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User Guide


Currently, the application pacakge only for OS X is downloadable in the releases page. To install, move the to Applications and that's it. Security setting may be needed to run ココ for recent versions of OS X.

Packages for other platforms will be supported in the near future.

Basic usage

When connecting to a server properly, you'll see an IRC view. Basically, there's no much mouse interaction needed to use ココ. Everything can be done with a keyboard, so it's important to check the basic shortcuts and commands. shortcuts are surely configurable. How to configure them is described in the configuration documentation.

First, like using VIM's commmand and insert modes, we can focus the text input of the view pressing i or /. To return to the normal mode just press esc in the input mode.

In the input mode, you can input commmands or just a message. The type and usage of commands are described later.

In the normal mode, you can scroll logs, move to tabs or etc. The shortcuts are described in the following section.

Default shortcuts

The shortcuts are described in the format like below:

(key) (Working modes)


  • (key)>(key) means pressing the keys sequentially.
  • (key)+(key) means pressing the keys simultaniously.
  • shift+(lower character) can also be written (upper character).

i Normal

Enter to input mode

/ Normal

Enter to input mode, but with a command character / at the beginning

esc, ctrl+c Input

Exit from input mode, enter to normal mode

g>t Normal

Move to a next tab

g>T Normal

Move to a previous tab

j, k Normal

Scroll logs down and up

g>g, G Normal

Scroll logs to top and bottom

ctrl+f, ctrl+b Normal

Scroll logs one page down and up

up, down Input

Looking up input histories

tab Input

Autocomplete usernames


As explained in the basic usage section, to input commands, ココ should be in the input mode. Commands start with a command character, / by default. This character is also configurable. About the configuration, please refer to the configuration documentation. In this section, we'll explain with the default symbol /.

The commands are described in the format like below:

/(command) (...arguments)


  • Arguments are space-separated.
  • (?arg) means it's optional.
  • (...arg) means it's a space-separated array.
  • (!arg) means it's a text that can contain spaces. It's always optional.

/join (channel)

Join a channel.

  • # can be omitted from the channel name.

/part (?channel) (!message)

Part a channel.

  • If no channel name is provided, part the current channel or personal chat.
  • If no message is provided, use the default message used in node-irc.

/ctcp (target) (type) (!text)

Send a ctcp.

/action (target) (!message)

Do an action.

/whois (nick)

See the information of a user.

/nick (nick)

Change my nick to the provided nick.

/mode (?channel) (mode) (nick)

Give a mode to a user in a channel

  • If no channel name is provided, use the current channel.
  • mode can be +(mode character), -(mode character) and just (mode character). If no + or - is provided, + is used by default. The mode character is like v or o.

/kick (?channel) (nick) (!message)

Kick a user from a channel.

  • If no channel name is provided, use the current channel.
  • If no message is provided, use the default message used in node-irc.

/ban (?channel) (nick), /unban (?channel) (nick)

Just sugars for /mode (channel) +/-b (nick). Ban or unban a user from a channel.

/kickban (?channel) (nick) (!message)

Just a sugar to do /kick and /ban at the same time. Kick and ban a user from a channel.

/topic (?channel) (!topic)

Set or show the topic of a channel.

  • If no channel name is provided, use the current channel.
  • If no parameter is provided at all, just show the topic of the current channel.

/msg (nick) (!message)

Send a personal message and start a personal chat.

/quote (command) (...args), /raw (command) (...args)

Send a raw IRC message.

For developers

This small section is for developers finding information about implementing or fixing commands. If not interested, please ignore this section.

Most of the commands are placed in irc-command.ts in browser. However, some cases are handled in renderer process, specifically in irc-view.ts. Here are the cases.

  • /topic without any parameter
  • /part from a personal chat
  • /msg to open a new buffer.

The reason they aren't handled in irc-command.ts, but in irc-view.ts, is that the cases cannot or needn't be handled in backend with node-irc. You can find the local handler, tryHandleLocally() in irc-view.ts.

We know it doesn't seem good, but we're afriad they'll remain for the time being.

Need more help!
