Using GenBank representation, training models
- DeepBGC now accepts and outputs GenBank files
- You can now train your own BGC detection model using
deepbgc train
- Data dependencies and models are now automatically downloaded using
deepbgc download
- Compatibility with Python 2.7, Python 3.4+
Training and validation data
- ClusterFinder_Annotated_Contigs_OLD_PFAM_ANNOTATION.full.gbk - 13 contigs annotated with BGC regions ("cluster" feature) used for validation (from Cimermancic et al.). Note that a newer version with PFAM_domain annotations compatible with DeepBGC 0.1.5 and antiSMASH 5 is provided in release
- GeneSwap_Negatives.pfam.tsv - Generated artificial negatives used to train the DeepBGC model
- MIBiG.activity.csv - Chemical product activity for all MIBiG 1.4 BGCs
- MIBiG.classes.csv - Chemical product class for all MIBiG 1.4 BGCs
- MIBiG.pfam.tsv - Sequence of Pfam domains of all MIBiG 1.4 BGCs used to train the DeepBGC model
- pfam2vec.csv - Pfam2vec embedding (100-dimensional vectors) for all Pfam domain IDs
- templates - Directory with JSON model templates for training
- pfam2vec-pfam31-corpus-p0.001.txt.bz2 - NEW Pfam ID corpus used to train pfam2vec (p-value 0.001, original pfam2vec was trained with a less strict p-value of 0.01). Compressed using bzip2.
Models are downloaded automatically using deepbgc download
- deepbgc.pkl - DeepBGC detection model trained on MIBiG 1.4 dataset
- clusterfinder_original.pkl - ClusterFinder detection model with original parameters
- clusterfinder_retrained.pkl - ClusterFinder detection model, trained on MIBiG 1.4 dataset
- clusterfinder_geneborder.pkl - ClusterFinder model switching only on gene borders, trained on MIBiG 1.4 dataset
- product_class.pkl - Random Forest classifier predicting product class, trained on MIBiG 1.4 dataset
- product_activity.pkl - Random Forest classifier predicting product activity, trained on MIBiG 1.4 dataset
Example results
- example - Result of full DeepBGC pipeline on ClusterFinder_Annotated_Contigs.full.gbk
- DeepBGC_Example_Result.ipynb - Jupyter notebook previewing contents of the example result folder