- @lijiarui: #2118 #1876 #1875 #1859 #1702 #1700 #1692 #1633 #1631 #1615 #1614 #1533 #1514 #1510 #1502 #1498 #1497 #1486 #1482 #1481 #1477 #1408 #1407 #1405 #1402 #1375 #1374 #1373 #1352 #1351 #1348 #1347 #1344 #1341 #1338 #1333 #1331 #1325 #1116 #1086 #816 #812 #805 #798 #757 #725 #440 #370 #364 #362 #328 #324 #323 #321 #318 #303 #292 #139 #112 #110 #38
- @huan: #2124 #2091 #2028 #1931 #1888 #1870 #1782 #1597 #1143 #1131 #1083 #1075 #1074 #1073 #1072 #1071 #860 #854 #841 #831 #810 #469 #462 #455 #449 #396 #351 #317 #316 #315 #314 #313 #312 #311 #168 #158 #149 #146 #143 #142 #141 #25
- @windmemory: #2138 #2078 #2074 #2067 #2051 #2050 #2048 #2043 #2039 #1832 #1770 #1735 #1729 #1662 #1660 #1643 #1630 #1577 #1571 #1557 #1550 #1538 #1526 #1503 #1457
- @su-chang: #2147 #2095 #1936 #1921 #1915 #1913 #1910 #1900 #1895 #1883 #1868 #1866 #1864 #1861 #1833
- @mukaiu: #1089 #337 #470 #438 #421 #420 #415 #376
- @JasLin: #404 #358 #105 #100 #78 #76
- @xinbenlv: #1814 #1017 #935 #388 #361
- @binsee: #844 #811 #771 #744 #727
- @kis87988: #1908 #1623 #1607 #1570
- @linyimin-bupt: #1757 #1752 #1750 #1749
- @TbhT: #1713 #1583 #1582
- @suntong: #1677 #1129 #1123
- @Gcaufy: #1625 #1620 #310
- @SilentQianyi: #1891 #1886
- @LinuxSuRen: #1838 #1836
- @profthecopyright: #2104
- @yesxin: #2079
- @satouriko: #1904
- @LanceZhu: #1854
- @zhaoic: #1822
- @coderwhocode: #1819
- @gengchen528: #1818
- @monkeywithacupcake: #1759
- @lhr0909: #1666
- @jzj1993: #1661
- @bitwater: #1532
- @IdiosApps: #1087
- @hiwanz: #1036
- @htoooth: #1014
- @zhenyong: #770
- @xjchengo: #416
- @ax4: #380
- @cherry-geqi: #97
Implemented enhancements:
- Change default puppet for Wechaty: puppet-puppeteer -> puppet-service #2127
- Move HotImport related code to a Plugin #1962
Closed issues:
- 登录成功之后监听到错误发生,服务一直重启,使用后续功能异常 #2170
- Use Pure JavaScript gRPC #2159
- why customer/list return empty list #2155
- https://hub.juzibot.com/api/v1/customer/list?token= #2154
- 获取微信号错误 #2146
- 添加群成员为好友 #2142
- How to set tag for a Contact #2139
- 下载引用的图片 #2134
- Login restricted after one login with wechaty #2133
- PuppetPad Keep logging in and out #1488
Merged pull requests:
- Add room member #2147 (su-chang)
- pass custom server host to io server #2138 (windmemory)
v0.56 (2021-01-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Switch from
#2122 - Add wechaty-puppet-padlocal to our puppet config #2102
- Use
to replacemessage.from\(\)
#2094 - Create a
to checkFileBox
instances #2090 - Issue with batch operation on room loading process #2068
- Support more properties on contact #2036
- Refactoring Multi-instance Wechaty Design: Try to remove the Accessory class and related codes #2027
- Use Typed-Emitter in Wechaty #2014
- Support WECHATY_HOSTIE_PORT environment variable #1984
- Wechaty v0.23 PadPro Testing, an enhanced pad puppet implementation! #1668
- Using wechaty to start a wechatOA account #1016
Fixed bugs:
- FileBox instance type checking problem #2035
- Wechaty.off() not work: can not remove listeners. #2019
- friendship.contact() will load Contact only, contact.ready() is wanted. #1954
Closed issues:
- 不能登录,也没显示二维码就直接退出 #2099
- Can't login after scan the qrcode #2092
- 网络不好程序自动重启后推送异常 #2088
- Message.forward() does not support returning a message #2073
- bot.Friendship.add() 总是报错 #2060
- 在使用FileBox 发送视频时候出现问题 #2059
- The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. #2058
- When setting up hostie token gateway, Account was locked after 5 getContactInfo call within a second. #2040
- Support phone related operations #2037
- BREAKING CHANGES: remove hotImport support from wechaty #1997
- 微信安装 #1990
- Cannot read property 'QQ' of undefined #1982
- Need upgrade wechaty-puppet@0.25.7 version for wechaty #1980
- The qrcode all the time timeout #1977
- Upgrade wechaty-puppet-hostie@0.7.10 for fix the bug of friendship.accpet() #1966
- 23:42:53 SILL GrpcGateway callback type:【invalid-token】 #1959
- 准备支持企业微信群吗 #1958
- node-pre-gyp WARN #1953
- How to filter official account numbers #1951
- Update wechaty-puppet-hostie version for wechaty #1948
- Is that you? #1942
- ipad WeChat login will automatically log out, The returned QR code is invalid, you cannot log in again, you must restart #1940
- New version release notes for wechaty 0.38 #1937
- Can the receive the recall " room-leave". #1745
- Refactor message.ts file to fit the requirement in CodeClimate #1663
- Want to get information about sent-out message #1501
Merged pull requests:
- rename wechaty-puppet-hostie -> wechaty-puppet-service #2124 (huan)
- Update README.md #2118 (lijiarui)
- Update room-invitation.ts #2104 (profthecopyright)
- Update contact.ts #2095 (su-chang)
- create looseInstanceOfClass (#2090) #2091 (huan)
- Update Dockerfile #2079 (yesxin)
- Bump minor 49 #2078 (windmemory)
- fix #2073 #2074 (windmemory)
- Split to trunks when making requests of room.findAll() and room.ready() #2067 (windmemory)
- bump hostie version to be the stable one #2051 (windmemory)
- 0.48.0 #2050 (windmemory)
- feat: add more methods into contact class #2048 (windmemory)
- feat: add scoped wxwork puppet into puppet config #2043 (windmemory)
- add phone method in contact class #2039 (windmemory)
- remove Accessories by wechatify user classes #2028 (huan)
v0.38 (2020-04-08)
Implemented enhancements:
#1929 - Simplify the Accessory class logic #1924
- Update Docker Base Image form Ubuntu:18 to Ubuntu:19 #1920
- wechaty dependency modules deep cleaning #1917
- FileBox version incompatible across wechaty wechaty-puppet and wechaty-puppet-x #1914
- Publish Wechaty Document Site to https://wechaty.js.org #1912
- Support Encode & Decode QR Code functions from file-box@0.10 #1907
- Design an new
class for receive images with different sizes. #1871 - Integrate Wechat with Matrix with the power of Wechaty #1737
Fixed bugs:
- Can not create Image class. #1922
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- 0.38.0 #1936 (su-chang)
- Remove MessageUserQueryFilter #1931 (huan)
- Image bug #1921 (su-chang)
