diff --git a/docs/src/man/basics.md b/docs/src/man/basics.md
index b0809569cb..475eb9eae6 100644
--- a/docs/src/man/basics.md
+++ b/docs/src/man/basics.md
@@ -474,6 +474,10 @@ Let us start with the example of using the `empty` and `empty!` functions:
```jldoctest dataframe
julia> empty(german)
0×10 DataFrame
+ Row │ id Age Sex Job Housing Saving accounts Checking accoun ⋯
+ │ Int64 Int64 String7 Int64 String7 String15 String15 ⋯
+ 4 columns omitted
julia> german
1000×10 DataFrame
@@ -500,9 +504,17 @@ julia> german
julia> empty!(german)
0×10 DataFrame
+ Row │ id Age Sex Job Housing Saving accounts Checking accoun ⋯
+ │ Int64 Int64 String7 Int64 String7 String15 String15 ⋯
+ 4 columns omitted
julia> german
0×10 DataFrame
+ Row │ id Age Sex Job Housing Saving accounts Checking accoun ⋯
+ │ Int64 Int64 String7 Int64 String7 String15 String15 ⋯
+ 4 columns omitted
In the above example `empty` function created a new `DataFrame` with the same
@@ -510,10 +522,11 @@ column names and column element types as `german` but with zero rows. On the
other hand `empty!` function removed all rows from `german` in-place and made
each of its columns empty.
-The difference between the behavior of the `empty` and `empty!` functions is an application of the
+The difference between the behavior of the `empty` and `empty!` functions is an
+application of the
[stylistic convention](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/variables/#Stylistic-Conventions)
-employed in the Julia language.
-This convention is followed in all functions provided by the DataFrames.jl package.
+employed in the Julia language. This convention is followed in all functions
+provided by the DataFrames.jl package.
### Getting Basic Information about a Data Frame
diff --git a/docs/src/man/getting_started.md b/docs/src/man/getting_started.md
index 1ab1e95bd4..1638812b02 100644
--- a/docs/src/man/getting_started.md
+++ b/docs/src/man/getting_started.md
@@ -299,6 +299,9 @@ integers and the second one can only contain strings):
```jldoctest dataframe
julia> df = DataFrame(A=Int[], B=String[])
0×2 DataFrame
+ Row │ A B
+ │ Int64 String
Rows can then be added as tuples or vectors, where the order of elements matches that of columns.
diff --git a/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl b/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl
index 12036fe954..7aa2faa131 100755
--- a/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl
+++ b/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl
@@ -1014,6 +1014,9 @@ julia> df = DataFrame(a=1:3, b=4:6)
julia> empty!(df)
0×2 DataFrame
+ Row │ a b
+ │ Int64 Int64
julia> df.a, df.b
(Int64[], Int64[])
diff --git a/test/io.jl b/test/io.jl
index 31bae4f0fa..ed5ebf0320 100644
--- a/test/io.jl
+++ b/test/io.jl
@@ -629,137 +629,69 @@ end
show(IOContext(io, :limit => true), MIME"text/html"(),
DataFrame(a = Int64.(1:26 |> collect)))
str = String(take!(io))
- @test str == "
" *
- "
" *
- "26×1 DataFrame" *
- "
" *
- "
" *
- "1 row omitted" *
- "
" *
- "
" *
- "
" *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "" *
- "" *
- "" *
- "" *
- "" *
- "1 | " *
- "1 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "2 | " *
- "2 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "3 | " *
- "3 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "4 | " *
- "4 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "5 | " *
- "5 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "6 | " *
- "6 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "7 | " *
- "7 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "8 | " *
- "8 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "9 | " *
- "9 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "10 | " *
- "10 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "11 | " *
- "11 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "12 | " *
- "12 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "13 | " *
- "13 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "⋮ | " *
- "⋮ | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "15 | " *
- "15 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "16 | " *
- "16 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "17 | " *
- "17 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "18 | " *
- "18 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "19 | " *
- "19 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "20 | " *
- "20 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "21 | " *
- "21 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "22 | " *
- "22 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "23 | " *
- "23 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "24 | " *
- "24 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "25 | " *
- "25 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "26 | " *
- "26 | " *
- "
" *
- "" *
- "
" *
- "
+ @test str == """26×1 DataFrame
""" *
+ """
""" *
+ """""" *
+ """
""" *
+ """""" *
+ """""" *
+ """""" *
+ """1 | """ *
+ """1 |
""" *
+ """2 | """ *
+ """2 |
""" *
+ """3 | """ *
+ """3 |
""" *
+ """4 | """ *
+ """4 |
""" *
+ """5 | """ *
+ """5 |
""" *
+ """6 | """ *
+ """6 |
""" *
+ """7 | """ *
+ """7 |
""" *
+ """8 | """ *
+ """8 |
""" *
+ """9 | """ *
+ """9 |
""" *
+ """10 | """ *
+ """10 |
""" *
+ """11 | """ *
+ """11 |
""" *
+ """12 | """ *
+ """12 |
""" *
+ """13 | """ *
+ """13 |
""" *
+ """14 | """ *
+ """14 |
""" *
+ """15 | """ *
+ """15 |
""" *
+ """16 | """ *
+ """16 |
""" *
+ """17 | """ *
+ """17 |
""" *
+ """18 | """ *
+ """18 |
""" *
+ """19 | """ *
+ """19 |
""" *
+ """20 | """ *
+ """20 |
""" *
+ """21 | """ *
+ """21 |
""" *
+ """22 | """ *
+ """22 |
""" *
+ """23 | """ *
+ """23 |
""" *
+ """24 | """ *
+ """24 |
""" *
+ """25 | """ *
+ """25 |
""" *
+ """26 | """ *
+ """26 |
# Test invalid keywords when printing to HTML.
@test_throws ArgumentError show(stdout, MIME("text/html"), df, rowid=10)