The website's CSS passed the W3C CSS Validation checker:
CSS: Pass
The website's HTML passed the W3C HTML Validation checker:
Homepage: Pass
Login Page: Pass
Register Page: Pass
Issues and Fixes
- Homepage HTML validation
- Issues: Incorrect use of div element within a span and duplicate class
- Fix: Updated to meet passing requirements
- Login/ Register HTML validation
- Issue: Incorrect use of button tag
- Fix: Changed to 'a' tag
The website's Python code was checked for PEP8 compliance and returned no errors:
The website's JavaScript was tested for errors using JSHint.
Issues and Fixes
JSHint returned three warnings - two related to the use of 'const' in ES6 which didn't require attention. Another was in relation to a mission semicolon, however this line of code contained the appropriate semicolons.
The website's homepage was tested to ensure it was accessible to people with disabilities using the Web Accessibility checker.
Issues and Fixes
Three violations were highlighted to ensure link text is meaningful within context for the social media links. As these were icons, and did not contain text, I left these unchanged. Overall, the homepage received a good score of 89%.
A linting error remains in the terminal "'env' important but unused". This error was ignored as the file is not discoverable and thus performing as desired.
Manual tests were carried out across all user stories and features:
As a patient, I want the main purpose of the website to be immediately apparent upon entering so I understand what the site is used for
Description: Verify site logo displays across all website pages for non-registered and registered users Steps:
- Open Chrome and navigate to website
- Check logo appears on homepage
- Sign into account and navigate through all pages to ensure logo appears across all of them
- Repeat steps on mobile
Expected Result: Logo displays on all website pages
Actual Result: Logo displays on all website pages
Pass/Fail: Pass
Description: Verify the homepage displays a relevant hero image and text Steps:
- Open Chrome and navigate to website
- Check hero image displays on homepage
- Check hero text displays over image
- Repeat steps on mobile
Expected Result: Hero text displays over hero image
Actual Result: Hero text displays over hero image
Pass/Fail: Pass
Description: Verify the homepage has an 'About' section Steps:
- Open Chrome and navigate to website homepage
- Scroll down to ensure 'About' section displays
- Repeat above steps on mobile
Expected Result: About section displays on homepage
Actual Result: About section displays on homepage
Pass/Fail: Pass
As a patient, I want a web application which is easy to navigate on mobile, tablet and desktop devices
Description: Verify the website's responsiveness across varying device types Steps:
- Navigate to website on Chrome
- Open up Chrome Google Developer Tools
- Use 'Responsive' tool to test responsiveness across all pages on website
- Open website on different physical home devices to further ensure responsiveness
Expected Result: Website rescales for varying device types
Actual Result: Website rescales for varying device types
Pass/Fail: Pass
Description: Verify the hamburger menu appears on small devices Steps:
- Navigate to website homepage on mobile device
- Ensure hamburger icon displays
- Ensure hamburger icon opens with functioning links
Expected Result: Navbar displays and functions on mobile
Actual Result: Navbar displays and functions on mobile
Pass/Fail: Pass
Description: Verify all pages contain a navbar and footer with the correct and functioning links
- Navigate to website in Chrome
- Check homepage contains header and footer with correct links
- Test all header and footer links
- Login and ensure all logged in pages display header and footer with correct links
- Test all header and footer links when signed in
Expected Result: Header and footer display with functioning links
Actual Result: Header and footer display with functioning links
Pass/Fail Pass
Description: Ensure 'back-to-top' button display on dashboard
- Navigate to website on Chrome
- Sign into account dashboard
- Check back-to-top button appears when scrolling down page
- Click button to check it brings page to top
Expected Result: 'Back-to-top' button appears and scrolls page to top on click
Actual Result: 'Back-to-top' button appears and scrolls page to top on click
Pass/Fail: Pass
Issues and Fixes during testing of deployed website
- Test Case 4:
- Issue: 'Cancel' button jumped beneath 'Update Profile' and 'Update log' buttons for mobile devices
- Fix: Reduce side padding on buttons from 40px to 15px
- Test Case 6:
- Issue: Username does not appear on dropdown menu on some pages when logged in
- Fix: This was fixed on the homepage follow tutor guidance to duplicate the page to render it differently for logged in users. The same issue was discovered on the 404 page however and remains unfixed due to time constraints. Further research needs to be done on how to remedy this issue.