- File box #1915 (su-chang)
- Support message.toImage() method. #1913 (su-chang)
- Support delay to accept room invitation #1910 (su-chang)
v0.30 (2020-02-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support room.say
hi ${contact} ${num++}
#1899 - Support new event named "message" on Room #1897
- Support search new friends by phone number or user name. #1892
- {Room,Contact}.qrcode() should return QR Code Value instead of Image #1889
- Implmented UrlLink.create(url) with Open Graph support #1887
- 主动撤回消息 #1885
- Implement Label in Wechaty #1856
- Would like to have the timestamp on the room/friendship events #1829
- Wechaty v0.26 iosBird Testing, an iOS hook puppet implementation! #1775
- Missing example code #1756
- BREAKING CHANGE v0.25 Room.say(text: string, mention: Contact[]) deprecated #1730
- New Puppet: Ioscat (iPhone Wechat App Hook) #1528
Fixed bugs:
- bot.logonoff()报错【static puppet not found for Wechaty】 #1878
- JSDoc publishing problem: missed the Room class #1872
- Wechaty can not get room info when the bot has been removed from one room. #1834
- bot.Contact.find() error message misleading #1812
- 机器人会隔一段时间自动退出 #1810
Closed issues:
- room.announce()中当参数为空字符串时, 调用获取群公告而不是设置群公告为空 #1902
- 延期通过好友 #1890
- I want wechaty puppet padpro token to create a wechat bot #1882
- msg.mentionSelf()方法不对,始终返回false #1877
- 需要取到Contactid或者微信号 #1873
- Function message
should to be implemented. #1855 - install error #1853
- wechaty-puppet can not install in electron #1851
- wechaty-puppet-macpro alpha test #1846
- Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨 #1781
- 经常报以下warning #1634
- Doesn't work with UK Android account/device #1556
Merged pull requests:
- fix: wechaty-puppet-dll temporary unavailable #1908 (kis87988)
- docs: improve ding-dong-bot example #1904 (satouriko)
- Add reason for logout event #1900 (su-chang)
- Friend search #1895 (su-chang)
- Delay friendship #1891 (SilentQianyi)
- Create url link #1888 (huan)
- Recall msg #1886 (SilentQianyi)
- Change Mini Program payload in wechaty #1883 (su-chang)
- Update README.md #1876 (lijiarui)
- add kaiyuanshe bot #1875 (lijiarui)
- chore(package): update @types/node to version 12.12.3 #1870 (huan)
- Implement toContact() method #1868 (su-chang)
- feat: change say() method response type from void to Message #1866 (su-chang)
- Implement Label related methods #1864 (su-chang)
- Update contact.ts #1861 (su-chang)
- fix opencollective Sponsors style #1859 (lijiarui)
- fix typo #1854 (LanceZhu)
- Update wechaty.ts #1833 (su-chang)
v0.28 (2019-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Room announcement is not working properly for some puppet implementation #1816
- [Feature] Send Mini-Program #1806
- Upgrade the repo to use Chatie DevOps toolset #1793
- Easy install for wechaty-puppet-puppeteer #1792
- 添加用 id 寻找Room RoomQueryFilter #1785
- Generate version.ts before publish to NPM #1780
- Use
as the tsconfig.json base configuration #1777 - Could you please upgrade dependency for wechaty-puppet-puppeteer #1758
- Missing comment example code in room.ts file #1751
Fixed bugs:
- missing puppets in latest docker image #1820
- Cannot
with puppeteer #1795 - Document bug in README #1690
- Fix comment, in replacing #1784 #1814 (xinbenlv)
Closed issues:
- 登录不了一个错误报告 #1841
- 想获取微信消息列表,Message.findAll()返回为空? #1825
- 用了一个月itchat相安无事,用了2小时wechaty... #1815
- Wechaty process.exit(1) if token is not valid #1811
- TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript: #1791
- padpro 无法连接服务器 #1789
- Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨 #1765
- Mention api add @ automatically no matter it is already exists in the text #1718
Merged pull requests:
- Update the ipad protocol environment #1838 (LinuxSuRen)
- Update link for wechaty-puppet-padchat #1836 (LinuxSuRen)
- Add timestamp to events #1832 (windmemory)
- Send MiniProgram using PadPro #1822 (zhaoic)
- Add Readme - powered by wechaty example #1819 (coderwhocode)
- 添加项目案例微信小助手 #1818 (gengchen528)
- chore(package): update dependencies #1782 (huan)
v0.26.0 (2019-05-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Recalled message design #1728
- Message.toString format discussion #1676
- Upgrade wechaty-puppet-padchat stable version #1642
- New Puppet - wechaty-puppet-padpro #1629
- room mention contact should using roomAlias #1604
- for Pull Request: Disable puppet unit tests that requires a token #1580
- Refresh contact self when updating self name or signature #1576
- Pass mention list down to puppets #1560
- Wechaty Puppet Ioscat Testing: iPhone(iOS) Wechat Hooking Support are comming! #1530
Fixed bugs:
- Room.owner() function is printing log in info level #1769
- Build is failing caused by promisify missing arg3 #1761
- Comment: Example code error #1746
- Documentation网站挂掉了 #1739
- 构建docker镜像报错 #1593
- memberAll() not running in docker after v0.21.27 #1573
- ERR PuppetPuppeteer roomRawPayload #1547
Closed issues:
- invalid processingToken:make the account logout.. #1766
- Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨 #1764
- Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨 #1763
- [已解决]无法自动通过好友请求 #1755
- Missing comment example code in contact.ts file #1748
- Is there a way to send message to a contact instead of making a reply using say()? #1734
- await message.mentionSelf() is invalid #1725
- message.mentionSelf() #1724
- wechaty-puppet-padpro 获得的语音消息文件是slk格式 #1720
- 有没有针对企业微信App的登录和收发消息的方案啊? #1717
- 关于win7安装 npm install wechaty-puppet-padpro 的问题 #1716
- 小桔机器人挺好用,希望详细对比WeTools,并分享开发Roadmap,谢谢 #1712
- npm start 到 puppeteer@1.12.2 报错。。。 #1708
- 这是什么 #1703
- 使用自动拉人入群功能 #1697
- docker compose #1688
- Errors occur sometimes when bot running #1675
- msg.say 重复执行 #1674
- WECHATY_PUPPET=mock failed, TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "request" argument must be of type string #1673
- Room.say method is not working #1665
- 这是基于什么协议的web pc ipad #1664
- Adjust data sync order when message event triggered #1659
- 乱码 #1656
- 乱码 #1655
- ipad #1650
