import utils, isatab
>>> my_json_report = isatab.validate(open(os.path.join('directory_path', 'i__I_Test-extended.txt')), 'path-to/isaconfig-default_v2015-07-02')
>>> with open('report-i__I_Test-qPCR.txt', 'w') as report_file:
in https://github.com/ISA-tools/isa-api/blob/master/isatools/isatab.py, besides hardcoded
Investigation Person Last Name
Investigation Person First Name
Investigation Person Mid Initials
Investigation Person Email
Investigation Person Phone
Investigation Person Fax
Investigation Person Address
Investigation Person Affiliation
Investigation Person Roles
Investigation Person Roles Term Accession Number
Investigation Person Roles Term Source REF
also 'Source Name', 'Sample Name', 'Extract Name', 'Labeled Extract Name'
are hardcoded/reserved to grep positions (and ignore all after),
plus be aware of
field_headers = [i for i in table.columns if
i.lower().endswith(' name') or i.lower().endswith(
' data file') or i.lower().endswith(
' data matrix file')]
protos = [i for i in table.columns if i.lower() == 'protocol ref']
if len(protos) > 0:
last_proto_indx = table.columns.get_loc(protos[len(protos) - 1])
and which colnames will be even considered
doesnt parse well strings containing {[]}