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861 lines (617 loc) · 43.2 KB

AutoForm Change Log

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


  • Package/dependencies: make this package work for Meteor 3.0


This is a major change and can break existing setups. However, we carefully worked out the changes and updated documentation accordingly. In theory there should be no issues if you follow the installation guide.


  • support dynamic imports: The package can now be imported with a minimal set of base functionality, while the greater part of templates can be dynamically loaded. Saves

  • No underscore.js: Underscore dependency was removed.

  • Mongo collections for arrayTracker: Improves the performance greatly. Blaze cannot diff the original AutoForm arrayTracker items, so I replaced it with Mongo collections.

  • Wait for context: Instead of reactively re-rendering the entire form, we wait for the context before we render it for the first time.

  • Cache field Ids: This prevents regenerating the field Id and rerendering the field just because the Id is changed.

  • clean option for getFieldValue and getFieldValues: By default AutoForm cleans all the values fetched from the form, however that's only necessary when we're putting the data into the database and/or validating, for rendering the value of a field in a view that isn't necessary. I added a option argument to these two functions, this defaults to true which is the normal AutoForm behavior. When set to false it won't clean the form data (clean function is really heavy and doesn't make much sense on our views).

  • getFieldValue is cached: This function is reactive and recomputes its return value when there is a change in the value. Sometimes it's necessary to call this function several times and we do not want to recompute when the value hasn't been changed. This function now caches its results, then invalidates the cache when there's a change in the value.

  • markChanged function is throttled now: This function gets called a million times when our form has too many reactive dependencies or too many fields. This isn't necessary, we don't need to mark a field value changed when it hasn't been changed.

  • Pass field value to markChanged: To prevent unnecessary changed events

  • Refuse to change if value is undefined (markChanged): To prevent unnecessary changed events

Bugs Fixes

  • disabled in select options: didn't work.
  • merged /pull/1289
  • Detects nested forms in form change event
  • quickForm field grouping now corrected filtering, preventing followup errors


  • omit can be a function now
  • AutoForm.setFieldValue(fieldName, value, formId) added: /issues/452
  • AutoForm.setFormValues(values, formId) added
  • methodargs: Allows passing a methodargs attribute to autoForm/quickForm templates. These args will be passed to meteormethod if form type is method or method-update.


  • replaced TinyTest with meteortesting:mocha in combination with chai and puppeteer. This makes local tests much easier. In Order to execute local tests, there is a local bare Meteor project required. It can easily be created and executed via
$  meteor create --bare testdummy # testdummy is already in the .gitignore
$ cd testdummmy
$ meteor npm install --save-dev puppeteer simpl-schema chai sinon
$ METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="../" TEST_BROWSER_DRIVER=puppeteer TEST_WATCH=1 TEST_SERVER=0 meteor test-packages --raw-logs --driver-package meteortesting:mocha ../
  • replaced TravisCI with GitHub actions
  • implemented testsuite for API and internals


  • Standard code style: All code has been updated to use standard code style as defined in the Meteor Community Packages template repository

  • No templates in main package: BS3 is deprecated. These templates are rarely used, including them in the main package and supporting them makes the code unnecessarily huge and difficult to maintain. These were moved to their own packages: autoform-bootstrap3, autoform-plain


Updated to have a weak dependency on aldeed:collection2@3.0.0 in addition to aldeed:collection2-core. Core has been merged back into the main package as a 3.0.0 release.


  • Add afFieldValue helper (thanks @TechplexEngineer)
  • Fix issue where a quickForm would not properly use an afObjectField for a subschema


  • firstOption when specified in the schema can now be a function (thanks @MartinBucko)
  • Insert forms reset more reliably after successful submission (thanks @alexk7)
  • AutoForm.selectFirstInvalidField works on more types of fields (thanks @ro6)
  • The form doc is now passed to the schema during validation to support multiple schema variations (thanks @gregory, @nidem)
  • afArrayField with the bootstrap3 template now supports panelClass and headingClass attributes (thanks @c316)
  • When you have multiple autosave=true forms with the same field name and value, they will now reliably save every time (thanks @abernix)
  • Readme improvements: @brajt, @kmills006, @dandalf


This version is updated to work with the new SimpleSchema NPM package. It is not backwards compatible with the Meteor SimpleSchema package. See:


Fix AutoForm.getValidationContext to return correct context when no formId argument is provided.