- [RFC] custom id on Contact #1647
- 请问, 怎么让机器人通过手机号添加好友 #1639
- 请问wechaty可以关掉日志输出吗? #1638
- ubuntu 18.04下无法正常启动chrome #1637
- 在docker容器中,npm install wechaty,运行mybot报错:Failed to launch chrome! #1636
- Why I stuck here? #1624
- can robot join room by qrcode? #1622
- 调用私发/群内发消息接口,emit出的消息事件中消息时间有误 #1619
- 调用发消息接口后,emit 出的消息事件对应的消息时间不正确 #1617
- room.on('join',function(room, inviteeList, inviter)), can not get the inviteeList i.e. the new member #1613
- cgggg #1610
- c #1609
- I use this function keyroom.add(contact),it doesn't work #1601
- use "wechaty-puppet-padchat" cannot login successfully #1600
- wechaty无法查找到群名称中有~的群 #1592
- Sending messages with MessageType=1 is not supported #1588
- 不能通过群成员添加好友 #1578
- [RFC] Launch broken when using wechaty-puppet-padchat #1575
- Delete the
breaking change
tag in issue #1565
Merged pull requests:
- Change room.owner() log from info level to verbose level #1770 (windmemory)
- Activating Open Collective #1759 (monkeywithacupcake)
- add example code #1757 (linyimin-bupt)
- add send urlLink example code in room class #1752 (linyimin-bupt)
- add send urlLink example code #1750 (linyimin-bupt)
- fix comment error #1749 (linyimin-bupt)
- Add
#1735 (windmemory) - revise room.say() mention function #1729 (windmemory)
- fix document presentation bugs #1713 (TbhT)
- code clean for issue template #1702 (lijiarui)
- add issue template #1700 (lijiarui)
- Change chatie org to wechaty org #1692 (lijiarui)
- Update the Message.toString format, close #1676 #1677 (suntong)
- Fix room mention #1666 (lhr0909)
- Pass mention list down to puppet and use mentionIdList from puppet if possible #1662 (windmemory)
- fix: Message.mention() #1661 (jzj1993)
- Adjust data sync order for message ready #1660 (windmemory)
- Upgrade wechaty-puppet-padchat version in puppet config #1643 (windmemory)
- Docs #1633 (lijiarui)
- Docs #1631 (lijiarui)
- new Puppet - wechaty-puppet-padpro #1630 (windmemory)
- docs: fixed typo #1625 (Gcaufy)
- fix typo #1623 (kis87988)
- docs: Fixed FriendshipType enum typo #1620 (Gcaufy)
- README typo #1615 (lijiarui)
- Contribute #1614 (lijiarui)
- fix: room mention contact should using roomAlias wechaty#1604 #1607 (kis87988)
- Greenkeeper/monorepo.babel7 7.0.1 #1597 (huan)
- add the methods' doc link #1583 (TbhT)
- update readme doc #1582 (TbhT)
- sync contactSelf after updating bot info #1577 (windmemory)
v0.22.4 (2018-08-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Closing wechaty-puppet-padchat beta test #1572
- Add API List to README #1566
- Add support for send url rich media message #718
- contact.stranger() still returns true after adding friends between bot and user #293
- be careful about the
unofficial client
check and report (in browser) #29
Fixed bugs:
- ReadError: Database is not open [object Promise] - FlashStoreSync was closed when need writing #1433
- The latest docker get
error when get wechat OA message #974 - "Chromium revision is not downloaded." #954
- Room.memberAll(FilterString) if FilterString are all with emojis #704
can find the room when the bot is removed from the room #254
Closed issues:
- bot logined, but
event still. #1567 - Wechaty v0.20 & Puppet Padchat v0.14 Released. Padchat Alpha Testing Closed. #1296
- Session closed when running for a long time #1052
Merged pull requests:
- Bump wechaty-puppet-padchat version #1571 (windmemory)
- Edit room doc #1570 (kis87988)
v0.20.0 (2018-08-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- [RFC] Suggest to have more detailed error message when doing ContactSelf related operations #1549
- feat: add receive and send link #1539
- Feat: add
to search in cache. #1534 - Get Rid of the Dependences which requires build when
npm install
#1529 - Puppet Padchat Not Supported Attachment File Type in Message. #1524
changed from Sync to Async #1500 - Pre-install all official supported Puppets when build docker image #1493
- 【Proposal】New 'room-invite' event #1492
- Message type: mini program for Message.type() #1444
- Promote PuppetPadchat to SOLO NPM Module wechaty-puppet-padchat #1372
- PuppetPadchat: support message type of
withop id
push update information #1310 - Make tslint.json to be simple with
standard. #1303 - feat: PuppetPadchat supports get QrCode for userSelf(can be scan by others for adding friend) #1301
- New Puppet: PuppetPadchat #1249
- feat: add
support to unref all the underlying resources. #1197 - Disable HotImport in PRODUCTION Environment #907
- Reconstruction PuppeteerMessage Class #724
- [New Puppet] PuppetWechat4u - enable by
Fixed bugs:
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined at AnotherOriginalClass.type #1545
- contact alias not sync after call contact.alias(string) to set alias #1517
- Fix Puppet Memory Multiplex Problem with Multi-Instance Wechaty and Pre-Instanced Puppet #1516
- Question: How to pre-set puppet module to be used by wechaty with docker #1478
- JSDoc bugs #1475
- PuppetPadChat:Contact.avatar() Error #1473
- PuppetWeb loses event listeners when resetting #1470
- Check the puppet version to satisfy the Wechaty requirement #1453
- Split the
to chunks when map it to payload to prevent block the event loop #1450 puppetPadchat.reset\(\)
should callstart\(\)
#1385- cannot run
#1350 - Error: Cannot stub non-existent own property #1247
- How to run hot-import-bot example #1222
- PuppetWebEvent onLogin: browser not fully loaded(ttl=30), retry later #970
Closed issues:
- appear bug when logout use padchat #1559
- [RFC] Shall we clean up room information when we receive room events? #1552
- Want to create UrlLink with control on all properties #1541
- memory-card cannot save successfully #1537
- Error: Cannot find module 'babel-plugin-transform-runtime' from '/bot' #1536
- contact name not sync after call sync() or restart docker (RPC) #1531
- Why wechaty need express #1523
- calling await bot.stop() can't stop the bot #1519
- @ 人没提示 #1504
- Puppet Name use full npm name instead of alias: padchat => wechaty-puppet-padchat #1496
- why friendship.contact().name() is "" #1490
