Simple bot to help a manage you server
🏡 Home:
- 🤔 How To Use
- 🚀 Technologies
- 🌱 Minimal Requirements
- 🎊 Features
- 💡 How To Contribute
- 🤗 Contributors
- 👤 Author
- 🔏 License
Obs: To run in you machine you need node, git and npm/yarn
- Clone repository and entry on dir
git clone
cd aziris
- Create a bot in discord developers
- Generate bot token and copy token in .env file, check file env with example
- Generate convite link to add bot in servers
Obs: Search in discord developers oficial documentation for more informations.
- Install dependencies
yarn # or npm install
yarn dev # or npm run dev
yarn prod # or npm run prod
docker-compose up # (optional -d to run in background)
docker-compose up -f # (optional -d to run in background)
- Add bot clicking here
- Select server and authorize bot to entry
- Call using
- Discord.js
- Node
- Typescript
- Node
- NPM/Yarn
- Git
- create CRUD
- craete commands for ban, warn, mute, etc
- create experiencie system
- craete commands for xp system
- Make a fork of this repository
- Clone to you machine and entry on respective paste
- Create a branch with your resource:
git checkout -b my-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
- Push your branch:
git push origin my-feature
- A green button will appear at the beginning of this repository
- Click to open and fill in the pull request information
Contributions, issues and features requests are welcome!
📮 Submit PRs to help solve issues or add features
🐛 Find and report issues
🌟 Star the project
🤓 Mikael Rolim de Aquino
- Twitter: @mikaelr16
- Github: @Mikael-R
Copyright © 2020 Mikael Rolim de Aquino
This project is licensed by MIT License.
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