You can now set singleMethodArgument=true as a form attribute on a method-update type form, and your method will be called with a single object argument with _id and modifier properties. You should do this if using the mdg:validated-method package.


For "normal" type forms, don't end submission until this.done() is called.


Sticky validation improvements

  • Add API outside of hooks for settings and removing sticky validation errors
  • Properly show sticky validation errors as soon as they are added
  • Optimizations to keyup validation


Fix boolean-radios templates


  • Add ability to specify a data attribute on afFieldInput, which is then added to the data context of the input type template. (See the readme.)
  • Fix issue with submitting proper value when the null option is chosen for a boolean field
  • Fix issues with reactive reruns that change the form schema
  • Adjust value returned from AutoForm.getFieldValue when the form isn't rendered yet
  • Fix issue with autosaving changes to multiple select fields
  • Adjustments to support BlazeComponents
  • Fix width of array field when there is only one
  • Fix initial value of contenteditable fields

Thanks to all who submitted PRs: @abecks, @kellyje, @bySabi, @vimes1984, @Nieziemski, @smeijer


Add jquery dependency for Meteor 1.2 compatibility


For boolean-radios and boolean-select input types, you can now use the nullLabel attribute to specify a label (e.g., "None") for when the value is not set (or to unset it). For backwards compatibility, the boolean-radios type will not render a radio element for unsetting unless you set nullLabel.


Fix AutoForm.getFieldValue so that it reacts properly when first called outside of the form, before the form has been rendered. Also attempt to limit unnecessary reruns.


  • New option. See "Grouping Fields" in README. (Thanks @SachaG)
  • formToModifier now works properly (Thanks @aramk)
  • update-pushArray forms now work properly when there is an array index in the scope field
  • Other minor documentation and dependency changes


Better fix to afFieldValue tracking for check boxes


Fix issue where afFieldValue tracking didn't work for non-boolean radio buttons and check boxes.


  • Fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'changed' of undefined error
  • Fix for checkboxes and radio buttons not triggering form change event (Thanks @abecks)
  • Add ddp attribute for specifying an alternative DDP connection for "method" and "method-update" forms (Thanks @patrickleet)
  • Add support for formgroup- prefix on afFormGroup/afQuickField attributes. For example, formgroup-class="foo" adds "foo" class to the form group element. (Thanks @fknipp)
  • For Bootstrap theme templates, you can now specify panelClass, headingClass, and bodyClass attributes for the afObjectField component. (Thanks @fknipp)


Fix issues with errors being thrown during reactive changes and issues with getting reactive field values.


Fix validation of typeless forms when done with AutoForm.validateForm()


Fix validation of typeless forms broken in 5.1.0 (Thanks @abecks)


  • Fix date handling when dealing with very low year numbers. (Thanks @jfly)
  • For type="update" and type="method-update" forms, a formToModifier hook is called instead of formToDoc, and it's passed a Mongo modifier. For forms with no type attribute, both formToDoc and formToModifier are called. (You should provide one or both based on whether you use the doc, the modifier, or both in your onSubmit hook.)
  • Array handling was changed in 5.0 to support additional use cases. However, this change also resulted in a MongoDB array handling quirk no longer being masked by AutoForm. Since this caused confusion for many people, array handling is now reverted back to pre-5.0 behavior. If your form needs to update specific array items as opposed to entire arrays, you can opt in to the proper array handling by putting setArrayItems=true on your autoForm or quickForm.
  • For "method" and "method-update" type forms, before hooks will now run before validation, unless you've specified both a schema attribute and a collection attribute. In that case, validation against the form schema happens before the before hooks run, and validation against the collection schema happens after the before hooks run, before your method is called.
  • Changes to avoid benign errors being thrown.
  • Fix potential for infinite loops related to tracking field values.


