diff --git a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90 b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90
index d0ee3aad87..5f4b2e19ca 100644
--- a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90
+++ b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90
@@ -737,6 +737,10 @@ subroutine InitializeAdvertise(gcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
              Ice_ocean_boundary% hrofi (isc:iec,jsc:jec),           &
              Ice_ocean_boundary% hevap (isc:iec,jsc:jec),           &
              Ice_ocean_boundary% hcond (isc:iec,jsc:jec),           &
+             Ice_ocean_boundary% lrunoff_glc (isc:iec,jsc:jec),     &
+             Ice_ocean_boundary% frunoff_glc (isc:iec,jsc:jec),     &
+             Ice_ocean_boundary% hrofl_glc (isc:iec,jsc:jec),       &
+             Ice_ocean_boundary% hrofi_glc (isc:iec,jsc:jec),       &
     ! Needed for MARBL
@@ -797,6 +801,10 @@ subroutine InitializeAdvertise(gcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Sa_pslv"        , "will provide")
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Foxx_rofl"      , "will provide") !-> liquid runoff
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Foxx_rofi"      , "will provide") !-> ice runoff
+  if (cesm_coupled) then
+    call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Forr_rofl_glc"  , "will provide") !-> liquid glc runoff
+    call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Forr_rofi_glc"  , "will provide") !-> frozen glc runoff
+  endif
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Si_ifrac"       , "will provide") !-> ice fraction
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "So_duu10n"      , "will provide") !-> wind^2 at 10m
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Fioi_meltw"     , "will provide")
@@ -808,6 +816,10 @@ subroutine InitializeAdvertise(gcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Foxx_hcond"     , "will provide")
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Foxx_hrofl"     , "will provide")
   call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Foxx_hrofi"     , "will provide")
+  if (cesm_coupled) then
+    call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Foxx_hrofl_glc" , "will provide")
+    call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Foxx_hrofi_glc" , "will provide")
+  endif
   if (Ice_ocean_boundary%ice_ncat > 0) then
     call fld_list_add(fldsToOcn_num, fldsToOcn, "Sf_afracr", "will provide")
@@ -2855,6 +2867,34 @@ end subroutine shr_log_setLogUnit
 !!     <td></td>
 !! </tr>
 !! <tr>
+!!     <td>Forr_rofl_glc</td>
+!!     <td>kg m-2 s-1</td>
+!!     <td>runoff</td>
+!!     <td>mass flux of liquid glc runoff</td>
+!!     <td></td>
+!! </tr>
+!! <tr>
+!!     <td>Forr_rofi_glc</td>
+!!     <td>kg m-2 s-1</td>
+!!     <td>runoff</td>
+!!     <td>mass flux of frozen glc runoff</td>
+!!     <td></td>
+!! </tr>
+!! <tr>
+!!     <td>Foxx_hrofi_glc</td>
+!!     <td>W m-2</td>
+!!     <td>hrofi_glc</td>
+!!     <td>heat content (enthalpy) of frozen glc runoff</td>
+!!     <td></td>
+!! </tr>
+!! <tr>
+!!     <td>Foxx_hrofl_glc</td>
+!!     <td>W m-2</td>
+!!     <td>hrofl_glc</td>
+!!     <td>heat content (enthalpy) of liquid glc runoff</td>
+!!     <td></td>
+!! </tr>
+!! <tr>
 !!     <td>Fioi_salt</td>
 !!     <td>kg m-2 s-1</td>
 !!     <td>salt_flux</td>
diff --git a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap_methods.F90 b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap_methods.F90
index d5ec9dc259..bb12dc6092 100644
--- a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap_methods.F90
+++ b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap_methods.F90
@@ -216,6 +216,22 @@ subroutine mom_import(ocean_public, ocean_grid, importState, ice_ocean_boundary,
        isc, iec, jsc, jec, ice_ocean_boundary%frunoff, areacor=med2mod_areacor, rc=rc)
   if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+  ! liquid glc runoff
+  if ( associated(ice_ocean_boundary%lrunoff_glc) ) then
+    ice_ocean_boundary%lrunoff_glc (:,:) = 0._ESMF_KIND_R8
+    call state_getimport(importState, 'Forr_rofl_glc',  &
+         isc, iec, jsc, jec, ice_ocean_boundary%lrunoff_glc, areacor=med2mod_areacor, rc=rc)
+    if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+  endif
+  ! frozen glc runoff
+  if ( associated(ice_ocean_boundary%frunoff_glc) ) then
+    ice_ocean_boundary%frunoff_glc (:,:) = 0._ESMF_KIND_R8
+    call state_getimport(importState, 'Forr_rofi_glc',  &
+         isc, iec, jsc, jec, ice_ocean_boundary%frunoff_glc, areacor=med2mod_areacor, rc=rc)
+    if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+  endif
   ! Enthalpy terms
@@ -256,6 +272,23 @@ subroutine mom_import(ocean_public, ocean_grid, importState, ice_ocean_boundary,
     if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
   end if
+  !----
+  ! enthalpy from liquid glc runoff (hrofl_glc)
+  !----
+  if ( associated(ice_ocean_boundary%hrofl_glc) ) then
+    call state_getimport(importState, 'Foxx_hrofl_glc', isc, iec, jsc, jec, &
+         ice_ocean_boundary%hrofl_glc, areacor=med2mod_areacor, rc=rc)
+    if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+  end if
+  !----
+  ! enthalpy from frozen glc runoff (hrofi_glc)
+  !----
+  if ( associated(ice_ocean_boundary%hrofi_glc) ) then
+    call state_getimport(importState, 'Foxx_hrofi_glc', isc, iec, jsc, jec, &
+         ice_ocean_boundary%hrofi_glc, areacor=med2mod_areacor, rc=rc)
+    if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+  end if
   ! enthalpy from evaporation (hevap)
diff --git a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90
index 122a9d00ca..9f409a1af9 100644
--- a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90
+++ b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90
@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing_nuopc
 type, public :: ice_ocean_boundary_type
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lrunoff           =>NULL() !< liquid runoff [kg/m2/s]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: frunoff           =>NULL() !< ice runoff [kg/m2/s]
+  real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lrunoff_glc       =>NULL() !< liquid glc runoff via rof [kg/m2/s]
+  real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: frunoff_glc       =>NULL() !< frozen glc runoff via rof [kg/m2/s]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u_flux            =>NULL() !< i-direction wind stress [Pa]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: v_flux            =>NULL() !< j-direction wind stress [Pa]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: t_flux            =>NULL() !< sensible heat flux [W/m2]
@@ -183,6 +185,8 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing_nuopc
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: mass_berg         =>NULL() !< mass of icebergs(kg/m2)
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: hrofl             =>NULL() !< heat content from liquid runoff [W/m2]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: hrofi             =>NULL() !< heat content from frozen runoff [W/m2]
+  real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: hrofl_glc         =>NULL() !< heat content from liquid glc runoff [W/m2]
+  real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: hrofi_glc         =>NULL() !< heat content from frozen glc runoff [W/m2]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: hrain             =>NULL() !< heat content from liquid precipitation [W/m2]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: hsnow             =>NULL() !< heat content from frozen precipitation [W/m2]
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: hevap             =>NULL() !< heat content from evaporation [W/m2]
@@ -494,6 +498,16 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_fluxes(IOB, fluxes, index_bounds, Time, valid_time, G,
       fluxes%frunoff(i,j) = kg_m2_s_conversion * IOB%frunoff(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
