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File metadata and controls

210 lines (176 loc) · 6.94 KB


A simple, easy configuration file library that supports multiple formats.

Default Data Types:

Data Type Java Usage Example
String String 'Hello', "Hello", Hello
Boolean Boolean True, False, true, false
Byte Byte 13B
Short Short 255S
Integer Integer 100
Double Double 10.5D
Float Float 10.00F
Long Long 100000L
Character Character 'A'C
UUID UUID uuid(4ad4c78c-d4a4-4d25-91cf-4f001efc46c0)
Byte Array byte[] (Uses Base64) base64(base64ValueHere...)

Custom Data Types

You can register your own data types and also a custom section parser Access the ValueRegistry with:

final ValueRegistry registry = ValueRegistry.REGISTRY;

After that, we can register a simple data type:

registry.register(BigDecimal.class, InlineValue.<BigDecimal>builder()
  .matches(text -> {
    if (!text.startsWith("bigDecimal(") && !text.endsWith(")")) return false;

    try {
      new BigDecimal(text.substring(11, text.length() - 1);
      return true;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      return false;
  .deserialize(text -> {
    if (!text.startsWith("bigDecimal(") && !text.endsWith(")")) return null;
    return new BigDecimal(text.substring(11, text.length() - 1));
  .serialize(bigDecimal -> "bigDecimal(" + bigDecimal.toString() + ")")

You can also make a simple Ticket section or whatever if you like storing stuff without repeating code.

public record Ticket(@NotNull UUID user, long date) {}

registry.register(Ticket.class, InscriptValue.<Ticket>builder()
  .serialize((ticket, section) -> {
    section.set("user", ticket.user());
  .deserialize(section -> {
    final Optional<UUID> user = section.get("user", UUID.class);
    final Optional<Long> date = section.get("date", Long.class);

    if (user.isEmpty() || date.isEmpty()) return null;
    return new Ticket(user.get(), date.get());

And we're done!

Inscript Constants

If you want to change the default indent or the root section node key you can do that easily.

InscriptConstants.INDENT.set("    "::repeat);

InscriptConstants.VERSION.get().get().ifPresent((version) -> {
    System.out.println("Running Inscript version `" + version + "`");

Using Inscript

By default, we offer 2 file format implementations:

  1. YAML/YML (.yml) FileFormats.YAML
  2. DataScript (.ds) FileFormats.DATASCRIPT

Inscript doesn't actually need a file to work. You can use it perfectly fine with just strings.

Getting a new Inscript instance:

// Auto-detect the file format from the file's extension
final Inscript autoDetect = Inscript.newInscript(Path.of("file.yml"));

// Manually provide a file format
final Inscript manual = Inscript.newInscript(FileFormats.DATASCRIPT, Path.of("file.ds"));

// Can't use file I/O features, must use saveToString and loadFromString. You must specify the file format.
final Inscript empty = Inscript.newInscript(FileFormats.YAML);

Saving and Loading

Now, the function you should call depends on the source. If you haven't specified a Path or File in Inscript#newInscript, that means that you can't use loadFromDisk() and saveToDisk().

final Inscript inscript = /* ... */;

// Only use if you are sure you provided a path to Inscript.newInscript()

Node Editor

There are 3 node implementations:

  1. ScalarNode - a mapping of a key to a value.
  2. SectionNode - holds a bunch of children nodes.
  3. RootSectionNode - a default implementation of SectionNode with a specific root key and an empty modifiable list of children nodes.

Every editor is a SectionNode wrapped in a ConfigSection A ConfigSection is a chainable/fluent builder interface that has the following methods:

Set<ConfigNode> getChildren();
Set<String> getKeys();

boolean isRoot();

Optional<ConfigNode> getNode(final @NotNull String key);

boolean isSection(final @NotNull String key);

boolean isScalar(final @NotNull String key);

SectionNode getSection();

Optional<ConfigSection> getSection(final @NotNull String key);

ConfigSection createSection(final @NotNull String key);

ConfigSection section(final @NotNull String key, final @NotNull Consumer<ConfigSection> handler);

<T> Optional<T> get(final @NotNull String key, final @NotNull Class<? extends T> ignoredType);

<T> List<T> getList(final @NotNull String key, final @NotNull Class<? extends T> ignoredType);

<T> ConfigSection set(final @NotNull String key, final @Nullable T value);

boolean has(final @NotNull String key);

boolean contains(final @NotNull String key);

ConfigSection unset(final @NotNull String key);

ConfigSection reset();

ConfigSection forEachSection(final @NotNull Consumer<ConfigSection> sectionConsumer);

ConfigSection forEachScalar(final @NotNull Consumer<ScalarNode<?>> scalarConsumer);

ConfigSection forEach(final @NotNull Consumer<ScalarNode<?>> scalarConsumer, final @NotNull Consumer<ConfigSection> sectionConsumer);

ConfigSection comment(final @NotNull String key, final @NotNull Collection<? extends String> comments);

Collection<String> getComments(final @NotNull String key);

ConfigSection comment(final @NotNull String key, final @NotNull String @NotNull ... comments);

To access the root section editor, you can use:

final Inscript inscript = /* ... */;
final ConfigSection root = inscript.getRoot();


By default, Inscript does not run anything asynchronously for you.


Any loading and saving operations from Inscript should be run asynchronously.

Make sure to run the string based methods (not the disk ones) asynchronously as well. They are basically the same as the disk based ones without the file writing and reading.


CompletableFuture.runAsync(inscript::loadFromDisk).thenRun(() -> {
    // ...