Compatible with Meteor v1.0.4+

5.0.1, 5.0.2

Minor fixes


  • Compatibility break: You can no longer do options="auto", but you can do options=afOptionsFromSchema for essentially the same effect. The afOptionsFromSchema helper requires that you have a property named name in the current context, which is set to the field name.
  • Compatibility break: The function signature for AutoForm.getFieldValue is reversed from (formId, fieldName) to (fieldName, [formId]) with formId optional. You must not pass the formId argument when using it in a helper that is run within the context of the form. Conversely, you must pass formId if not calling it within an autoform.
  • Compatibility break: The afFieldNames helper now returns an array of objects with name property instead of returning the array of names directly.
  • Compatibility break: The method form type now calls the server method with only one argument, the submitted form document. If your server method needs the update modifier and document _id instead of the document, change your form's type to method-update. The before hooks for a method-update form are passed (and should return) the modifier object instead of the document.
  • Compatibility break: The arguments passed to "before" hooks have changed. docId and template are no longer passed as arguments but are available as this.docId and this.template. Only a single object, doc is passed to every "before" hook.
  • Compatibility break: When defining "before" and "after" hooks for methods, use the word "method" instead of the method name. If you need different logic based on method name, you can examine this.formAttributes.meteormethod in your hook function.
  • Compatibility break: Hooks that were passed formId and/or template as arguments no longer receive those arguments. Use this.formId or this.template if you need them.
  • Compatibility break: If you have custom templates for afFormGroup or afObjectField, change all this.atts references to this.
  • Compatibility break: AutoForm.find() is removed and should be replaced by a more specific call to one of the new API functions like AutoForm.getFormId() or AutoForm.getFormSchema() or AutoForm.getFormCollection() or AutoForm.getCurrentDataForForm() or AutoForm.templateInstanceForForm(). See current API docs.
  • Compatibility break: noselect attribute must be set to true without quotation marks. Any other value will have no effect.
  • You can now use afFieldValueIs and afFieldValueContains helpers outside of the form in which the field appears if you add formId="myFormId" attribute to them.
  • When providing options for a select or select-multiple input type, you can now add additional props to the objects in the options array and those properties will become attributes on the option element in the generated HTML.
  • data-required attribute is now present on the form group div element for all built-in afFormGroup templates if the field is required. This allows you to use css like the following to display an asterisk after required fields: [data-required] label:after {content: '*'}
  • There are no longer issues when your input type template name contains underscores.
  • A new update-pushArray form type allows you to create insert-like forms that push the resulting document into an array field in an existing collection document. See the README and
  • Added autosaveOnKeyup form option. See README.
  • If you specify default attributes within an autoform object in your schema, any of the attributes may be functions that return their value, and when the function is called will be set to the current field name, which is helpful for fields that are nested in one or more arrays.
  • You can now add custom form types using AutoForm.addFormType. See the API documentation. The built-in form types are defined this way, too. This allows for a lot of flexibility in what happens upon validation and submission of a form.
  • In any form hook, you can now call this.addStickyValidationError(key, type, [value]) to add a custom validation error that will not be overridden by subsequent revalidations on the client. This can be useful if you need to show a form error based on errors coming back from the server, and you don't want it to disappear when fields are revalidated on the client on blur, keyup, etc. The sticky error will go away when the form is reset (such as after a successful submission), when the form instance is destroyed, or when you call this.removeStickyValidationError(key) in any hook.


