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File metadata and controls

195 lines (119 loc) · 5.91 KB


You can access the query, or table, instance for each prom.model.Orm child you create by calling its .query class property:

print(Orm.query) # prom.query.Query

Every time you call this property, a new prom.query.Query instance will be created.

Customizing the queries

The Query Class

You can also extend the default prom.query.Query class and let your prom.model.Orm child know about it

import prom

class DemoQuery(prom.Query):
    async def get_by_foo(self, *foos):
        """get all demos with matching foos, ordered by last updated first"""
        return await self.in_foo(*foos).desc_updated().get()

class DemoOrm(prom.Orm):
    query_class = DemoQuery
    foo = prom.Field(int)

await DemoOrm.query.get_by_foo(1, 2, 3) # this now works

Notice the query_class class property on the DemoOrm class. Now every instance of DemoOrm (or child that derives from it) will use DemoQuery.

The Iterator Class

the get query method returns a prom.query.Iterator instance. This instance has a useful method has_more that will be true if there are more rows in the db that match the query, this can make creating paginated results easier.

Similar to the Query class, you can customize the Iterator class by setting the iterator_class class variable:

class DemoIterator(prom.Iterator):

class DemoOrm(prom.Orm):
    iterator_class = DemoIterator


Prom's querying is based off of MongoDB's querying syntax (see issue 150 for more information).

You should check the actual code for the query class in prom.query.Query for all the methods you can use to create your queries, Prom allows you to set up the query using pseudo method names in the form:


So, if you wanted to select on the foo fields, you could do:


or, if you have the name in the field as a string:

command_field(fieldname, field_value)

so, we could also select on foo this way:

query.eq_field('foo', 5)

Selecting Fields

You can use the select method to grab certain fields:"foo", "bar")

Where Commands

The different WHERE commands:

  • in -- in_field(fieldname, field_vals) -- do a sql fieldname IN (field_val1, ...) query
  • nin -- nin_field(fieldname, field_vals) -- do a sql fieldname NOT IN (field_val1, ...) query
  • eq -- eq_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname = field_val query
  • ne -- ne_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname != field_val query
  • gt -- gt_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname > field_val query
  • gte -- gte_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname >= field_val query
  • lt -- lt_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname < field_val query
  • lte -- lte_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname <= field_val query
  • between -- between_field(low, high) -- do a sql fieldname >= low AND fieldname <= high query
  • startswith -- startswith_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname LIKE 'fieldname%' query
  • endswith -- endswith_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname LIKE '%fieldname' query
  • contains -- contains_field(fieldname, field_val) -- do a sql fieldname LIKE '%fieldname%' query

Sorting Fields

The different ORDER BY commands:

  • asc -- asc_field(fieldname) -- do a sql ORDER BY fieldname ASC query
  • desc -- desc_field(fieldname) -- do a sql ORDER BY fieldname DESC query

You can also sort by a list of values:

foos = [3, 5, 2, 1]

rows = await query.select_foo().in_foo(foos).asc_foo(foos).tolist()
print rows # [3, 5, 2, 1]

Bounding Queries

And you can also set limit and page:

query.limit(10).offset(1) # LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1
query.limit(10).page(2) # get 10 results for page 2 (offset 10)

They can be chained together:

# SELECT foo, che from table_name WHERE foo=10 AND bar='value 2' ORDER BY che DESC LIMIT 5"foo", "che").is_foo(10).is_bar("value 2").desc_che().limit(5).get()

You can also write your own queries by hand:

await query.raw("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE foo = %s AND bar = %s", [10, "value 2"])

Executing the Query

The prom.query.Query has a couple helpful query methods to make grabbing rows easy:

  • get -- get() -- run the select query. Return an Iterator instance.

  • one -- one() -- run the select query with a LIMIT 1. Return an Orm instance.

  • count -- count() -- return an integer of how many rows match the query, Return an integer.

  • has -- has() -- return True if there is at least one row in the db matching query

  • raw -- raw(query_str, *query_args, **query_options) -- run a raw query

    await Foo.query.raw("SELECT * FROM {} WHERE bar = %s".format(Foo.schema), ["bar value"])

    NOTE, Doing custom queries using raw would be the only way to do join queries.

Specialty Queries


If you have a date or datetime field, you can pass kwargs to fine tune date queries:

import datetime

class Foo(prom.Orm):

    table_name = "foo_table"

    dt = prom.Field(datetime.datetime)

    index_dt = prom.Index('dt')

# get all the foos that have the 7th of every month
r = await q.is_dt(day=7).get() # SELECT * FROM foo_table WHERE EXTRACT(DAY FROM dt) = 7

# get all the foos in 2013
r = await q.is_dt(year=2013).get()

Hopefully you get the idea from the above code.

Select all

By default, Prom only selects the fields defined in the schema, but sometimes you might need to get every field on the table:"*") # SELECT * FROM foo_table