Releases: KotatsuApp/Kotatsu-nightly
Nightly Build 20241205
This build was prepared before GitHub Actions crashed on 2024-12-06
App update:
- Update dependencies (parsers)
- Fix loading local manga without index
Parsers update:
- [DocTruyen3Q + TopTruyen] Fix covers
- Changed sources domain: Quaanhdaocuteo, YuriNeko, NetTruyenFE, TopTruyen
Nightly Build 20241130
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/30
App update:
- Update dependencies (parsers)
Parsers update:
- Nothing changed...
Nightly Build 20241128
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/28
App update:
- Update translations: Vietnamese, Serbian, French, Spanish,...
Parsers update:
- Nothing changed...
Nightly Build 20241127
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/27
App update:
- Change 0ms DNS (for better performance)
Parsers update:
- [AsuraScans] Fix pages parsing
Nightly Build 20241126
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/26
App update:
- Nothing changed...
Parsers update:
- Nothing changed...
Nightly Build 20241125
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/25
App update:
- Some fixes + Kitsu fixes
- Add option to disable link handling
- Update translation files (Base)
Parsers update:
- Nothing changed...
Nightly Build 20241124
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/24
App update:
- Update dependencies (parsers)
- Fix "Deflater has been closed" error
- Fixes + Add some icons
Parsers update:
- [NineManga] Fixes
- [FlameComics] Update + Rewrite
- [ResetScans] Migrate to the new website
- Source that will no longer work (Marked as Broken): BlogTruyen
- Changed sources domain: MangaArabic, CuuTruyen, LxManga, HentaiVN, DocTruyen3Q, DocTruyen5s, TopTruyen, OtakuSan (VI + EN), HentaiVNPlus, TruyenVN, TruyenTranhDamMy, NetTruyenHE, NetTruyenLL, NetTruyenSSR, NetTruyenUU, NhatTruyenVN
Nightly Build 20241122
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/22
App update:
- Update translations: Russian
- Update dependencies (parsers)
Parsers update:
- [AsuraComic] Fix pages parsing
- Changed sources domain: LikeManga, LectorManga
Nightly Build 20241121
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/21
App update:
- Nothing changed...
Parsers update:
- Nothing changed...
Nightly Build 20241119
Automated nightly build generated on 2024/11/19
App update:
- Fix cleaning saved chapters
Parsers update:
- Nothing changed...