  • Fixed "Can't set timers inside simulations" error (Thanks @SachaG)
  • Switched Moment dependency to official momentjs:moment package


Fix AutoForm.getFieldValue reactivity when the field is in an #if block


  • As an alternative to the current method of specifying options as an array of objects, you can now specify options as an object with {value: label} format. Values are coerced into the expected type. (Thanks @comerc)
  • When you have an update form with autosave=true, fields with type="contenteditable" now properly autosave. (Thanks @MichalW)


  • The "boolean-radios" input type now outputs the correct field value (true, false, or undefined) in all cases.
  • The "boolean-checkbox" input type now always returns either true or false as its value. Previously, it could return undefined instead of false sometimes.
  • You can now pass a comma-separated list of values to afFieldValueContains and it will return true if any of those values are in the array. (thanks @comerc)
  • The "select-multiple" input type now has initial values set properly. (thanks @BigDSK)
  • The "select-checkbox-inline" input type now has initial values set properly. (thanks @AlainPaumen)
  • When handling submission with onSubmit, you can now call this.done(null, result) when done, and result will be passed to onSuccess as the second argument. If there are multiple onSubmit hooks, only the first provided result will be passed to onSuccess.
  • When onSuccess is called after an insert, this.docId is now set to the new document _id.
  • Update forms should now reset properly (to values from database).
  • Other fixes (thanks @zimme and @mjgallag)

4.0.2 - 4.0.7

Several fixes


Bug fix


This is a significant rewrite, and there are a number of changes that are not backwards compatible. The primary reason for the rewrite is to enable easier creation of custom form input types (autoform widgets) that can be provided by add-on packages. Some changes were also made to cut out features that were not providing much added value compared to the code they required.

  • BREAKING The logic that determines what style template is used for a form or a component of a form is now different. Generally speaking, there are more potential places at which you can define the template to use, and it tries to use the template used by the closest ancestor component if not overridden.
  • BREAKING The AutoForm.inputValueHandlers function is now gone. If you were using it, you should switch to the new method for defining custom input types. Refer to "Defining Custom Input Types" in the Readme.
  • BREAKING When your schema for a field includes the Email or Url regular expression built into SimpleSchema, AutoForm no longer automatically uses the email or url type, respectively, for the form input. You can manually set the type attribute or specify autoform.type in the schema.
  • BREAKING The radio and select attributes no longer do anything. Instead, specify an override type attribute of "boolean-radios" or "boolean-select", respectively.
  • A new AutoForm.getSchemaForField function can be used within a template helper function to get the schema definition for a field by finding the closest autoForm and using the schema attached to it.
  • BREAKING The afFieldLabel component is gone. If you were using it, you should replace with your own label element using afFieldLabelText for the text, something like <label class="control-label">{{afFieldLabelText name='firstName'}}</label>
  • BREAKING If you don't provide a firstOption attribute for a single select control, a default first option that says "(Select One)" is used. You can omit the first option using firstOption=false, but it's best to have one in most cases to avoid confusing behavior.
  • BREAKING The afFieldSelect component is gone. See the demo for the new way to provide optgroups.
  • A new AutoForm.invalidateFormContext function can be called in situations where you reactively change the doc attribute of a form and you need to force the form to rerender.
  • You can now set label="some text" on an afFormGroup (or afQuickField) component to provide some label text instead of using the schema label.
  • Fix which element is passed as the updated element for autosave forms.


  • Documentation corrections. (Thanks @paulellery and @jakozaur)
  • Fixes to logic for throwing errors: don't do it if there are validation errors, and call endSubmit (e.g., to re-enable buttons) before doing it. (Thanks @jakozaur)
  • Internal code revisions for better backwards and forewards compatibility (Thanks @SachaG)
  • The bootstrap3-horizontal template now recognizes a leftLabel attribute that you can set to true on your boolean check box fields to put the check box label in the left column instead of to the right of the check box.
  • In hooks for update forms, you can now use this.docId to figure out which document is being updated.
  • In hooks for autosave forms, you can now use this.autoSaveChangedElement to get the element that caused the automatic form submission. You can use this, for example, to display some kind of indicator that the changed field was saved.


When AutoForm pre-validates, it now passes docId to autoValue and custom context, just as collection2 would do.


