Contrail-installer is a set of scripts and utilities to quickly build, install, configure and deploy OpenContrail. It can be used with pre-build packages (e.g. Launchpad PPA) or from sources. It is typically used in conjunction with devstack.
The contrail-installer master branch generally points to trunk versions of OpenContrail components whether sources or snapshots. For older, stable versions, use appropriate release name.
Currently contrail-installer supports the following (support the latest version of devstack, as of now it's mitaka):
contrail-installer: sources master
contrail-installer: sources R3.0
contrail-installer: packages R2.20
Topology Supported
Currently contrail-installer support the following topology:
- All in one or Single node setup where all the contrail roles (config, control, compute, webui, analytics, database and devstack) are configured on single node/server.
- Controller and multiple compute. In this topology a single controller (with all contrail roles) and multiple compute on different node/server.
Contrail-installer repo:
Devstack generally uses stack user (non root) for installation of devstack and same is maintained for installation of opencontrail also using contrail-installer.
Create new user "stack" and give sudo permissions in /etc/sudoers file as shown below:
The contrail-installer repo can be checked out from github.
Clone the contrail-installer to the node
git clone
OpenContrail uses localrc to contain all local configuration and customizations. Copy the localrc-all file as shown below:
cd contrail-installer
cp samples/localrc-all localrc
Below are the important keys to be set in the localrc file
CONTRAIL_DEFAULT_INSTALL - Set this to True for installation from OpenContrail binary packages. When set to False, source from trunk OpenContrail will be downloaded and compiled.
LAUNCHPAD_BRANCH=PPA - Applicable only when CONTRAIL_DEFAULT_INSTALL is set to True. It specifies to use released binary packages for installation. Default is to use latest snapshots as this knob is commented out by default in sample localrc.
PHYSICAL_INTERFACE - This is external interface Vrouter should bind to. It should have a valid IP address configured. For example eth0
INSTALL_PROFILE - Set this to ALL to for an all in one node. You can specify it to a particular role e.g. COMPUTE to make the node act only as compute node.
USE_SCREEN - Set this to True to launch contrail modules in a screen session called "contrail". Connect to screen session for any troubleshooting of contrail modules.
LOGFILE - Specify logfile for runs. By default this is log/contrail.log in contrail-installer directory
Launching Opencontril+Devstack (All-in-one Node)
This can be done in 2 ways:
- Staring Opencontrail and Devstack script separately one after other manually
- Using (under utilities folder in contrail-installer) to install Opencontrail and Devstack automatically and execute basic sanity testcases
Section 1. Manual Method to install opencontrail and Devstack:
OpenContrail uses localrc to contain all local configuration and customizations. Copy the localrc-all file after cloning the contrail-installer from github as shown below:
cd contrail-installer
cp samples/localrc-all localrc
Update the localrc with the required keys as mentioned above.
if CONTRAIL_DEFAULT_INSTALL is set to false, then building from source requires the following entry in /etc/apt/sources.list to resolve package dependency:
deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main
Contrail-installer uses to install/launch opencontrail and supports following options:
build ... to build OpenContrail – Download the dependencies, source code and builds the opencontrail system
Install ... to Install OpenContrail – Installs the opencontrail system by using the binaries (from generated build or from the PPA location) and required configuration files.
configure... to Configure & Provision – overrides the environment values from localrc and replaces it with the generated configuration files.
start ... to Start OpenContrail Modules/daemons
stop ... to Stop OpenContrail Modules
clean ... to cleanup the database.
restart ... to Restart OpenContrail Modules without resetting data
Launching OpenContrail :
Follow the steps below to configure/install opencontrail.
cd contrail-installer
cp samples/localrc-all localrc (edit localrc as needed)
./ build
./ install
./ configure
./ start
The success of each step is determined by exit status of the script, exit status of zero is success and non-zero exit is failure. Refer to the detailed log "contrail.log" under log folder in case of failure.
If keyword USE_SCREEN is set to TRUE, contrail daemons will be launched in screen session by name "contrail", use screen –x contrail to run through various tabs to see the contrail modules/daemon running.
Launching devstack:
Trunk of contrail-installer works with stable/mitaka, follow the steps below to launch devstack.
Checkout the devstack repo from:
git clone
cd devstack
git checkout stable/mitaka
A glue file is needed in the interim till it is upstreamed to devstack
cp ~/contrail-installer/devstack/lib/neutron_plugins/opencontrail lib/neutron_plugins/
Use sample localrc:
cp ~/contrail-installer/devstack/samples/localrc-all localrc
edit the localrc file to update the physical interface info.
Restarting OpenContrail+Devstack
If you need to restart OpenContrail or Devstack for some reason, currently they need to be synchronized. So
cd ~/devstack
cd ~/contrail-installer
./ restart
cd ~/devstack
if issues persist, it might be helpful to reboot server or VM and repeat the steps below
cd ~/contrail-installer
./ start
cd ~/devstack
Verify installation
screen -x contrail and run through various tabs to see various contrail modules are running
Run utilities/contrail-status to see if all services are running (need to set CONTRAIL_DIR and DEVSTACK_DIR to contrail-installer and devstack folder respectively before running the command)
Running sanity
Note that default sample localrc enables simple gateway. A script is available that will create a virtual network, launch two VMs, ping each VM from host and then SSH into it. Follow the steps below:
cd ~/contrail-installer/utilities
export CONTRAIL_DIR=~/contrail-installer
export DEVSTACK_DIR=~/devstack
Section 2: Second approach
Automating and devstack (all-in-one Node)
contrail-installer/utilities/ attempts to automate steps required by sequential runs of and devstack. It works off a configuration file, default called auto.conf is provided. Below are the important keywords to check:
CONTRAIL_INSTALLER_BRANCH – The branch of contrail-installer to be cloned. Default being MASTER.
