Welcome to Week 6 of ROS training exercises! We'll be building off of last week's mapping and learn about simple path planning.
Path planning, as the name suggests, is the act of planning a path. In the context of robotics, most of the time there is a start from which you are planning from (the robot's current location), and a goal that you are trying to plan towards.
There are three main paradigms in which path planning can be performed:
Traditional grid-based algorithms pretend that the map is a grid, and then it simply searches through this grid for a path from the start node to the goal node.
Examples of this paradigm include A* and D*.
Sampling based path planning algorithms work by randomly sampling points in the configuration space and connecting previous sampled points to new sampled points, until the goal is found.
The most famous example of this paradigm would be RRT.
The last paradigm of path planning is optimization based algorithms. These algorithms interpret path planning as an optimization / controls problem, where you have a set of states x, a set of control actions u that act on these states, and some cost function f(x, u) which assigns states and control actions some cost.
A path is then formed by finding a set of x and u that minimize the cost function.
Don't worry too much about how this optimization is actually done - this is a pretty complex topic. Check out this book if you're interested in learning more about optimization.
An example of this would be TEB Local Planner, a popular trajectory planner package in ROS.
Let's implement a very simplified optimization based path planner in
src/week6/main.cpp, where the objective is to have the oswin
navigate to where the kyle
turtle is, without hitting any of the obstacles in between.
To do path planning though, we need a map. But wait, you guys already wrote a node that creates a map last week. We'll be making use of that.
The path planner will work by looking at 9 paths that have different angular velocity from -4 to 4. For each
different angular velocity, calculate where the resulting pose after having driven using that angular velocity for a
certain Δt (a parameter) seconds, and then calculate the cost of each resulting pose. Pick the angular velocity
that resulted in the lowest cost, and publish the geometry_msgs::Twist
message to oswin/velocity
For now, the cost function will be the current distance of oswin
to kyle
. However, if the resulting pose is on top
of an obstacle in the map, then the cost will be std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
, as we don't want the turtle
to hit any obstacles.
Here's the plan:
- In the week6
, subscribe to thenav_msgs::OccupancyGrid
that theweek5
node is publishing - In the callback for the
node, use atf::TransformListener
to find out the current location ofoswin
. - Create a for loop that iterates from i=-4 to 4.
- Create another for loop inside that iterates form t=0 to some
variable that you create- For each t, calculate where
would be if it moved at that angular velocity and a linear velocity of 1. Calculate the cost for each resulting pose using the cost function, and add that cost to a sum for that i
- For each t, calculate where
- Create another for loop inside that iterates form t=0 to some
- Calculate the i that results in the lowest cost
- Take that angular velocity, put it in a
message, and then publish it on theoswin/velocity
Hopefully you will be able to see oswin
plan a nice path and be able to reach kyle
without hitting any obstacles.
And that's it! You've implemented a very simple optimization based path planner.
Now, there are plenty of things that can be added to this path planner.
The first (and most important imo) thing that needs to be added is visualization. Right now, you have no idea what
the path you planned looks like. An easy way of doing that is to publish nav_msgs::Path
messages, which rviz is able
to show. To do this, you can take the best angular velocity but apply it in much smaller time increments to generate a
bunch of geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
, and then insert that into the nav_msgs::Path
and publish it.
It should look something like this:
We then have a few other things that can be added to this simple path planner:
1. Executing two controls
So far, our optimization based path planner assumes that we're executing one command (ie. one linear and angular velocity) for the entire path. However, this isn't a very good assumption. For example,
It's very clear that the current "optimal" path isn't optimal at all, as intuitively you'd want the path to turn right first to avoid the barrel, then turn left in order to head towards the goal.
What we can do is optimize over multiple controls now instead of just one. For now, we'll increase the number of controls we're executing, so that we optimize one control for half the time, and then another one for the rest of the time.
One way of doing this is to define a std::vector<double>
for a "pair of controls", and then generate all the
possible controls in a std::vector<std::vector<double>>
, and then loop over those controls to find the one that
minimizes the cost.
This should look something like this (see how nice visualization is):
2. Executing more than two controls
Two controls does a better job than one control, but its still pretty bad. What we really want is to be able to execute a series of controls, one for every timestep.
However, there's a problem if we repeated what we did for two controls but for say 10: The search space increases dramatically.
What does search space refer to?
With one control, we're searching for one number. In reality, the number we're looking for lies on the real number line, and so there are an infinite number of controls we're searching through, but because we discretize our search space to 9 different possibilities, we're only looking for the best one out of these 9.
With two controls, there's 9 different possibilities for the first control, and 9 different possibilities for the second. Using basic combinatorics, that's a total of 9^2 = 81 different options that we need to search through.
If we've got 10 different controls, then that's a total of 9^10, or around 3 billion different controls that we need to search through. That's way too many to do in a reasonable time.
This is where optimization algorithms come in.
Instead of searching through every single possibility, they start with one option (often randomly picked), then gradually find different options that are better, until they converge at some local minima.
A very naive algorithm (but simple) is called hill climbing. The idea is that we start with some series of controls. Then, we generate a random number for each control and perturb, or change, the original control with the randomly generated number. If the new solution is better, then we take it. Otherwise, we try again. We repeat this process until we can't find a better solution after some number of tries. This can be thought of as starting at the base of a hill and choosing to move in a direction that points up, until we're at the top of that hill, hence the name hill climbing.
To implement this algorithm, you'll need to be able to generate random numbers. To do this, you can make use of the
header from the standard library:
#include <random>
std::random_device rd{};
std::mt19937 gen{rd()};
// Construct a std::normal_distribution with mean = 5 and std_dev = 2
std::normal_distribution<> distribution{5, 2};
double sample_one = distribution(gen);
double sample_two = distribution(gen);
See here for more details.
To sum up the algorithm:
- Start with n random controls (where n is some number. Start with 2, then increase it when it works)
- Generate n random numbers (zero mean, and some smaller std_dev as you want to be taking small steps)
- Add the random numbers to the controls, calculate the resulting pose, and calculate the cost function. If the new controls has a smaller cost, then keep the new controls.
- If we've failed to find a better set of controls x number of times, then we'll say that we've found the best solution
If you've managed to implement this correctly (good job for making it this far), then you should get some really nice looking path like the one below:
That's it for this week!
We learnt about:
- An overview of path planning
- Grid-based search: Search through the grid for a path
- Sampling based: Randomly sample poses and connect them to find a path
- Optimization based: Treat the problem as an optimization problem with constraints
- Implemented a simple optimization based
- Learning the kinematics for a differential drive robot
- Hopefully it's able to plan around the obstacles
- Publishing a debug path to help with visualizing the algorithm
Next week, we'll be learning about images manipulation with OpenCV and how to use that to identify objects in our images.