+    ! add liquid glc runoff flux via rof
+    if (associated(IOB%lrunoff_glc)) then
+      fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) = kg_m2_s_conversion * IOB%lrunoff_glc(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
+    endif
+    ! ice glc runoff flux via rof
+    if (associated(IOB%frunoff_glc)) then
+      fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j) = kg_m2_s_conversion * IOB%frunoff_glc(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
+    endif
     if (associated(IOB%ustar_berg)) &
       fluxes%ustar_berg(i,j) = US%m_to_Z*US%T_to_s * IOB%ustar_berg(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
@@ -531,6 +545,13 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_fluxes(IOB, fluxes, index_bounds, Time, valid_time, G,
       fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag(i,j) = - G%mask2dT(i,j) * &
           IOB%frunoff(i-i0,j-j0) * US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * CS%latent_heat_fusion
+    ! notice minus sign since frunoff_glc is positive into the ocean
+    if (associated(IOB%frunoff_glc)) then
+      fluxes%latent(i,j)              = fluxes%latent(i,j) - &
+          IOB%frunoff_glc(i-i0,j-j0) * US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * CS%latent_heat_fusion
+      fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag(i,j) = fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag(i,j) - G%mask2dT(i,j) * &
+          IOB%frunoff_glc(i-i0,j-j0) * US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * CS%latent_heat_fusion
+    endif
     if (associated(IOB%q_flux)) then
       fluxes%latent(i,j)           = fluxes%latent(i,j) + &
@@ -572,6 +593,12 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_fluxes(IOB, fluxes, index_bounds, Time, valid_time, G,
        if (associated(IOB%hcond)) &
         fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j)    = US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * IOB%hcond(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
+       if (associated(IOB%hrofl_glc)) &
+        fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j) = US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * IOB%hrofl_glc(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
+       if (associated(IOB%hrofi_glc)) &
+        fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) = US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * IOB%hrofi_glc(i-i0,j-j0) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
     ! sea ice fraction [nondim]
@@ -633,7 +660,8 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_fluxes(IOB, fluxes, index_bounds, Time, valid_time, G,
     do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
       net_FW(i,j) = US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s * &
                     (((fluxes%lprec(i,j)   + fluxes%fprec(i,j) + fluxes%seaice_melt(i,j)) + &
-                      (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j))) + &
+                      (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j) + &
+                       fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j))) + &
                       (fluxes%evap(i,j)    + fluxes%vprec(i,j)) ) * US%L_to_m**2*G%areaT(i,j)
       net_FW2(i,j) = net_FW(i,j) / (US%L_to_m**2*G%areaT(i,j))
     enddo ; enddo
@@ -1133,7 +1161,7 @@ subroutine surface_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS, restore_salt,
   ! Local variables
   real :: utide  ! The RMS tidal velocity [Z T-1 ~> m s-1].
   type(directories)  :: dirs
-  logical            :: new_sim, iceberg_flux_diags, fix_ustar_gustless_bug
+  logical            :: new_sim, iceberg_flux_diags, glc_runoff_diags, fix_ustar_gustless_bug
   logical :: test_value  ! This is used to determine whether a logical parameter is being set explicitly.
   logical :: explicit_bug, explicit_fix ! These indicate which parameters are set explicitly.
   type(time_type)    :: Time_frc
@@ -1431,8 +1459,13 @@ subroutine surface_forcing_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS, restore_salt,
                  "If true, makes available diagnostics of fluxes from icebergs "//&
                  "as seen by MOM6.", default=.false.)
+  call get_param(param_file, mdl, "ALLOW_GLC_RUNOFF_DIAGNOSTICS", glc_runoff_diags, &
+                 "If true, makes available diagnostics of separate glacier runoff fluxes"//&
+                 "as seen by MOM6.", default=.false.)
   call register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, CS%use_temperature, CS%handles, &
-                                   use_berg_fluxes=iceberg_flux_diags, use_waves=use_waves, use_cfcs=CS%use_CFC)
+                                   use_berg_fluxes=iceberg_flux_diags, use_waves=use_waves, &
+                                   use_cfcs=CS%use_CFC, use_glc_runoff=glc_runoff_diags)
   call get_param(param_file, mdl, "ALLOW_FLUX_ADJUSTMENTS", CS%allow_flux_adjustments, &
                  "If true, allows flux adjustments to specified via the "//&
@@ -1541,6 +1574,8 @@ subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_type_chksum(id, timestep, iobt)
   chks = field_chksum( iobt%fprec          ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%fprec          ', chks
   chks = field_chksum( iobt%lrunoff        ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%lrunoff        ', chks
   chks = field_chksum( iobt%frunoff        ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%frunoff        ', chks
+  chks = field_chksum( iobt%lrunoff_glc    ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%lrunoff_glc    ', chks
+  chks = field_chksum( iobt%frunoff_glc    ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%frunoff_glc    ', chks
   chks = field_chksum( iobt%p              ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%p              ', chks
   if (associated(iobt%ice_fraction)) then
     chks = field_chksum( iobt%ice_fraction ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%ice_fraction   ', chks
@@ -1631,6 +1666,12 @@ subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_type_chksum(id, timestep, iobt)
   if (associated(iobt%hcond)) then
     chks = field_chksum( iobt%hcond  ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%hcond      ', chks
+  if (associated(iobt%hrofl_glc)) then
+    chks = field_chksum( iobt%hrofl_glc  ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%hrofl_glc      ', chks
+  endif
+  if (associated(iobt%hrofl_glc)) then
+    chks = field_chksum( iobt%hrofl_glc  ) ; if (root) write(outunit,100) 'iobt%hrofl_glc      ', chks
+  endif
 100 FORMAT("   CHECKSUM::",A20," = ",Z20)
 110 FORMAT("   CHECKSUM::",A30," = ",Z20)
diff --git a/src/core/MOM_forcing_type.F90 b/src/core/MOM_forcing_type.F90
index adf9d29ea3..bef29ffe86 100644
--- a/src/core/MOM_forcing_type.F90
+++ b/src/core/MOM_forcing_type.F90
@@ -114,9 +114,10 @@ module MOM_forcing_type
   ! components of latent heat fluxes used for diagnostic purposes
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: &
-    latent_evap_diag    => NULL(), & !< latent [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2] from evaporating liquid water (typically < 0)
-    latent_fprec_diag   => NULL(), & !< latent [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2] from melting fprec  (typically < 0)
-    latent_frunoff_diag => NULL()    !< latent [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2] from melting frunoff (calving) (typically < 0)
+    latent_evap_diag        => NULL(), & !< latent [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2] from evaporating liquid water (typically < 0)
+    latent_fprec_diag       => NULL(), & !< latent [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2] from melting fprec  (typically < 0)
+    latent_frunoff_diag     => NULL(), & !< latent [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2] from melting frunoff (calving) (typically < 0)