ENABLE_BINARY – Set to TRUE for Binary installation and False for source code installation. If set to False, add the following entries in sources.list for installation of packages required for installation.
deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main
LAUNCHPAD_BRANCH – If ENABLE_BINARY is set to True, uncomment and set this to appropriate packages. Default being sanapshots or else this can be uncommented.
DEVSTACK_CLONE_BRANCH - branch of devstack to be cloned ex: stable/mitaka
Following example launches in binary PPA mode while using R2.20 packages. See auto.conf for more options to launch in source mode or with use of snapshots
$ cd ~/contrail-installer/utilities
$ diff auto.conf my.conf
$ ./ my.conf performs the following tasks:
install opencontrail on the node (either using PPA package or building from source, based on parameters set in auto.conf)
install devstack
run basic sanity suite to validate the installation.
Multi Compute Node Setup
This model of deployment contains multiple nodes with all configured in one node and only compute services in other nodes. I.e. one physical host or VM running controller, compute services together and one physical hosts or VMs running only compute services.
Launching opencontrail on controller Node.
Follow the steps to launch opencontrail and devstack manually on controller node:
Install opencontrail and devstack on one node (follow the same instructions mentioned in Section 1, all-in-one mode)
Launching COMPUTE ONLY role on other nodes/VMs
Follow the steps below to launch COMPUTE only role on other physical nodes or VMs:
Download contrail-installer on opencontrail installer node from github.
git clone
Edit localrc as shown below:
cd contrail-installer
cp samples/localrc-all localrc
Follow the below steps to launch opencontrail: build install configure start
Download devstack from github and checkout the supported devstack release
git clone –b stable/mitaka
Create localrc file with the following keywords
cd devstack, open new file localrc and add the following entry and save the file
# change this to master/controller node's ip
SERVICE_HOST=<controller-ip># control1
# the interface that contrail's vhost0 should take over PHYSICAL_INTERFACE=eth0
Q_PLUGIN=opencontrail STACK_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)
# log all screen output to this directory SCREEN_LOGDIR=$STACK_DIR/log/screens LOG=True
ENABLED_SERVICES=n-cpu,rabbit,g-api,neutron,n-novnc,n-xvnc Q_USE_DEBUG_COMMAND=True
# repo proto is https or (default) ssh. Leave commented for ssh
#CONTRAIL_REPO_PROTO=https# proto for openstack bits. Use HTTPS if git is firewalled
GIT_BASE= use contrail VIF driver with NOVA
NOVA_VIF_DRIVER=nova_contrail_vif.contrailvif.VRouterVIFDriver -
cp ~/contrail-installer/devstack/lib/neutron_plugins/opencontrail lib/neutron_plugins/
Verify if the compute nodes are up by:
a. running contrail-status command from contrail-installer/utilities folder
b. login to contrail-webui and check if the dashboard for the number of instances of compute nodes.
Repeat the above steps if more compute nodes are required as part of the cluster.
Run sanity from controller node to verify the TCs
cd ~/contrail-installer/utilities
export CONTRAIL_DIR=~/contrail-installer
export DEVSTACK_DIR=~/devstack
Steps to build PPA packages on PPA build machine
Pre-requisite to build the PPA package is to import pgp key to launchpad account using the instructions mentioned in the below URL:
Copy the following content into a script (say and run the script with following parameter:
./ <branch>
where <branch> is contrail maintained branch which could be master/R3.0/R3.0.1.x/R3.2 etc.
Content of the script:
#!/bin/bash -xe
key=<launchpad key>
if [[ -z $branch ]]; then
echo "Arguments not given on cmd line!!" exit 1
git config --global "<user name>"
git config --global "<user email-id>"
repo init -u -b $branch
repo sync
cd third_party
cd $curdir
#release will be head of the specified branch
release=`cat controller/src/base/`
sed -i s/libipfix/libipfix-dev/ tools/packages/debian/contrail/debian/control
make -f packages.make KEYID=$key VERSION=$release~
date +%Y%m%d
~$platform source-package-contrailsed -i s/SERIES/$platform/ tools/packages/debian/contrail-web-core/debian/changelog
sed -i s/SERIES/$platform/ tools/packages/debian/contrail-web-controller/debian/changelog
make -f packages.make KEYID=$key VERSION=$release~
date +%Y%m%d
~$platform source-package-contrail-web-coremake -f packages.make KEYID=$key VERSION=$release~
date +%Y%m%d
~$platform source-package-contrail-web-controllermake -f packages.make KEYID=$key VERSION=$release~
date +%Y%m%d
~$platform source-package-neutron-plugin-contrailecho "Build complete, dput PPA!!"
cd $curdir/build/packages
dput ppa:<ppa location> contrail_$release~
date +%Y%m%d
~$platform_source.changesdput ppa:<ppa location> contrail-web-core_$release~
date +%Y%m%d
~$platform_source.changesdput ppa:<ppa location> contrail-web-controller_$release~
date +%Y%m%d
~$platform_source.changesdput ppa:<ppa location> neutron-plugin-contrail_$release~
date +%Y%m%d