  • Fixes to form preservation during hot code push.
  • You can now disable form preservation for a specific form by setting preserveForm=false attribute on the autoForm or quickForm.
  • Expose formPreserve object as AutoForm.formPreserve. Add unregisterAllForms method. You can now do AutoForm.formPreserve.unregisterForm(formId) or AutoForm.formPreserve.unregisterAllForms() to resolve strange issues due to faulty form preservation logic.
  • Support for offset attribute on datetime-local inputs is removed and replaced by a timezoneId attribute, which should be set to a timezone ID that moment-timezone understands. You'll also need to add the moment-timezone library to your app, for example, by adding the mrt:moment-timezone Meteor package.
  • If a form has no onError or after hooks, insert, update, and method call errors are now thrown.
  • Other fixes


Minor fix to template selection logic. Make sure default template is always used if specific template is not found.


Update collection2 weak dependency to 2.0.0.


Minor fixes (thanks @aramk) and use 0.9.1 core packages, which means you can't use this one on 0.9.0. Not my fault; blame Meteor.


  • Removed afDeleteButton
  • Removed support for type="remove" forms
  • Updates for >=1.0.0 dependencies on aldeed:simple-schema and aldeed:collection2
  • Made the array tracker object public as AutoForm.arrayTracker. This allows you to, for example, add and remove array item fields from code.
  • Add support for initialCount attribute on afArrayField and afEachArrayItem components. By default, if there is no doc attached to the form, there is initially 1 item field shown, or minCount fields if minCount is greater than 1. This logic is unchanged, but now you can override that default initial count to be something other than 1, including 0. Note that minCount will still always take precedence.
  • Previously, the component template that generates a form group was prefixed with afQuickField_. Now it is prefixed with afFormGroup_, and this template is rendered also when you use a new afFormGroup component. This separation allows afQuickField to act solely as a logic component; it decides whether a particular key should be rendered using afArrayField, afObjectField, or afFormGroup, and then forwards all your attributes to the chosen component. So afQuickField no longer has a template associated with it. To update your code, change "afQuickField_" to "afFormGroup_" for any custom templates you have, and if you are calling AutoForm.setDefaultTemplateForType for "afQuickField", change it to "afFormGroup".
  • You can set trimStrings attributes to false on an autoForm or quickForm to change the default behavior for document cleaning for that form.
  • You can now set autoform.omit to true in the schema definition for a field to prevent it from ever being included in quickForms, afObjectFields, afArrayFields, etc. This is useful for autoValue properties such as createdAt that you know you will not want on a form.


Fix for Dates being stripped out on submission


  • Requires Meteor 0.8.2+
  • Fix issue with datetime-local field being 12 hours off
  • The autoform attribute is no longer ever necessary. AutoForm can locate the closest form no matter how many times you use blocks that change the context within a form.
  • If you set buttonContent=false on a quickForm, it won't generate a button.
  • BREAKING! If you provide buttonClasses attribute on a quickForm, the bootstrap templates no longer add "btn btn-primary" to your classes.
  • type="remove" forms and the afDeleteButton are now deprecated but still work for now. Use the delete-button package.
  • Most hooks now have this.event, this.template, this.formId, and this.resetForm(). You can use this.formId in conjunction with a global hook to implement hook logic for multiple forms.
  • You can set filter, autoConvert, and/or removeEmptyStrings attributes to false on an autoForm or quickForm to change the default behavior for document cleaning for that form.
  • You can now call AutoForm.debug() to enable additional logging during development.
  • Add afQuickFields component. See readme.
  • When all fields that comprise a sub-object are empty, we now unset the whole sub-object. This prevents issues when some of the properties are required, but the sub-object itself is optional.


An insert form will now insert properly even if the collection does not have an attached schema.


  • Fix error when you add autoform to your app but not simple-schema.
  • You can now use object dot notation when setting collection or schema for a form as a string, for example, collection="App.Collections.Posts" or schema="Schemas.Post". (Thanks @czeslaaw)
  • You can now easily tell an update form to save (submit) whenever the value in one of its fields changes. Put autosave=true on the autoForm or quickForm.


  • Fixes to submission validation logic for forms that have both collection and schema
  • More useful Error instance is passed to onError hooks


Fix to code that gathers form values so that custom object prototypes are not lost.


When submitting, ensure that validation is always skipped when validation="none" for the form.


