Releases: IppClub/Dora-SSR
Releases · IppClub/Dora-SSR
Fixed a few issues. * Fixed a zip file writing issue. * Fixed some errors in definition files. * Added a new test case. * Updated version.
- Fixed an ImGui yue enum issue.
- Made tstl use tabs instead of spaces.
- Added spdlog.
- Added reload log function to Web IDE.
- Fixed singletons references.
- Updated ImGui to 1.91.3.
- Fixed a TS editor module auto resolving issue.
Full Changelog: v1.5.15...v1.5.16
- Streamlined built-in event callback registration APIs for improved usability.
- Simplified Rust event callback registration APIs.
- Fixed a casting crash issue in Rust.
- Updated Lua to the latest version.
Full Changelog: v1.5.14...v1.5.15
- update to ImGui (1.91.1), httplib (0.17.1).
- add link to view logs in TS compilation failure alert.
- update Yuescript.
- fix a DrawNode drawing with solid polygon issue.
- fix an mp3 file failed to play in loop issue.
Full Changelog: v1.5.13...v1.5.14
- add a testing function for debug build.
- fix a crash case for PlatformWorld.
- fix Web IDE duplicated menus issue.
- add "Get Obfuscated" function to Web IDE.
- add build folder menu function to Web IDE.
- add version check every 7 days.
- add back Lua os lib.
- add self update tool.
- fix HttpClient.downloadAsync().
Full Changelog: v1.5.11...v1.5.13
- update API docs.
- add API HttpClient.getAsync(), HttpClient.postAsync().
- fix issues in HttpClient.downloadAsync.
- add a tooltip explaining Web IDE usage.
- add Dora icon display.
- add API docs for HttpServer.
- update SQLiteCpp and httplib.
- fix issue in Cache.loadAsync().
- add DownloadFile test.
- fix a file drag drop issue in Web IDE.
- add close button to Web IDE tab.
Full Changelog: v1.5.10...v1.5.11
- fix missing lualib info for TSTL.
- update TSTL to 1.26.2.
- fix a Lua stack size not enough issue.
- update Lua.
- fix SDL Java lib.
- fix nanovg API usages with new examples.
- add Mouse APIs.
- update Yuescript.
Full Changelog: v1.5.9...v1.5.10
- fix Web IDE file creating issue.
- update Yuescript.
- fix Dora XML using a Yuescript compiler without Lua env issue.
- disable link jumping when in full screen mode.
- fix config.fullScreen usage.
- update ImGui, bgfx, ktm, spine, fmt, httplib.
- add a texture packer tool.
- add a yarn tester tool.
- allow Web IDE folder name ending with an extension.
- fix ImGui mouse and touch input swallowing rules.
Full Changelog: v1.5.8...v1.5.9
- fix yarn editor error display issue.
- fix yarn editor tab focusing issue.
- add number hint for Web IDE tabs.
- fix autocompletion for Teal.
- change virtual gamepad to xbox layout.
- add keyboard shortcuts display in Web IDE.
- add shortcut for tab switching.
- add an enhanced input module.
- add a virtual gamepad and QTE input demo.
- fix a multicast slot removing issue.
Full Changelog: v1.5.6...v1.5.8
- update ktm. update to Lua 5.4.7.
- prevent preview action triggering while saving all tabs.
- fix crashes with GCC 14 caused by memory alignment.
- fix a crash in DB.query() and add nil to return values.
- make Config accept boolean values.
- fix startup file position revealing.
- fix code file postion revealing and checking with React hooks.
- fix profiler toggle logic.
- fix a monaco editor issue.
- fix editingInfo saving.
- add openURL function.
- add Web IDE profiler UI.
- add animated tile rendering.
- add TileNode TSX and Rust bindings.
- add TileNode and TMX file loading support.
- fix UB when doing reinterpret_cast from Dora data to ktm data.
- fix a memory leak issue in LuaHandler.
- ensure associated resources of PhysicsWorld are released.
Full Changelog: v1.4.6...v1.5.6