An attempt to make a calculator with custom Arithmetic Instructions such as xor, and, shifts, and rotations and using the Irvine Library to read and write to the console
Bitwise operations will be created to add, subtract, multiply, and divide
I want to make as much as I can from scratch
mov eax, input1 ;Store input1 to perform XOR
xor eax, input2 ;Bitwise operation XOR performs 'add'
mov ebx, eax ;'Add' xor to Sum
mov eax, input1 ;Store input1 to preform AND
and eax, input2 ;Bitwise operation AND shows which positions need a carry
shl eax, 1 ;Shift left to check for carries
mov input1, ebx ;Store 'sum' into input1
mov input2, eax ;Store shifted carry into input2
jnz A1 ;If a carry still exist loop again
;final sum is stored in input1
int addition(int input1, int input2) {
while (input2 != 0) { //Loop until carry doesn't exist
int xorStore = input1 ^ input2; //Store result of xor operation from inputs
int andStore = input1 & input2; //Store result of and operation from inputs
input1 = xorStore; //Store 'sum' into input1
input2 = andStore << 1; //Shift left to check for carries
return input1; //Return result stored in input1
- MS-DOS Emulator: DOSBox-X
- Setup MASM dev enviroment: Tutorial
- Check out: Where is this from?
- List: Function Calls
- Examples: Pdf
Used to make UML comments: ASCII Flow