- why the padchat always restart(login)? #1485
- sending a custom emotic led to an error on the server #1483
- PuppetPadChat: The server always restart on pm2. #1472
- PuppetPadchat Not response after run several hours #1443
- PuppetPadchat: make contact has a function with real wechat ID #1423
- Maybe we shouldn't syncContactsAndRooms per 3 hours #1414
- PuppetPadchat: Cannot read property 'user_name' of undefined #1392
- I changed my operating system,but when run dev ,still output restarting #1382
- Room-join event show ERR PuppetWebFirer fireRoomJoin() not found(yet) error (Bug) #1169
get error when rooms more than 400 #1112- emit error event when listen the page has been closed #1110
Merged pull requests:
- sync room when receive room events #1557 (windmemory)
- better error message for contact self operations #1550 (windmemory)
- add receive and send link prototype #1538 (windmemory)
- add ready in jsdoc #1533 (lijiarui)
- add check isMentionMe method #1532 (bitwater)
- Add method in ContactSelf to update name and signature #1526 (windmemory)
- remove useless param type in example code #1514 (lijiarui)
- aad room invitation jsdoc #1510 (lijiarui)
- feat: [Prototype] adding new data-ready event #1503 (windmemory)
- Contact get alias from sync to async #1502 (lijiarui)
- add Contact self class #1498 (lijiarui)
- remove a outdated file-box function #1497 (lijiarui)
- Add api to explain which belongs to web API, which belongs to padchat API, which belongs… #1486 (lijiarui)
- move wechaty-getting-started from lijiarui to chatie #1482 (lijiarui)
- file() desperate, use toFileBox instead #1481 (lijiarui)
- fix #1475 bug #1477 (lijiarui)
v0.18.0 (2018-07-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- PuppetPadchat Upgrade TODO Lists #1442
- Dynamic install puppet implementations instead of pre-install #1437
- Split PuppetWechat4u as a NPM module #1419
- PuppetPadchat: The contact.star() doesn't work #1413
- Promote PuppetPuppeteer to SOLO NPM Module wechaty-puppet-puppeteer #1371
- Promote Puppet to SOLO NPM Module wechaty-puppet #1370
- New Puppet: PuppetMock for Testing & Starter #1177
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot detect the the environment WECHATY_PUPPET v0.17.118 #1456
- PuppetPadchat Server logout and login cycle average 3-5mins #1446
- WARN PuppetPuppeteer initWatchdogForPuppet() dog.on(reset) last food:inited, timeout:120000 #1439
- ts-node 7.0 breaking change: Skip
by default #1383 - Can not find room after add member to the room #1380
- PuppetPadchat:
value ofContactPayload
is undefined #1359 - WXGetContact cannot get user_name #1358
- leveldown::Database::Close: Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. #1355
Closed issues:
- QR Code problem under screen/xterm #1455
- How to get the room title in v0.17 wechaty? #1454
- should not download chromium by default #1451
- PuppetPadChat:Send media file. #1436
- PuppetPadchat:My wechat accou can not login. #1416
- It reports errors when the room delete one member. #1415
cannot get user\_name from raw payload: {} \[object Promise\]
Error #1399- Where can I see the complete API documentation of puppet-padchat, such as createRoom and Moment #1391
- still restart #1378
- WARN PuppetPuppeteer #1376
- m.say() repeat many many times #1216
- room.say mention is not work #1185
- 获取所有群 #1020
- Any way to keep login for days? #988
Merged pull requests:
- update version of puppet-padchat #1457 (windmemory)
- catch error when get undifined user_name in room #1408 (lijiarui)
- add a more suitable time to sync Contact and Room #1407 (lijiarui)
- mock self bot when WXGetContact() return null user_name #1405 (lijiarui)
- sync contact and room per hour #1402 (lijiarui)
v0.16.0 (2018-06-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Unable to start multiple instances with padchat puppet #1367
- Prevent the Floating Promise in the Async/Await Code #1346
- BREAKING CHANGES v0.16: FriendRequest class will be replaced with Friendship #1312
- feat: PuppetPadchat can set avatar for userself support. #1298
change from Sycn to Async #1295 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16
change from Sycn to Async #1293 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16
change from Sycn to Async #1290 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16
change from Sycn to Async #1289 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16
event args will be different! #1262 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16
change fromsync
#1259 - BREAKING CHANGES: v0.16
#1258 - Promote
class to a solo NPM module:MemoryCard
#1257 - rewrite roomFindAll() #1255
- function friendRequestAccept #1254
- read messageRawPayload by id #1253
- function friendRequestSend #1252
- rewrite contactFindAll() #1251
- Upgrade Docker Base Image from Ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04 #1239
- NPM Switch:
to replaceretry-promise
#1235 - Add unit test to puppet accessory #1219
- Use browser implementation of Node.js' stream library #1201
- feat: Add
for await \(const contact of room\) {}
support by ES6 iterators override #1198 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16 on('friend`) arguments changed! #1196
- TypeScript Strict Mode: set
#1180 - Generic for Return Child Class Type in Abstract Class Implementation #1178
- BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16 Message.ext() return '.ext' instead of 'ext' before #1168
- Encapsulated
, andRoom
#1166 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16 will remove
class #1164 - BREAKING CHANGE: v0.16 will replace
#1163 - Continious Deploy to NPM with @next tag when the MINOR version number is odd(in developing branch) #1158
- BREAKING CHANGE: first arg of
event licener changed fromContact
#723 - Should throw Exception when there have API Error. #683
- delay time for all function(method) that calls Tencent API #596
- [todo] allow Wechaty to be multi-instance #518
Fixed bugs:
- When bot quit the room, bot still thought it in the room. #1345
