Function to get the color with higher contrast
- Install the bower component to your project:
bower install sass-contrast-color --save-dev
- Import the Sass file into your code:
@import "bower_components/sass-contrast-color/contrast.sass"
Or if you're using SCSS:
@import "bower_components/sass-contrast-color/contrast.scss";
Adjust the tree to your project.
// Compare colors to higher contrast
contrast($base-color, $color1, $color2)
// Compare colors to lower contrast (inverting the former contrast function)
invert-contrast($base-color, $color1, $color2)
- $base-color - set the basic color
- $color1 - first color to compare with base-color
- $color2 - second color to compare with base-color
background-color: red
color: contrast(red, black, white)
The example will compare black and white with red and give back the more higher contrast color.
See the compiled CSS code:
body {
background-color: red;
color: white;