Fix submission logic so that validation happens before insert and update "before" hooks only when there's an override schema.



  • You can no longer call a meteormethod in addition to performing other types of submission. Your meteormethod will be called only if type="method".
  • onSubmit hooks can now perform async tasks if necessary. You must add a this.done() call to all of your onSubmit hooks. Refer to the hooks documentation in the readme.
  • onSubmit hooks are now called only if your form has no type attribute. If you have an onSubmit hook for a form, remove the type attribute from that form and be sure that your onSubmit hook returns false. If you were using onSubmit to cancel submission for an insert, update, or method form, you can do that by returning false from a "before" hook instead.

Other non-breaking changes:

  • "before" hooks for insert, update, and method forms can now perform async tasks if necessary. Existing synchronous hooks do not need any changes. Refer to the hooks documentation in the readme.
  • Improved logic for form resetting, and AutoForm.resetForm method works better.


Fixed an issue where afFieldValueIs and afFieldValueContains helpers did not correctly recognize boolean values upon first form render.


  • Added afArrayFieldIsFirstVisible and afArrayFieldIsLastVisible helpers. (Thanks @camelaissani!)
  • Added AutoForm.validateForm(formId) for validating the current data in a form without submitting it.
  • Added AutoForm.getValidationContext(formId), which returns the form's SimpleSchema validation context. Use this to easily manually add validation errors, check current validity, etc.
  • BREAK: String fields with a schema max value of 150 or greater are no longer automatically rendered as textarea. To force a textarea, add a rows attribute either on the field or in the autoform object in the schema.
  • When you add type attribute to an afQuickField for an object or array field, the type is now correctly respected.
  • When you override the type attribute to hidden for a boolean field, the extracted field value is now correctly converted back to a boolean.


Fix error that occurs when denyInsert or denyUpdate is in form schema and quickForm or afObjectField is used.


The ability to omit fields within objects and arrays from a quickForm is restored.


Properly set checked state on check box and radio groups


Fix add array item button when used not within an afArrayItem template


  • The document _id is now passed as the third argument to your server method when you submit a form with type="method". This, combined with the modifier in the second argument, allows you to do an update in your method.
  • More internal changes to simplify the code and guard against edge cases.


  • Many changes that simplify custom template creation. If you have created custom templates, they will most likely need to be updated. Look at the revised built-in templates for guidance.
  • Fixed bootstrap-horizontal template to work with object and array fields.
  • Added AutoForm.validateField. See the readme.
  • Fixed schema validation upon submission when using both a schema attribute and a collection attribute.


  • Added AutoForm.inputValueHandlers method. See the readme.
  • More array field fixes
  • placeholder="schemaLabel" now reactively updates the placeholder along with the label.
  • Added beginSubmit and endSubmit hooks, which allow you to override the default UI changes during submission. See the readme.
  • You can now define hooks for a form generated by afDeleteButton.
  • You can now define default autoform field attributes in the schema. Add an autoform option to the schema for the field, and set it equal to an object that contains the default attributes you want. This makes it possible to use quickForms more often. For example:
values: {
  type: [String],
  optional: true,
  minCount: 2,
  maxCount: 4,
  autoform: {
    options: [
      {label: "One", value: "One"},
      {label: "Two", value: "Two"},
      {label: "Three", value: "Three"}
    noselect: true,
    template: "myCustomTemplate"
  • Lots of internal code reorganization to make the other changes possible and make it easier for other contributors to understand.

Thanks to @Batistleman and @patrickleet for contributions.