+    latent_frunoff_glc_diag => NULL()    !< latent [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2] from melting glacier frunoff (typically < 0)
   ! water mass fluxes into the ocean [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]; these fluxes impact the ocean mass
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: &
@@ -126,6 +127,8 @@ module MOM_forcing_type
     vprec         => NULL(), & !< virtual liquid precip associated w/ SSS restoring [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
     lrunoff       => NULL(), & !< liquid river runoff entering ocean [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
     frunoff       => NULL(), & !< frozen river runoff (calving) entering ocean [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
+    lrunoff_glc   => NULL(), & !< liquid river glacier runoff entering ocean [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
+    frunoff_glc   => NULL(), & !< frozen river glacier runoff entering ocean [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
     seaice_melt   => NULL()    !< snow/seaice melt (positive) or formation (negative) [R Z T-1 ~> kg m-2 s-1]
   ! Integrated water mass fluxes into the ocean, used for passive tracer sources [H ~> m or kg m-2]
@@ -137,15 +140,17 @@ module MOM_forcing_type
   ! heat associated with water crossing ocean surface
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: &
-    heat_content_cond    => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with condensating water [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_evap    => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with evaporating water  [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_lprec   => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with liquid >0 precip   [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_fprec   => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with frozen precip      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_vprec   => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with virtual >0 precip  [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_lrunoff => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with liquid runoff      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_frunoff => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with frozen runoff      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_massout => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with mass leaving ocean [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
-    heat_content_massin  => NULL()    !< heat content associated with mass entering ocean [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_cond        => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with condensating water [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_evap        => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with evaporating water  [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_lprec       => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with liquid >0 precip   [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_fprec       => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with frozen precip      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_vprec       => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with virtual >0 precip  [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_lrunoff     => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with liquid runoff      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_frunoff     => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with frozen runoff      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_lrunoff_glc => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with liquid runoff      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_frunoff_glc => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with frozen runoff      [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_massout     => NULL(), & !< heat content associated with mass leaving ocean [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
+    heat_content_massin      => NULL()    !< heat content associated with mass entering ocean [Q R Z T-1 ~> W m-2]
   ! salt mass flux (contributes to ocean mass only if non-Bouss )
   real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: &
@@ -323,6 +328,7 @@ module MOM_forcing_type
   integer :: id_precip       = -1, id_vprec       = -1
   integer :: id_lprec        = -1, id_fprec       = -1
   integer :: id_lrunoff      = -1, id_frunoff     = -1
+  integer :: id_lrunoff_glc  = -1, id_frunoff_glc = -1
   integer :: id_net_massout  = -1, id_net_massin  = -1
   integer :: id_massout_flux = -1, id_massin_flux = -1
   integer :: id_seaice_melt  = -1
@@ -332,6 +338,7 @@ module MOM_forcing_type
   integer :: id_total_precip       = -1, id_total_vprec       = -1
   integer :: id_total_lprec        = -1, id_total_fprec       = -1
   integer :: id_total_lrunoff      = -1, id_total_frunoff     = -1
+  integer :: id_total_lrunoff_glc  = -1, id_total_frunoff_glc = -1
   integer :: id_total_net_massout  = -1, id_total_net_massin  = -1
   integer :: id_total_seaice_melt  = -1
@@ -341,34 +348,38 @@ module MOM_forcing_type
   integer :: id_precip_ga = -1, id_vprec_ga= -1
   ! heat flux diagnostic handles
-  integer :: id_net_heat_coupler    = -1, id_net_heat_surface      = -1
-  integer :: id_sens                = -1, id_LwLatSens             = -1
-  integer :: id_sw                  = -1, id_lw                    = -1
-  integer :: id_sw_vis              = -1, id_sw_nir                = -1
-  integer :: id_lat_evap            = -1, id_lat_frunoff           = -1
-  integer :: id_lat                 = -1, id_lat_fprec             = -1
-  integer :: id_heat_content_lrunoff= -1, id_heat_content_frunoff  = -1
-  integer :: id_heat_content_lprec  = -1, id_heat_content_fprec    = -1
-  integer :: id_heat_content_cond   = -1, id_heat_content_surfwater= -1
-  integer :: id_heat_content_evap   = -1
-  integer :: id_heat_content_vprec  = -1, id_heat_content_massout  = -1
-  integer :: id_heat_added          = -1, id_heat_content_massin   = -1
-  integer :: id_hfrainds            = -1, id_hfrunoffds            = -1
-  integer :: id_seaice_melt_heat    = -1
+  integer :: id_net_heat_coupler        = -1, id_net_heat_surface        = -1
+  integer :: id_sens                    = -1, id_LwLatSens               = -1
+  integer :: id_sw                      = -1, id_lw                      = -1
+  integer :: id_sw_vis                  = -1, id_sw_nir                  = -1
+  integer :: id_lat_evap                = -1, id_lat_frunoff             = -1
+  integer :: id_lat_frunoff_glc         = -1
+  integer :: id_lat                     = -1, id_lat_fprec               = -1
+  integer :: id_heat_content_lrunoff    = -1, id_heat_content_frunoff    = -1
+  integer :: id_heat_content_lrunoff_glc= -1, id_heat_content_frunoff_glc= -1
+  integer :: id_heat_content_lprec      = -1, id_heat_content_fprec      = -1
+  integer :: id_heat_content_cond       = -1, id_heat_content_surfwater  = -1
+  integer :: id_heat_content_evap       = -1
+  integer :: id_heat_content_vprec      = -1, id_heat_content_massout    = -1
+  integer :: id_heat_added              = -1, id_heat_content_massin     = -1
+  integer :: id_hfrainds                = -1, id_hfrunoffds              = -1
+  integer :: id_seaice_melt_heat        = -1
   ! global area integrated heat flux diagnostic handles
-  integer :: id_total_net_heat_coupler    = -1, id_total_net_heat_surface      = -1
-  integer :: id_total_sens                = -1, id_total_LwLatSens             = -1
-  integer :: id_total_sw                  = -1, id_total_lw                    = -1
-  integer :: id_total_lat_evap            = -1, id_total_lat_frunoff           = -1
-  integer :: id_total_lat                 = -1, id_total_lat_fprec             = -1
-  integer :: id_total_heat_content_lrunoff= -1, id_total_heat_content_frunoff  = -1
