Tracking: v3.0.0
This document originated at
This document outlines this project's support for visualising the OpenAPI V3 specification. Content is outlined in the same order as the original specification to make reading as quick (and familiar) as possible.
- Primitive data types,
. - Any
will be displayed.
- All
fields support CommonMark.
- Relative references are resolved using the URLs defined in the Server Object as a Base URI.
- Relative references used in
are processed as per JSON Reference.
OpenAPI object
- openapi
- info
- servers
- paths
- components
- security
- tags
- externalDocs
Info object
- name
- url
License object
- name
- url
Server object
- url
- description
- variables
Server Variable object
- enum
- default
- description
Components object
This is supported by default as all $ref
are dereferenced before the definition is visualised. As per spec, Components have no impact on visualising the API reference, they are simply a placeholder for reusable objects.
Paths object
Path Item object
Operation object
- tags
- summary
- description
- externalDocs
- operationId
- parameters
- requestBody
- responses
- callbacks
- deprecated
- security
- servers
External Documentation object
- description
- url
Parameter object
- name
- in
- query
- header
- path
- cookie
- description
- required
- deprecated
- allowEmptyValue
- style
- matrix
- label
- form
- simple
- spaceDelimited
- pipeDelimited
- deepObject
- explode
- allowReserved
- schema
- example
- examples
- content
Request Body object
- description
- content
- required
Media Type object
Encoding object
- contentType
- headers
- style
- explode
- allowReserved
Responses object
Response object
Callback object
Example object
- summary
- description
- value
- externalValue
Link object
- operationRef
- operationId
- parameters
- requestBody
- description
- server
Header object
See parameter object.
Tag object
- name
- description
- externalDocs
Reference object
- $ref
Schema object
The Schema
object describes several properties that are shared from JSON Schema, deviations from JSON Schema, or in addition to JSON Schema. The following descibes this project's support for these properties.
The following properties are supported, and implemented according to the JSON Schema Validation spec:
- multipleOf
- maximum
- exclusiveMaximum
- minimum
- exclusiveMinimum
- maxLength
- minLength
- pattern
- maxItems
- minItems
- uniqueItems
- maxProperties
- minProperties
- format
- required
- enum
The OpenAPI specification also supports several additional properties from JSON Schema, with some adjustments. This project attempts to honor these adjustments, with any exceptions outlined below:
- type - Value may be an array, multiple types are supported.
- allOf
- oneOf
- anyOf
- not
- items
- properties
- additionalProperties
- description
- format
- default
- nullable
- discriminator
- readOnly
- writeOnly
- xml
- externalDocs
- example
- deprecated
Discriminator object
- propertyName
- mapping
XML object
- name
- namespace
- prefix
- attribute
- wrapped
Security Scheme object
- type
- apiKey
- http
- oauth2
- openIdConnect
- description
- name
- in
- scheme
- bearerFormat
- flows
- openIdConnectUrl
OAuth Flows object
OAuth Flow object
- authorizationUrl
- tokenUrl
- refreshUrl
- scopes
Security Requirement object
- oauth2
- openIdConnect
- "other"
No extension properties are supported at this time.