  • API Change: boolean attributes on inputs are now passed through to the generated HTML only if the value is true or "true" or "". This is different from HTML in which boolean attributes take effect simply by being present. This change allows you to reactively add or remove a boolean attribute in a simple way, for example, {{> afQuickField name='status' disabled=canEditStatus}}. You should review any boolean attributes you use on autoform fields to ensure that they have the correct value, or they may no longer show up in the HTML.
  • Fixed an issue where reactive lists of check box inputs would have incorrect check boxes selected after the list changed
  • Removed for attribute from radio labels in the bootstrap3 template, since it should not be there; makes the labels correctly clickable
  • Completely rewrote behind-the-scenes array field tracking, fixing a number of issues with adding and removing array fields and correctly updating arrays


  • Before hooks are now passed the template instance
  • formToDoc and docToForm hooks are now passed the SimpleSchema instance and form id, which is useful if you define them globally (pass null for the first argument of AutoForm.addHooks)


  • Support for limiting the number of items in an array field. See "afArrayField" section in the README.
  • In the default templates, when you can't add or remove array items, the corresponding buttons are hidden.
  • You can now specify fields that are in objects within arrays in the omitFields attribute on a quickForm. For example, names.$.first. (Thanks @picsoung!)
  • Clearing all check boxes for an optional array field will now properly unset the field.
  • Other bug fixes (Thanks @jfols and @BasilPH)


  • Disabled fields are no longer submitted or included in the generated insert or update object.
  • Changes that prevent global helpers from potentially interfering with correct autoform generation. (Thanks @mjgallag)
  • Fix contenteditable field. (Thanks @chrisbutler)


  • Ensure that template attribute is not added to the DOM element for all components
  • Add afFieldValueContains, like afFieldValueIs but for checking whether an array field contains the value
  • Add reactive AutoForm.getFieldValue method, useful for creating helpers to support more advanced field filtering based on combinations of current field values
  • Add bootstrap3-horizontal built-in template
  • Documentation improvements: afObjectField and afArrayField components are now documented, and added link to the autogenerated public API documentation


Remove unintentional console log


Minor fixes for afFieldValueIs helper


Add afFieldValueIs helper for dynamic show/hide of form sections based on the current value of any field.


Fix an issue where generated modifiers sometimes had the same field listed in both $set and $unset.


Improve some error messages


  • Add omitFields attribute for quickForm. Similar to the fields attribute but for blacklisting instead of whitelisting.

Much thanks to @gdhuse for the following fixes and enhancements:

  • Add option to replace hooks instead of extending the current list when calling hooks or addHook.
  • Allow insert/update forms without a collection attribute if there is at least one onSubmit hook and at least one onSubmit hook returns false.
  • Fix issue with array fields
  • Fix issue with update modifiers created from autoform field values.


Fix issue with datetime fields


Minor fix


Blaze/0.8.0 support and lots more, including breaking changes. Refer to the transition notes at the top of the README. If you're still using Spark (pre-0.8.0), use the 0.4.x version. The old version of autoform can be found on the spark branch. It won't receive any more changes, except for critical fixes. Onward!


Better implementation of defaultValue support


  • Use jQuery to fix issues related to maintaining selections in a cross-browser way. (Thanks @mjgallag)
  • Use schema defaultValue as default value for boolean controls.


A couple more bug fixes related to cleaning objects.


Bug fix for validation of updates when auto values are involved. (Thanks @mjgallag)


Add support for contenteditable input type. (Thanks @chrisbutler)


  • Labels are now generated with "for" attribute
  • QuickForms work better with schemas containing objects now. The object is treated as a fieldset with its child fields nested within. This only works to one level deep.
  • The updateDoc passed to an onSubmit handler is no longer validated before being passed. The insertDoc is still validated.
  • Changes to account for autoValue and defaultValue options now available in the SimpleSchema package.


The execution flow for hooks has been improved. The onError hook is now always called if there's an error at any point in the form submission process, and it will never be called more than once. Also, any "before" hooks are now executed before the onSubmit hook. (Thanks @blazer82)


Changes related to SimpleSchema package changes. No visible changes.


Add support for fields attribute on quickForm. Bind an array or specify a comma-delimited string of field names to include. Only the listed fields will be included, and they'll appear in the order you specify.


