iOS 11 (or later)
Xcode 9.0 (or later)
Since Ramblin' Trek iOS is not available on the Apple store, the only way to install this application is to load it to an iPhone or on Xcode simulator in debug mode.
To install the application to an iPhone an Apple account is needed. Follow the steps bellow once a free Apple account is obtained
open the project in Xcode by clicking "RamblinTreks.xcworkspace". Note: The project has to be open with the .xcworkspace instead of the .xcodeproj file for the associated podfiles to work properly.
Connect an iPhone to Xcode by plugging it into the computer
Select the connected iPhone from the debugging device option next to the "Play" and "Stop" button on the top left corner on the Xcode.
Run the Project
Repeat the above procedure with simulation device selected instead of a physical iPhone device