- When the bot remove one out of the group, room data didn't refresh #1343
- Room Event cannot work as expect after create a new room #1342
- cannot refresh room data when execute the code again #1339
- can't run demo #1337
- room-leave error #1334
- room-join event, when run
, it actually runcontact.say
#1330 - room-leave event cannot get leaver member #1329
- should refresh room data when there is a room event #1328
- [room topic event] throw error: no changerId found #1326
- room-join cannot get member #1324
cannot work as expect #1321- run contact-bot throw error #1319
- Padchat: WXAutoLogin result is faild, but I still receive message #1316
- Fix the
in data for PuppetPadchat #1302 - get fromId not right for room invitation sys message #1297
- Error: The command "echo $TRAVIS_OS_NAME" exited with 1. #1236
- TravisCI Conditional Deployment #1211
- Update the peerDependencies of
: rxjs@6 from rxjs@5 #1205 - Cannot send image message on v0.15.21 #1175
- cannot refresh room topic or contact name #1157
- How to avoid the memory leak #981
- Puppeteer Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 30000ms exceeded #870
- SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input #846
- function
should recognize both magic code and blank #813
Closed issues:
- BREAKING CHANGE v0.16 Wechaty.self() eprecated, use Wechaty.userSelf() instead #1369
- BREAKING CHANGE v0.16 Contact.personal() and Contact.official() deprecated, use Contact.type() instead #1366
- no encodedText error in
#1365 - BREAKING CHANGE v0.16 room.add return Promise<void> instead of return Promise<boolean> #1362
cannot save xlsx file #1349- room-leave-error #1335
- room-leave event throw error, cannot get leaver contact #1323
cannot accept friend request automatically #1322- PadchatRpc WXCheckQRCode result: {"message":"WS请求错误","status":-19} #1315
- m.forward 是 undefined ? #1272
- Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 30000ms exceeded #1248
- profile.set can only set 'cookies' instead of other keys #1240
- Create a websocket ipad demo #1228
- Proper wechaty and its dependency installation #1225
- can't run the typescript examples #1221
- Scan QR Code not shown on terminal, wechaty@0.14.4 #1220
- 请问怎么添加微信群中的人当做自己的好友呢 有例子可以参考吗 #1207
- room-bot.ts error #1199
- TypeScript 2.9 with trailing comma after rest parameters. #1188
- code example 'media-file-bot' not working #1183
- QrCode
event not refresh on v0.15.21 #1175 #1176 - Version 10 of node.js has been released #1170
- 自动加好友,加好友成功后,向对方发信息报错 #1165
- Use
for Wechaty v1.0 provide the resolvers of the Wechaty Puppet #1146 - findAll ,WARN Room parse() on a empty rawObj #1141
- Rename all
method tosearch\(\)
#1132 - ERR PuppetWebBridge init() exception: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED #1113
- Feature request: sending file with a stream (creating media message with a stream) #1092
- node_modules/_wechaty@0.13.36@wechaty/dist/src/config.d.ts(1,24): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'raven'. #1035
Merged pull requests:
- add await for promise #1375 (lijiarui)
- Fix room.add() failed when room member more than 40 #1374 (lijiarui)
- call randam server for stable #1373 (lijiarui)
- check room valid by id #1352 (lijiarui)
- fixed cannot find room by topic after bot create room #1351 (lijiarui)
- fix warnings when run
npm run lint
#1348 (lijiarui) - test
in room-bot #1347 (lijiarui) - add log as #1342 #1344 (lijiarui)
- Bug compatible WXCreateChatRoom #1341 (lijiarui)
- add room-bot test code #1338 (lijiarui)
- save room join sys message to cache #1333 (lijiarui)
- add function in self-testing-bot.ts #1331 (lijiarui)
- Room bot example #1325 (lijiarui)
v0.14.0 (2018-04-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Rename {test,fixture,example,...} to {tests,fixtures,examples,...} etc. #1127
- Trigger Deploy on Branch /v\d+.\d+$/ #956
- Wechaty Version Numbering #905
- [New Puppet] Puppeteer #790
- [enhancement] Add timezone in to Dockerfile #594
- [docker] to prevent docker users install a local dependence of wechaty #281
Fixed bugs:
- When run CI inside the container: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory) #1137
- Try to use
WerckerShippable CI to replace Circle CI #1134 - Pupeteer not work after upgrade to v1.1 #1103
- 关于MsgType 的介绍文档404了 #1079
- Docker test fail because ts-node behavior changed between v3 and v4 #1050
- fix description #1027
- ERR Profile save() exception: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/bot/demo.wechaty.json' #982
- Dockerfile.onbuild build error.Directory permissions wrong #961
- [docker] onbuild failed to start when we put
as dependency in package.json #500
Closed issues:
- How to send file #1150
- Signals (e.g. ^C) handling #1122
- OK to add a .eslintrc.js file? #1120
- Q: All the media types #1115
TTL expired
error when login #1114Cannot read property 'MemberList' of undefined
still exisit in the latest docker version #1111- emoji suggestion #1108
- Regenerate docs/index.md by run
npm run doc
#1105 - hot-reload-bot adding hot-reloading config #1100
- Third options to run wechaty #1085
- issue #1076
- Session last only for 1 hour in Azure #1059
- 出现 no Url 错误后,程序崩溃 #1055
- 图片发送一次后,图片损坏 #1040
- ERR PuppetWebBridge init() exception #1018
- 我实在解决不了这个问题了~菜鸟一枚 #998
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'MemberList' of undefined #984
- Using hot-import cannot quit wechaty when quit the code #978
- Error: Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 30000ms exceeded #966
- hot-reload does not work #958
- [docker] Login error #950
- Invalid audio output parameters received; using fake audio path. #939
- Keep getting "can not found bot file: src/main.ts" #937
- glSetDrawRectangleCHROMIUM: failed on surface #934
- [FR] Create an example for using hot-import for listener and other modules #923
- Bot log out frequently and got some strange error between it logout and relogin automatically #612
Merged pull requests:
- chore(package): update ws to version 5.1.0 #1143 (huan)
- chore(package): update puppeteer to version 1.2.0 #1131 (huan)
- hot-reload-bot adding hot-reloading config close #1066, close #1100 #1123 (suntong)
- cannot recognize room event #1116 (lijiarui)
- fix chown: invalid user: ‘bot’ #1089 (mukaiu)
- Add troubleshooting for hidden .txt files (Windows) #1087 (IdiosApps)
- fix #1079 #1086 (lijiarui)
- chore(package): update @types/node to version 9.4.0 #1083 (huan)
- chore(package): update finis to version 0.4.1 #1075 (huan)
- chore(package): update ts-node to version 4.1.0 #1074 (huan)
- chore(package): update mime to version 2.2.0 #1073 (huan)
- chore(package): update tslint to version 5.9.0 #1072 (huan)
- chore(package): update sinon to version 4.2.0 #1071 (huan)
- fail to install node dependencies #1036 (hiwanz)
- Change
in demo #1017 (xinbenlv) - Update tuling123-bot.ts #1014 (htoooth)
- Fix #923 #935 (xinbenlv)
v0.12.0 (2017-10-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Promote
to SOLO NPM Module #938 - Add Wechaty.logonoff() method #926
- Registe Wechaty Listeners with a try {} catch {} block in order to prevent listener function crash the framework. #878
- Upgrade CircleCI from 1.0 to 2.0 #863
- Switch Docker Node Image from
to officialnode:7
#862 - Click Web Wechat
Switch Account
Automatically to get qrcode immediately when bot logout #636 - Upgrade docker image from Node.js v7 to v8 #577
- [todo] switch unit test tool from AVA to TAPE #513
Fixed bugs:
- [CI] Homebrew must be run under Ruby 2.3! You're running 2.0.0. (RuntimeError) #936
- "PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously" when Wechat says "当前登录环境异常" #925
- TypeError: cookieList.filter is not a function #919
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'error' of null #918
- ERR PuppetWebBridge init() initPage() onLoad() exception: undefined #917
- Sometimes Wechaty can't login (with puppeteer) #899
- [ci] WebDriver Error: "no such session" #756
- [ci] execute proxyWechaty(init) error: 503, init() without a ready angular env #329
- [ci log] watchdog reset after 120 seconds #195
- Selenium WebDriver driver.getSession() wait a long time #86
Closed issues:
- 在登录失败时的异常提示优化 #898
- Error after restart vps invalid driver at ttl 0 #788
- webdriver.executeScript wait a long time(26s) before page load #2
Merged pull requests:
- Replace WebDriver by Puppeteer (#790) #860 (huan)
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 3.0.0 #854 (huan)
v0.9.0 (2017-10-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support hot-reload for Wechaty events listeners #820
- [jsdoc] additional optimizations #774
- [bug] Support for send 25Mb+ size files #766
- [Announcement] Drop support for phantomjs #763
- chrome-headless support #739
- Add Transpond Message #726
- Cannot send pdf file using MediaMessage #710
- Use Sentry.io to report exceptions #580
- [enhancement] Add pdf, docx etc support to MediaMessage(now only picture is supported) #538
- use babel-node to run javascript(.js) file inside docker #507
- [todo] Change to use native Dom Websocket instead of socket.io library #502
- License Change: from ISC to Apache-2.0 #474
- requesting a new QR code cost more than 2 minutes #434
- Send(upload) an image twice will cause error. #422
- Keep emoji characters from user name and room name #207
- [Feature request] Sending Stickers #156
- [Feature request] @mention support? #153
- [Docker] add a
image to Wechaty #147 - [doc] To Embed Document in Wechaty Code for Generating Automaticly #73
- it seems RECALLED: 10002 message dose't trigger on('message') event #8
- Support Message Type of Image/Video #4
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot send image after restart #777
- [bug]Cannot read property 'getUserName' of undefined #772
- [tslint] stuck on v5.3 and can not upgrade #762
- CI, green keeper and package-lock under npm 5 #656
- watchDogReset() watchdog reset after 60 seconds (phantomjs head) #633
- [test] Unit Test for
feature does not run at all #623 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'string | MemberQueryFilter' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MemberQueryFilter' #622
- [Doc] Add
say\(new MediaMessage\('/tmp/mediafile.gif'\)\)
documentation #587 - Node Typing BUG:
process.env: any
#582 - [ci] Appveyor error:
should get cookies after loadSession\(\)
#579 - wechaty v0.8.54 does not install all required component #522
- message.mentioned() does not work as expected #512
- Some types of media file is saved as a 0 byte file. #504
- ts-node commond not found after update docker image #492
- may be not need .vscode folder, need .editorconfig #489
should always return aready\(\)
-ed instance #477- MediaMessage#filename() should not use timestamp as part of the filename #465
- [ci] × src » message » ready() contact ready for ToNickName #445
- Build Docker image from zixia/wechaty:onbuild,/bot/node_modules does not exist. #436
- Concat.avatar() faild ,when hostname changed from https://wx.qq.com to https://wx2.qq.com #418
- [test] Unit Tests under Linux by TravisCI keep failing #384
cannot get inviteeList sometimes #248- [ci log] no driver process after quit #210
- [ci] no new tests completed within the last 180000ms of inactivity #175
- how to NOT scan the QRCode on each opening #151
- Unhandled Rejection: checkLegacyResponse() at error.js:505 #122
- WebDriverError: unknown error: r.isBrandContact is not a function #81
- Can't get wechaty up and running using phantomjs #60
of angularjs in wxapp work not right under Phantomjs, but it work without problem with chrome #28- Fixed: replace
since front one sometimes lose subdomain name #770 (zhenyong)
Closed issues:
- vscode setting config error #843
- add static method
#765 - cannot find Chrome binary #746
- UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): Error: no puppet instance #738
- MediaMessage.filename() cannot get correct img name. #722
- MediaMessage.ext() cannot work as expect #721