-  integer :: id_total_heat_content_lprec  = -1, id_total_heat_content_fprec    = -1
-  integer :: id_total_heat_content_cond   = -1, id_total_heat_content_surfwater= -1
-  integer :: id_total_heat_content_evap   = -1
-  integer :: id_total_heat_content_vprec  = -1, id_total_heat_content_massout  = -1
-  integer :: id_total_heat_added          = -1, id_total_heat_content_massin   = -1
-  integer :: id_total_seaice_melt_heat    = -1
+  integer :: id_total_net_heat_coupler        = -1, id_total_net_heat_surface        = -1
+  integer :: id_total_sens                    = -1, id_total_LwLatSens               = -1
+  integer :: id_total_sw                      = -1, id_total_lw                      = -1
+  integer :: id_total_lat_evap                = -1, id_total_lat_frunoff             = -1
+  integer :: id_total_lat_frunoff_glc         = -1
+  integer :: id_total_lat                     = -1, id_total_lat_fprec               = -1
+  integer :: id_total_heat_content_lrunoff    = -1, id_total_heat_content_frunoff    = -1
+  integer :: id_total_heat_content_lrunoff_glc= -1, id_total_heat_content_frunoff_glc=-1
+  integer :: id_total_heat_content_lprec      = -1, id_total_heat_content_fprec      = -1
+  integer :: id_total_heat_content_cond       = -1, id_total_heat_content_surfwater  = -1
+  integer :: id_total_heat_content_evap       = -1
+  integer :: id_total_heat_content_vprec      = -1, id_total_heat_content_massout    = -1
+  integer :: id_total_heat_added              = -1, id_total_heat_content_massin     = -1
+  integer :: id_total_seaice_melt_heat        = -1
   ! global area averaged heat flux diagnostic handles
   integer :: id_net_heat_coupler_ga = -1, id_net_heat_surface_ga = -1
@@ -609,23 +620,27 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
     ! net volume/mass of liquid and solid passing through surface boundary fluxes
     netMassInOut(i) = dt * (scale * &
-                                   (((((( fluxes%lprec(i,j)        &
+                                 (((((((( fluxes%lprec(i,j)        &
                                         + fluxes%fprec(i,j)      )  &
                                         + fluxes%evap(i,j)       )  &
                                         + fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)    )  &
+                                        + fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j))  &
                                         + fluxes%vprec(i,j)      )  &
                                         + fluxes%seaice_melt(i,j))  &
-                                        + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)    ))
+                                        + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)    )  &
+                                        + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)))
     if (do_NMIOr) then  ! Repeat the above code without multiplying by a timestep for legacy reasons
       netMassInOut_rate(i) = (scale * &
-                                   (((((( fluxes%lprec(i,j)      &
+                                 (((((((( fluxes%lprec(i,j)      &
                                         + fluxes%fprec(i,j)      )  &
                                         + fluxes%evap(i,j)       )  &
                                         + fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)    )  &
+                                        + fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j))  &
                                         + fluxes%vprec(i,j)      )  &
                                         + fluxes%seaice_melt(i,j))  &
-                                        + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)   ))
+                                        + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)    )  &
+                                        + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)))
     ! smg:
@@ -700,6 +715,8 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
       ! remove lrunoff*SST here, to counteract its addition elsewhere
       net_heat(i) = (net_heat(i) + (scale*(dt * I_Cp_Hconvert)) * fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j)) - &
                      (GV%RZ_to_H * (scale * dt)) * fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) * T(i,1)
+      net_heat(i) = (net_heat(i) + (scale*(dt * I_Cp_Hconvert)) * fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j)) - &
+                     (GV%RZ_to_H * (scale * dt)) * fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) * T(i,1)
       !BGR-Jul 5, 2017{
       !Intentionally neglect the following contribution to rate for legacy reasons.
       !if (do_NHR) net_heat_rate(i) = (net_heat_rate(i) + (scale*I_Cp_Hconvert) * fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j)) - &
@@ -708,6 +725,8 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
       if (calculate_diags .and. associated(tv%TempxPmE)) then
         tv%TempxPmE(i,j) = tv%TempxPmE(i,j) + (scale * dt) * &
             (I_Cp*fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) - fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)*T(i,1))
+        tv%TempxPmE(i,j) = tv%TempxPmE(i,j) + (scale * dt) * &
+            (I_Cp*fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j) - fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j)*T(i,1))
@@ -717,6 +736,8 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
       ! remove frunoff*SST here, to counteract its addition elsewhere
       net_heat(i) = net_heat(i) + (scale*(dt * I_Cp_Hconvert)) * fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) - &
                     (GV%RZ_to_H * (scale * dt)) * fluxes%frunoff(i,j) * T(i,1)
+      net_heat(i) = net_heat(i) + (scale*(dt * I_Cp_Hconvert)) * fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) - &
+                    (GV%RZ_to_H * (scale * dt)) * fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j) * T(i,1)
       !BGR-Jul 5, 2017{
       !Intentionally neglect the following contribution to rate for legacy reasons.
 !      if (do_NHR) net_heat_rate(i) = net_heat_rate(i) + (scale*I_Cp_Hconvert) * fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) - &
@@ -725,6 +746,8 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
       if (calculate_diags .and. associated(tv%TempxPmE)) then
         tv%TempxPmE(i,j) = tv%TempxPmE(i,j) + (scale * dt) * &
             (I_Cp*fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) - fluxes%frunoff(i,j)*T(i,1))
+        tv%TempxPmE(i,j) = tv%TempxPmE(i,j) + (scale * dt) * &
+            (I_Cp*fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) - fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)*T(i,1))
@@ -748,6 +771,7 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
     if (.not. do_enthalpy) then
       net_heat(i) = net_heat(i) + (scale * dt * I_Cp_Hconvert * &
                     (fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) + &
+                     fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) + &
                      fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j)   + fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j)   + &
                      fluxes%heat_content_evap(i,j)    + fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j)))
@@ -876,6 +900,9 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
         if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)) then
           fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) = tv%C_p*fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)*T(i,1)
+        if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff_glc) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) then
+          fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j) = tv%C_p*fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j)*T(i,1)
+        endif
       ! Icebergs enter ocean at SST if land model does not provide calving heat content.
@@ -883,6 +910,9 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
         if (associated(fluxes%frunoff) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) then
           fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) = tv%C_p*fluxes%frunoff(i,j)*T(i,1)
+        if (associated(fluxes%frunoff_glc) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) then
+          fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) = tv%C_p*fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)*T(i,1)
+        endif
     elseif (.not. do_enthalpy) then
@@ -905,6 +935,8 @@ subroutine extractFluxes1d(G, GV, US, fluxes, optics, nsw, j, dt, &
         fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j)   + &
         fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j) + &
         fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) + &
+        fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j) + &
+        fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) + &
         fluxes%heat_content_evap(i,j)    + &
@@ -1309,6 +1341,9 @@ subroutine MOM_forcing_chksum(mesg, fluxes, G, US, haloshift)
   if (associated(fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag)) &
     call hchksum(fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag, mesg//" fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag", G%HI, &
                  haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+  if (associated(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag)) &
+    call hchksum(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag, mesg//" fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag", G%HI, &
+                 haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
   if (associated(fluxes%sens)) &
     call hchksum(fluxes%sens, mesg//" fluxes%sens", G%HI, haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
   if (associated(fluxes%evap)) &
@@ -1338,14 +1373,24 @@ subroutine MOM_forcing_chksum(mesg, fluxes, G, US, haloshift)
     call hchksum(fluxes%ustar_tidal, mesg//" fluxes%ustar_tidal", G%HI, haloshift=hshift, scale=US%Z_to_m*US%s_to_T)
   if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff)) &
     call hchksum(fluxes%lrunoff, mesg//" fluxes%lrunoff", G%HI, haloshift=hshift, scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
+  if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff_glc)) &
+    call hchksum(fluxes%lrunoff_glc, mesg//" fluxes%lrunoff_glc", G%HI, haloshift=hshift, scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
   if (associated(fluxes%frunoff)) &
     call hchksum(fluxes%frunoff, mesg//" fluxes%frunoff", G%HI, haloshift=hshift, scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
+  if (associated(fluxes%frunoff_glc)) &
+    call hchksum(fluxes%frunoff_glc, mesg//" fluxes%frunoff_glc", G%HI, haloshift=hshift, scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)) &
     call hchksum(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff, mesg//" fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff", G%HI, &
                  haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+  if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) &
+    call hchksum(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc, mesg//" fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc", G%HI, &
+                 haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) &
     call hchksum(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff, mesg//" fluxes%heat_content_frunoff", G%HI, &
                  haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+  if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) &
+    call hchksum(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc, mesg//" fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc", G%HI, &
+                 haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lprec)) &
     call hchksum(fluxes%heat_content_lprec, mesg//" fluxes%heat_content_lprec", G%HI,  &
                  haloshift=hshift, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
@@ -1448,6 +1493,7 @@ subroutine forcing_SinglePointPrint(fluxes, G, i, j, mesg)
   call locMsg(fluxes%latent_evap_diag,'latent_evap_diag')
   call locMsg(fluxes%latent_fprec_diag,'latent_fprec_diag')
   call locMsg(fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag,'latent_frunoff_diag')
+  call locMsg(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag,'latent_frunoff_glc_diag')
   call locMsg(fluxes%sens,'sens')
   call locMsg(fluxes%evap,'evap')
   call locMsg(fluxes%lprec,'lprec')
@@ -1460,9 +1506,13 @@ subroutine forcing_SinglePointPrint(fluxes, G, i, j, mesg)
   call locMsg(fluxes%TKE_tidal,'TKE_tidal')
   call locMsg(fluxes%ustar_tidal,'ustar_tidal')
   call locMsg(fluxes%lrunoff,'lrunoff')
+  call locMsg(fluxes%lrunoff_glc,'lrunoff_glc')
   call locMsg(fluxes%frunoff,'frunoff')
+  call locMsg(fluxes%frunoff_glc,'frunoff_glc')
   call locMsg(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff,'heat_content_lrunoff')
+  call locMsg(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc,'heat_content_lrunoff_glc')
   call locMsg(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff,'heat_content_frunoff')
+  call locMsg(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc,'heat_content_frunoff_glc')
   call locMsg(fluxes%heat_content_lprec,'heat_content_lprec')
   call locMsg(fluxes%heat_content_fprec,'heat_content_fprec')
   call locMsg(fluxes%heat_content_vprec,'heat_content_vprec')
@@ -1489,7 +1539,8 @@ end subroutine forcing_SinglePointPrint
 !> Register members of the forcing type for diagnostics
-subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles, use_berg_fluxes, use_waves, use_cfcs)
+subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles, use_berg_fluxes, use_waves, &
+                                       use_cfcs, use_glc_runoff)
   type(time_type),     intent(in)    :: Time            !< time type
   type(diag_ctrl),     intent(inout) :: diag            !< diagnostic control type
   type(unit_scale_type), intent(in)  :: US              !< A dimensional unit scaling type
@@ -1498,6 +1549,7 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
   logical, optional,   intent(in)    :: use_berg_fluxes !< If true, allow iceberg flux diagnostics
   logical, optional,   intent(in)    :: use_waves       !< If true, allow wave forcing diagnostics
   logical, optional,   intent(in)    :: use_cfcs        !< If true, allow cfc related diagnostics
+  logical, optional,   intent(in)    :: use_glc_runoff  !< If true, allow separate glacial runoff diagnostics
   ! Clock for forcing diagnostics
   handles%id_clock_forcing=cpu_clock_id('(Ocean forcing diagnostics)', grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE)
@@ -1634,6 +1686,18 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
         cmor_standard_name='water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers',                           &
         cmor_long_name='Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers')
+  if (present(use_glc_runoff)) then
+    handles%id_frunoff_glc = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'frunoff_glc', diag%axesT1, Time,    &
+          'Frozen glacier runoff (calving) and iceberg melt into ocean', &
+          units='kg m-2 s-1', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, &
+          standard_name='glc_water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs') ! todo: update cmor names
+    handles%id_lrunoff_glc = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'lrunoff_glc', diag%axesT1, Time, &
+          'Liquid runoff (glaciers) into ocean', &
+          units='kg m-2 s-1', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, &
+          standard_name='water_flux_into_sea_water_from_glaciers') ! todo: update cmor names
+  endif
   handles%id_net_massout = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'net_massout', diag%axesT1, Time, &
         'Net mass leaving the ocean due to evaporation, seaice formation', &
         'kg m-2 s-1', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
@@ -1707,6 +1771,14 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
       cmor_standard_name='water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers_area_integrated',             &
       cmor_long_name='Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers Area Integrated')
+  if (present(use_glc_runoff)) then
+    handles%id_total_frunoff_glc = register_scalar_field('ocean_model', 'total_frunoff_glc', Time, diag,    &
+        long_name='Area integrated frozen glacier runoff (calving) & iceberg melt into ocean', units='kg s-1')
+    handles%id_total_lrunoff_glc = register_scalar_field('ocean_model', 'total_lrunoff_glc', Time, diag,&
+        long_name='Area integrated liquid glacier runoff into ocean', units='kg s-1')
+  endif
   handles%id_total_net_massout = register_scalar_field('ocean_model', 'total_net_massout', Time, diag, &
       long_name='Area integrated mass leaving ocean due to evap and seaice form', units='kg s-1')
@@ -1765,6 +1837,16 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
         'W m-2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2, &
+  if (present(use_glc_runoff)) then
+    handles%id_heat_content_frunoff_glc = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'heat_content_frunoff_glc', &
+          diag%axesT1, Time, 'Heat content (relative to 0C) of solid glacier runoff into ocean',         &
+          'W m-2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+    handles%id_heat_content_lrunoff_glc = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'heat_content_lrunoff_glc', &
+          diag%axesT1, Time, 'Heat content (relative to 0C) of liquid glacier runoff into ocean',        &
+          'W m-2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+  endif
   handles%id_hfrunoffds = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'hfrunoffds',                            &
         diag%axesT1, Time, 'Heat content (relative to 0C) of liquid+solid runoff into ocean', &
         'W m-2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2, &
@@ -1868,6 +1950,11 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
         cmor_standard_name='heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics',               &
         cmor_long_name='Latent Heat to Melt Frozen Runoff/Iceberg')
+  if (present(use_glc_runoff)) then
+    handles%id_lat_frunoff_glc = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'latent_frunoff_glc', diag%axesT1, Time, &
+          'Latent heat flux into ocean due to melting of frozen glacier runoff', 'W m-2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+  endif
   handles%id_sens = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'sensible', diag%axesT1, Time, &
         'Sensible heat flux into ocean', 'W m-2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2,        &
         standard_name='surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux',                         &
@@ -1907,6 +1994,18 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
       cmor_long_name=                                                                        &
       'Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water Area Integrated')
+  if (present(use_glc_runoff)) then
+    handles%id_total_heat_content_frunoff_glc = register_scalar_field('ocean_model',                 &
+        'total_heat_content_frunoff_glc', Time, diag,                                                &
+        long_name='Area integrated heat content (relative to 0C) of solid glacier runoff',           &
+        units='W') ! todo: update cmor names
+    handles%id_total_heat_content_lrunoff_glc = register_scalar_field('ocean_model',               &
+        'total_heat_content_lrunoff_glc', Time, diag,                                              &
+        long_name='Area integrated heat content (relative to 0C) of liquid glacier runoff',        &
+        units='W') ! todo: update cmor names
+  endif
   handles%id_total_heat_content_lprec = register_scalar_field('ocean_model',                   &
       'total_heat_content_lprec', Time, diag,                                                  &
       long_name='Area integrated heat content (relative to 0C) of liquid precip',              &
@@ -2024,6 +2123,13 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
       cmor_long_name=                                                                             &
       'Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics Area Integrated')
+  if (present(use_glc_runoff)) then
+    handles%id_total_lat_frunoff_glc = register_scalar_field('ocean_model',                             &
+        'total_lat_frunoff_glc', Time, diag,                                                            &
+        long_name='Area integrated latent heat flux due to melting frozen glacier runoff',              &
+        units='W') ! todo: update cmor names
+  endif
   handles%id_total_sens = register_scalar_field('ocean_model',                 &
       'total_sens', Time, diag,                                                &
       long_name='Area integrated downward sensible heat flux',                 &
@@ -2287,6 +2393,8 @@ subroutine fluxes_accumulate(flux_tmp, fluxes, G, wt2, forces)
     fluxes%vprec(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%vprec(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%vprec(i,j)
     fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%lrunoff(i,j)
     fluxes%frunoff(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%frunoff(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%frunoff(i,j)
+    fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+    fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%frunoff_glc(i,j)
     fluxes%seaice_melt(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%seaice_melt(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%seaice_melt(i,j)
     fluxes%sw(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%sw(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%sw(i,j)
     fluxes%sw_vis_dir(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%sw_vis_dir(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%sw_vis_dir(i,j)
@@ -2340,6 +2448,18 @@ subroutine fluxes_accumulate(flux_tmp, fluxes, G, wt2, forces)
       fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j) + wt2*flux_tmp%heat_content_frunoff(i,j)
     enddo ; enddo
+  if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc) .and. associated(flux_tmp%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) then
+    do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
+      fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j) + &
+                                             wt2*flux_tmp%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+    enddo ; enddo
+  endif
+  if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc) .and. associated(flux_tmp%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) then
+    do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
+      fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) = wt1*fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j) + &
+                                             wt2*flux_tmp%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j)
+    enddo ; enddo
+  endif
   if (associated(fluxes%ustar_shelf) .and. associated(flux_tmp%ustar_shelf)) then
     do i=isd,ied ; do j=jsd,jed
@@ -2511,6 +2631,12 @@ subroutine get_net_mass_forcing(fluxes, G, US, net_mass_src)
   if (associated(fluxes%frunoff)) then ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
     net_mass_src(i,j) = net_mass_src(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)
   enddo ; enddo ; endif
+  if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff_glc)) then ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
+    net_mass_src(i,j) = net_mass_src(i,j) + fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+  enddo ; enddo ; endif
+  if (associated(fluxes%frunoff_glc)) then ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
+    net_mass_src(i,j) = net_mass_src(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)
+  enddo ; enddo ; endif
   if (associated(fluxes%evap)) then ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
     net_mass_src(i,j) = net_mass_src(i,j) + fluxes%evap(i,j)
   enddo ; enddo ; endif
@@ -2671,6 +2797,8 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
         if (associated(fluxes%evap))        res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%evap(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff))     res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%frunoff))     res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%frunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%vprec))       res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%vprec(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%seaice_melt)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%seaice_melt(i,j)
       enddo ; enddo
@@ -2718,6 +2846,8 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
         if (associated(fluxes%fprec)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%fprec(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%frunoff)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%frunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%lprec)) then
           if (fluxes%lprec(i,j) > 0.0) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%lprec(i,j)
@@ -2813,6 +2943,14 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
+    if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff_glc)) then
+    if (handles%id_lrunoff_glc > 0) call post_data(handles%id_lrunoff_glc, fluxes%lrunoff_glc, diag)
+      if (handles%id_total_lrunoff_glc > 0) then
+        total_transport = global_area_integral(fluxes%lrunoff_glc, G, scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
+        call post_data(handles%id_total_lrunoff_glc, total_transport, diag)
+      endif
+    endif
     if (associated(fluxes%frunoff)) then
       if (handles%id_frunoff > 0) call post_data(handles%id_frunoff, fluxes%frunoff, diag)
       if (handles%id_total_frunoff > 0) then
@@ -2821,6 +2959,14 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
+    if (associated(fluxes%frunoff_glc)) then
+      if (handles%id_frunoff_glc > 0) call post_data(handles%id_frunoff_glc, fluxes%frunoff_glc, diag)
+      if (handles%id_total_frunoff_glc > 0) then
+        total_transport = global_area_integral(fluxes%frunoff_glc, G, scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
+        call post_data(handles%id_total_frunoff_glc, total_transport, diag)
+      endif
+    endif
     if (associated(fluxes%seaice_melt)) then
       if (handles%id_seaice_melt > 0) call post_data(handles%id_seaice_melt, fluxes%seaice_melt, diag)
       if (handles%id_total_seaice_melt > 0) then
@@ -2838,12 +2984,26 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
       call post_data(handles%id_total_heat_content_lrunoff, total_transport, diag)
+    if ((handles%id_heat_content_lrunoff_glc > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc))  &
+      call post_data(handles%id_heat_content_lrunoff_glc, fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc, diag)
+    if ((handles%id_total_heat_content_lrunoff_glc > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) then
+      total_transport = global_area_integral(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc, G, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+      call post_data(handles%id_total_heat_content_lrunoff_glc, total_transport, diag)
+    endif
     if ((handles%id_heat_content_frunoff > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff))  &
       call post_data(handles%id_heat_content_frunoff, fluxes%heat_content_frunoff, diag)
     if ((handles%id_total_heat_content_frunoff > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) then
       total_transport = global_area_integral(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff, G, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
       call post_data(handles%id_total_heat_content_frunoff, total_transport, diag)
+    if ((handles%id_heat_content_frunoff_glc > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc))  &
+      call post_data(handles%id_heat_content_frunoff_glc, fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc, diag)
+    if ((handles%id_total_heat_content_frunoff_glc > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) then
+      total_transport = global_area_integral(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc, G, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+      call post_data(handles%id_total_heat_content_frunoff_glc, total_transport, diag)
+    endif
     if ((handles%id_heat_content_lprec > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%heat_content_lprec))      &
       call post_data(handles%id_heat_content_lprec, fluxes%heat_content_lprec, diag)
@@ -2929,6 +3089,10 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
           res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) &
           res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) &
+          res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) &
+          res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lprec)) &
           res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_fprec)) &
@@ -2961,12 +3125,14 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
     if (handles%id_heat_content_surfwater > 0 .or. handles%id_total_heat_content_surfwater > 0) then
       do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
         res(i,j) = 0.0
-        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j)
-        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j)
-        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lprec))   res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j)
-        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_fprec))   res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j)
-        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_vprec))   res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_vprec(i,j)
-        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_cond))    res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff))     res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff))     res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lprec))       res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lprec(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_fprec))       res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_fprec(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_vprec))       res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_vprec(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_cond))        res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_cond(i,j)
         if (mom_enthalpy) then
           if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_massout)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_massout(i,j)
@@ -2986,6 +3152,8 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
         res(i,j) = 0.0
         if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff(i,j)
         if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc(i,j)
+        if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) res(i,j) = res(i,j) + fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc(i,j)
       enddo ; enddo
       call post_data(handles%id_hfrunoffds, res, diag)
@@ -3095,6 +3263,14 @@ subroutine forcing_diagnostics(fluxes_in, sfc_state, G_in, US, time_end, diag, h
       call post_data(handles%id_total_lat_frunoff, total_transport, diag)
+    if ((handles%id_lat_frunoff_glc > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag)) then
+      call post_data(handles%id_lat_frunoff_glc, fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag, diag)
+    endif
+    if (handles%id_total_lat_frunoff_glc > 0 .and. associated(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag)) then
+      total_transport = global_area_integral(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag, G, scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+      call post_data(handles%id_total_lat_frunoff_glc, total_transport, diag)
+    endif
     if ((handles%id_sens > 0) .and. associated(fluxes%sens)) then
       call post_data(handles%id_sens, fluxes%sens, diag)
@@ -3278,6 +3454,8 @@ subroutine allocate_forcing_by_group(G, fluxes, water, heat, ustar, press, &
   call myAlloc(fluxes%vprec,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%lrunoff,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%frunoff,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
+  call myAlloc(fluxes%lrunoff_glc,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
+  call myAlloc(fluxes%frunoff_glc,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%seaice_melt,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%netMassOut,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%netMassIn,isd,ied,jsd,jed, water)
@@ -3289,6 +3467,7 @@ subroutine allocate_forcing_by_group(G, fluxes, water, heat, ustar, press, &
   call myAlloc(fluxes%latent_evap_diag,isd,ied,jsd,jed, heat)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%latent_fprec_diag,isd,ied,jsd,jed, heat)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag,isd,ied,jsd,jed, heat)
+  call myAlloc(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag,isd,ied,jsd,jed, heat)
   call myAlloc(fluxes%salt_flux,isd,ied,jsd,jed, salt)
@@ -3300,6 +3479,8 @@ subroutine allocate_forcing_by_group(G, fluxes, water, heat, ustar, press, &
     call myAlloc(fluxes%heat_content_vprec,isd,ied,jsd,jed, .true.)
     call myAlloc(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff,isd,ied,jsd,jed, .true.)
     call myAlloc(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff,isd,ied,jsd,jed, .true.)
+    call myAlloc(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc,isd,ied,jsd,jed, .true.)
+    call myAlloc(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc,isd,ied,jsd,jed, .true.)
     call myAlloc(fluxes%heat_content_massout,isd,ied,jsd,jed, enthalpy_mom)
     call myAlloc(fluxes%heat_content_massin,isd,ied,jsd,jed,  enthalpy_mom)
   endif ; endif
@@ -3583,10 +3764,13 @@ subroutine deallocate_forcing_type(fluxes)
   if (associated(fluxes%latent_evap_diag))     deallocate(fluxes%latent_evap_diag)
   if (associated(fluxes%latent_fprec_diag))    deallocate(fluxes%latent_fprec_diag)
   if (associated(fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag))  deallocate(fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag)
+  if (associated(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag))  deallocate(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag)
   if (associated(fluxes%sens))                 deallocate(fluxes%sens)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_added))           deallocate(fluxes%heat_added)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)) deallocate(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)) deallocate(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)
+  if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)) deallocate(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)
+  if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)) deallocate(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_lprec))   deallocate(fluxes%heat_content_lprec)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_fprec))   deallocate(fluxes%heat_content_fprec)
   if (associated(fluxes%heat_content_cond))    deallocate(fluxes%heat_content_cond)
@@ -3599,6 +3783,8 @@ subroutine deallocate_forcing_type(fluxes)
   if (associated(fluxes%vprec))                deallocate(fluxes%vprec)
   if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff))              deallocate(fluxes%lrunoff)
   if (associated(fluxes%frunoff))              deallocate(fluxes%frunoff)
+  if (associated(fluxes%lrunoff_glc))          deallocate(fluxes%lrunoff_glc)
+  if (associated(fluxes%frunoff_glc))          deallocate(fluxes%frunoff_glc)
   if (associated(fluxes%seaice_melt))          deallocate(fluxes%seaice_melt)
   if (associated(fluxes%netMassOut))           deallocate(fluxes%netMassOut)
   if (associated(fluxes%netMassIn))            deallocate(fluxes%netMassIn)
@@ -3682,6 +3868,8 @@ subroutine rotate_forcing(fluxes_in, fluxes, turns)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%vprec, turns, fluxes%vprec)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%lrunoff, turns, fluxes%lrunoff)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%frunoff, turns, fluxes%frunoff)
+    call rotate_array(fluxes_in%lrunoff_glc, turns, fluxes%lrunoff_glc)
+    call rotate_array(fluxes_in%frunoff_glc, turns, fluxes%frunoff_glc)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%seaice_melt, turns, fluxes%seaice_melt)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%netMassOut, turns, fluxes%netMassOut)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%netMassIn, turns, fluxes%netMassIn)
@@ -3696,6 +3884,7 @@ subroutine rotate_forcing(fluxes_in, fluxes, turns)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%latent_evap_diag, turns, fluxes%latent_evap_diag)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%latent_fprec_diag, turns, fluxes%latent_fprec_diag)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%latent_frunoff_diag, turns, fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag)
+    call rotate_array(fluxes_in%latent_frunoff_glc_diag, turns, fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag)
   if (do_salt) then
@@ -3708,7 +3897,9 @@ subroutine rotate_forcing(fluxes_in, fluxes, turns)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%heat_content_fprec, turns, fluxes%heat_content_fprec)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%heat_content_vprec, turns, fluxes%heat_content_vprec)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%heat_content_lrunoff, turns, fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff)
+    call rotate_array(fluxes_in%heat_content_lrunoff_glc, turns, fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc)
     call rotate_array(fluxes_in%heat_content_frunoff, turns, fluxes%heat_content_frunoff)
+    call rotate_array(fluxes_in%heat_content_frunoff_glc, turns, fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc)
     if (associated (fluxes_in%heat_content_evap))  then
       call rotate_array(fluxes_in%heat_content_evap, turns, fluxes%heat_content_evap)
@@ -3956,6 +4147,8 @@ subroutine homogenize_forcing(fluxes, G, GV, US)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%vprec, G, tmp_scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%lrunoff, G, tmp_scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%frunoff, G, tmp_scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
+    call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%lrunoff_glc, G, tmp_scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
+    call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%frunoff_glc, G, tmp_scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%seaice_melt, G, tmp_scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
     !  These two calls might not be needed.
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%netMassOut, G, tmp_scale=GV%H_to_mks)
@@ -3974,6 +4167,7 @@ subroutine homogenize_forcing(fluxes, G, GV, US)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%latent_evap_diag, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%latent_fprec_diag, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+    call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%latent_frunoff_glc_diag, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
   if (do_salt) call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%salt_flux, G, tmp_scale=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s)
@@ -3985,6 +4179,8 @@ subroutine homogenize_forcing(fluxes, G, GV, US)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%heat_content_vprec, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+    call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%heat_content_lrunoff_glc, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
+    call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%heat_content_frunoff_glc, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%heat_content_massout, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
     call homogenize_field_t(fluxes%heat_content_massin, G, tmp_scale=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2)
diff --git a/src/diagnostics/MOM_sum_output.F90 b/src/diagnostics/MOM_sum_output.F90
index fb95b79a91..fdcee8107d 100644
--- a/src/diagnostics/MOM_sum_output.F90
+++ b/src/diagnostics/MOM_sum_output.F90
@@ -966,8 +966,8 @@ subroutine accumulate_net_input(fluxes, sfc_state, tv, dt, G, US, CS)
     if (associated(fluxes%lprec) .and. associated(fluxes%fprec)) then
       do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
         FW_in(i,j) = RZL2_to_kg * dt*G%areaT(i,j)*(fluxes%evap(i,j) + &
-            (((fluxes%lprec(i,j) + fluxes%vprec(i,j)) + fluxes%lrunoff(i,j)) + &
-              (fluxes%fprec(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j))))
+            (((fluxes%lprec(i,j) + fluxes%vprec(i,j)) + fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j)) + &
+              (fluxes%fprec(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j))))
       enddo ; enddo
       call MOM_error(WARNING, &
diff --git a/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_bulk_mixed_layer.F90 b/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_bulk_mixed_layer.F90
index 561ace60a7..e3560dc03e 100644
--- a/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_bulk_mixed_layer.F90
+++ b/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_bulk_mixed_layer.F90
@@ -528,13 +528,15 @@ subroutine bulkmixedlayer(h_3d, u_3d, v_3d, tv, fluxes, dt, ea, eb, G, GV, US, C
         RmixConst = -0.5*CS%rivermix_depth * GV%g_Earth
         do i=is,ie
           TKE_river(i) = max(0.0, RmixConst * dSpV0_dS(i) * &
-                        (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)) * S(i,1))
+                        (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j) + &
+                         fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)) * S(i,1))
         RmixConst = 0.5*CS%rivermix_depth * GV%g_Earth * Irho0**2
         do i=is,ie
           TKE_river(i) = max(0.0, RmixConst*dR0_dS(i)* &
-                        (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)) * S(i,1))
+                        (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j) + &
+                         fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)) * S(i,1))
diff --git a/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_diabatic_aux.F90 b/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_diabatic_aux.F90
index aa31024b24..c54240aae2 100644
--- a/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_diabatic_aux.F90
+++ b/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_diabatic_aux.F90
@@ -1431,7 +1431,8 @@ subroutine applyBoundaryFluxesInOut(CS, G, GV, US, dt, fluxes, optics, nsw, h, t
               RivermixConst = -0.5*(CS%rivermix_depth*dt) * GV%Rho0 * ( US%L_to_Z**2*GV%g_Earth )
             cTKE(i,j,k) = cTKE(i,j,k) + max(0.0, RivermixConst*dSV_dS(i,j,1) * &
-                            (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j)) * tv%S(i,j,1))
+                            (fluxes%lrunoff(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff(i,j) + &
+                             fluxes%lrunoff_glc(i,j) + fluxes%frunoff_glc(i,j)) * tv%S(i,j,1))
           ! Update state