This folder contains the source code for the raspi controller to work.
src/: Contains the actual source code in Python (should mostly be understandable by looking at the comments) Basically executes an infinite loop and creates instances of BluetoothCOntroller (for communication), GpioController (for switching and reading of PIN levels) and RadioController (for interacting with the car stereo, experimental).
config.ini: Contains information about the hardware (GPIO Pins) used by the RasPi for what purpose. Since a specific switch (for example) will turn on when the Power on the connected GPIO Pin is set to HIGH. Also Power measurement units need to be accessed via a specific hardware address that is defined by the way the components are soldered. Lastly this file stores the Codes used for Bluetooth communication.
Pipfile: Pip-packages to be installed on the raspberry
- Main entrypoint that gets called by the crontab when the raspi starts.