This is a react weather application. It uses OpenWeatherMap API for weather info, react-map-gl for map integartion and react-mapbox-autocomplete for geolocation(search box).
User can get weather info in two ways:
- From Search : The search box returns coordinates of a place which are used to position map and request weather data from api.
- Using Map : On click, the map also returns coordinates of the targeted place which are used to fetch data and focus map.
Map as controlled component:
The map is controlled using its viewState property which changes as map is moved to make it interactive.
Map Styling:
In Mapbox, map styling is super easy with Mapbox Styles API (link in references)
- Current weather
- Place search
- Interactive map to locate place
API | key used | Used In |
OpenWeatherMap | api_key | Weather data fetching |
Mapbox | access_ token | Map integration |
Mapbox | public_ Key | Search box |
Map Integration:
Autocomplete Search:
Weather API:
Map styles: