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C# Comment Tag Guide

Shweta Patil edited this page May 14, 2019 · 14 revisions

All tags are optional EXCEPT <url> and <verb>.


Example: <url>http://localhost:9000/V1/samples</url>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Relative path in Text #/paths For example, if the text is http://localhost:9000/V1/samples, then only /V1/samples is parsed into the path identifier.


Example: <verb>GET</verb>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Text #/paths/{path}


Example: <group>Sample V1</group>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Text #/paths/{path}/{method}/tags


Example: <summary>API summary<summary>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Text #/paths/{path}/{method}/summary


Example: <remarks>API description<remarks>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Text #/paths/{path}/{method}/description

<param> when in attribute is not body

Example: <param name="sampleHeaderParam1" cref="float" in="header" required="true">Header param 1</param>

Alternate tag(s) allowed:

  • <queryParam> (equivalent to <param in="query">)
  • <header> (equivalent to <param in="header">)
  • <pathParam> (equivalent to <param in="path">)

Remarks: If in attribute is not given but the parameter name is present in the <url> tag, the processor will also automatically populate the in attribute for that <param> tag as either path or query as appropriate.

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Text #/paths/{path}/{method}/parameters/{i}/description
Attribute name #/paths/{path}/{method}/parameters/{i}/name
Attribute in #/paths/{path}/{method}/parameters/{i}/in
Attribute cref #/paths/{path}/{method}/parameters/{i}/schema The type provided can be a primitive type or a class. The reader will resolve it using the given DLLs and create an appropriate schema object for it.
Attribute required #/paths/{path}/{method}/parameters/{i}/required Determines whether this parameter is mandatory.If the parameter location is "path", this property is REQUIRED and its value MUST be true. Otherwise, the property MAY be included and its default value is false.

<param> when in attribute is body

Example: <param name="sampleObject" in="body"><see cref="SampleObject1"/>Sample object</param>

Alternate tag(s) allowed: <requestType>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Text #/paths/{path}/{method}/requestBody/description
Attribute type #/paths/{path}/{method}/requestBody/content Media type e.g. application/json
Attribute cref of inner node <see> #/paths/{path}/{method}/requestBody/content/{type}/schema The type provided can be a primitive type or a class. The reader will resolve it using the given DLLs and create an appropriate schema object for it.


Example: <response code="200" type="application/json"><see cref="SampleObject1"/>The sample object updated</response>

Alternate tag(s) allowed: <responseType>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Attribute code #/paths/{path}/{method}/responses The HTTP Status code e.g. 200
Attribute type #/paths/{path}/{method}/responses/{statusCode}/content Media type e.g. application/json
Attribute cref of inner node <see> #/paths/{path}/{method}/responses/{statusCode}/content/{type}/schema The type provided can be a primitive type or a class. The reader will resolve it using the given DLLs and create an appropriate schema object for it.

<header> for response header

Example: <header name="TestHeader" cref="string"><description>Test Header</description></header>

Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Attribute name #/paths/{path}/{method}/responses/{code}/headers/{string} Unique string which will be used as the key to map a header name to its definition
Attribute cref #/paths/{path}/{method}/responses/{code}/headers/{string}/schema The type provided can be a primitive type or a class. The reader will resolve it using the given DLLs and create an appropriate schema object for it.
Tagdescription #/paths/{path}/{method}/responses/{code}/headers/{string} Description of the header


Example tag can be used as nested tag for any param or response tag.


  1. <example name="Example one"><value>First example</value></example>
  2. <example><value><see cref="Examples.SampleObject1Example"/></value></example>
  3. <example><summary>Test Example</summary><url>https://example</url></example>
Part of the tag JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Attribute name #/paths/{path}/{method}/requestBody/examples/{i} Unique string which will be used as the key to map a example name to its value
Tagsummary #/paths/{path}/{method}/requestBody/examples/{i}/summary Summary of the example
Tagvalue #/paths/{path}/{method}/requestBody/examples/{i}/value Embedded literal example.
Tagurl #/paths/{path}/{method}/requestBody/examples/{i}/externalValue A URL that points to the literal example.

