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File metadata and controls

122 lines (80 loc) · 5.19 KB


SQL Persistence Engine for NEventStore

NEventStore.Persistence.Sql currently supports:

  • .net framework 4.6.2
  • .net standard 2.0
  • MsSql
  • SqlLite
  • MySql
  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle (not tested)

Build Status


  • master Build status
  • develop Build status

PostgreSQL Warning

If you upgrade Npgsql to version 6.0 and up you must take into account the breaking changes made about the timezones handling Timestamp rationalization and improvements.

Possible solutions:

  • manually migrate the Table schema and update the "CommitStamp" column type from "timestamp" to "timestamptz".
  • disable the new behavior by calling:
    AppContext.SetSwitch("Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehavior", true);
  • use the new PostgreNpgsql6Dialect.

How to Build (locally)

  • Clone the repository with:
git clone --recursive


git clone
git submodule update

To build the project locally on a Windows Machine:

  • Optional: update .\src\.nuget\NEventStore.Persistence.Sql.nuspec file if needed (before creating relase packages).
  • Open a Powershell console in Administrative mode and run the build script build.ps1 in the root of the repository.

How to Run Unit Tests (locally)

  • Install Database engines or use Docker to run them in a container (you can use the scripts in ./docker folder).

  • Define the following environment variables:

    NEventStore.MsSql="Server=localhost,50001;Database=NEventStore;User Id=sa;Password=Password1;TrustServerCertificate=True;"
    NEventStore.Oracle="Data Source=localhost:1521/XE;User Id=system;Password=Password1;Persist Security Info=True;"

How to contribute


This repository uses GitFlow to develop, if you are not familiar with GitFlow you can look at the following link.

Installing and configuring Git Flow

Probably the most straightforward way to install GitFlow on your machine is installing Git Command Line, then install the Visual Studio Plugin for Git-Flow. This plugin is accessible from the Team Explorer menu and allows you to install GitFlow extension directly from Visual Studio with a simple click. The installer installs standard GitFlow extension both for command line and for Visual Studio Plugin.

Once installed you can use GitFlow right from Visual Studio or from Command line, which one you prefer.

Build machine and GitVersion

Build machine uses GitVersion to manage automatic versioning of assemblies and Nuget Packages. You need to be aware that there are a rule that does not allow you to directly commit on master, or the build will fail.

A commit on master can be done only following the Git-Flow model, as a result of a new release coming from develop, or with an hotfix.

Quick Info for NEventstore projects

Just clone the repository and from command line checkout develop branch with

git checkout develop

Then from command line run GitFlow initialization scripts

git flow init

You can leave all values as default. Now your repository is GitFlow enabled.

Note on Nuget version on Nuspec

Remember to update .\src\.nuget\NEventStore.Persistence.Sql.nuspec file if needed (before creating relase packages).

The .nuspec file is needed because the new dotnet pack command has problems dealing with ProjectReferences, submodules get the wrong version number.

While we are on develop branch, (suppose we just bumped major number so the driver version number is 6.0.0-unstablexxxx), we need to declare that this persistence driver depends from a version greater than the latest published. If the latest version of NEventStore 5.x.x wave iw 5.4.0 we need to declare this package dependency as

(5.4, 7)

This means, that we need a NEventStore greater than the latest published, but lesser than the next main version. This allows version 6.0.0-unstable of NEventStore to satisfy the dependency. We remember that prerelease package are considered minor than the stable package. Es.

5.4.0 5.4.1 6.0.0-unstable00001 6.0.0