- the latest docker version 139 cannot send file #720
- what I need is just a lib instead of a product #709
- How to link it with personal account. #693
- Sending Images #690
- windows 10 throws PuppetWeb initBrowser() exception: got invalid driver at ttl 0 #688
- Group game #675
- if wechaty cannot get inviteeList when emit
, suggest it emit room-fire and get warning info. #671 - 在 websocket 的回调中无法使用 wechaty 吗 #665
- Room.find() 发送消息提示 say is not a function #664
- 获取不到avatar #645
- Get ECONNREFUSED when bot logout and cannot re-login #617
- Modify Function
return type, fromPromise\<Room\>
#616 - init 后会打开扫码的网页? #601
- Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/wechaty/dist/.git' #581
- 在 Windows Server 上初始化的时候,chromedriver 报错。 #574
- 启动后卡住问题 #566
- whatever #543
- [enhancement] handle room name change event #532
- got [aq.qq.com] domain #526
- some strange session error #523
- static Contact.find() / static Contact.findAll() throws exception #520
- Cannot set alias of Contact Object getting from
method when Contact is not a friend #509 - room.member() can not return right result #437
- windows run program send images throw out error #427
- group names have HTML in them #382
- jsdoc2md may flush some pieces of the embedded doc #378
- Secure WebSocket(wss) do not work with Self Signed Certificate in PhantomJS #12
Merged pull requests:
- fix: fix vscode setting, and close autoFixOnSave #844 (binsee)
- Add Hot Listener Support (#820) #841 (huan)
- Revert "Update express to the latest version 🚀" #831 (huan)
- add \n after wiki #816 (lijiarui)
- Friendrequest doc #812 (lijiarui)
- Fix switch account #811 (binsee)
- fix(package): update brolog to version 1.2.6 #810 (huan)
- change readme doc #805 (lijiarui)
- change doc order # 774 #798 (lijiarui)
- fix(*): Support for send 25Mb+ files #771 (binsee)
- Readme #757 (lijiarui)
- fix(wechaty-bro): resolved emit RECALLED type msg (fix #8) #744 (binsee)
- add: Message.forward() forward message #727 (binsee)
- add wechaty document #725 (lijiarui)
v0.8.2 (2017-05-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Promote StateMonitor to a solo NPM module: StateSwitch #466
- Display detailed error trace when an error is caught in async #360
- Room.find({topic: topic}) should allowed to return null #291
- add
event #250 - Prepare to rename the nick/remark/display for contact/room #217
- [new feature] add function message.mention() #216
- [new feature] set bot's nickname in the group #201
- [feature request] fire
when someone joins from a QR Code #155 - #4 send image/video #337 (mukaiu)
Fixed bugs:
- Reuse MediaMessage upload fail.Can be allowed MediaMessage reuse? #439
- Room.member() cannot find contact correctly #365
- Room.alias() should return null if we have not set the alias in the room #283
- Cannot read property 'Symbol(Symbol.iterator)' of undefined #273
- add sys message in FriendRequest Event #260
- [docker] chromium-browser fail to start after upgrading chromium from v53 to v56 #235
- typo in Wiki #205
- doc bug #196
- Linting Error from PR@lijiarui #181
- [document] should list only the public/stable API to users #174
Closed issues:
- Always getSession timeout #463
- how to create more bots at once #460
- how do we get avatar link? #424
- can't run the example #423
- 有没有查找好友的方法? #411
- ding-dong-bot-ts cannot run normally on Mac #410
- Failed due to EAI_AGAIN registry.yarnpkg.com:443 #408
- cannot remark friend in centos system #406
- MediaMessage in ding-dong-bot example can not be create #399
- wechaty can auto receive money(red envolop/transfer) on account. #398
- [bug] room.say() return contact's alias when bot set alias for some one #394
not work;Room.alias\(\)
returns null #391- should add
in package.json #385 - error on room join: TypeError: room.topic is not a function #383
- problem starting docker container . SyntaxError: Unexpected token function #352
- [discuss] Rename Wechaty to Chatie? #346
- cannot send images / this.puppet.getBaseRequest is not a function #338
- Some strange log warn #336
- run bot in server,about 1 hour ago ,the process will be killed #330
- wechaty 0.7.21 works but 0.7.24 failed with Argument of type 'string | Promise<boolean>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. #282
- how i can save avatar without await keywords? #278
- 如何获取MsgType为APP类型的信息,解析不成xml #262
- [linting] fix needed for new tslint rule: trailing-comma #251
- Avatar return empty image in example/contact-bot.ts #246
- Room&Contact.find() should throw exception when it get more than one value #229
- Contact.findAll() return contactList includes oa account #222
- timeouts when running unattended #184
- room.member() cannot find contact when contact set whose alias in the room #173
Merged pull requests:
- Lazy to create a stream #470 (mukaiu)
- chore(package): update state-switch to version 0.1.7 #469 (huan)
- chore(package): update bl to version 1.2.1 #462 (huan)
- fix(package): update brolog to version 1.0.13 #455 (huan)
- chore(package): update fluent-ffmpeg to version 2.1.2 #449 (huan)
- add magic code for room.say() when
happen #440 (lijiarui) - #3 support send gif #438 (mukaiu)
- Limit video file size #421 (mukaiu)
- add room.say(MediaMessage) #420 (mukaiu)
- Fix chrome driver path problem in Windows #416 (xjchengo)
- fix upload media url error #415 (mukaiu)
- support brand checking of contact #404 (JasLin)
- chore(package): update chromedriver to version 2.29.0 #396 (huan)
- Add missing %s content for leaver not found error #388 (xinbenlv)
- fix jsdoc flush issue #378 and minor fix on the doc examples #380 (ax4)
- Limit the size of the sending file #376 (mukaiu)
- add room-leave event #370 (lijiarui)
- room.memberAll() & change room.member() query to 3 types #364 (lijiarui)
- Add mention #362 (lijiarui)
- Printout entire error trace when unhandledRejection was caught #361 (xinbenlv)
- first item of memberList as owner is confusion #358 (JasLin)
- chore(package): update ts-node to version 3.0.2 #351 (huan)
- fix room test #328 (lijiarui)
