More or less same things that I have written below apply to Azure and AzureAD resources
- On AADRoles PrivilegedReosurcesID or ResourceID is allways TenantID
Azure Resources first you need PrivilegedReosurces Id (command Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedResource) Best way that I found was filtering with ExternalID string
- ExternalID (following shows MG, Subscription and RG examples"
- "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/'managementgroupID'"
- "/subscriptions/'SubscriptionID'"
- "/subscriptions/'SubscriptionID'/resourceGroups/'ResourceGroupName'"
- This ID is referenced as ResourceID in other xxx-AzureADMSPrivilegedxxxx commands
PrivilegedRoleDefinition ID -- Dont get fooled with idea that it is same as Azure Built-in-RBAC roles ID). It can be same -- or it might be different.
- This ID is referenced as RoleDefinitionID in other xxx-AzureADMSPrivilegedxxxx commands
- ExternalID in this command includes Azure Built-in-RBAC roles ID.
PrivilegedRoleSettings Get command needs Filter, its the only way that I got it to work at this point. And SET needs RoleSettingsID (whitch is unique in each envrionment).
- And only way to find RoleDefinitionID is Described above
- At this point I have not found any way to Get or Set notification settings -- I hope that this will be possible later
- RoleSettings are List Type, the way I have extracted information gives base to build Set commands
- Activated Eligible roles have LinkedEligibleRoleAssignmentId (reference to RoleAssignmentID) to point out what is original EligibleAssignment
Using AzureADObjectByObjectID
- To get more information you can get DisplayName, Description or even extract groupmembers
- for Applications use AppDisplayName, ServicePrincipalType and AlternativeNAmes (List type) etc.. to get more info than just ObjectID