中文 / English
The old version of the multi-sig-wallet contract uses the 0.4.x version of solidity, and the original repo has been deprecated. The new version is called Gnosis-Safe-Contracts, which integrates multiple security contract modules. Due to the large amount of code in the new version and inconvenient to understand, we still use the old version to learn and understand its usage process and how it work.
- Old Version multi-sig-wallet: gnosis MultiSigWallet: https://github.com/gnosis/MultiSigWallet
- New Version Gnosis Safe Contracts: https://github.com/safe-global/safe-contracts
contract address: https://github.com/gnosis/MultiSigWallet/tree/master/contracts
- MultiSigWallet.sol
- MultiSigWalletFactory.sol
- MultiSigWalletWithDailyLimit.sol
- MultiSigWalletWithDailyLimitFactory.sol
- TestCalls.sol
- TestToken.sol
Initialize the list of signers, each transaction requires at least few signatures.
Add new owner of wallet.
Replace existing signer owner with new owner.
Change the minimum number of signatures.
Submit a transaction with contract address, amount and transaction data parameters.
Confirm the transaction by transaction id. Confirm that the transaction can be executed, if the number of confirmed owners has reached the minimum requirement, the transaction will be executed automatically.
Revoke the confirmed transaction.
If the number of confirmed owners has reached the minimum requirement, Execute the corresponding transaction by id.
Check the number of transaction's confirmed owners has reached the minimum requirement.
Get the number of times a transaction is currently confirmed.
Query the number of transactions, the two input parameters are: whether to include transactions in processing, whether to include processed transactions.
Get owners addresses.
Get confirmers of a transaction.
Query the list of transaction ids, the parameters are: from, to, pending (whether it is in processing), executed (whether it is processed)
install dependencies
compile contracts
npx hardhat compile
test contracts
npx hardhat test
deploy contracts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network kovan
- New Version Gnosis Safe Contracts: https://github.com/safe-global/safe-contracts
- Now open source: friendly multi-signatures for Ethereum 🔑
- gnosis usage: https://gnosis-safe.io/app/#/welcome
- gnosis contract address(Polygon): https://polygonscan.com/address/0xa6b71e26c5e0845f74c812102ca7114b6a896ab2#code
- Construct your own gnosis multi-signature transaction: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qgbTnchCHup24ANprGXH5Q