We provide the source code for the paper "Joint Parsing and Generation for Abstractive Summarization", accepted at AAAI'20. If you find the code useful, please cite the following paper.
Author = {Kaiqiang Song and Logan Lebanoff and Qipeng Guo and Xipeng Qiu and Xiangyang Xue and Chen Li and Dong Yu and Fei Liu},
Title = {Joint Parsing and Generation for Abstractive Summarization},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
Year = {2020}}
Our system seeks to re-write a lengthy sentence, often the 1st sentence of a news article, to a concise, title-like summary. The average input and output lengths are 31 words and 8 words, respectively.
The code takes as input a text file with one sentence per line. It generates 2 text files ("summary.txt" and "parse.txt") in the working folder as the outputs, where each source sentence is replaced by a title-like summary and a corresponding dependency parsing tree.
Example input and output are shown below.
Belgian authorities are investigating the killing of two policewomen and a passerby in the eastern city of Liege on Tuesday as a terror attack, the country's prosecutor said.
belgian prosecutor confirms killing of two policewomen and passerby .
belgian prosecutor <-- confirms killing of two policewomen <-- <-- and --> passerby --> --> --> . --> <--
The code is written in Python (v3.7) and Pytorch (v1.3). We suggest the following environment:
- A Linux machine (Ubuntu) with GPU
- Python (v3.7)
- Pytorch (v1.3)
- Stanford CoreNLP
- Pyrouge
To install Python (v3.7), run the command:
$ wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2019.10-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ bash Anaconda3-2019.10-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ source ~/.bashrc
To install PyTorch (v1.3) and its dependencies, run the below command.
$ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
To download the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit and use it as a server, run the command below. The CoreNLP toolkit helps tokenization (for both train and test) and collect dependency parse trees from target sentences (for train only).
$ wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05.zip
$ unzip stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05.zip
$ cd stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05
$ nohup java -mx16g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 60000 &
$ cd -
To install Pyrouge, run the command below. Pyrouge is a Python wrapper for the ROUGE toolkit, an automatic metric used for summary evaluation.
$ pip install pyrouge
Clone this repo. Download this ZIP file (
) containing vocabulary files and trained models. Move the ZIP file to the working folder and uncompress.$ git clone git@github.com:KaiQiangSong/joint_parse_summ.git $ mv others.zip joint_parse_summ $ cd joint_parse_summ $ unzip others.zip $ rm others.zip $ mkdir log
Generating Summaries with our joint parsing and generating summarization model trained on selected dataset including: gigaword (default), newsroom, cnndm (for CNN/DM-R), websplit.
$ python run.py --do_test --inputFile data/test.txt
Or if you want runing models other than that trained on gigaword:
$ python run.py --do_test --data newsroom --inputFile data/test.txt
Training the Model with train files and validation files.
$ python run.py --do_train --train_prefix data/train --valid_prefix data/valid
Or if you want to train other models (flatParse, flatToken)
$ python run.py --do_train --model flatParse --train_prefix data/train --valid_prefix data/valid
(Optional) Modify the training options.
You might want to change the parameters used for training. These are specified in
and explained blow.
"reload":false, # If you want to reload from previous training model, in case of Issues like Power Off
"reload_path":"./model/checkpoint_Epoch8.pth.tar", # Which file you want to reload
"optimizer": # Using Adam in our optimizer
"betas":[0.9, 0.999],
"grad_clip": # Gradient Clipping
"max_epoch":30, # Maximum Running Epochs
"earlyStopping":true, # Using Early Stopping
"earlyStopping_metric":"valid_err", # Using Validation Loss as metric
"earlyStopping_bound":60000, #Stop the training when the validation loss didn't update for 60k batches
"rateReduce_bound":24000 # Reduce the Learning Rate by half if the validation loss didn't update for 24k batches
"checkMin":10000, # First Checking Point after 10k batches
"checkFreq":2000, # Check points after each 2k batches
"everyEpoch":true # Save a checkpoint after each epoch
HINT*: 60K batches (used for earlyStopping_bound
) correspond to about 1 epoch for our dataset. 24K batches (used for rateReduce_bound
) is slightly less than half of an epoch.