- Learn JS - modern JavaScript tutorial;
- JS Loupe - how to work event loupe;
- You Dont Know JS - series of books about JavaScript;
- Javascript Dev Bookmarks - collection of articles;
- Fetch - JavaScript fetch API and using async / await;
- Axios - promise based HTTP client for browser and node.js;
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine;
- NPM - build amazing things;
- Webpack - module bundler;
- Bundlephobia - find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundle;
- Babel - JavaScript compiler;
- ESLint - find and fix problems in your JavaScript code;
- Editorconfig - helps maintain consistent coding styles;
- Bower - package manager for the web;
- Gulp - automate and enhance your workflow;
- Apex charts - modern & interactive open-source charts;
- Chart JS - simple yet flexible JavaScript charting;
- Can I Use - provides up-to-date browser support tables;
- JSON Placeholder - fake online REST API for testing and prototyping;
- JSON Editor - json online editor;
- JSON Utils - json generate classes service;
- Pythontutor - visualize code and get live help;
- Regex - online tool to learn, build, & test regular expressions;
- CDN JS - the best front-end resource CDN for free;
- HTML DOM - manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript;
- FormValidation - best validation library for JavaScript;
- JS Snippets - 212 favorite JavaScript utilities;
- JavaScript Replacement - you might not need jQuery;
- Keycodes - keyboard codes;