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Build a portable bottle

Michka Popoff edited this page Jul 21, 2018 · 23 revisions

The bottles for binutils, patchelf and zlib are special. Because they are installed before glibc, they must be able to run on host systems using an older version of glibc. Linuxbrew supports host systems with glibc 2.12 and newer. We use CentOS 6 with glibc 2.12 to build portable bottles.

First, create a new clean docker image and run it:

docker pull centos/centos6
docker run -it --name=linuxbrew-centos6 centos:6
# Install build dependencies of `binutils`.
sudo yum install -y bison flex texinfo gcc gcc-c++

# Create the Linuxbrew user
useradd -m -s /bin/bash linuxbrew
echo 'linuxbrew ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >>/etc/sudoers
su -l linuxbrew

# Install Linuxbrew
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Create symlinks for GCC 4.4
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.4
ln -s /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.4

Build a portable bottle for binutils.

brew install --build-bottle binutils
brew bottle --json binutils
brew test binutils

Upload the bottle to Bintray using curl.

export BINTRAY_USER=linuxbrewtestbot BINTRAY_KEY=...
version=$(brew list --versions binutils | sed 's/.* //')
curl -u$BINTRAY_USER:$BINTRAY_KEY -T binutils-$version.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz "$version/binutils-$version.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz?publish=1" >curl.out

Add the sha256 of the bottle to the binutils formula manually.

brew edit binutils
git commit binutils.rb -m"binutils: update $version bottle for Linuxbrew.

This portable bottle was built using glibc 2.5 on CentOS 5."

Optional steps

Add the sha256 of the bottle to the binutils formula.

brew install git
git config --global LinuxbrewTestBot
git config --global
brew bottle --merge --write --keep-old binutils-*.x86_64_linux.bottle.json

Test the bottle.

brew remove --ignore-dependencies binutils
brew install ./binutils-*.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
brew install ruby # Fix Error: cannot load such file -- test/unit/assertions
brew test binutils

Upload the bottle to Bintray using brew test-bot.

export BINTRAY_USER=linuxbrewtestbot
export BINTRAY_KEY=...
brew test-bot --ci-upload --keep-old
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