  • Don't include fields in quickForms if their name contains "$"
  • Use textarea instead of input[type=text] if the schema type is String, no specific type attribute is specified, and the current value of the doc contains line break characters.
  • Within an onSubmit function, you can now access this.event and this.template.
  • Specify element="none" or element="span" on afFieldLabel to get just the text or to use a <span> element, respectively.
  • quickForm and afQuickField now support a template attribute, allowing you to define your own template to be used for the quick fields.
  • Provide resetOnSuccess attribute to specify auto-reset behavior for a specific autoform.


Add explicit cleaning since SimpleSchema validation does not do it anymore


Fix error when a source doc has null values


Minor internal change to adjust for changes made to the internal schema in the SimpleSchema package.


  • quickForm no longer displays fields for denyInsert or denyUpdate keys when building an insert or update form, respectively.
  • Fix an issue with being able to pass a Collection2 as the autoForm schema. (This is not recommended anyway.)
  • Automatically disable the submit button while submitting an autoform.


Ensure docToForm hook is called


Add onSuccess and onError hooks


  • Fix issues, introduced by 0.4.3, where select, checkbox, and radio form values were not always correct.
  • Throw errors in afFieldMessage and afFieldIsInvalid helpers when the field name used doesn't exist in the schema. (Other helpers already did this.)
  • Add two new "type" options for quickForms: "readonly" and "disabled". See README.
  • When displaying a quickForm, use the allowedValues from the schema as the options.


Update to use MongoObject to create flatDoc. Fixes an issue caused by recent SimpleSchema API changes.


  • New API. The old API is deprecated but continues to work for now with warning messages logged. See the README and warning messages. The main difference is that the various hooks/callbacks are centralized in a hooks() method, but this is available only on AutoForm instances, so you need to wrap your Collection2 instance in an AutoForm on the client and then attach hooks to the autoform, passing the autoform as the schema attribute for your autoForm helper. Also, the server methods have all been removed, making this a purely client package. This means you should now define a SimpleSchema in common code and use that to create an AutoForm instance on the client only. This allows you to still validate against the same SimpleSchema on both the client and the server. See examples in the README.
  • You can now set options to the string "allowed" for afFieldInput or afQuickField. This causes the schema's allowedValues to be used as the values (and labels) for the select element. If you want to capitalize the first letter of the labels, set capitalize="true". (Thanks @gdhuse!)
  • SimpleSchema error messages with HTML will now display correctly when you use an afQuickField. (Thanks @gdhuse!)


Improve handling of key names that use dot notation to indicate a property of an object in an array, for example,


Backwards-compatibility break! Handling of Date fields was limited and saved Date objects were not correct. If you have previously saved Date objects from an autoform date input, you will have to manually convert the saved values to correct them after upgrading to this release. If it is only the date you care about and not the time, all dates in your mongo collections must represent midnight in the UTC time zone on the morning of the correct date. Refer to the Dates section of the README for details about how date inputs work now.


Support min/max functions


Add framework override support; current usage is only to specify "none" to skip the bootstrap3 classes


Fix object expansion


Improve object collapsing. Ensures that the values of keys with dot notation appear in the fields for edit forms.


Fix IE<10 errors


Fixes to date inputs


Updated to work with 0.2.0 versions of collection2 and simple-schema packages. The autoform features should be backwards-compatible, but the collection2 and simple-schema APIs have changed, so you may need to make changes. To make sure everything works as you expect, it's strongly recommended that you include a unique id attribute on every autoForm helper.


  • Fix IE<10 issue


  • Use submit form event handler instead of button click handlers
  • Add support for binding an onSubmit handler to an autoForm using the onSubmit helper attribute.
  • Don't include form-control class on radio buttons and check boxes
  • Submit the form normally after validating if none of the special actions are used


Fix input helper to use value passed in value attribute if no doc is attached to the autoform.


  • For autoforms that call a server method, server-side validation is no longer performed automatically. This had to be removed to fix a security issue. After updating to 0.2.0, you must call check() in the Meteor method.
  • Add formToDoc and docToForm functions. See the readme.
  • Improve keyup validation
  • Allow direct binding of Collection2 or AutoForm object to autoForm helper through the schema attribute. Passing in the string name of a global object is still supported, but binding is the preferred method now.