Feedback and contributions to the Confluence Publisher are highly appreciated! When contributing to this repository, please ensure that the following points are fulfilled:
- create an issue on GitHub (if not yet existing)
- implement your changes following the style of the existing code
- cover your changes with appropriate automated tests
- document new features and newly introduced configuration options in documentation (both for Maven- and for Docker-based publishing)
- create a pull request with a brief description of the relevant changes and design decisions and reference the issue
When doing a pull request, please try to implement the feature / bug fix with minimal design and code formatting changes, so that reviewing and integrating the pull request is as easy as possible.
Please see the following (incomplete) list of guidelines applied to the code base:
- avoid method references, use explicit lambdas instead
- always put lambda parameters in parentheses
- make methods static when possible
- make fields final when possible
- never make parameters and local variables final (unless required by compiler)
- avoid randomly breaking long lines (extract utility methods instead, or keep long lines)
- use triple-a approach (arrange, act, assert) for unit testing (see existing tests)
- manage dependency versions in top-level pom with explicit scope set (normally either runtime or test)
- order dependencies: own dependencies first, followed by third-party dependencies sorted by group-id, then artifact-id (not by scope first)
- prefer JDK functionality over third-party dependencies
- judge wisely whether adding a new third-party dependency is worth just for using that one utility method
The following tools need to be installed for building the Confluence Publisher:
- JDK 11
- Graphviz
In order to publish the documentation of the Confluence Publisher (which also acts as smoke tests), you need to have a Confluence 6.0.5 instance running. You may use the official Docker containers provided by Atlassian (see atlassian/confluence-server 6.0.5).
Once the Confluence instance is running, perform the following steps:
- execute
./mvnw clean install
to install the latest version of the Confluence Publisher Maven plugin into your local Maven repository - overwrite the configuration settings (confluence root, space key, ancestor id, ...) in
according to your local Confluence instance - publish the documentation using
./mvnw org.sahli.asciidoc.confluence.publisher:asciidoc-confluence-publisher-maven-plugin:publish -f asciidoc-confluence-publisher-doc/pom.xml
Thank you for your contribution!