Landez manipulates tiles, builds MBTiles, does tiles compositing and arrange tiles together into single images.
Tiles can either be obtained from a remote tile service URL, from a local Mapnik stylesheet, a WMS server or from MBTiles files.
For building MBTiles, Landez embeds mbutil from Mapbox at the final stage. The land covered is specified using a list of bounding boxes and zoom levels.
Landez is pure python and has no external dependency.
sudo easy_install landez
However, it requires mapnik if the tiles are rendered locally.
sudo aptitude install python-mapnik
And PIL to blend tiles together or export arranged tiles into images.
sudo aptitude install python-imaging
Using a remote tile service ( by default):
import logging from landez import MBTilesBuilder logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) mb = MBTilesBuilder(cache=False) mb.add_coverage(bbox=(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0), zoomlevels=[0, 1])
Please respect Tile usage policies <>
Using mapnik to render tiles:
import logging from landez import MBTilesBuilder logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) mb = MBTilesBuilder(stylefile="yourstyle.xml", filepath="dest.mbtiles") mb.add_coverage(bbox=(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0), zoomlevels=[0, 1])
And with UTFGrids:
import logging from landez import MBTilesBuilder logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) mb = MBTilesBuilder(stylefile="yourstyle.xml", grid_fields=["field1", "field2", "field3", ...] , filepath="dest.mbtiles") mb.add_coverage(bbox=(-180, -90, 180, 90), zoomlevels=[0, 1, 2, 3])
import logging from landez import MBTilesBuilder logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) mb = MBTilesBuilder(mbtiles_file="yourfile.mbtiles", filepath="dest.mbtiles") mb.add_coverage(bbox=(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0), zoomlevels=[0, 1])
mb = MBTilesBuilder(wms_server="", wms_layers=["ign:departements"], wms_options=dict(format="image/png", transparent=True), filepath="dest.mbtiles") mb.add_coverage(bbox=([-0.9853,43.6435.1126,44.0639]))
Merge multiple sources of tiles (URL, WMS, MBTiles, Mapnik stylesheet) together. (requires python PIL)
For example, build a new MBTiles by blending tiles of a MBTiles on top of OpenStreetMap tiles :
mb = MBTilesBuilder(filepath="merged.mbtiles") overlay = TilesManager(mbtiles_file="carto.mbtiles") mb.add_layer(overlay)
Or composite a WMS layer with OpenStreetMap using transparency (40%):
mb = MBTilesBuilder(wms_server="", wms_layers=["img:orthophoto"]) overlay = TilesManager(remote=True) mb.add_layer(overlay, 0.4)
Assemble and arrange tiles together into a single image. (requires python PIL)
Specify tiles sources in the exact same way as for building MBTiles files.
import logging from landez import ImageExporter logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) ie = ImageExporter(mbtiles_file="yourfile.mbtiles") ie.export_image(bbox=(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0), zoomlevel=3, imagepath="image.png")
Convert map tiles to gray scale, more suitable for information overlay :
from landez.filters import GrayScale ie = ImageExporter() ie.add_filter(GrayScale())
Replace a specific color by transparent pixels (i.e. color to alpha, a-la-Gimp) :
from landez.filters import ColorToAlpha overlay = TileManager() overlay.add_filter(ColorToAlpha('#ffffff')) # white will be transparent ie = ImageExporter() ie.add_layer(overlay) ...
from landez.sources import MBTilesReader mbreader = MBTilesReader("yourfile.mbtiles") # Metadata print mbreader.metadata() # Zoom levels print mbreader.zoomlevels() # Image tile with open('tile.png', 'wb') as out: out.write(mbreader.tile(z, x, y)) # UTF-Grid tile print mbreader.grid(z, x, y, 'callback')
from landez import MBTilesBuilder # From a TMS tile server # tm = TilesManager(tiles_url="http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png") # From a MBTiles file tm = TilesManager(mbtiles_file="yourfile.mbtiles") tiles = tm.tileslist(bbox=(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0), zoomlevels=[0, 1]) for tile in tiles: tilecontent = tm.tile(tile) # download, extract or take from cache ...
Cache tiles are stored using TMS scheme by default (with y
value flipped). It can be changed to WMTS (a.k.a xyz
) :
tm = TilesManager(your_sources_options, cache=True, cache_scheme="wmts")
Run tests with nosetests (if you are working in a virtualenv, don't forget to install nose in it!):
cd landez nosetests
The Mapnik stylesheet for the test about grid content comes from <>
- Mathieu Leplatre <>
- Sergej Tatarincev
- Éric Bréhault
- Waldemar Osuch
- Isabelle Vallet
- Thanks to mbutil authors <>
- Lesser GNU Public License