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Releases: LiterateInk/Pawnote

js v0.21.4

05 Jul 08:08
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  • (a3e357b) API for geolocation : received URLs are now lowercased by default (see why on #45)

js v0.21.3

01 Jul 20:38
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Implements a bugfix in authentication process when you're in a context where Headers is undefined, thanks to @ecnivtwelve (#41).

js v0.21.2

28 May 20:30
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Implementation of function (DiscussionCreationRecipientFunction) on DiscussionCreationRecipient

  • fix(types): listeRessources can be undefined and fonction is sometimes given (b61ea10)
  • feat(discussion): add support for fonction (d2202de)

Using the following JSON, previous versions would throw an error because listeRessources is undefined here.

  "L": "Mme RENARD Maëva",
  "N": "113#aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHaAbBcCdDeEfFgGhH",
  "G": 34,
  "P": 28,
  "fonction": {
    "_T": 24,
    "V": {
      "L": "CPE",
      "N": "62#aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHaAbBcCdDeEfFgGhH"
  "avecDiscussion": true

Instead, we have fonction which was not implemented nor typed.

This release fixes this by implementing a DiscussionCreationRecipientFunction class that handles properties from fonction.
A function field has been added to the DiscussionCreationRecipient class to access values in there.

Note that subjects will still exist for listeRessources elements and will be an empty array when listeRessources is undefined.

js v0.21.1

25 May 09:57
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Bug fix on grades

For some people, in the API, moyenne can be undefined on a grade and that would throw an error on Pawnote. This release fixes that by making the average property on StudentGrade optionnal (so can be undefined).

js v0.21.0

16 May 19:33
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  • #36: Add method for grades report PDF generation for a given period
  • #35: Add support for "mesure conservatoire" (PrecautionaryMeasure) in attendance
  • #33: Add support for detentions in the timetable
  • 2ac99ff: Implementation for Turboself partner
  • a2552cd: Bugfix when reauthenticating using a token that should bypass ENT

js v0.20.4

28 Apr 17:12
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  • feat(discussions): add checks if user is allowed to access it (b00a90a)

js v0.20.3

26 Apr 20:19
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  • fix(period): additional check to make sure periodeParDefaut is defined (3d7a2fa)

js v0.20.2

20 Apr 00:20
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  • feat(upload): support react native FormData file objects (39e5ce8)

js v0.20.1

19 Apr 21:55
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  • feat(homework/upload): add support for Blob and File (57a29e7)

js v0.20.0

19 Apr 01:12
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  • Add support for transferred messages (de35a40, resolves #15 )
  • Implemented observation type for attendance (#18)
  • Add homepage and partnerURL fetch (9fb6a28, f25fe7e, 495d970)
  • Implement ARD partner and wallet fetching (from PRONOTE) : #29
  • Full implementation for drafts in discussions : #30 (resolves #12 and #13)
  • Add support to move a discussion to trash, recover from trash and delete permanently : #28
  • Refactor lessons->classes (1047ff7)
  • Full reimplementation of timetable parsing : fa8811e, ec9e01a, e326017, 5cf5d6a
    • Configurable parser (with default behavior) to match exactly PRONOTE outputs
    • Implementation of activities (and not only lessons)
  • Implement native interval fetching for timetable (deprecated weekNumber method, for now) : ab7ef21
  • Implement getFrequencyForWeek method (08eff85) to know in which frequency we're currently are for a given week
  • Implement deletion of news : #25
  • Implement personal types on timetable : #24
  • Implement file uploads and add an adapter for homeworks : #22
    • Needs a correct FormData implementation in the fetcher body !
  • Implement maxHomeworkFileUploadSize in authorizations (cb7cdd8)
  • Better generative IDs handling (ca0deef)
  • Bugfix concerning grades when average for student and outOf are not given (c478960)