As a patient, I want a website which is visually appealing and looks professional so I feel confident in storing my medical data
Description: Verify consistent colours and styling across website
- Navigate to website on Chrome
- View homepage colours and layout and ensure all are consistent
- Login to dashboard and ensure colours and styling are consistent for logged in users
Expected Result: Consistent styling and colour theme across website
Actual Result: Consistent styling and colour theme across website
Pass/Fail: Pass
As a patient, I want to be able to register to create my own personal account and feel that my information is secure
Description: Verify registration form performs as expected
- Navigate to website's register page on Chrome
- Ensure the contact form is visible and containers the following fields
- Username
- Password
- GDPR consent box
- Enter the following data into the form fields
- Username: TestLogin
- Password: TestLogin
- Check GDPR box
- Click Register
- Repeat same on mobile device
Expected Result Form submits without errors
Actual Result Form submits without errors
Pass/Fail Pass
Description: Ensure registration functionality form performs as expected when incorrect or null data is added
- Navigate to website's register page on Chrome
- Ensure the contact form is visible and contains the following fields
- Username
- Password
- GDPR consent box
- Submit the form when the username is blank and ensure a warning appears prompting to fill in field. Repeat the same for password and GDPR box
- Submit the form when the username has the incorrect format and ensure a warning message appears outline required format. Repeat same for password
- Repeat on mobile device
Expected Result Form will not submit with incorrect or null data
Actual Result Form will not submit with incorrect or null data
Pass/Fail Pass
Issues and Fixes during testing of deployed website
- Test Case 10
- Issue: On mobile devices, users cannot see the form title as it appears on desktop outlining the required format
- Fix: A fix has not been found for this at present, but users are still notified when their input is wrong
As a patient, I want to be able to update my health profile with my personal details
Description: Verify patient can update, edit and delete their health profile when logged in
- Open Chrome and navigate to website
- Login and go to dashboard
- Click to edit profile
- Enter image url, gender, dob and height
- Click to update profile
- Click to edit profile on dashboard and edit fields above
- Submit new data and ensure profile updates on dashboard
- Click to delete profile
- Ensure that modal appears to confirm deletion
- Repeat on mobile device
Expected Result: Users can create, read, update and delete profile data on dashboard
Actual Result: Users can create, read, update and delete profile data on dashboard
Pass/Fail: Pass
Issues and Fixes during testing of deployed website
- Test case 11:
- Issue: Cancel button updates form
- Fix: Replaced 'button' tag with 'a' tag and remove type="submit"
- Issue: Date form allows you to enter date in future
- Possible fix: JQuery could be used to prevent this, however this could not be implemented due to time constraints for this release and will be in a future release
As a patient, I want to be able to record my medical logs and have the ability to edit and delete data I no longer wish to record
Description: Ensure that users can create, read, update and delete medical logs
- Go to Chrome and navigate to website
- Login to account dashboard
- Click to create new log
- Fill in form data and submit
- Ensure log appears on dashboard
- Click to edit log on dashboard
- Update fields and submit
- Ensure updated fields display on dashboard
- Click to delete log
- Ensure that modal appears to confirm deletion
Expected Result Users can create, read, update and delete medical logs
Actual Result Users can create, read, update and delete medical logs
Pass/Fail Pass
Issues and Fixes during testing of deployed website
- Test Case 12:
- Issue: Date form allows you to enter date in future
- Possible fix: JQuery could be used to prevent this, however this could not be implemented due to time constraints for this release and will be in a future release
As a patient, I want to be able to request an appointment with my medical team
Description: Verify that patients can email their medical team
- Open Chrome and navigate to website
- Click 'Request Appointment' button on homepage
- Ensure button opens email client
- Login and go to dashboard
- Click 'Request Appointment' button on Dashboard
- Ensure button opens email client
Expected Result Email client opens
Actual Result Email client opens
Pass/Fail Pass
I checked Google Chrome's Console for any code errors. It displayed the following for the JavaScript file:
- Issue:
- Fix: These errors were caused when the index.html had loaded, the JavaScript code was trying to attach an event listener to the dateToday, but it only exists on the dashboard.html file.
To fix this error, I imported the JavaScript directly to the dashboard.html between {% block scripts %}{% endblock %} tags and removed it from the scripts.html as it did not apply to all pages. This resolved the console errors.
All website links were reviewed across the website to ensure there were no broken links. I tested the 404 page by typing in an incorrect URL. This loaded correctly.
As part of the testing, I submitted this project to the Code Institute's peer-to-peer code review channel in Slack. A few minor issues were detected and fixed:
- Flash message padding on mobile to be increased
- Page link rename to avoid confusion and improve UX
One possible issue remains:
- The 'Book Appointment' button failed to work on iPhone 11 devices (Safari and Chrome). This could possibly be due to whether the user has an email client installed on their device or not
- I was unable to recreate this issue on my iPhone XS Max or MacBook 12 devices and given the timeframe couldn't find a solution to this
- In a future release, this will be addressed to ensure the 'Request Appointment' button works across all devices