This is a demo plan for demonstrating monitoring, diagnostics, high availability and scaling in Windows Azure.
- Configure and publish a new Azure Web Site.
- Check New Relic is not already added via the Azure Store given this demo will show how to enable it that way.
- Explain and show basic CPU/memory monitoring
- In the Windows Azure store, create a free New Relic addon
- Configure an Web Site to use that addon
- Open up the web project you want to monitor in Visual Studio
- Install-Package NewRelic.Azure.WebSites
- Enter the license key either as prompted, or manually in newrelic\newrelic.config
- Publish to your Web Site
- Browse around the site, then show the basic stats in New Relic's dashboard after waiting a few minutes
- Enable all diagnostics settings under Configure under your choice of Azure Web Site in the Management Portal
- Demonstrate application diagnostics using Warning / Error traces
- Show site diagnostics by triggering a few exceptions or 404s
- If time allows, demonstrate Failed Request Tracing and Visual Studio Remote Debugging
- Demonstrate scaling up the number of instances by displaying the machine name on the site and increasing the number of instances.