The two batch files in this folder can be used to install and uninstall the shortcuts to pdf2bib in the context menu of Windows which appears when right-clicking on a .pdf file or a directory
First, make sure that pdf2bib
has been installed as described in the readme of the main folder (pip install pdf2bib
Then, locate the folder where the file pdf2bib.exe file has been created. This will depend on the folder of your python installation.
A simple way to find the folder is to type
where pdf2bib
in a Windows terminal (assuming that the path of pdf2bib is within the global variable PATH of the command prompt).
Save the file Install_RightClick.bat
on your computer. Right click on it and select 'Edit'. The first line is
set path_pdf2bib=Path\To\Scripts
Replace 'Path\To\Scripts' with the path to the folder where pdf2bib.exe is located. NOTE: Do not add the "\pdf2bib.exe" part. If the path is, for example "C:\python38\scripts\pdf2bib.exe", then set
set path_pdf2bib=C:\python38\scripts
Save the file Install_RightClick.bat
and run it as an administrator (Right click on it, then click on "Run as administrator").
Save the file Uninstall_RightClick.bat
on your computer and run it as administrator (Right click on it, then click on "Run as administrator").
If, for some reason, the entries in the right-click context menu do not disappear after running Uninstall_RightClick.bat
(or if you uninstall pdf2bib
without first uninstalling this functionality)
you can open the system register manually and delete the following keys