- remove blank #324 (lijiarui)
- remove m.send() fucntion #323 (lijiarui)
- Add JsDoc for Class Contact #321 (lijiarui)
- 291 #318 (lijiarui)
- chore(package): update yarn to version 0.21.3 #317 (huan)
- chore(package): update nyc to version 10.1.2 #316 (huan)
- chore(package): update tslint to version 4.5.1 #315 (huan)
- chore(package): update check-node-version to version 2.0.1 #314 (huan)
- chore(package): update @types/ws to version 0.0.38 #313 (huan)
- chore(package): update @types/node to version 7.0.7 #312 (huan)
- fix(package): update @types/selenium-webdriver to version 3.0.0 #311 (huan)
- added hot load bots #310 (Gcaufy)
- #283 #303 (lijiarui)
- #291 change
throw error
toreturn null
#292 (lijiarui)
v0.7.0 (2016-12-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- 请问可以获取联系人或群成员的性别、所属地域、头像吗? #121
- Function Room.add() should return Promise<boolean> #119
- Could you add api to find contact by remark #117
- Need to support AppMsgType: 100001 with MsgType: 49 #114
- get room owner on event 'room-join','room-topic' #105 (JasLin)
Fixed bugs:
- to silence all the output from webdriver(chromedriver) for log level INFO #150
compiling error: Cannot find namespace 'webdriver' #136- remark(null) doesn't work #130
- Cannot identify ['] in room topic #116
- room.member() cannot get member when bot set remark for friend #104
- contactFind(function (c) { return /.*/.test(c) }) rejected: javascript error: Unexpected token #98
- Error: Chrome failed to start: was killed #95
- Function
message.to\(\): Contact|Room
bug #88 - Session Cookies not loaded correctly? #31
Closed issues:
- too many levels of symbolic links #165
- node dist/example/ding-dong-bot.js example运行异常 #159
- deploying to server problems (running headless) #154
- wechaty mybot.js start error #126
- Room-join' para inviteeList[] cannot always work well when contain emoji #125
- [help] install wechaty and its types #124
- ERR Message ready() exception: Error: Contact.load(): id not found #123
- enhance request.hello function #120
- 无法自动通过好友请求 #115
- [EVENT INVITATION] Welcome to join Beijing Node Party 18: Wechaty & ChatBot on 11th Dec. #107
- another problem about docker run #103
- Error: Server terminated early with status 127 #102
- failed run demo in docker under centos #101
- Wechaty.send() error when send message to the room #89
- 基础运行报错.....我都有点不好意思问了.....汗.... #82
Merged pull requests:
- chore(package): update @types/node to version 6.0.54 #168 (huan)
- chore(package): update tslint to version 4.2.0 #158 (huan)
- chore(package): update @types/selenium-webdriver to version 2.53.37 #149 (huan)
- chore(package): update tslint to version 4.1.1 #146 (huan)
- chore(package): update @types/sinon to version 1.16.33 #143 (huan)
- chore(package): update @types/node to version 6.0.52 #142 (huan)
- chore(package): update tslint to version 4.1.0 #141 (huan)
- Update README.md #139 (lijiarui)
- qrcode #112 (lijiarui)
- Update README.md #110 (lijiarui)
- fixed javascript error: attempt is not defined #100 (JasLin)
- convert wechaty-bro.js to plain old javascript syntax #60 #97 (cherry-geqi)
v0.6.0 (2016-11-11)
Fixed bugs:
- [Docker] Config.isDocker is not right in some Docker version / Linux distribution #84
v0.5.22 (2016-11-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- To Disable WebDriverJS promise manager for Selenium v3.0 #72
- [Upgrade to v0.5] Convert code base to Typescript from Javascript #40
Closed issues:
v0.5.9 (2016-11-07)
Closed issues:
- run on windows.error #75
Merged pull requests:
- fix: memberList Method have no 'name' argument defined ,it'will cause a undefined error. #78 (JasLin)
- fix issue #70 #76 (JasLin)
v0.5.1 (2016-11-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Dockerize Wechaty for easy start #66
- Wechat帐号界面语言设为中文环境下:wechaty的room-join room-leave room-topic 事件无法触发 #52
- test/fix Watchdog with browser dead & timeout conditions #47
- use StateMonitor to record&check wechaty/puppet/bridge/browser state change #46
- [New Feature] send message by branding new method: say() #41
- [New Feature] Contact.{tag,star,remark,find,findAll} #34
- [New Feature] FriendRequest class and event #33
- [New Feature] Room.{create,addMember,delMember,quit,modTopic} support #32
Fixed bugs:
- Just have a try as example of tuling bot. But method message.self() seems work improper. #68
- 在cloud9中运行wechaty报错 #67
- 当用户昵称中含有表情时,无法触发room-join 事件 #64
- room-join 事件下,无法通过contact.id 方法获取contact_id #54
- FriendRequest is not export to npm module #50
Closed issues:
- Run wechaty occurs chromedriver is still running and the solution #62
- Can't run wechaty with error log #61
- [design] new class: BrowserCookie #59
- 在room中通过room.topic()获取不到room的topic #55
- 近期wechaty启动失败次数较多 #53
- TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript src/puppet-web/event.ts (120,12): Type 'PuppetWeb' is not assignable to type 'void'. (2322) #51
- demo 无法运行 #49
- Suggest give an api to get url #45
- element_wrong----contact.get('name') got room name not contact name #43
- webdrive login always occur error, for one success login always cost 4-5 log trys #42
v0.4.0 (2016-10-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Add friend(Contact) to a group(Room) #14
- Support Friend Request / Contact Add & Del #6
Fixed bugs:
- Wechaty account logout unexpectedly #37
- google-chrome fails to start in docker #26
- wx.qq.com detect phantomjs and disabled it #21
Closed issues:
- get rid of
#35 - webdriver fail in docker when use ava (parallel tests mode) #27
- WARN PuppetWebBridge init() inject FINAL fail #22
- node-tap strange behaviour cause CircleCI & Travis-CI keep failing #11
Merged pull requests:
v0.2.0 (2016-06-28)
v0.1.1 (2016-06-09)
Fixed bugs:
- ding-dong bot broken due to typo #5
v0.0.6 (2016-05-15)
Closed issues:
- selenium-webdriver & phantomjs-prebuilt not work together under win32 #1
Merged pull requests:
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #3 (gitter-badger)
v0.0.5 (2016-05-11)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator