Variables | Default | Example | Description |
DATABASE_URL | postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/verbacap | Full Database URL | |
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY | AAAaaaA51ag9A | A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. | |
DJANGO_DEBUG | False | True | A boolean that turns on/off debug mode. |
CELERY_BROKER_URL | redis://verbacap-redis:6379/0 | Redis URL for store a celery data | |
PERSIST_AUDIO_ROOTDIR | /persist/audio | /persist/audio | Persist Path to store the audio files |
DJANGO_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_REGISTRATION | False | False | A boolean that turns on/off the user registration. |
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS | | | Django Allowed Hosts separated by comma |
DEBUG_INTERNALIPS | |, | If Debug is enabled, you can add your ip below to show the debug toolbar |
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS | localhost,, | | CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS exposed separated by comma |