The value and url tag are mutually exclusive.


Security tag can be used to document security schemes


  1. For http type
    /// <security type="http" name="http-bearer">
    ///     <description>Test security</description>
    ///     <scheme>bearer</scheme>
    ///     <bearerFormat>JWT</bearerFormat>
    /// </security>
  1. For OAuth type
    /// <security type="oauth2" name="oauth">
    ///     <description>Test security</description>
    ///     <flow type="implicit">
    ///         <authorizationUrl></authorizationUrl>
    ///         <refreshUrl></refreshUrl>
    ///         <scope name="scope1">
    ///             <description>Example flow description</description>
    ///         </scope>
    ///     </flow>
    /// </security>
  1. For OpenIdConnect type
    /// <security type="openIdConnect" name="openIdConnect">
    ///     <description>Test security</description>
    ///     <openIdConnectUrl></openIdConnectUrl>
    ///     <scope name="scope1">
    ///         <description>Scope 1 description</description>    
    ///     </scope>
    ///     <scope name="scope2">
    ///         <description>Scope 2 description</description>    
    ///     </scope>
    /// </security>
  1. For ApiKey type
    /// <security type="apiKey" name="apiKey">
    ///     <in>query</in>
    /// </security>
Part of the tag Applied To Security Scheme Type JSON pointer to corresponding OpenAPI document (V3.0) entity Remarks
Attribute type in Tag security http, apiKey,oauth2, openIdConnect #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/type REQUIRED. The type of the security scheme. Valid values are "apiKey", "http", "oauth2", "openIdConnect".
Attribute name in Tag security http, apiKey,oauth2, openIdConnect #/components/securitySchemes/{name} REQUIRED. The unique identifier to identify the name of the security scheme.
Tag description in Tag security http, apiKey,oauth2, openIdConnect #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/description OPTIONAL. A short description for security scheme.
Tag openIdConnectUrl in Tag security openIdConnect #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/openIdConnectUrl REQUIRED. OpenId Connect URL to discover OAuth2 configuration values. This MUST be in the form of a URL.
Tag scheme in Tag security http("bearer") #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/scheme REQUIRED. The name of the HTTP Authorization scheme to be used
Tag bearerFormat in Tag security http #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/bearerFormat A hint to the client to identify how the bearer token is formatted. Bearer tokens are usually generated by an authorization server, so this information is primarily for documentation purposes.
Tag in in Tag security apiKey #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/in REQUIRED. The location of the API key. Valid values are "query", "header" or "cookie".
Tag flow under Tag security oauth2 #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows REQUIRED. An tag containing configuration information for the flow types supported.
Attribute type in Tag flow oauth2 #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows/{type REQUIRED. Type of the flow. Valid values are "implicit", "password","clientCredentials","authorizationCode"
Tag authorizationUrl in Tag flow oauth2 ("implicit", "authorizationCode") #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows/{type}/authorizationUrl REQUIRED. The authorization URL to be used for this flow. This MUST be in the form of a URL.
Tag tokenUrl in Tag flow oauth2 ("password", "clientCredentials", "authorizationCode") #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows/{type}/tokenUrl REQUIRED. The token URL to be used for this flow. This MUST be in the form of a URL.
Tag refreshUrl in Tag flow oauth2 #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows/{type}/refreshUrl OPTIONAL. The URL to be used for obtaining refresh tokens. This MUST be in the form of a URL.
Tag scope under Tag flow oauth2 #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows/{type}/scopes REQUIRED. The available scopes for the OAuth2 security scheme.
Attribute name in Tag scope oauth2 #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows/{type}/scopes REQUIRED. The unique identifier to identify the name of the scope.
Tag description under Tag scope oauth2 #/components/securitySchemes/{name}/flows/{type}/scopes/{name}/description REQUIRED. A short description of the scope.